That year Huayu

Chapter 986: No movement in the afternoon, no need for movement in the future!

“Four years after the filming was completed, Wu Tianming’s last film, “A Hundred Birds Pay Homage to the Phoenix”, was officially announced to be released on May 6.”

“Xiying, La Peikang, Yu Dong, Zhang Zhao, Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, Tian Zhuangzhuang, Gu Changwei, Jiang Wen, Huang Jianxin and many other filmmakers and organizations in the industry have successively issued articles:

They strongly support the release of “A Hundred Birds Pay Homage to the Phoenix” and once again miss Director Wu Tianming and his outstanding contributions to the Chinese-language film industry.”

“Produced by Disney’s Marvel Studios, the imported science fiction blockbuster “Captain America 3” has been confirmed to be introduced; China Film Distribution Company has approved it to be released on May 6, simultaneously with North America.”

“Because the father of actor Jiang Jinfu publicly published an article to ‘slander’ Tangren Pictures ‘Six sins’, in the morning, Tangren Pictures formally filed a lawsuit against Jiang Jinfu’s father;

Both father and son will go to court against Tangren Company at the same time… In response, Jiang’s father once again published a thousand-word Weibo post, accusing Tangren of bullying the weak and exposing the dirty inside of Tangren;

Pointing out that his company has organized water army and marketing accounts to attack, slander, discredit and harm actors and artists in the industry countless times in order to achieve the purpose of unfair competition…”

Overnight, there is no doubt that the affairs of LeTV and LeTV Pictures are still a “grand event” that people in the industry talk about with great relish;

Countless actors and artists in the circle, in addition to envy and jealousy, wish they could replace Zhang Yimou, Guo Jingming and dozens of other LeTV Pictures shareholders.

However, the new film and television entertainment gossip is also eye-catching, especially the mess of Tangren.

First it was Lin Gengxin, and now it’s Jiang Jinfu. Almost all of Tangren’s dirty and shady practices have been exposed.

It is foreseeable that Tangren will not only become a recognized rat in the industry, but also no longer have a good impression in the public’s eyes. It’s over!

“I don’t know what’s wrong with the producer of “A Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix”. The schedule is really speechless.

Now that Director Wu is gone, this type of movie must go to a big schedule or a niche schedule. There are many benefits and advantages;

In a big schedule, you can enjoy the benefits of the big market overflow, and in a niche schedule, you can compete with the appeal of the big director and the quality of the film.

This is neither good nor bad. Well, it hits “Captain America 3”; and it looks like there is no idea of ​​changing the schedule?!”

Lin Nan felt a little sympathetic to the deceased director. The producer is not strong and has no brains.

Moving his eyes away from the news page, Lin Nan picked up the pen and continued to work. It is estimated that in more than a week, the storyboards of "Marriage Story" will be almost ready.

Liu Yifei is also integrating into the script, but her choice of the experiential route makes Director Lin suffer a little, because the emotions in the script are occasionally brought out by her.

The invitations to the celebration dinner of "The Mermaid" have all been sent out.

This event is destined to be a top network circle in the industry, and it has attracted the attention of all actors and artists; there are countless people flocking to it, but the tickets are obviously in short supply.

Ren Zhonglun brought his secretary and assistant to the capital a day in advance, and Jackie Chan also went with him.

"Director Tong Kee-lai and his team have just decided to release Kung Fu Yoga on January 28 during the Spring Festival, so the release date of Railroad Tigers needs to be staggered by at least one month."

"We had planned to release it during the Lunar New Year period, so now it has to be released before December 28, so that there is no direct competition between the two films you star in?"

"Yes, that's right."

A black Bentley was driving smoothly on the streets of the capital, with Jackie Chan and Ren Zhonglun chatting about movies inside.

Without hesitation, Ren Zhonglun nodded and responded, "No problem, then put it in the middle and late December of the Lunar New Year, no later than the 25th."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ren Zhonglun looked at Jackie Chan curiously:

"You didn't come here specifically to attend the celebration dinner for "The Mermaid", did you? Logically, you don't have so much free time!"

"Mr. Ren is really observant. Yes, I came here for the "The Mermaid" dinner, and it was mainly for signing people..."

Jackie Chan didn't hide it, and smiled and chattered with Ren Zhonglun.

He has many film and television companies under his control. He is not only a shareholder of Yinghuang, but also has Jackie Chan Yinghuang Films, which he co-founded, and Yaolai Jackie Chan Films, which is Yaolai Culture.

After a long time, Ren Zhonglun nodded slowly and affirmed, "Your vision and courage are really good, and you are really very popular."


