That year Huayu

Chapter 1012: Winning the

Chapter 1012: Winning "In the Name of..." ahead of schedule, 50 billion

"The first to step on the red carpet was the "Legend of the Gods" crew, led by Mr. and Mrs. Xiang Yiqiang and Mr. Yu Dong. The main creative members include Jet Li, Liang Jiahui, Fan Bingbing, Huang Xiaoming, Louis Koo, Yang Ying, Xiang Zuo..."

While Lin Nan and the others were chatting and laughing in the waiting area, the red carpet of the opening ceremony officially began.

..."Grand Trail", "Jedi Escape", "Bounty Hunter", "Three's Company", "Kung Fu Yoga", "Lu Yao Knows Ma Li", "Cold War 2"..."Jingtian Break", "Sky Fire"... …

Film crews walked onto the red carpet one after another, mixed with other guests from the film festival. Very efficient and fast.

The red carpet host is also very discerning. All the big crews will be given interview time, while the small crews will not have any interviews, and they will control the time very carefully!

But there is no doubt that the crews that come later are more important..."I Am Not Pan", "Radio Lynn's Long Halftime Walk", "The Great Wall"... these movies will definitely require interviews.

Two minutes after Cao Baoping led Liu Ye, Zhang Yi, and Wang Ziwen away, the staff came to remind Lin Nan and the others.

"Let's go, it's our turn."

Lin Nan took Liu Yifei's hand and naturally intertwined their fingers. The two of them took the lead and walked in front.

The sky outside is actually completely dark, but the bright lights illuminate the top of the head into daylight, and the sky in the distance also seems to be bright. This is the Magic City!

The boiling sea of ​​people and noise gave Lin Nan and others the illusion of a roaring tsunami. This year's opening ceremony was indeed far better than the previous ones.

"Now we are facing the crew of the main theme commercial blockbuster "Operation Mekong". The main creative lineup is Golden Lion, Golden Bear... Golden Globe and Oscar Best Director Award winner Lin Nan, and internationally renowned actress and producer Ms. Liu Yifei , director Ning Hao, the great Chinese film director and photographer of "Operation Mekong", and screenwriter Ms. Xing Aina..."

When a series of titles were announced, Lin Nan and the others did not feel that it was too high-profile, because Zhang Yimou and Li An were treated in the same way just now.

"Director Lin, among the blockbusters on the red carpet tonight, it seems that only "Operation Mekong" has not announced its release date. Can you take advantage of tonight's red carpet to reveal the movie's release date?"

There was an interview session, of course, and the host's questions were to the point and straight to the point, but Lin Nan didn't want to announce it here.

He glanced at the crowds of people on both sides and said in a roundabout way: "The specific schedule has been set and will be announced at the end of the month or the beginning of next month. However, what can be revealed in advance is that the movie will definitely be released this year!"

"Will it collide with the films of Directors Li An, Feng Xiaogang, and Zhang Yimou?"

At this moment, not only the red carpet host was excited, but a large number of media on both sides were even more excited.

"We can't talk about this now. We'll wait for my company's announcement. Thank you."

Lin Nan stopped clicking. In fact, he didn't want to be interviewed, but who would let his status be displayed here.

Seeing that Director Lin wanted to end the interview, the host immediately cooperated. Observing people's behavior and watching people's dishes are compulsory courses in the circle!

After walking a few steps towards the venue, Ning Hao started teasing, "There are quite a few 'carpet kings' tonight. Many people have walked down the red carpet and then turned back and walked on the red carpet again..."

Ning Hao was inspired when he saw Wu Yifan who had just turned back. The crew of "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" seems to be behind.

After all, the three words "Zhou Xingchi" represent the highest box office record in the Chinese-language film market today, and Zhou Xingchi himself followed the crew of "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" and appeared in the finale!

As for the main players, it is naturally the judging team.

The opening ceremony party was actually a literary evening plus a dinner. Liu Yifei and Xing Aina watched it seriously, but Lin Nan and Ning Hao muttered something else together.

Jiang Wen's "Evil Doesn't Suppress Right" was really awesome, and he dared to make it with any budget.

The previous "One Step Away" was already outrageous, with an investment cost of 300 million, but this time "The Righteous" actually cost 400 million? !

It's no wonder that guy Jiang Wen has organized a special bureau to attract investment during the Magic City International Film Festival, because one or two companies will not spend so much money to invest in a movie that is not a special effects masterpiece, even if the director is Jiang Wen. no.

"Jiang Wen's appeal is still far inferior to yours. If you say that you are short of 400 million, there will definitely be a long queue of companies in the industry trying to win over you..."

"When the time comes, go join in the fun and support him. He is still recalling the aftertaste of "Let the Bullets Fly" and can't help himself."

One night passed, and the Magic City International Film Festival officially began.

Ning Ying's media conference became the first blockbuster in the film industry after the opening ceremony.

