That year Huayu

Chapter 1017 is set; investment of 3 billion! ?

"Liu Yifei, Zhou Xun, Shu Chang, Tang Yan, director Han Jianu, Zhu Yawen, Luo Jin and others updated dozens of travel photos and some short videos on Weibo last night, and added Aite photographer - Lin Nan.”

"Last night, the second Jackie Chan Action Movie Week of the Magic City International Film Festival concluded successfully; before the awards, Jackie Chan Pictures officially announced for the first time that it signed a film and television agency contract with the popular idol star Wu~~.

Directors Jackie Chan and Feng Xiaogang faced nearly 70 media and hundreds of industry guests and leaders of relevant departments at the scene, expressing high-profile support, proving their innocence and innocence, and accusing and reprimanding the unscrupulous media for harming actors and artists..."

"This morning, Director Guan Ru uploaded several group photos and published a long post in support: 'We are reunited again, looking back at the end of last year and talking all night, the blank sheet of paper is still the same, relieved!

The young jade tree stands in front of the wind and remains motionless while the flying clouds fly across it. This is all wealth! Look up and look into the distance, you must still be as pure as ever!

Borrowing from the old man’s prophecy: Don’t forget that the water in Kunming Pool is shallow, and watching fish is better than Fuchun River’…”

Over the course of one night, someone seemed to have sounded the clarion call for "counterattack." Many celebrities in the film and television entertainment industry responded, including Xu Jinglei, Cui Yongyuan...Su Mang...

News related to Lin Nan, Liu Yifei and nine other people's visit to Disneyland yesterday was flooded with hot searches with a large number of "supporting", "taking sides" and "clearing the ground" press releases.

"The poems of great men are used here without permission, which always gives me a feeling of being blasphemed."

In the morning, at the media conference of "The Murderer", Lin Nan and Ning Hao were whispering in the audience.

"Hey, I saw something even more bizarre this morning. There was a female host who was probably a crazy fan. She actually went on the Internet and shouted: 'Is there any better fan welfare than celebrity sleeping powder?',' Male celebrities who sleep with fans are all living Buddhas! What kind of shameless outlook is this that can be said publicly?”

Ning Hao lowered his voice, as if he had seen a ghost.

"By the way, there is also a well-known female screenwriter in the TV drama industry. Her name is 'Liu Liuliu'. She is even more weird. When we were eating in the morning, our screenwriter Xing was still scolding the fat woman. Just these two circles The celebrity female fans inside are simply extreme.”

Lin Nan didn't pay attention to these minor characters, but he saw Guan Rui's post. It was very literal, and the atmosphere of "positive image" was created quite well!

At this time, Cao Baoping on the stage took the microphone from Zhang Yi, immediately attracting the attention of everyone present, and was about to announce the scheduled schedule.

"I discussed with director Lin Nan that "The Murderer" is not a blockbuster, so it won't be released in a big release.

But in my opinion, it is indeed a great black humor suspense movie. It is a pity and frustration to put it in a small release period.

Finally, after careful consideration for a long time, we decided to put the release date next to the big schedule, that is, in late September before the National Day schedule, on the 20th..."

Above, Cao Baoping was still talking, but Ning Hao had already given Lin Nan a thumbs up:

"Yes, this time! With your appeal, you can grab a wave of the market before the start of the National Day period, and then try your best to wait until the market overflows during the National Day period."

"Well, I have considered this. After all, the starring cast of this movie is indeed not very big, and the cost is only 50 million." Lin Nan smiled bluntly.

While Lin Nan and Ning Hao were chatting in a low voice, someone came running over.

"Director Lin, Director Ning, Director Ren asked me to ask, are you two free at noon? Shanghai Film Academy is hosting..."

The two people looked at each other vaguely. It must be that the "pee escape" incident last night made Ren Zhonglun feel a little "tangled".

The moment they made eye contact, Lin Nan and Ning Hao reached an agreement, and they were indeed too lazy to go.

"Unfortunately, I made an agreement with our big screenwriter before going out in the morning that we would go out to eat our food at noon."

"Me too. Producer Liu called someone and we went out for a dinner at noon."

Ren Zhonglun's secretary was stunned after hearing the two similar polite refusals. He didn't believe there was such a coincidence;

However, due to his strong adaptability in the workplace, the stiff expression on his face only lasted for less than a second before dispersing. He then smiled and catered a few words before retreating.

"Hehe, my wife can be used as an excuse when necessary. Well, what are you doing?" Ning Hao suddenly looked at Lin Nan and asked.

Director Lin took out his phone, turned off airplane mode, and was already editing messages.

"Tell Yifei to inform Shu Chang and Han Jianu that they are having a dinner together at noon. I'll treat you. By the way, remember to take that sister to eat local food, or I'll snitch on you."

"Damn it, you are such a thief, you are so thoughtful!" Ning Hao retorted angrily, making him laugh angrily.

In another large exhibition hall not far from the press conference of "The Chaser", the gift film "The Founding of the Army" was having the last media meeting of the main creative team before the launch, and the specifications were quite grand.

Sitting in the front row of the guest table were almost all heads of state-owned enterprises and public institutions in the film and television industry, as well as CEOs of related film and television companies. There were many official media and big names in the industry gathered at the scene.

Ren Zhonglun is not in a good mood at the moment, because "The Founding of an Army" doesn't have a film role, but he still has to come and praise Pai Kang!

