That year Huayu

Chapter 1003: Award-winning? An instant hit

The crew of "Marriage Story" officially started filming the daily life scenes.

The image of the heroine played by Liu Yifei is always optimistic, powerful, omnipotent, and competitive...

She is strong, and the bottle caps that the male protagonist can't unscrew are always handed to her, and she can easily solve them as if she is handling a small matter; when the couple arm wrestles, she is always the winner.

Cooking, cutting hair, cleaning, taking care of children... She is a good mother and a qualified wife.

This is the image of his wife in the eyes of the male protagonist Lin Nan;

But these are actually the things that the heroine tries to do and tries her best to be close to perfect. She can't do them well... In other words, these are not what she likes to do, she is forcing herself to do her best...

Before, she was also a girl with her own lifestyle, and in the few years after marriage, she forced herself to change for the family and herself.

Correspondingly, in the eyes of the heroine, her husband also has many "labels":

No life skills, competitive, only work in mind, never actively cares if she needs help and consideration, never talks to her, never asks her feelings...

Both parties are working hard to maintain this family as much as possible, for the children, for the love they once had.


Time came to the 19th.

For three consecutive days, the last three imported blockbusters of this month, "Divergent 3: Allegiant", "Angry Birds 2", and "Alice in Wonderland 2: Through the Looking Glass", held premiere ceremonies in the capital.

At the same time, in the film market, the total box office of "Captain America 3" has already reached 1.2 billion, closing at 1.21 billion;

Although its daily box office has fallen to more than 6 million, it does not affect the film's position as the box office overlord in May, and it can even continue to dominate in June.

The only one that can barely be compared with "Captain America 3" is undoubtedly "Love in Seattle 2", which is second only to it, and the latter lives up to expectations!

"Exclusively produced by Lin Nan Films, written and directed by Xue Xiaolu, starring Yang Mi, Yu Hewei and others, the series of romantic comedy movies "Love in Seattle 2" lasted 20 days, and the total box office officially exceeded 1 billion, with a cumulative total of 1.006 billion;

As of now, the daily box office of the film is only over 2 million, and it is expected to reach about 1.02 billion before it is released..."

"Director Xue Xiaolu officially entered the 1 billion box office movie director club with "Love in Seattle 2", and is also the first female director with a box office of 1 billion in China; at the same time, actress Yang Mi also became the heroine of a 1 billion box office movie with this film..."


After waiting for 20 days, it finally came to today. At this time, Yang Mi can be said to be extremely excited.

Just relying on "Love in Seattle 2", in just three weeks, her original many notices and invitations have directly doubled. And she also accepted them all and won them all!

"Director Xue has received news that the celebration party for the 1 billion box office will be held on the 25th." After Zeng Jia hung up the phone, she immediately ran to Yang Mi's office.

I saw several artists from the company joining in the fun and flattering. After seeing Zeng Jia's expression was not right, these people immediately slipped out with a smile.

"The 25th? Celebrating breaking 1 billion? It seems that Teacher Xue also attaches the most importance to the 1 billion box office! Has Director Lin said whether he will be there?" Yang Mi was in a good mood and asked with a smile on her face.

"Marriage Story is being filmed, Director Lin is very busy and will not come to the celebration party."

Zeng Jia shook her head. She also felt very sorry about this matter and missed an opportunity to meet.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Yang Mi's smile faded a little.

This time she really tasted the sweetness brought by high-grossing and high-quality movies, which made her more eager to maintain a good relationship with several big directors and hope that there will be opportunities to get resources later.

"The 25th is the 25th, turn down other notices for that day." Yang Mi stopped thinking about other things and said decisively to Zeng Jia.

Zeng Jia nodded in response and was about to turn around and leave the office, but the next second she remembered another thing and her face showed a happy expression again:

"Mi Mi, the film "Reverse Time Rescue" co-produced by us, Xinluo Film and Yaolai Film Capital Branch, has been completed in post-production.

The two companies asked me if I wanted to go abroad to win awards, so that it would be more eye-catching when it is released later. After all, it is a science fiction film, and it needs eye-catching publicity gimmicks."

"Win awards?"

Hearing these two words, Yang Mi was immediately shocked, but then she reacted again. She looked at Zeng Jia curiously, with some doubt and distrust in her tone:

"What kind of award can this kind of movie win? Hollywood's Saturn Award? It seems that the most famous award for science fiction movies is the Saturn Award, right? Do they have the ability to operate this?"

Yang Mi's four consecutive questions directly "choked" Zeng Jia, and she was speechless for a while. After a long time, she finally spoke, but her tone was a little unconfident:

"It is said that they will go to Europe and the United States to find some simple awards to operate... It's okay if the name sounds grand, and it can cooperate with the publicity when they come back..."

The office was quiet, dead silent.

Zeng Jia was waiting for Yang Mi's answer. If they were to operate the award outside, then Yang Mi, the heroine, would have to cooperate.

Unconsciously swallowing her saliva, Yang Mi was struggling in her heart.

She could guess what Zeng Jia meant by "simple award". How could a formal award be "simple"? But, she really was...