"At eight o'clock in the morning, in front of nearly a hundred news media in the industry, Ning Ying announced with a high profile: The Oriental magical special effects masterpiece "Asura" has officially been launched and cast..."

"It is reported that the movie "Asura" is the first part of the "Asura" series trilogy, with an investment cost of up to 750 million yuan; among which, the special effects shots are expected to reach more than 2,400, and the special effects production budget is as high as 300 million yuan..."

Lin Nan did not go to Ning Ying's press conference, but went directly to the film screening area.

As for Liu Yifei, she naturally plays in twos and threes, especially since Disneyland is opening on the 16th, so the girls won’t miss it; after all, after the film festival, Liu Yifei and Zhou Xun will have to join the group again.

However, Director Lin apparently overlooked one thing, that is, is in the bidding stage for its second round of financing, and many capitals want to make a breakthrough from him;

These people couldn't get through his phone, so they went directly to the exhibition area of ​​"Operation Mekong" and other three movies to "encounter" him by chance. It was extremely annoying.

Simply, Lin Nan blended directly into the huge crowd of moviegoers and entered one of the dozens of screening halls to watch the movie.

At the same time, La Peikang left Ning Ying's press conference in a rage.

"The stones in the pit are smelly and hard. I would rather mortgage my assets than accept China Film's kindness!"

Han Sanping was also impressed by Ning Ying's courage. This is 750 million! When he was in office, he never embarked on such a large project.

"I heard that Lin Nan rejected Ning Ying's offer and offered a 5% share as producer."

This incident made Han Sanping think a little. Lin Nan would not refuse such a good thing for no reason. The risk is too great, so don’t be optimistic?

"It's understandable that he refused, because with such a high investment, even if you make money, you may not be able to make much money. But for state-owned enterprises, political achievements are greater than achievements, that is, greater than profits." La Peikang emphasized road.

"La Dong, you should think about "The Founding of an Army". There is only one and a half months left to start filming. We have already agreed before that I will not get involved in this project anymore. Okay, I will leave first. Let's go watch a movie and relax..."

Without waiting for La Peikang to speak, Han Sanping walked away without looking back. His successor was becoming more and more paranoid, which was not a good thing.

Near noon, Lin Nan saw the news that "In the Name of the People" was successfully completed, and he immediately called Wang Wei.

Because Tudou’s second round of financing conflicted with Magnolia and the Magic City International Film Festival, Wang Wei did not come here this year. Instead, he assigned a senior executive to come over. However, Tudou’s purchase of the copyright was Completely unaffected.

"Director Lin, I have already contacted the crew this morning. They offered a high price for the exclusive broadcast rights on the entire network. It seems that there is some fear that they are not optimistic about the return of the money, so they offered a high price...

It is reported that the show was stopped twice during the filming, and the producers even received death threats... Of course, this will not affect us..."

Wang Wei is right, these messy things really don't affect Tudou.

Because it can be seen from the producer of this drama that there will definitely be no problem in passing the review. Then the rest is business. It is reasonable for Tudou to buy the drama!

"Is the price still within the acceptable range?" Lin Nan asked.

“The price is still within the price range of TV dramas, but it targets those high-quality costume fairy dramas and the price of big IPs.

The copyright department told me that "In the Name of the People" said that after the post-production is completed, the price will only be higher!

What a joke, this is just a little bargaining trick with us..." There was a trace of disdain in Wang Wei's tone.

"Give it to them. Just because they dare to make this drama, "In the Name of the People" is worth the money. Maybe one day, its status in Tudou's copyright library will be the same as "The Legend of Zhen Huan" in LeTV. ...After all, this is my first time involving a deputy country, and the script is very exciting!”

Lin Nan said with a smile but not a smile. When "The Legend of Zhen Huan" was originally sold, Tudou was at its lowest point and had no strength to compete for the copyrights of these popular TV series.

Now look at it, "The Legend of Zhen Huan" is really a money-making tool!

"Okay, I'll ask them to give an answer later. We didn't reach an agreement in the morning, so I thought I'd put it off until we see the finished drama."

Wang Wei agreed simply, these are all small things. Before Lin Nan could speak, he picked up the topic again: "Director Lin, Alibaba was the first to make an offer again, with a valuation of 50 billion..."

Tomorrow night's Weibo movie night has begun to fully warm up.

As a social platform that is deeply tied to the Chinese film and television entertainment industry, almost no actor or star can deny face;

Especially for this first edition, Weibo has put a lot of effort into inviting big names in the industry.

Even Lin Nan was specially called by Cao Guowei to remind him again.

"Dr. Cao, don't worry, I will be here on time."

"Director Lin, we will submit a quotation for Tudou at the last minute, 8%, and Weibo wants everything." Cao Guowei obviously paid more attention to financing.

"Well, just ask Wang Wei."


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