Thank you for the invitation. I am in the small garden and have just become a god. Author: Piqiu

After traveling to the Little Garden, Su Jin, who had just obtained godhood and became a quasi-god, suddenly had a forum invitation in his eyes.

Butterfly Kanae: How to kill Tsuji Mukai at night?

Aizen Kusuke: How to remove the Honyu from Rukia Kuchiki's body?


Questions popped up one after another, and Su Jin subconsciously answered: Thank you for the invitation. I am in the small garden and have just become a god. It involves people in the circle, so the answers have been kept anonymous.

〇〇 【Garden Box】

Chapter 0001 Thank you for the invitation. I am in the small garden and have just become a god.

Hakoba, the lower level of the East Ward, is the stronghold of the NoName community.


The basement level of the stronghold.

Su Jin was following a girl wearing a maid outfit with a rabbit on her head and a beautiful and pure face.

The girl’s name is ‘Black Rabbit’, she is Su Jin’s senior and the only remaining senior.

As a newcomer who had just joined the community 'NoName', Su Jin did not speak and followed the other party silently.

Just like in a cliche novel.

Su Jin is a time traveler and is not from Hakoden.

In his previous life, he had also seen the animation "Problem Children Come from Another World".

Although more of his knowledge is supplemented by fan fiction, he still has some information about this world.

But he would rather not know this.

Five months ago, he traveled to this world of small gardens filled with gods and demons. Because he fell from the sky, he was seriously injured after landing.

It's like a box on the ground.

At that time, a senior cadre of the community "Arcadia" discovered him. Out of humanitarianism, he gave him basic treatment and arranged a place to live.

It was at that time that Su Jin, as an outsider, stayed at Arcadia's headquarters to recuperate.

However, not long after, the community "Arcadia" ushered in the day of defeat.

A behemoth that dominated the lower levels of the world of Hakoden, with gods and demons like onions, collapsed overnight.

On that day, Su Jin was affected by the aftermath of the battle and almost died.

Even though he barely survived, he still struggled on the verge of death for two months. It was not until the remnants of the community sold some of the remaining property of the community and purchased drugs that they revived him.

Just five months after the time travel, Su Jin has been on the verge of death twice.

From this point, the danger of Hakoba is evident.

Because of this, Su Jin really woke up and began to seriously consider survival.

Therefore, he chose to join the dilapidated community ‘Arcadia’ where Black Rabbit is located, now the nameless community ‘NoName’.

The reason is simple.

People who live in Hakoba must join a community. In other words, people in Hakoba basically live in a community after they are born.

Su Jin, who has no community and is just an ordinary person, is an anomaly in Hakoba.

No one in the community would accept a rookie like him, except for Black Rabbit, whom he met because of their interactions five months ago.

Su Jin had no other choice except that the 'NoName' she belonged to was willing to accept him unconditionally.

Based on the helplessness of reality, mixed with a little gratitude to the savior, Su Jin immediately joined NoName after the community collapsed.

In her previous life, Su Jin knew something about the anime "Problem Children Come from Another World".

Naturally, we know that NoName is the team the protagonist belongs to.

Even if the protagonist team can't be established until at least two years later, in Su Jin's view, this can be regarded as a golden opportunity that will develop sooner or later.

Although it is a bit shameful to become a pendant on the golden thigh, at least you can live, right?

Forced by the harsh environment and given such a choice, Su Jin would naturally not give up.

Perhaps because it was timely help, Black Rabbit seemed to attach great importance to the newcomer Su Jin.

And now, Black Rabbit seems to be taking him to activate the remaining legacy of the community, so that Su Jin can obtain all the power of the Little Garden, the power given by powerful beings such as the world, the planet, and the gods - the gift!

In front of a door in the basement, Black Rabbit lit the oil lamp for lighting and led Su Jin into the room.

There are rows of bookshelves in the room, filled with dusty books. Of course, some of the bookshelves have been cleaned.

And Su Jin knew that those cleaned bookshelves were the result of Black Rabbit staying up late and working overtime recently.

The two walked one after another to the center of the underground library, where the floor was painted with the texture of a magic circle.

At this time, Black Rabbit stopped and said with a happy mood:

"Speaking of which, Su Jin, you are the only outside member in the past ten years."

Su Jin nodded. He knew that generally speaking, except for the newly established communities, other communities basically cultivate talents internally and rarely introduce talents from outside.

Those introduced from outside are basically well-known and strong people who are familiar to the cadres.

However, Su Jin does not have these two points, except for the remnants of Arcadia who are now in difficulty.

That's why he chose to join.

"How should I put it... According to the regulations of the community, as a benefit for newcomers, you can choose a usable gift from the treasure house left by Master Canary."

Black Rabbit slowly walked to the center of the magic circle, turned around, and said very happily:

"Su Jin, you don't know that the chief of staff of our community, Lady Canary, is the smartest person in the Little Garden, and the gift she left behind must be one of the best secret treasures."