"Okay, listen to them, we will cooperate, but there can't be any mistakes." In the end, Yang Mi nodded heavily.

"Mi Mi, don't worry about this, they are absolutely sure."

Seeing Yang Mi nod, Zeng Jia instantly became excited. In the current mainland film and television industry, hype is king.


At 7 o'clock in the evening, the first night scene of "Marriage Story" 5 days after the start of filming.

After a completely different communication between the male and female protagonists, Liu Yifei, as the heroine, pretended to be calm and behaved exactly the same as before, turned around and left the living room and went back to her room;

And Lin Nan was still sitting in the living room "stupidly", thinking that it was really just a different frequency and unpleasant work communication.

But Liu Yifei, who left the living room, couldn't help crying at the moment she turned around, only tears, and suppressed the sound.

After several years of husband-and-wife relationship, the heroine was completely disappointed with the hero. The hero lived completely in his own world and never cared about his wife's inner heart... The life and relationship between the two seemed to be only the work between the director and the actor and the two "roles".

The camera followed Liu Yifei back to the room. She lay on the bed and then let go of her voice and cried.


Ning Hao yawned and shouted. Liu Yifei was a little unable to get out of the play for a while. She was still crying and sniffing. She was very sad and upset.

"Lin Nan, come and see your wife. She is deeply into the play." Ning Hao shouted to the outside with a playful smile on his face.

Lin Nan stood at the door of the room, looking at Liu Yifei who was lying there with her head raised up at him, her eyes red, and smiled softly:

"Sometimes, reading the script over and over again and getting into the plot is not good. Is it because you are in a trance and can't distinguish between reality and filming?

This is the advantage of making this movie together. Just like "The Fault in Our Stars", it is very easy to get into the role and it is also very easy to get stuck in it and can't distinguish between the play and the outside world...Okay, don't be sad, I'm not the wooden one in the play, with so many shortcomings, a messed up life, and always hurting you."

Facing Liu Yifei's unreasonable eyes and red eyes, Lin Nan wiped the corners of her eyes for her "Ah, eye boogers?!"

"You, me, woo woo... I'll beat you to death, I..."

Liu Yifei was immediately anxious, sobbing, and stood up and rushed over.

"Come on, come on, step aside, let's go have a midnight snack. The director is going to explain the play to the heroine."

Ning Hao, a social idler and ruffian, joked maliciously, calling a group of filming team members; these people had already prepared to "run away" very tactfully, because those two were their own bosses!

"Let's go, we're going out too. It's actually good to be deeply immersed in the play. This kind of natural acting is easier to win awards."



The next morning, the headlines of Weibo were filled with the news that "Huayi is really rich."

Huayi Chairman Wang Zhongjun spent another 200 million yuan yesterday afternoon to shoot an ancient painting, which seemed to be Zeng Gong's "Jushi Tie"!

For a while, not only were there congratulations in the circle, but people on the Internet were also scolding "dog rich man".

Lin Nan didn't pay much attention to these things before, but later he gradually understood that Wang Zhongjun bought these antique calligraphy and paintings at a high price again and again, and there was a lot of water in it.

You know, Wanda's boss Wang also likes ancient calligraphy and paintings, but he never spends so much money to buy them. At most, he will accept a few million, and that's when he likes them very much;

Because in the eyes of the boss Wang, these things are really not worth hundreds of millions and they are not the authentic works of Qin Shihuang!

The release of two Hollywood movies also added a touch of fireworks to the film market.

But the market at the end of May is impossible to warm up again. The next time can only be the summer season.

Speaking of the summer season, China Film is discussing the issue of the summer season. To be more precise, it is discussing a movie in the summer season.

"There is only one month left before the summer season. In fact, the market will be lively at the end of June."

"What do you want to say?"

La Peikang looked at Ren Zhonglun opposite him and asked unhappily. Ren Zhonglun was supposed to attend the afternoon Film Bureau meeting, but he really didn't expect the other party to come to China Film in the morning and chattered.

"I hold grudges, and so do you. I'm going to cut the schedule of "Legend of the Gods" in the summer, so I asked China Film if we want to join." Ren Zhonglun seemed to be talking about something insignificant.

Hearing this, La Peikang narrowed his eyes instantly, "Is it the theater chain under Shanghai Film Group, or the theater chain of Shanghai Film Group?"

"Is there any difference?" Ren Zhonglun smiled, and La Peikang heard the answer.

"Bona Film Group is also a producer."

"What does it have to do with us? I only know that "The Mermaid", jointly produced by Shanghai Film Group and China Film Group, has been troubled by that family from project establishment, casting to public release!

As for Bona Film Group? Why did Yu Dong find China Star when there are other partners? It's better to remember it." Ren Zhonglun looked directly at La Peikang with a cold tone.

After a few seconds of silence, La Peikang slowly said: "By then, I guess the market will not be very optimistic about that movie..."

"Hehe..." Ren Zhonglun smiled.

Sometimes it is like this, although the two families often quarrel, they will hit it off when necessary.


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