At this moment, half of Su Jin's body turned into a ghost species and the other half turned into a demon. Even his human factor became blurred at this time.

However, at this moment, the collapsing jade in Su Jin's soul flickered slightly.

In an instant, the demonization stopped, and the power from the Zanpakuto took the upper hand.

Soon, Su Jin once again turned into the ghost species with silver hair and black horns and a cold face.

His body, which was deformed by the demonization, turned back again, his left leg bent, his right foot raised, and he looked at Algor calmly and said:

"Second time."

As if he was an indifferent machine, Su Jin asked again:

"Shall we talk?"

This time, Algor raised his eyebrows and looked at Su Jin seriously and said:

"This posture, this aura...Are you the illegitimate son of Bai Yasha? Or a subordinate god?"

Su Jin had no intention of answering, but just looked at Algor directly.

Seeing this, Algor immediately understood that Su Jin refused to answer all her questions before agreeing to "negotiation".

Recognizing this, Algor laughed instead of being angry.

Is it that Algor can't hold the knife anymore, or is the box garden outside still floating like this?

Even a small five-digit number dares to treat itself like this?

Even if the ability of this five-digit number is a bit strange, even if this five-digit number is a subordinate god of Bai Yasha.

But Algor was really a little angry this time.

"Algor is angry!"

"A rude person like you should be turned into stone and stepped on by Algor!"

With such words, Algor's dark eyes suddenly focused on Su Jin's face.

Medusa's petrification-activate!

In an instant.

A crackling sound sounded.

But Su Jin's face turned into cement, bright gray, in the first time.

This is the gift of the petrification spirit of all things, and it is also the reason why Algor was cut out of the "Medusa" godhood.

And at this moment, Su Jin released the broken jade to the maximum extent.

At this moment, Su Jin's eyes seemed to fall into the abyss, becoming as dark as ink, while her pupils were like gemstones, showing a blue-purple color.

The petrification process gradually slowed down and faded in Algor's surprised eyes. Finally, her petrification ability seemed to be ineffective, rapidly retreating until it disappeared.

"My petrification was actually controlled by others?"

Algor said in a surprised tone. Even if she was limited by her spirit and did not go all out.

But the petrification just now was absolutely unbearable for ordinary four-digit people.

Then why could Su Jin, a five-digit person, block her gift and take over her petrification?

Does this person have the highest level of four-digit gift?

Algor looked at Su Jin in silence.

This time, she did not feel any disgust because of Su Jin's eyes.

Instead, she stared at Su Jin quietly and looked at him together.

After being petrified, Su Jin readjusted her posture and said calmly:

"The third time."

"Let's talk?"

Hearing this, Algor put away the mirror and finally formalized Su Jin's existence.

No matter what, Su Jin dared to bear her attack head-on, even if it was only a weakened attack, but Algor was willing to give her recognition instead of treating her like a pig.

"What do you want to talk to me about?"

Seeing this, Su Jin did not answer, but slowly closed his eyes. When he opened them again, his expression was indifferent:


Algor sneered directly, but did not believe that Su Jin could give her freedom at all.

"Or beauty."

This time, Algor raised his eyebrows and showed an interested look.

As one of the oldest goddesses of beauty, she has extremely demanding requirements and yearnings for appearance!

When she heard Su Jin mention this, she was immediately curious and asked:

"Let's talk about beauty?"

Su Jin glanced at her and nodded slightly:


Chapter 0056 The Persistent Beauty of Algor

Algor tapped the floor with his toes, and the ordinary stone slab suddenly twisted and deformed in the air, finally forming a gray throne.

She sat down on the throne, took out a mirror and tidied her hair. After making sure the angle was perfect, she turned her head and looked at Su Jin and said:

"What did you bring to Al-chan?"

"Is it the latest cosmetics in the North District, or the new beauty pills in the East District?"

"If that's all, then let's end our conversation like this."

Although she recognized that Su Jin was qualified to talk to her, it didn't mean that she would really accept Su Jin's conditions.

Although she was defeated by the Greek gods, was sealed and downgraded to Medusa, and was also guarded by the community Perseus.

But it doesn't mean that Algor didn't understand the outside world.

Every one or two months, the members of Perseus would collect some items related to "beauty" and supply them to Algor.

On the one hand, it was to appease her and prevent the Demon Star from rioting. On the other hand, it was also to build a good relationship so that she could ask her for help in the future.