However, Su Jin knew that Black Rabbit lied.

How could a defeated community with dead or missing members have any secret treasures?

Even if there were, according to Su Jin's understanding, the ones that could be used were basically sold by Black Rabbit to maintain the operation of the community.

And the rest were basically some extremely demanding gifts, which were not included in the scope of use during the heyday of Arcadia.

Of course, for Su Jin, who was penniless, it was good to have a gift, and he couldn't be picky about anything.

So, at this time, Su Jin still pretended to be excited and said:

"Is it the secret treasure left by the legendary Lord Canary who defeated the powerful gods and demons? Can I really use this treasure?"

"Of course! After all, Su Jin, you are ours now."

The Black Rabbit in front immediately showed a face of "You blow the Canary and we are good friends."

And Su Jin also showed an expectant expression at the right time.

Seeing this, Black Rabbit smiled, and then took out a white card from the plump place in front of him.

After the card was taken out, it popped in the air and turned into a diamond-shaped black crystal.

Buzzing sound.

After the crystal appeared, the atmosphere seemed to vibrate, and there was even a faint sound of flames bursting around.

Seeing Su Jin locking his eyes on the diamond-shaped crystal, Black Rabbit said in a voice full of expectation:

"This is what Lord Canary left behind, the [Godhead] containing the fragment of the power of fire!"

At this moment, Su Jin couldn't help but take a breath: "It's actually [Godhead]!"


A gift bestowed by the gods to all things, it is a high-level gift that can turn the holder into a semi-god and perfect.

In the box garden, this level of gift can even cause some beings with enough power to shatter planets to fight, and it is an extremely precious gift.

And facing the godhead, even Black Rabbit couldn't help pursing his lips, looking at Su Jin with expectation and said:

"Su Jin, are you willing to accept this gift?"

The community absolutely has no godhead!

This is the calmness hidden under Su Jin's excited appearance.

I'm afraid that Black Rabbit sold off the remaining gifts of the community and exchanged them for a godhead.

In Su Jin's impression, there is only one person who is willing to do this kind of loss-making business.

The star spirit of the sun and the white night - Bai Yasha.

She is a good friend of Canary and the only god and demon willing to provide help after Arcadia's defeat.

Most likely, Black Rabbit took the garbage left by the community and shamelessly exchanged the godhead with Bai Yasha, and then gave the godhead to himself.

In a sense, Su Jin owed a very big favor.

One is Bai Yasha who sells the godhead at a low price, and the other is Black Rabbit who exchanges the godhead for him.

Su Jin understands that it is meaningless to say something hypocritical at this time.

"Of course."

As he said this, he reached out and touched the godhead of fire.

In an instant, in Black Rabbit's expectant eyes, a dark light sounded in the basement.

The divine nature was activated, immersed in Su Jin's soul, and contacted the first gift given by the box garden in his body - the spirit nature.

In an instant, life was supplemented, and Su Jin's body was raised to the limit of human beings by the power of the divine nature at this moment.

And at this moment, a prompt sounded.

Then a message flashed across his eyes.

—— Question from ordinary member 'Kanameo is so cute':

[How can I get along with a child who can't even eat? ]

Seeing this, Su Jin was stunned.

Isn't this a question and answer format of a pretentious forum in the previous life?

Thinking of the template of the question and answer, Su Jin subconsciously replied:

[Thank you for the invitation, I am in the box garden, I just became a god, because the question involves people in the circle, I am afraid of being recognized, so I am anonymous...]

Chapter 0002 Butterfly Kanae: Mr. Ghost, are you there?

After finishing this pretentious routine, Su Jin reacted and checked the question forum that suddenly popped up.

The forum looked very similar to a question-and-answer forum called Zhihu that Su Jin had used in his previous life, but it was more concise.

At the top was Su Jin's avatar, followed by the column for inviting answers, and then the points.

And below that, there were rows of question columns.

Now, those question columns were empty, with only the top one, a question from an ordinary member named 'Kaanao is so cute'.

Su Jin tried to click on his own avatar with his mind, but found that he couldn't click it, and the same was true for 'Invite to ask questions'.

Seeing this, he could only hold his doubts and check the questions from the only person.

Su Jin basically scanned the content roughly, perhaps because he had obtained the godhood, so he could read ten lines very clearly at a glance.

Then, Su Jin understood the reason why 'Kaanao is so cute' asked this question.

The other party seemed to have bought a little girl about eleven years old from a human trafficker two days ago and named her Kaanao.

Then, the child seemed to have a weak self-awareness due to the shadow of being abducted, and became a yes-man.

Kanao will only take action when the questioner gives an order.

If there is no order, even if she is hungry, Kanao will not eat, but will wait for the order to "eat" in vain.

Therefore, the questioner is very worried about Kanao's situation and wants to find a solution.

So... the golden finger I got is the daughter slave communication forum... Su Jin secretly complained.

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