One afternoon, one evening

When the sun rose on the last day of March, the video about Liu Yan being bullied by a group of men at Bao Beier's wedding yesterday afternoon, and being carried, lifted, and even dragged to the water, went viral.

To describe it in one sentence, it was a public outrage!

Because it can be clearly seen in the video that Liu Yan was completely resisting and struggling, almost angry and afraid, while the group of groomsmen seemed crazy, with unscrupulous and even lewd smiles on their faces, and had no intention of stopping.

Even when Jia Ling was desperately trying to stop, he was pushed down by Han Geng, who was full of hormones, and was pushed down several times by a group of groomsmen. It can be imagined how "excited" these men were at the time, which was an abnormal mentality at all!

So, starting from last night, all night, until early in the morning, the public opinion on the Internet had fermented to an extreme point, all scolding.

"Everyone looks like a rapist, just like the Japs who followed the village."

"Liu Yan was wearing a gauze dress! One of these people was holding one leg, and two of them were holding Liu Yan's arms. Three or four grown men worked together to hold down the other person's struggling body, and even attacked her breasts... It's so damn... not human."

"Jia Ling is considered a hero among girls. She is so powerful. Fortunately, she managed to save her with her life. She was so tired that she was breathing heavily."

"That bald thing doesn't look like a good person. He disrespects women at his own wedding. Is he making trouble with the bridesmaid? Did you catch just one bridesmaid making trouble? This is just bullying and trying to take advantage. Because everyone knows, Liu Yanhao No family background!”

"The guy who debuted in the South Korean boy band is definitely not a good guy. I remember that this guy had unscrupulously self-destructed before, stole other people's computers, and sold them?!"

"Yes, when I blew myself up, my face was filled with pride. I didn't have any consciousness that I had done anything wrong. I was just too red and showing off!"

"None of the groomsmen apologized, and that piece of shit Bao Bei'er didn't make any move either... What the hell did Guang Guang sign for? Why bother?"

"You should have scolded him, and you should have scolded him to death! Normally, he is not a good person. He is flattering and flattering, has high ambitions and low hands, is not a second-tier life, and loves to put on front-line airs! If it were me, I would have fallen out on the spot. …Why are you still a bridesmaid?”

Xie Nan stood in front of Liu Yan and cursed angrily. In terms of personality, she is much more outgoing and stronger than Liu Yan; of course, this kind of thing happened because Liu Yan had a bit of inferiority and introversion.

"The impact has been so great, so I'd better apologize. They all have higher status and background than me, and I became a monk halfway and joined the circle..."

Liu Yan frowned and looked at Xie Nan with worry.

"What are you apologizing for? Why should you apologize? It's those people who should apologize!" Xie Nan had a stronger personality and immediately retorted.

"But, you can say that, but I can't. You have your brother, what do I have? I have to stay in the company in the future. Director Wang obviously values ​​him more and wants to train him to be a director..."

Liu Yan raised her head and looked at Xie Nan, who was crossing her arms and crossing her chest in a menacing manner, with a hint of pleading in her voice.

She was very grateful to Xie Nan... The two of them signed into the company together and lived in the same dormitory for a long time. It wasn't until Xie Nan met Wu Dan that they moved out.

"Wait, don't think about subduing yourself. You took the initiative and apologized, and the outside world doesn't know what to say. We are in the media industry, and those people will most likely accuse you of 'intentional hype' !”

"If I used someone else's wedding to hype up this matter, my whole family would die!"

At this moment, Liu Yan seemed to be a different person, and she swore harshly.

"Wait, you're sorry, I'll find someone for you!"

Xie Nan paused for a moment, and his tone became much gentler.

When Xie Nan turned around and walked out of the room and walked to the living room to make a phone call, Liu Yan's phone also rang.

She glanced at the call, hesitated for a few seconds, and finally picked up: "Dapeng..."

Lin Nan woke up from a lazy sleep and found that Liu Yifei had gotten up earlier than him?

Walking downstairs in a few steps, I saw classmate Liu Qianqian sitting cross-legged on the sofa and answering the phone. Her expression was serious and her brows were furrowed. There was a tablet on her lap, and the page was Weibo hot search.

Lin Nan walked up to him, and Liu Yifei patted the side with one hand, motioning for him to sit down.

"Well, you are right. Why should people who are bullied have to bow their heads and admit their mistakes..."

While Miss Liu was talking to Xie Nan on the other end of the phone, Lin Nan had already taken the tablet from Liu Yifei's lap.

The hot search on Weibo immediately came into view: "Bao Bei'er's wedding, many groomsmen wantonly 'humiliated' Liu Yan... Excessive marriage is no different from being a hooligan in public..."

A few minutes later, Liu Yifei, who looked upright, hung up the phone and looked at Lin Nan. Director Lin Da has also roughly browsed the videos and news on the Internet.