"Director Ren, Director Lin and Director Ning have an appointment at noon..."

The secretary's whisper made Ren Zhonglun, who had no smile to begin with, couldn't help but sigh.

"Forget it, that's just the way he is. What he wants to say and what he wants to express are all contained in this polite refusal.

Most people in the industry and circles are worldly and profit-seeking, so he chose to stay out of sight to avoid making too many enemies. "

On the visual stage, Ren Zhonglun seemed to be murmuring to himself, but the secretary still managed to hear every word clearly. He was really very skilled!

"Producer Liu, I wonder if you and Director Lin are free. Our company is having a dinner party tomorrow night and we would like to invite you two to come..."

Liu Yifei, who had just handed her cell phone to her assistant, checked again and again. She did not recognize the person in front of her, nor did Shu Chang next to her.

Only Han Jianu blinked and looked at the person in front of her looking a little familiar. She must have visited her old Han before!

"Sorry, the movie channel has sent an invitation tomorrow night. We may go to the Media Awards ceremony."

Liu Yifei smiled and politely declined. If someone in the circle you don't know invites you, there must be a purpose.

"That's really unfortunate. By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. Capital Jingxi Culture, Song Ge."

Hearing this name, Han Jianu immediately had an impression, and she had indeed seen it before. Liu Yifei took the business card, glanced at it and handed it to the assistant, then nodded to the person coming.

"I will come visit you later when Director Lin is free, so I won't disturb the three ladies for now."

"Old Han once evaluated him, saying that he is a pure businessman, very smart and ruthless... His company was originally acquired by Jingxi Culture, but in the end he swallowed the elephant..."

Looking at the figure walking away, Han Jianu whispered.

"So powerful?" Shu Chang exclaimed.

"It doesn't matter to us, let's wait and watch the movie. After we're done, we'll go to a dinner party. Lin Nan will treat us, hehe."

Liu Yifei smiled and interrupted the murmurings of the two people next to her. The three of them were attending the premiere of Tang Yan's "The Bounty Hunter".

Two hours later, at around 12:30, Liu Yifei and the other three did not attend the luncheon, but left directly.

At the same time, Song Ge was holding red wine and talking about business with Wu Ershan in the corner of the luncheon.

"At the end of next month. Director Song, by the end of next month at the latest, I can completely complete the script for the "Feng Shen" series."

Wu Ershan vowed that since he got Song Ge's promise at the end of last year, he has been busy with the script for the past six months.

Fortunately, in his "Fengshen" series, there is the original "Fengshen Yanyi" that can be used as a reference, reinterpretation and screenwriting, otherwise it would not be possible to produce three scripts so quickly.

"Okay, end of next month! Don't worry about the funds. You don't need to stress about the budget. Just 'budget' to your heart's content. I'll take care of it for you."

"Enjoy your 'budget'? Pocket it?"

Although Wu Ershan was mentally prepared, these words still sounded so unbelievable to him. There is probably only one director in the industry who can be treated like this by investors, right?

Song Ge looked at Wu Ershan with a smile on his face, "How about I give you 1 billion for the budget of each of the three movies? A talented director should unleash his talents to the fullest..."

"Invest 3 billion!?" Hearing this, Wu Ershan was completely stunned.

"Is it a lot? Wouldn't it be better for us to spend the money to produce the fantasy blockbuster series with the highest investment in Chinese film history? Ning Ying's "Asura" trilogy, doesn't it also have a total budget of more than 20 billion?

Their plan is to shoot one, release one, and then shoot the second, and repeat; how about we just do a set of filming, and shoot three in one go? I happened to request funds from the board of directors for the project all at once..."

Song Ge's voice seemed to be bewitching, making Wu Ershan unable to extricate himself.

Even though he suspected that there was something fishy going on and that Song Ge wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to do something else, he couldn't say no.

"Listen to Director Song!"

"Haha...Okay, just listen to me."

After the laughter, Song Ge continued to "confuse" and said: "Let's talk about director Lin Nan.

You have a close relationship with Lin Nan Pictures, and Director Lin is currently the most influential director and filmmaker in the Chinese film market.

A series with such a large investment like ours needs this kind of partner, it will be even more powerful..."

In one night and one morning, the trend of online public opinion has completely and completely changed.

How could an actor that Jackie Chan favors and sign, a popular idol star supported by so many big names, be "bad"?

The injustice was overturned, and cheers filled the entire Internet. The fans were victorious.

"We're not familiar with each other, so we don't need to talk to each other."

Lin Nan was cutting crab legs while talking to Liu Yifei.

All acquaintances in the circle know that Liu Qianqian lives a very homely life and has a small circle. If he handed her a business card and it was for Lin Nan, wouldn't that be a brain cramp?

She didn't bother to expand her own circle of friends, so she was still expected to interfere with Lin Nan's circle of friends?

"Oh, I'll ask the assistant to throw it away later."

"It's dinner time, let's talk about business. Changchang, hurry up, give me that one, watch me kill it in three strikes."

Han Ga Nyeo, who eats and drinks, is always so big-hearted, but this is also the main reason why everyone likes her.

"You act like this, as if Director Han is not feeding you at home, haha..."

"Oh, I've been like this these past few days, I'm so happy. Let me tell you, in two months at most, I'll be done! Hey, don't grab it, mine..."


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