That year Huayu

Chapter 967 A main theme movie with the highest standards and treatment!

Hollywood is indeed a battleground.

The Oscars will be held tomorrow night, and the "pure businessman" mentioned by Tom actually took this opportunity to come here to give a speech!

Lin Nan and Liu Yifei, who had just woken up and were eating breakfast, were shocked when they heard the news.

"Are you kidding?"

Lin Nan stuffed the egg into his mouth, swallowed it whole, and looked at Tom.

"I'm not kidding. It's at the outdoor theater. It should be starting soon, but most of the filmmakers and stars in Hollywood obviously don't like him."

At this point, Tom, who was sitting on the sofa, suddenly laughed with a very obscene expression:

"But his daughter Ivanka is really... well, sexy, beautiful, and popular."

Hearing this, Liu Yifei and Lin Nan immediately showed contemptuous expressions.

"Tom, you are so vulgar."

"Yes, vulgar."

Following Miss Liu, Lin Nan nodded and contemptuously said, he was too embarrassed to say the word "vulgar".

"Hey, what are you two talking about? I am simply evaluating and praising with the eyes of appreciating beautiful things, nothing else..."



Two pairs of white eyes were thrown at Tom, and no one believed his words.

Tom was obviously very thick-skinned, and he didn't care about Lin Nan and Liu Yifei's "contemptuous" eyes at all; anyway, after so many years, everyone is very familiar with each other, he doesn't care anymore.

The next second, he changed the subject very smoothly:

"Lin, Crystal, I read the news this morning, and it said that the highest box office record of the Chinese film market was broken, and the overall market doubled;

In just less than two months, the total box office of the Chinese film market has exceeded 10 billion RMB!

Hollywood believes that the Chinese mainland film market has entered a stage of full-scale outbreak and explosive and barbaric development.

Next, the big Hollywood companies targeting the Chinese mainland market will definitely increase again...

Even Leon's "The Revenant" has been connected with China Film to discuss the introduction of the matter."

What a pot that is not open.

Lin Nan just glared at Tom, but Liu Yifei's eyes were full of undisguised murderous intent.

"So, you are gloating?" Miss Liu snorted and asked back, her eyes like a knife.

Tom was stunned by this tone. Did he offend the boss lady?

"The person whose box office record you mentioned is me, and I am the highest box office record holder in the Chinese-language film market for many years;

Please pay more attention to your boss's situation in my hometown, and don't just think about the Hollywood's 'glamorous world' every day."

"Ah? This! Lin, I really didn't mean it..."

"I heard that you didn't mean it, you just did it on purpose."

Lin Nan was really speechless. It actually spread in Hollywood overnight?

However, this also reflects from the side how much Hollywood covets the Chinese-language film market now. It's really nakedly eyeing it!

"Hehe, Lin, just get the record back. Don't be discouraged. Your strength is unquestionable, and everyone knows it."

Tom said flatteringly, but why was he smiling at Liu Yifei? Lin Nan felt that he was looked down upon. This lackey really couldn't tell the difference between the big and small kings!

"Take it back? Haha. I finally threw it away, I have to take a good rest for two years and let it go? Xixi, don't you think so?"

"Yeah, that's right, we can go shoot some relaxing movies." Liu Yifei smiled and winked at Lin Nan, completely without the murderous intent just now.


As usual, Liu Yifei's brand owners will deliver the entire set of high-end dresses and jewelry that she will wear on the red carpet and award ceremony dinner to the villa before 11 am tomorrow; at the same time, Lin Nan's custom-made suits will also be delivered.

Comparing the "equipment" of the two, the things on Director Lin are obviously a bit "cheap". Of course, top female stars should be like this.

In the morning, Lin Nan and Liu Yifei heard that Lu Zheng also came to Hollywood; accompanying him were Jing Tian's many brand owners;

And the scene was also not small, with special people escorting several suitcases and safes; needless to say, these must be the clothes prepared for Jing Tian tomorrow afternoon.

There was only one day left before the awards ceremony. Lin Nan and Liu Yifei did not go out for a stroll. Tom ran errands for everything because it was too "crowded" outside.

Filmmakers from all over the world, especially media reporters and tourists, have crowded this small town.

And at the end of the day, Lin Nan and Liu Yifei stayed at home, surfing the Internet, reading the news, and watching American dramas.

So, the two saw a "cold" news in China - the Cyberspace Administration of China interviewed Weibo and started to strike hard again:

Crack down on those "Internet celebrities" who abuse their influence and repeatedly post illegal and illegal content on the Internet that opposes the basic principles established by the Constitution, damages the honor and interests of the country, spreads rumors, and disrupts social order!

What attracted the public's attention the most was: including several second- and third-tier stars in Hong Kong and Taiwan, and Sun Haiying, who was "burned by passion and had his brain damaged" in the mainland. These celebrities were all named and all social media accounts were banned! All major platforms need to cooperate immediately.

I can only say that these people are dancing too hard, their butts are so crooked that they just give up pretending!