Therefore, Algor was not unfamiliar with the products of the outside world.

She was even afraid of wasting time, so she directly asked Su Jin if she wanted to trade with the latest products.

After all, she had used the old ones before, but basically discarded them after use.

Because in Algor's opinion, the drugs he had tried to repair and transform before could not meet her requirements at all.

And if Su Jin was going to give this kind of thing, then don't blame her for being impartial and ending the trial directly.

At this time, Su Jin raised his eyelids slightly and said calmly:

"Instead of telling it verbally, why don't you feel it yourself?"

Su Jin knew that playing tricks with an old antique like Algor would definitely be a dead end.

So from the beginning, he planned to have a "fair trade" with the other party.

So after he finished speaking, he released the constraints on the power of the broken jade.

At this moment, the ability of the broken jade to occupy the hearts of the surrounding lives and guide wishes was naturally activated.


Algor suddenly paused, put down the mirror in his hand, but noticed the existence of the broken jade.

She closed her eyes and sensed the surroundings:

"This power, the spiritual dragon in the west? The wishing lamp in the south? Or, the Holy Grail of Yahweh?"

After counting the similar powers, Algor understood that this power was completely different from the above ones.

It was at this moment that she simply let go of part of her mind and let the power of the broken jade enter. Then, she noticed the change at the first moment.

Algor quickly picked up the small mirror and looked at his face, his eyes gradually brightened:

"Hey, my skin has become darker, and it has reached the perfect luster I want all of a sudden?"

"I clearly calculated that it would take a thousand years of maintenance..."

Seeing the effect of the broken jade, Algor's eyes suddenly became excited.

She suddenly looked up and looked at Su Jin, and said with a burning gaze:

"Is this your gift ability? It can actually change my star spirit physique?"

You really only want to be beautiful in your heart... Su Jin complained in his heart.

The broken jade can quickly fulfill the wishes of others under limited conditions, which Su Jin knew very well.

But he didn't expect that the deepest wish of the sealed Algor was actually "beauty".

He thought it was to gain freedom.

However, facing Algor's inquiry, Su Jin still nodded and said:

"That's right."

Su Jin was not afraid that Algor would snatch his gift, because gifts such as the Broken Jade had long been bound to him, and without his permission, others could not use it at all.

This point is the same even if the Demon King has the right to snatch.

Otherwise, after Leticia was taken away, the enemy would not choose to auction, but would snatch all the gifts and cultivate an obedient purebred vampire.

"Are you selling your gift?"

Algor's expression became excited:

"Godhood, power, and even authority, I can trade them. If that doesn't work, just ask for what you want!"

After hearing this, Su Jin's mouth twitched, and he was a little moved, but he suppressed it:

"This gift cannot be traded."

The Broken Jade is his biggest help at present, and it is a guarantee to the three-digit number, so he will definitely not sell it.

"Innate talent?"

Algor seemed to understand something and said with some disappointment.

But after changing her mind, she was filled with greed for Su Jin:

"You are the subordinate of that bastard Bai Yasha, right? How about it, are you interested in changing jobs? If you want, I can send even that ugly Athena to your bed."

Algor was unable to obtain the gift, but he was thinking of poaching people, and it was the most brutal temptation.

And it was the temptation of beauty.

The devil's intuition told Algor that beauty could work on Su Jin, and there was nothing better than Athena for beauty temptation.

With noble status, strong strength and wide popularity, Athena was really suitable to be a commodity, except that she was uglier than Algor and had a bad temper.

After hearing this, Su Jin had nothing to say.

He had to stop Algor from going crazy. If he let her talk nonsense, he suspected that a certain Greek virgin goddess who might be monitoring the magic star would not be able to resist.

"I have already provided the bargaining chips for the transaction."

After he finished speaking, Algor said with a look of regret:

"Sure enough, that bitch Athena is still not as beautiful as me!"

Then, Algor waved his hand in a somewhat bored manner and said:

"Well, Al-chan approved this transaction, you can leave safely."

Su Jin heard this and raised his eyebrows slightly and said:

"What I want is victory."

Algor paused, turned his head and glanced at Su Jin: "Do you mean to say that you want Al-chan to play a fake game?"

She looked at Su Jin playfully, her eyes narrowed slightly, and her eyes flashed with arcs.

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