That year Huayu

Chapter 1000: Language is an art;

"No wonder every prospect who came to test and ask for roles was rejected outright, and there has been no casting news for so long...

Director Lin Daqing was prepared for Yifei and himself, and even the second female lead was assigned by Zhou Xun. She is really the one who gets the advantage first, and is taking advantage of her! "

Zhang Ziyi muttered with a rather complicated mood.

To be honest, she was "envious" of Zhou Xun, who could always get along with some big directors and producers and become good friends.

On Hong Kong Island, Zhou Xun has a relatively good relationship with Shi Nansheng, Xu Ke, Chen Kexin and others; this is even more true in the mainland, where he has been close to Lin Nan and Liu Yifei for a long time.

As for the film resources of Lin Nan Pictures, there is no doubt that Zhou Xun can eat a lot.

Among the films directed by Director Lin himself, "Marriage Story" is already the third film in which Zhou Xun has participated.

"Director Lin has worked with three of the four double skaters in Mainland China, and Zhou Xun ranks first." Huo Wenxi was holding red wine and laughing among the crowd two meters away.

This morning was the promotional conference for the movie "The Death of Romance". As a result, the reception time had just begun when the film bureau announced the registration information for "Marriage Story";

So much so that when everyone at the cocktail party heard about it, they immediately became confused and started discussing it heatedly;

After all, director Lin Da's award-winning film still has this kind of "extremely luxurious" lineup. There is no doubt that the target is definitely very big!

"Director Lin likes to use familiar people, so he will probably only work with these three actors."

Cheng Er's subconscious joke directly stimulated Zhang Ziyi. For a top A-list actress like her, this is not a good thing.

Because the higher an actress stands, the fewer suitable resources she has. Only movies by great directors are the universal "panacea" and can "save lives" anytime and anywhere!

"Director Feng?"

Suddenly, Zhang Ziyi glanced at Feng Xiaogang in the distance. There seemed to be rumors that the latter was preparing a new movie?

After just a second of thinking, the "International Chapter" came online; she held the wine glass and walked straight over with a smile.

At this moment, Feng Xiaogang was grinning non-stop, accepting compliments from several small investors in the industry and toasts from the young female artists next to him.

Perhaps they noticed something was wrong with Zhang Ziyi, so the people around him immediately left in a dignified manner.

"Director Feng, here's to you. I wish your film will win the first prize at the San Sebastian International Film Festival."

"Haha, let me lend you some good words, go ahead."

Feng Xiaogang was in a good mood and drank half a glass of red wine in one gulp. He is a veteran at the wine table. Red wine is no big deal, and he can drink a lot of white wine.

"Director Feng, I heard that you are currently preparing a new film?"

Before Zhang Ziyi finished speaking, the smile on Feng Xiaogang's face had already faded; he could naturally guess what the other party was thinking about.

Putting down his wine glass, Feng Xiaogang looked Zhang Ziyi up and down, and then shook his head without hesitation.

"Director Feng?"

"I know you're looking for a comeback, but I really don't have a chance for you here."

"Director Feng, is it true that there is no chance at all?"

Zhang Ziyi's expression froze, then returned to normal in an instant; she no longer hid it, but asked relentlessly.

"The historical background of "Youth" is the military art troupe in the 1970s. It is a story between a group of young art soldiers in their prime. You, you are not suitable."

Feng Xiaogang spoke out and once again shattered Zhang Ziyi's hopes.

What's inappropriate? Age, appearance, figure, temperament, everything is inappropriate!

Zhang Ziyi today is already different from when he first debuted;

Putting aside the changes in her external conditions, her temperament alone cannot "act" the youthful vigor, purity and sunshine.

Who can meet Zhang Ziyi and not say that she is an ambitious woman? These things were hanging and growing on her face.


I understand, then, thank you, Director Feng, I won't disturb you anymore. "

Zhang Ziyi pretended to be indifferent to Feng Qingyun and said goodbye to Feng Xiaogang; but in her heart, she was completely frustrated, aggrieved and dissatisfied. Feng Xiaogang was saying that she was old and average-looking...

