"That's because Leticia, you've never had to worry about water, right?"

Su Jin put the documents away at this time and said with a smile.

As a member of the vampire royal family, Leticia inherited the throne at a young age.

Scarcity of water is something she has almost never experienced, which naturally leads to her insensitivity to this aspect.

However, for Su Jin, who had experienced the decline of Arcadia, he was very familiar with the situation that was troubled by water resources after the community's defeat.

Before NoName reached an agreement with the local water well owner, the children of NoName fetched water from a suburban river five or six kilometers away.

And this kind of water collection was the result of Black Rabbit negotiating with all the spirits on the water collection road.

This is because the identity of Black Rabbit and Moon Rabbit has a certain deterrent effect.

If other weak communities want to draw water, they are afraid that they will be eaten directly by the owners of the land.

In Hakoba, the weak really can't even afford water.

Therefore, in seven figures where the weak gather, water resources will naturally be sought after.

Su Jin, who understood this, smiled and said to Black Rabbit:

"It's up to you, Black Rabbit, to arrange the content of the gift game."

"Then leave it to me. After all, this is the referee's specialty~" Black Rabbit assured, patting his chest.

Moon Rabbit of the Little Garden has the authority to referee and is born to act as an arbiter.

And no one knows how to set the rules of the game of grace better than the Arbiter.

It is Su Jin's consistent idea to let professional people do professional things.

After hearing Black Rabbit's assurance, he smiled and said:

"If you fail, you know what will happen."

Black Rabbit shrank his neck, startled by Su Jin's strange smile, and then quickly took the document and said goodbye:

“I’ll go to the urban area and take over the city center, so lunch won’t have to wait for me.”

After saying that, she opened the window and jumped out, and soon disappeared from Su Jin's sight.


Leticia stepped forward to take a look, closed the window, then turned her head, looked at Su Jin with a calm face and said:

"It's time to start the formal working meeting."


Su Jin nodded, and then said:

"Then, let's make a plan for the possible commotion now."

"Will they really take action? Those executioners who destroyed the former community?"

Leticia sighed slightly and said:

"Our re-emergence is obviously a trap. They should not be able to guarantee whether this is a trap set by the gods and Buddhas from above."

"But no matter what, it is inevitable to send someone to check."

Su Jin folded his hands, held his chin and said:

"It's only been half a year since the community that was destroyed by them has risen again. In this special situation, it would be strange not to attract the attention of those demon kings."

"When the enemy is in the dark and we are clear, catching those enemies is the first priority."

Hearing this, Leticia's tone became more serious: "Master, have you already discussed this with Lord Shiroyasha?"

Su Jin raised the corner of his mouth and said, "This is a matter of course. Taking risks also requires chips."

"Then, let's formulate a strategy based on the worst possibility that the whole city will be dragged into the Demon King's Game."

Leticia sighed at this time, and then her eyes became serious.


Southside, upper triple digits.

In a European-style courtyard.

The woman with dazzling golden hair and squinting jade-like red eyes picked up the elegant and exquisite tea cup and said with a chuckle:

"Did he start to recover in just half a year? My incompetent disciple finally learned something."

Next to the blond woman, a woman wearing a deacon's uniform and a stern face said nothing.

At this time, the blond woman picked up a photo, looked at the handsome young man with black hair and black eyes and the innocent Moon Rabbit, and said playfully:

"Although it is a wise choice, choosing to take shelter under the command of the White Night King really makes me feel unhappy."


"Yes, Queen."

"It seems like the little guys are going to have a harvest season, so why don't you go make some trouble?"

The Halloween Queen took a sip of black tea gracefully and said with a bright smile:

"By the way, I would like to give some warning to the guys in the East District. Of course, it would be best if I can bring those little guys back under my name."

"I see."

Watching her knight leave, the Halloween Queen held a teacup in one hand and her face in the other, looking at the photos on the table and saying:

"Is this a human being that even the White Night King can't help but take as his homage? If he were to snatch her away, that woman who loves to pretend to be young would definitely have an interesting expression..."

Accompanied by chuckles, the photos burned into nothingness bit by bit in the golden firelight.

Chapter 0113 The Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows

Box Garden, [2105380] outer gate, the capital at the end!

This seven-digit outer gate, which is inconspicuous in the small garden, but is known as the end of the world, has been plunged into unprecedented excitement.

In the center of the city, above the huge fountain pool, there is a huge electronic screen the size of a playground.

It was a screen used by class rulers or regional rulers to announce matters, and it also served as an advertisement.