The evening of the 27th Hollywood time, which is the morning of the 28th domestic time.

In the film bureau conference room.

Tong Gang and Zhang Hongsen were present at the same time, as were La Peikang, Ren Zhonglun, Han Sanping and others, but these latter people were obviously just foils, and even the two directors did not occupy the "home field".

Because even though it was in the film bureau, it was obvious that the people occupying the "home court position" in the conference room were a group of outsiders and people in uniforms!

“Main theme movies, especially the main theme commercial movies that have emerged in recent years, is this completely the right path for main theme movies?

China Film's "Foundation of the People's Republic of China" series, Shanghai Film's "Revolution of 1911"...the most successful ones are those of the Ministry of Public Security, which first invested in and supported Jackie Chan's "New Police Story 2013", followed by last year's film based on "Operation Mekong" is the main theme of the commercial blockbuster "Operation Mekong", which was filmed under the "Mekong Case" project.

They can be regarded as promoting the main themes and deeds of our mainland police and mainland drug police to the extreme, which makes us envious. No, the leaders have had this idea and have been discussing it for a while. You all know... The main reason why we came here today is for this matter. "

Everyone was smiling, La Peikang and Ren Zhonglun had a hint of slyness in their eyes, while Han Sanping looked like he was smiling and the old god was there.

I saw another "leader" taking over the conversation and continued:

"I heard that something went wrong when the "Operation Mekong" project was approved. The film bureau sent the script back?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became awkward.

Han Sanping, Ren Zhonglun, and La Peikang suppressed laughter in their hearts. Zhang Hongsen was completely ashamed. Only Tong Gang explained with a smile:

"Something went wrong, but it was a minor matter and was resolved quickly."

"Just small things are fine. We have been coming to the film bureau since we decided to make this theme movie, in order to avoid unnecessary troubles during the period. We hope that the film bureau will cooperate with the work..."

After hearing this, regardless of what Tong Gang and Zhang Hongsen thought, Han Sanping and the other three felt a little sad.

Listen, go to the film bureau and ask the film bureau people to cooperate! Only this group of people in uniform dare to do this and can do this. They are exactly the same as the people from the Ministry of Public Security at the time of "Operation Mekong". No, they are even more "arrogant" than the people from the Ministry of Public Security!

"So, what is the charter now, and how do we need the film bureau to cooperate?"

Tong Gang asked. He had the highest rank here, so he was the only one who could talk to each other on an equal footing.

"Referring to the adaptation of 'The Mekong River', we will first organize special personnel to create and check the script. Later, when the director is determined among domestic directors, the film bureau will be needed to connect, introduce, and lobby...

During filming, the army will provide a certain degree of support and cooperation, and can even send people to the crew to accompany them throughout the process and provide guidance on certain professional details..."

The one with the highest rank spoke again. Tong Gang and others were listening attentively with serious expressions.

What does "we will first organize special personnel to create and check the script"?

Isn't the subtext just a warning in advance: We are the ones who wrote the script, so that the people in the review department of the film bureau who usually like to find trouble should stay away and beep less, and it is none of their business!

As for "making connections, recommending, and lobbying", this simply means that directors who are not familiar with the film industry, let the film bureau act as a middleman, and cooperate with others to persuade others to take over the responsibility. After all, major directors all have their own movie plans, so conflicts are inevitable and it’s hard to force...

And in the end, “support and cooperation to a certain extent”… Good guys, now that the troops have support, these four “to a certain extent” can be completely ignored!

"Then state-owned enterprises and private film companies should be able to participate, right?"

Han Sanping looked at the major general opposite and asked abruptly. La Peikang and Ren Zhonglun were instantly refreshed.

"Movies are made for the audience. Main theme movies shoulder the responsibility of publicity. Of course, state-owned enterprises and private enterprises can participate. And main theme commercial movies were developed by private film companies, and they are extremely successful!"

More than an hour later, only Tong Gang, Zhang Hongsen, La Peikang, Ren Zhonglun and Han Sanping were left in the film bureau's conference room.

"You've all heard it, before the project is officially announced over there, keep it secret, keep it secret, keep it secret. All the film bureau can do is cooperate, cooperate, cooperate...

As for your state-owned enterprises, whether they can participate in the future is something that your companies must consider and work hard on...

I had just heard that there was an intention to make a main theme movie, and I was also researching it, but I didn’t expect it to be decided so quickly. If nothing else, this should be a theme film project with the highest standards and treatment in recent years! "Tong Gang said quite seriously.

"I guess it will take half a year?" La Peikang answered.

"It seems almost the same. "Taking Tiger Mountain by Wisdom" can barely be regarded as the main theme of the army, right? Now it's time for the navy..." Ren Zhonglun sighed, his eyes shining.

"Not only that, but we also take it very seriously. This was directly initiated by the other will only be a general."

Han Sanping said with a smile. Looking at the country, there are only a few people who can be selected, so just wait.


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