Looking at the figure walking away, Feng Xiaogang snorted lightly, even if it was appropriate, he would not use Zhang Ziyi.

Because he was in the gambling period, the film naturally had to control costs, especially the cost of actors.

Not only that, he also plans to balance the actor's role suitability and interests while casting, and turn the casting into a business!

Lin Nan hung up the Nth call with a speechless expression. He didn't stop talking all morning and was ridiculed by many acquaintances in the industry.

It is said that since he changed his major to directing, he has only appeared in two movies, one is "Inception" and the other is "The Fault in Our Stars";

Today's "Marriage Story" is the third one. The common feature of these three movies is that they all feature Liu Yifei, and they are all designed to match Liu Yifei.

So I came to a conclusion: If you want Lin Nan, a top director, to act for the first time, then you can find a way from Liu Yifei and convince her!

"Actually, I really want to tell them that we will still be partners in the next movie."

Lin Nan looked at Miss Liu chatting on her tablet computer and couldn't help but laugh. On the tablet, the sound of white fingers tapping the virtual keyboard is quite clear and sweet.

"Keep a low profile and give them a surprise when the time comes. Well, right now, everyone is chattering and asking questions."

Liu Yifei picked up the tablet and shook the page at Lin Nan. It was a group of classmates from the performance department.

I don’t know when it happened, but Jiang Yiyan, who had withdrawn from the group for a long time, was pulled in again.

However, in the past few years, she seems to have been doing really poorly. She has almost no good resources, and she really doesn't have many acting appointments.

On the one hand, after the incident with Deng Chao was exposed, he enjoyed the "treatment" that everyone hates and dislikes in the industry;

On the other hand, a good thing almost came true with a certain cake brand owner, which gave him some retreat, and he immediately relaxed his "aggressiveness" in his career.

But it is not as good as God. After two years of being prostituted for nothing, he was kicked!

After losing both career and love, she had to shift her focus back to the industry and her career, thinking about working hard, but she was obviously lagging behind.

I don't know if it was the idea given by the brokerage company, but the characters such as "support education" and "cross-industry learning" were just speculated, but it seems that they have little effect.

"Don't pay attention to them. Zhu Yawen and Luo Jin are just making noise and causing trouble in the group."

"I know. Huh? Let's forget it."

"What's wrong?" Lin Nan asked curiously,

"Jiang Yiyan wanted to invite me to drink coffee. I told her that she was very busy and couldn't leave. She had to make preparations before joining the group..." Liu Yifei looked up with a speechless expression.

"She is the result of her own misfortune. Don't worry about it."

The Mainland film and television industry has been gossiping about "Marriage Story" all day long.

Turn over the night and arrive the next morning.

As expected by all industry insiders, "Captain America 3" completely dominated the film and television entertainment headlines across the Internet, suppressing all domestic movie information.

"Produced by Disney's Marvel Studios and a Hollywood-imported science fiction masterpiece, "Captain America: Civil War" has officially landed in theaters across the country;

According to data from theaters, on the first day of its release, the overall film schedule of "Captain America 3" was as high as 53.6%, dominating the same period..."

"The film "A Hundred Birds Pay Attendance to the Phoenix", the posthumous work of the famous director Wu Tianming and the former director of the West Film Studio, was officially released early this morning. The film's overall screening rate on the first day was only 1.9%, which is regrettable!"

"After seven days of release, director Xue Xiaolu's film "Love in Seattle 2" grossed 750 million at the box office, and the 1 billion mark is just around the corner... Today's film schedule has been significantly reduced..."

""Xuan Zang of the Tang Dynasty" was released for 7 days, with a total box office of 30 million, and the daily box office dropped to 490,000..."

For the capital layer of the entire film and television industry, news about a few movies is not important, because there is more important information to attract attention.

"China Film announced that China Film Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the group, has officially submitted its IPO to the Shanghai Stock Exchange this morning... The first round of roadshows will be held in the middle of the year..."

