That year Huayu

Chapter 971 Lucky Shu Chang; Barefoot Xi Ying, Secretary’s Alertness

"The Revenant", which had just been nominated for the sixth Oscar, was bumped down to March 18th by China Film;

For a time, the topic and attention on the Internet exploded.

Who makes Leonardo also have good appeal and a large number of fans and fans in the Chinese film market?

After seeing off Xiying's people, Lin Nan saw the news about "The Revenant" on the Internet.

But just half an hour later, another piece of breaking news came out, directly catching up with the popularity of "The Revenant";

It also made it into the top five on Weibo's hot search list, causing heated discussions across the Internet. Countless viewers and netizens were shocked, lamented, and regretful!

Throughout the past thirty years of the film and television industry, the domestic TV drama market has produced countless classic dramas and classic characters;

Many actors have an irreplaceable role that is deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts, exists in memories, and is full of feelings and memories.

When thinking of Sun Wukong, everyone naturally thinks of Teacher Six;

When thinking of Lin Daiyu, the first thing that comes to the audience’s mind is Teacher Chen;

By analogy, what about Daji?

Although the 1990 version of "The Legend of the Gods" cannot compete with the 1986 version of "Journey to the West", it is still a classic in the hearts of countless people in those years, and it is only a little bit behind!

No, Daji, who is most popular among the people, was involved in drugs, and Ping An Capital directly disclosed it on the official WeChat account, and even allowed her biological sister to be with other actresses.

Isn't this news like dropping a depth bomb on the Internet?

"Honestly, in today's terms, Fu Yiwei was the goddess in the hearts of our group at that time!"

Yue Jun clicked his tongue and said with emotion, his expression and eyes were full of memories of those years, that was youth, youth, the passing years, and he is now forty-one!

Seeing Yue Jun's appearance, Lin Nan really didn't know how to answer the question; you have a family and children, why are you here regretting the goddess of your youth?

But Lin Nan can also understand. After all, Daji in the 90 edition of "The List of Gods" is indeed not worthy of the four words "causing disaster to the country and the people".

Moreover, the costume props and makeup were so awesome that many parents wouldn’t let their children see it at that time;

Because many of the scenes are now "killed" for you because they involve pornography and are too exposed, especially the scenes where men and women dance!

"Look, they said they received a report from the people in Chaoyang a few days ago that they have been drug addicts for 8 years... Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's Chaoyang District again!"

Lin Nan took the initiative to change the topic, and Chaoyang District added another achievement.

"Well, I believe this time it must be the credit of the masses, and there is no adulteration at all; after all, she is that age, and no competitor has time to report her."

After joking, Yue Jun calmed down his expression; he looked at Lin Nan and reported the report seriously:

"Director Lin, according to the plan, while you and Yifei went to Hollywood, I started the "Wandering Earth" series project, with the highest confidentiality level."

Hearing Yue Jun talk about this matter, Lin Nan also became more serious: "Just follow the plan, take your time, this is something that will happen later."

Just as Lin Nan finished speaking, it just so happened that a call came in from the cell phone on the table.

He glanced at it and immediately told Yue Jun: "I have to go out... Please cooperate with Director Xue these two days. The promotion of "Love in Seattle 2" will officially begin."

"no problem."

Yue Jun understood the meaning of Lin Nan's words, which was mainly to "beat" Yang Mi and tell her not to be "too busy" and delay the promotion of the movie.

"Sister Xue, um, I know, it's about the movie, I'll say hello personally from the other side of the light..."

Lin Nan answered the call and walked out of the office. Not long after, Director Lin, dressed in casual clothes, drove his car and left the company.

Hengdian Film and Television City.

Liu Yifei's arrival was so eye-catching that the number of media reporters and paparazzi outside the "Three Lives Three Worlds" crew more than doubled.

Jiang Yuerou stood by and talked, "According to the shooting plan, it will take at least four and a half months for this drama to be completed, almost until the end of June or the beginning of July."

"It doesn't matter, as long as it doesn't delay until August or September in the second half of the year, but try to finish it before mid-June as early as possible."

Liu Yifei looked at the people filming and whispered.