"So?" Lin Nan looked at Liu Yifei.

"Xie Nan came to me for help. The 'first brother' of Guangwang actually wanted Liu Yan to take the blame to calm public opinion. It's simply disgusting!

As the bridesmaid, the blue tulle dress Liu Yan wore once fell into the water and stood up again, it would be the same as being naked! And there were so many people at the scene, so many media reporters! "

"So?" Lin Nan asked Liu Yifei again what he thought, and he complied.

"It's not convenient to talk about it publicly on the Internet. It would slap Director Wang in the face, but I can give Director Wang a call. Liu Yan is also an artist in his company and is still my friend!"

Liu Yifei has a clear attitude and strict words. That delicate face seems to have a murderous look at this moment, like a heroine, with a heroic spirit.

Lin Nan smiled and reached out and touched Miss Liu's left cheek:

"Let me do it. It's not appropriate for you to go to Director Wang. As for speaking out publicly, it's really no good. It's no different from publicly slapping Director Wang in the face... Liu Yan is also an acquaintance and friend of mine."

Hearing Lin Nan's words, Liu Yifei smiled instantly. With Lin Nan taking action, everything would be a small problem.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll leave it to you, Director Lin."

Liu Yifei decisively handed over her mobile phone, and Lin Nan understood what she meant.

Two minutes later, Director Lin used Producer Liu's cell phone to dial Wang Changtian's number.


Two artists from his own company have been on the front page of the entire Internet from yesterday to now, which makes Wang Changtian very angry.

"Liu Yan is resting at home today and hiding from the media. Xie Nan is accompanying her..."

"Director Wang, don't worry, we will definitely handle this matter. It will not affect the company's reputation. I have already called Liu Yan this morning and we have negotiated it."

Bao Bei'er had a "flattery" smile on his face and hurriedly interrupted Wang Changtian's words.

Chairman Wang Da had a dark face and glanced at Bao Bei'er in displeasure. What happened has already happened. How to deal with the parties concerned is a matter later. The first thing to do now is to cool down.

"Have we really negotiated?"

"Okay, it's done, please let go..."

Before Bao Bei'er finished speaking, Wang Changtian's cell phone rang on the table, and their attention was instantly drawn to it.


"Liu...Producer Liu?"

Wang Changtian had some vague guesses, glanced at Bao Bei'er with an evil look, and then answered the phone:

"Yifei, why did you remember to call me?"

"It's me, Director Wang."

"Lin Nan! Is there something wrong?"

Wang Changtian asked, and glanced at Bao Bei'er, who was already a little uneasy.

"Director Wang, that boss in your company is really not a good person... In the afternoon, I hope to see a public apology from their grandsons on Weibo..."

Although the speakerphone was not turned on, Lin Nan's voice still faintly echoed through the phone receiver in the office.

"Hey, okay, I understand. See you tonight."

After hanging up the phone, the office was extremely quiet and the air was a bit cold.

Wang Changtian just looked at Bao Bei'er with anger in his eyes, making the latter turn pale and a little scared.

"Director Wang, me?"

"heard it?"

"heard it."

"Did you hear that clearly?"

"You heard me clearly."

"Lin Nan called me from Yifei's phone number to tell me: Yifei is in charge of Liu Yan's affairs! That's right, Xie Nan, Liu Yan and Yifei have always had a good relationship."

Having said this, Wang Changtian was no longer in the mood. He looked at Bao Beier very seriously:

"Now that you heard it clearly, let's do it. A group of people who are not men... What happened at noon yesterday, and up to now, no one has taken the initiative to show up or say a word!

In addition, go and tell your gang of foxy friends: If you don’t see any movement in the afternoon, there won’t be any need for movement in the future! "

The moment Bao Beier heard the last sentence, his spine felt like an electric shock, his mind went blank, and his legs were completely weak and weak...

"Dr. Wang, is this... going to... be banned?" Bao Beier asked, his face turned pale and he stumbled.

"Lin Nan didn't say it, but he doesn't necessarily know how to do it!

Also, Liu Yan is also an artist of Guangguang and an artist with stock options. By doing this, have you ever thought that you are slapping me in the face? Don't those groomsmen of yours take the light and me seriously? "

Wang Changtian couldn't help but cursed. After Bao Beier's trembling denials, he added again:

"If you offend Lin Nan, you may still have a way to survive. But since Yifei intervened, you'd better be more efficient... For Yifei, he is really capable of killing."

After speaking, Wang Changtian waved his hand in disgust at Bao Bei'er in front of him. The latter lowered his head and hurriedly retreated. His pale face was very respectful and cautious, and cold sweat was already breaking out on his forehead.

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