"Shanghai Film Group issued a public statement that the IPO process of Shanghai Film Co., Ltd. has officially started. The first round of roadshows is scheduled for the morning of the 12th of this month in Shanghai..."

"At eight o'clock in the morning, Tudou released the second round of financing information. The group is scheduled to hold a second round of financing dinner on the evening of June. At that time, dinner invitations will be issued to capital from various industries such as film and television, finance, and the Internet..."

Two state-owned giants in the film and television industry are IPOing, disguised listings; a giant that takes care of both the Internet and film and television industries is doing a second round of financing...

The film and television companies and capital in the industry are all restless. Three giant ships are about to set sail!

Even if you can't get Tudou's second-round luxury ferry ticket, it's not a bad idea to get standing tickets for China Film and Shanghai Film and Television. It's definitely not a loss anyway.

"Tudou's sponsor is ICBC. There will definitely not be any problems in the subsequent IPO process."

There was a sense of determination in Wang Changtian's tone, which was quite confident. It is true that potatoes are of very high quality and have a very high market share.

"On the night of the 6th next month, it will be the same as last year. I am on the set and can't leave!" Lin Nan nodded and said.

It is said to be a financing dinner, but in fact it focuses more on publicity, a sense of atmosphere and a sense of form. The main purpose is to announce Tudou’s second round of financing to the capital circle and the outside world.

"Okay, you film your scene, and we'll just be there when the time comes."

After Wang Changtian finished speaking, he suddenly remembered something funny again:

"Let me tell you something. Some time ago, Chen Hong came to me to ask for a favor and asked for the leading role in a movie for his youngest son.

I met the son of Chen Hong and Chen Kaige at the banquet yesterday. Good guy, he and Director Chen are almost carved from the same mold. His eyebrows, his mouth shape..."

"Haha, I've seen it before, at Nortel." Lin Nan was happy.

"Don't interrupt, the point I'm talking about is not his appearance. It's that the kid is quite soulless and gives me a dull feeling... I'm afraid he won't be able to go far as an actor? He didn't inherit the talent from his parents at all. …”

"Dr. Wang, you are really good at worrying about things. Other people's parents have a lot of resources behind them. You just earn your favors, and you don't care about these things every day."

Lin Nan was really speechless and complained. He looked at the time and had been in the light for a while.

"Director Wang, I'm withdrawing first. We've decided that "Passing Through Your World" will be completed this month. I won't go to the filming ceremony."

"I...want to chat with you for a while longer. Okay, I won't send you away."

"Well, see you later. I'm also very busy, so I just passed by you."

Sometimes, the excitement in the film and television industry always happens to come together.

Near noon, the Air Force-themed commercial movie "Sky Hunter", which is controlled by the Air Force and has attracted much attention from the industry, officially announced the candidate for the heroine - Fan Bingbing!

From the perspective of the entire Internet and the film and television industry, it is absolutely impossible to say that this casting result is free of tricks and personal relationships.

But this result seems to be natural and everyone is happy.

Since it was my boyfriend’s directorial debut and he directed and acted in it, it seemed very reasonable and quite gimmickous for the woman to be the heroine.

No, the just-announced "Marriage Story" is a typical husband-and-wife team of a big director, a big producer, and male and female protagonists!

Although "Sky Hunter" can't be said to be a husband and wife team, it can still be said to be a quasi husband and wife team.

Just half an hour later, Fan Bingbing's Weibo was updated, updated for "Sky Hunter" and Li Chen:

"First of all, I am very grateful to Director Li Chen for choosing me to be the heroine of "Hunting in the Sky". I would like to make a special statement here that I am getting zero pay for my role!

The reason why I acted for free is because I support and encourage my fiancé Li Chen. This is also my original intention of participating in this movie.

Although according to the requirements, I need to pay a lot for the role I play, including losing 20 to 30 pounds, but I think it is worth it because I saw Li Chen’s hard work and dedication in his directorial debut..."

When Lin Nan returned to the company, the Internet was already extremely busy.

Among all kinds of entertainment information, the most popular thing among netizens is undoubtedly this sugar-spreading session!

