"Hey, is this true? Shouldn't this information be told earlier?"

Demons have a hunting range.

Just like lions and tigers among wild animals, demons generally do not easily leave their "territory".

Therefore, a large number of demons leaving their territory and moving towards Edo is an abnormal thing no matter how you look at it.

It is even possible that the lord had to launch a general attack because of this kind of thing!

If this is true, and they are forced to launch a general attack, then their Demon Slayer Corps will be in danger.

However, at this time, Tomioka Giyu said coldly:

"Because I don't think it's necessary to tell you."

"Hey, you guy!" After saying this, Uzui Tengen couldn't help but get angry no matter how good his temper was.

At this time, the snake pillar Iguro Obanai on the tree laughed: "Do you want to fight? In the lord's house?"

"I'll chop whoever starts first!"

Beside him, Fuzugawa Miya held the hilt of the knife and looked at the two with a warning look, but he didn't want the two to fight here.

At this time, two little girls with white hair came out of the house: "The lord is here!"

Hearing this, the five pillars immediately stopped fighting, knelt on one knee, and looked respectfully at the Japanese-style hall opposite.

At this time, Ubuyashiki Yoya coughed and walked out from inside, came to the side of the corridor, knelt down, and asked the two girls:

"Are all the people here?"

"Father, the Flame Pillar and the Flower Pillar have not arrived yet." One of the girls said with her head down.

"Is that so... Then wait a little longer, cough cough!" Ubuyashiki Yoya coughed.

At this time, Tomioka Giyuu in the courtyard immediately said:

"My lord, half a day ago, a large number of evil spirits were found in the area I am responsible for, hiding during the day and coming out at night, leaving the territory. After interrogation, it was found that the evil spirits seemed to be ordered to go to the Edo area."

Hearing this, Uzui Tengen and others beside him were stunned.

What does it mean?

Isn't it necessary to tell us pillars about this news?

Why did you tell the lord now?

Although I understand that the region needs to report important news to the lord, what is the matter with your behavior, Tomioka Giyuu?

Do you look down on us?

Or do you think you are trying to flatter us? Do you think we will take the credit?

For a moment, the eyes of these pillars looking at Tomioka Giyuu are a little strange.

At this time, Ubuyashiki Yoya coughed twice, but smiled:

"Giyuu, I already knew the news you said in the early morning."

When he said this, he looked around at the five pillars and said:

"The evil ghosts were forced to gather in the Edo area because of the design of a friend of mine."

This sentence made the five pillars look confused.

The design of a friend of mine?

Who is your friend, lord? How can he be so awesome? Can he gather all the ghosts in the Edo area?

A person or ghost with this ability must be at least an upper-rank ghost, right?

Or, lord, is your friend called Muzan Kibutsuji?

After all, only the ghost king can command hundreds of ghosts, right?

However, out of trust in the lord, the five pillars suppressed their doubts and tacitly acknowledged the fact that the lord had an extraordinary friend.

Even Uzui Tengen was still wondering if the lord had instigated an upper-rank demon to be an insider?

Is it because of the insider that the lord is confident of launching a general attack?

If so, then the lord is really awesome to the extreme!

Tomioka Giyuu next to him heard this and immediately said respectfully: "I understand."

Uzui Tengen next to him smiled, you flatterer boy also have this day?


The lord has known it for a long time!

The upper-rank demons may have the lord's insider, just ask if you are afraid!

At this time, Ubuyashiki Yoya said:

"Speaking of which, my friend is probably on the way with the Flower Pillar and the Flame Pillar. I will introduce him to you later."

Hearing this, the pillars in the field were suddenly a little surprised and a little expectant.

This big conspirator who can even calculate ghosts is actually going to show up?

Don't you need to take some confidentiality measures?

They were totally unprepared?

At this moment, a logistics staff member came running from the corner and shouted:

"My Lord, Flame Pillar Rengoku Kyojuro, Flower Pillar Butterfly Kanae, and a stranger have arrived!"

Chapter 0087 The Shock of the Pillar

It didn't take long.

Butterfly Kanae and Rengoku Kyojuro walked to the courtyard.

After seeing Ubuyashiki Yoya, Rengoku Kyojuro shouted:

"Good afternoon, my Lord, how are you?"

"Not bad." Ubuyashiki Yoya coughed, but smiled.

In contrast, Butterfly Kanae's behavior was much more elegant.

"Hello, everyone."

However, at this time, the attention of the other five pillars was not on these two familiar colleagues.

They were looking at the young man with black hair and black eyes and a gentle face standing between Rengoku Kyojuro and Butterfly Kanae.