And now, on the huge screen, Moon Rabbit with pink hair and red eyes, wearing a fine uniform, was reading out the rules of the 'Harvest Festival' game:

"To celebrate the harvest bestowed by the god Inari, the regional manager of the City of the End decided to hold a three-day large-scale gift event [Harvest Season]."

In the city center, people stopped to see the black rabbit, attracted by the huge screen, and were shocked when they saw it:

"Is it a box garden noble? Do we still have box garden nobles here?"

"Is it the moon rabbit invited by the community that took over as the regional manager three days ago? So rich!"

"No, I heard that there seems to be a box garden noble living in the City of the End."

"Really? That's the moon rabbit who was born a god. Which community has such a person?"

While the crowd was talking, the black rabbit on the screen was still introducing the rules of the game:

"Use the grains, poultry and livestock harvested that year as raw materials to make food. The top 100 people who sell the most money will get...

"Change the direction of the river" one-time permission!"

The people next to the fountain pool were silent for a few seconds, and then exclamations came one after another.

"The gift of changing the river? It's at least five figures, right?"

"Not that exaggerated, but it does require five figures to make it. It may be a gift made by a water god?"

"Water god, is it the snake god of the Great Falls? I heard from the sage of the Great Forest at the End that someone seems to have defeated the snake god there."

"Hiss? Someone actually defeated the snake god? Which community is it? Who is the leader?"

"It seems to be a community that has lost its name. The leader seems to be Su Jin? Eh? What a coincidence, it seems to have the same name as the regional ruler?"

"Same name, obviously the same person."

On the screen, Black Rabbit is still setting the mood:

"The condition for participating is that the community is located in the City of the End. At the same time, the community is allowed to join the game in the form of a temporary alliance, and all illegal operations are prohibited."

As soon as this sentence was said, some members of the small water-deficient communities were immediately excited.

People who usually communicate with other communities are already contacting allies.

As long as you contact enough allies and make it into the top 100, you will get the right to divert the river, and the scarce water will be solved.

So to some extent, this game is a large-scale poverty alleviation for small communities.

After reading the rules, Black Rabbit raised his fist on the screen and said:

"Respect the above content, based on the name of honor, flag and organizer's authority, hold the gift game!"

At the end of his speech, Black Rabbit blinked and said:

"I will supervise this game on behalf of the box garden center, so I wish you all a happy game~"

The screen switched instantly, and cheers of all genders rang out at the same time.

There were also unknown shouts such as 'AWSL'.

Near the fountain pool, there was an open-air seat in a coffee shop.

Leticia held the coffee, looked at Su Jin with a smile and said:

"Look at this, from now on, your love rivals will increase exponentially!"

As a natural god and Buddha, even if the rabbit is not a succubus, the natural perfect nature is enough to arouse any life's yearning for beauty.

No matter how hard the black rabbit tries, it can't hide this, unless she deliberately uses her power to make herself ugly.

But in the case that Su Jin will definitely watch the announcement, the black rabbit will never make herself ugly.

"After all, it's just a bunch of trash."

Su Jin held the coffee and said calmly.

Leticia said these just to tease, no matter how happy these people in the city center are, they will be sober after a while.

And the sober people naturally understand that the natural god and Buddha moon rabbit is not an existence they can touch.

The only thing they can do is to fight for the reward of "changing the river course" according to the rules of the gift game.

Leticia also knew this. She said this at this time just to arouse Su Jin's possessiveness of Black Rabbit.

The nephews and nieces of her own community have intentions, so as an elder, she must give some help~

"After the festival begins, Black Rabbit should be very busy. Master, do you want to comfort her?"

"It's best to go in the middle of the night."

Su Jin joked frivolously at this time:

"If Leticia needs it, I can comfort you."

"Ah?" Leticia was stunned for a moment, then waved her hand with a wry smile and said, "Forget about me."

Speaking of this, her heart suddenly jumped, looking at Su Jin's face that didn't seem to lie, her expression was slightly embarrassed and said:

"After the festival begins, a large number of communities will gather in the urban area, and the flow of people at night will also increase dramatically."

"Just in case, I will start routine patrols tonight."

"Thank you for your hard work." Su Jin took a sip of coffee. He would not refuse Leticia's proposal and say something to let her have a good rest.

During this sensitive period, patrolling is necessary.

"Have the children of the community been arranged to go out?"

Hearing Su Jin's question, Leticia restrained her smile and said:

"The young group has been arranged in a safe area. As for the older group, I have them scattered in the urban area to take on some groceries as spies in the urban area."

Su Jin took another sip of coffee and said nothing.

Although the children in the older group are young, there are many with strengths in the six digits, and a large number of them are close to adulthood.

These members are already members of the reserve force, and it is necessary to undergo certain training.

Thinking of this, Su Jin sighed and said:

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