Furthermore, Fan Bingbing is a well-deserved top actress, a traffic queen with countless fans. Therefore, it is impossible for her to support Li Chen with zero pay without causing a sensation.

"Listen, others are calling for the husband-and-wife team "Marriage Story" to compete with you and Yifei. His uncle's...La Peikang is really not a good thing..."

On the other end of the phone, Ren Zhonglun's tone was very obviously annoyed, and he felt like he was going to explode at any moment.

"Director Ren, I know that Shanghai Film Studio was excluded from "Sky Hunter" by Director Ren, but you don't need to call me to complain, right? I can't control this matter."

Lin Nan was puzzled that Fan Bingbing was just making a joke to compete with "Marriage Story", and he said it in the name of "lovers team" to compete with "husband and wife team" and there was no malicious intention;

He himself didn't feel offended, so why did Ren Zhonglun call him personally to complain? Especially when he was talking about it, he actually scolded the China Film Company?

"'Sky Hunter' just got a new co-producer." Ren Zhonglun said indifferently.

"Which one?"

Lin Nan subconsciously guessed that it was definitely not Shangying, and Ren Zhonglun was just using the excuse to vent his emotions to him.

"Fan Bingbing's wholly-owned company...Aimeishen Film and Television Culture..."

Hearing this, Lin Nan was immediately stunned.

Good guy, what a good guy! Shanghai Film, a state-owned enterprise, was excluded from being an investor in the air force-themed movie, but Fan Bingbing's wholly-owned company got a share?

Although this share may be very small, this matter is really ironic and slaps in the face of Shangying and Ren Zhonglun!

Lin Nan was speechless and didn't know how to "comfort" Ren Zhonglun. The feud between these two people has now become serious.

Han Sanping was only squeezing out Shanghai Film Academy at first, but when it came to La Peikang... Maybe La Peikang himself didn't expect that after he excluded Shanghai Film Academy, Fan Bingbing's company squeezed in!

"Well, I can't get involved in this matter. You can digest it yourself. By the way, I have made an appointment, so I won't talk to you anymore. We will meet again at the Shanghai Magic City International Film Festival."


Lin Nan quickly hung up the phone and decided that there would be something good to watch later; these two chairman of state-owned enterprises were both vengeful masters.

After leaving the office door, Lin Nan went directly to the screenwriting department.

The script of "The Wandering Earth" is still in the novel splitting stage. The original author Liu Dadian came here a few days ago. He has no objections to the script adaptation plan and he can endorse it, which gives the screenwriting team a lot of confidence. and confidence.

"Director Lin, the airline has already made a reservation. The departure time of the charter flight is the morning of the 12th."

"Well, then let's inform Guangwang and Xiying. The people in our company will have two days off, and they will be away for several months."

Lin Nan told Yue Jun seriously that preparations for "Pacific Rim 2" have already begun with Warner Bros. and Lionsgate.

"I will notify you in the afternoon. In addition, Director Lin and the filming team are also ready. The filming can be started normally on the 15th."

Lin Nan paused. Today is the 6th, and there is still a week left to be lazy.

"I know, Yifei and I will also prepare."

"What about the announcement of the Chinese cast list for "Pacific Rim 2"?"

"Wait a little longer, maybe late at the end of the month or at the end of the month."


The box office on the first day was 180 million, accounting for 85.1% of the daily box office. "Captain America 3" began to truly dominate the domestic film market.

The daily box office of "Love in Seattle 2" was cut in half to more than 30 million, which is enough to show the strength of its opponents.

"The Journey to the West" was completely dead, with a daily revenue of only more than 2,000 yuan and a total box office of 30.98 million yuan;

The same is true for "Dream Partners", which stopped at 60.84 million yuan.

These two movies are undoubtedly bloody losses.

But what makes the industry feel most funny and ironic is that on the 3rd, the 9 theaters, including China Film, China Film South Shinkansen, Bona, Huayi, New Film Association, Anle, and UME, which promised to "strongly support" the screening of "A Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix", were really stingy when they "strongly supported" it.