At first glance at Su Jin, several pillars could not tell anything.

I just felt that besides his handsome face, he seemed very gentle and unexpected, no different from them.

However, if you take another look, you will feel that his gentleness is very subtle, giving people a feeling of seeming close but actually cold.

Of course, many people stared at Su Jin's wrist.

He is a master! And a super master!

The thick calluses show that he is a veteran who has been using swords for a long time.

And the calluses are white and smooth. You can't see them without looking carefully. It's really scary.

What kind of practice can make the calluses so smooth? Is this something humans can do?

Shouldn't calluses become rougher and rougher with practice, and then reach a limit and can't be changed?

What about the other party's hands?

At this time, Su Jin, who had already noticed their sight, looked at his palms with some surprise:

"Is there anything strange about this?"

Su Jin naturally knew that there were calluses on his hands.

He even understood that this was something that was automatically generated when the Collapse Jade forced his combat experience to accelerate his accumulation.

It was probably similar to a microscopic transformation that made his body more suitable for swordsmanship.

In Su Jin's opinion, he was not a girl who loved beauty. If there were calluses on his hands, there was no need to spend energy to eliminate them.

So, this is why these pillars observed the calluses on his hands.

No, this is very strange... Many pillars complained in their hearts.

At this time, the Ubuyashiki Yoya next to him smiled and said:

"Mr. Su Jin, I'm really sorry for bothering you to come here in person."

"It's okay, we just take what we need." Su Jin shook his head, glanced at Ubuyashiki Yoya, and was surprised: "You look good."

Ubuyashiki Yoya also looked at his hand with some surprise and said:

"I don't know why yesterday, my body suddenly felt much more relaxed."

Hearing this, Rengoku Kyojuro and several pillars changed their faces: "Lord, have you asked a doctor to see it?"

A person who is suffering from an illness suddenly feels very relaxed. This abnormal phenomenon can be thought of as a 'last gasp' by normal people.

Kanae Kocho frowned and said to the logistics staff next to her: "Go get me a medical kit."

At this time, Rock Pillar Beimingyu Gyomei was afraid that Ubuyashiki Yoya would refuse, but said:

"The Flower Pillar has the qualification to practice medicine, so let her see it, Lord."

At this time, the other pillars also understood what the Rock Pillar meant, and they all looked at the Lord with serious eyes.

They all agreed that if you don't see a doctor, they will drag you to see a doctor.

In this way, Ubuyashiki Yoya was a little embarrassed.

The child at home insisted that he go to the doctor, what can he do, just go.

But the meeting is also very important?

At this time, Su Jin, who was standing next to him, glanced at him and said with some amusement:

"So that's how it is. The curse of the Ubuyashiki family has weakened a lot. It seems that something went wrong with Muzan Kibutsuji."

Hearing this, Ubuyashiki Yoya asked in surprise: "Mr. Su Jin, what does this mean?"

Hearing this, Su Jin said with some amusement:

"The curse of your Ubuyashiki family comes from Muzan Kibutsuji's immortality. In a sense, the worse you live, the better Muzan lives. But now the situation should be the opposite."

Thinking of this, Su Jin paused and said with a strange look:

"Now the situation should be that Muzan Kibutsuji has entered a low-consumption state, and should have actively entered a deep sleep. Therefore, the curse of the Ubuyashiki family is naturally much weaker, and your body has also improved a lot."

Hearing this, everyone suddenly realized.

It turned out that something went wrong with Muzan Kibutsuji?

And this, in the eyes of the Demon Slayer Corps, is a great thing!

They were so happy that the Demon King was in trouble, and it was even more worth celebrating that Ubuyashiki Yoya was getting better.

This was nothing, it was the first time they heard that Muzan was sleeping, and the first time they saw that the lord's illness was getting better.

Two happy things collided together, which made them even happier, double happiness!

At this time, the oldest Rock Pillar, Beimingyu Gyomei, thought of something unusual.

The lord's friend could see through the curse at a glance, and even infer the state of Muzan Kibutsuji.

This ability was simply horrifying.

Are those eyes the eyes of God?

Ubuyashiki Yoya, who was next to him, thought more than the Rock Pillar.

Since Su Jin could see that Muzan Kibutsuji was sleeping, then what more?

For example, where Muzan Kibutsuji was sleeping?

Thinking of this, Ubuyashiki Yoya glanced at Su Jin, opened his mouth, and suppressed his thoughts again.

He knew very well that although the Demon King Muzan Kibutsuji was the source of the tragedy, more little demons were the executioners who assisted the evil.

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