"It will definitely not be postponed until August, but why are you specifically told to finish filming as early as possible before mid-June?" Jiang Yuerou was a little confused.

“After Reba’s drama ends, I will take a break and will join a film crew in the second half of the year;

As for Advocacy, did Sister Jiang forget that the Huabiao Award will be in late June, and Baihua will be there after that. "

When Jiang Yuerou heard this, she immediately reacted. She looked at Shu Chang and Reba in front of the camera in the distance, "She is really lucky."

Liu Yifei had a smile on her face and denied: "Good luck or not, it's too early to say this now.

But I still wish her good luck. After all, there are not many times when she is particularly dominant. If I miss it this time, I don’t know how long I will have to wait next time. "

Film Bureau.

Originally, Lin Nan said that it would be enough to submit the report within a week;

But the people from Xiying didn't waste any time. After leaving Lin Nan Pictures and having a video conference with the group, they went straight to the film bureau.

As the most experienced and most successful film studio, no one can really control Xi Film's rise in the film bureau; compared with China Film and Shanghai Film, both are far behind.

No, other people were about to get off work, so I just called my superiors and told them to work overtime!

"Director Zhang, I really can't finish it in two months. This is not a simple script review. Even if it is a script review, the review department will take at least a few months. There are so many people waiting in line..."

“Western Film has never submitted a registration for a co-production film, so they asked us to go through the process the first time we came. This is too much.

If it doesn’t work, I’ll go to the Children’s Bureau. Our chairman and factory director can call can come in person...many bureau leaders have worked at Xiying Studio..."

After a period of "unreasonableness", Xiying got a promise to cut the queue and shorten the approval process for co-productions.

As a result, Director Zhang left happily with his people, not forgetting to remind him that he would come to inquire about the progress from time to time.

"Director, isn't this too barbaric? Are you asking us to violate the rules?"

"What do you think? Before the film studio era ended, Tong Bureau was transferred from the distribution and projection company to the Xi Film Studio as the deputy director; three years later, he was transferred back to the bureau.

Before the millennium, in the years when the film studio era was coming to an end, Tong Ju officially went to China Film and Television, rising step by step from manager to general manager, chairman, secretary, and then to deputy director of the bureau... He was closely related to Xiying. There are more senior leaders..."

Looking at the people from Xiying walking away in the background, the forty-year-old director smiled and complained:

"To describe the current Xiying Film Group in one sentence, that is: in the film industry, they have the oldest qualifications, the most outstanding contributions, the most outstanding achievements, the deepest foundation, and the widest connections... The most important thing is , they are barefoot now, so they can’t be offended, hehe..."

"Wang Chu, I think I saw someone from Xiying from far away?"

La Peikang's secretary came from a distance and asked curiously, interrupting the two of them talking and joking. Since they were all acquaintances, it was a bit casual.

"Well, that's right, he's from Xiying.

Why are you here at this hour? Mr. Ladong has another errand? "

"I just sent the script to the review department, and preparations for "The Founding of an Army" are about to begin.

By the way, what are the people from Xiying doing here? You are a place that manages co-productions. Do they have the ability to make co-productions? Or are you here for consultation or something? "

In line with the "alertness" of a secretary, La Peikang's secretary subconsciously started to inquire.

"Hey, you really underestimated Xiying this time. They really came to apply for a co-production!"

Hearing this, La Peikang's secretary was immediately shocked, and then a hint of cunning flashed in his eyes, and he immediately asked:

"Wang Chu, what kind of movie project is it and where is it co-produced with?"

"It's inappropriate for you to ask this. According to the rules, this must be kept confidential."

Director Wang shook his head without any intention of being accommodating.

After all, he was aware of China Film's dominance. If something went wrong and Xi Film started to cause trouble, the gain would outweigh the loss, and only his department would be unlucky.

Seeing this attitude of the other party, La Peikang's secretary immediately changed his smile:

"I was rash and almost made a mistake. By the way, Wang Chu, you guys haven't had lunch yet. Go quickly. I have to go back to China Film and Television. See you later."

"Well, see you later."

Seeing La Peikang's secretary walking away, the director of the Co-production Management Office couldn't help but shook his head and complained again:

"These secretaries are really smart..."


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