"A Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix", the first day box office was 276,000! The sound of slapping, slapping, slapping, seemed to be right next to my ear,

"You are still aware. The sentence at the premiere: 'Language is an art! And theaters are commercial attributes', it really fits the situation now."

At exactly 8 o'clock in the morning, when Ning Hao called to complain, Lin Nan and Liu Yifei were having breakfast.

"'Strongly support' the filming schedule, what does 'strongly' mean? What degree is considered 'strongly'? Isn't it all decided by the theaters themselves?"

Lin Nan took a bite of the steamed bun and joked with a smile. He just posted a Weibo to advertise "A Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix". Many directors and filmmakers posted promotional Weibo.

"It's quite deceiving, really not genuine.

By the way, you have to give me a rough completion time so that I can prepare for the start of "The Second Generation of Fairies" and arrange the schedule."

"It's hard to say. Although I want to finish it seriously in one month, there are too many activities next month, first the Magic City International Film Festival, and then the Huabiao. You can tentatively set it at the end of June or the beginning of July."

"Okay, just have an approximate time. Today, the number of filmmakers and crews flying to Cannes has increased several times. Didn't your company go?"

"Our main theme is not suitable for taking abroad. Who should we sell it to? Going to Magic City is enough." Lin Nan was amused by Ning Hao.

"Yeah, okay. I won't disturb you two from having breakfast. By the way, isn't it a bit late for you two?"

"Hey, you..."

Lin Nan glanced at the hung up phone and was speechless for a moment.

He looked at Liu Yifei, who stopped chewing immediately, with her cheeks puffed up, and gave a fierce look back, as if to say: It hasn't started yet, didn't you get up early to have breakfast?


Film Bureau.

"Director Zhang, if we finally confirm the directors on the list, is the Film Bureau sure that they can help us negotiate? Forcing people to do things that are difficult is not the style of the military."

"You said that, as if our Film Bureau would do things that are difficult?"


A chuckle, as if it was a silent answer, embarrassed Zhang Hongsen.

"I dare not say absolutely, but I am sure I am quite sure."

Zhang Hongsen certainly would not say absolutely, but his tone was still confident.

Because basically no one can refuse the Film Bureau and the Navy, this is backed by a powerful unit, the film director does not need to have any burden, just let go and do it; this is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and platform to show off his skills.

"Okay, Director Zhang said that.

We can first tell the Film Bureau that the main theme story this time is indeed adapted from real events, benchmarking the Ministry of Public Security's "Mekong River Case", and is based on Yemen from late March to early April last year... evacuation of overseas Chinese..."

Zhang Hongsen listened quietly, his eyes narrowed unconsciously. The Navy is really generous, and it actually chose this matter directly! This matter really shows the international influence of the Navy...

"... The script has not been completed yet, but the movie has a name, tentatively named "Operation Red Sea"! In addition, the chief has approved that warships can be used for real-life shooting at sea, and professional soldiers will participate..."

"Okay, the Film Bureau will definitely cooperate with us."

Zhang Hongsen couldn't help swallowing his saliva, this is much more fanciful than the Air Force's "Sky Hunter".

Tangren’s “Legend of Sword and Fairy V”, also known as “Legend of Sword and Fairy: The Clouds of the World”, collided with Jiaxing’s “Dear Translator”.

Not only are the broadcast times only one day apart, but the first broadcast platform is the same, Mango TV!

However, the former relied on the “Legend of Sword and Fairy series”, so it won the Mango Diamond Exclusive Theater on the 23rd, while the latter could only be the prime time on the 24th.

Therefore, in the morning, the launch conferences of the two TV series held in Beijing at the same time had a sense of tit-for-tat.

However, Tangren was better after all and got the boiling point of public opinion. I don’t know what method Cai Yinong used, but finally invited his own sister to the scene.

And Liu Shishi’s vague words of “peaceful breakup” and “grow up separately” directly ignited all the media on the scene, and even the entire network. Sure enough, this sister is going to leave?

… …

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