That year Huayu

Chapter 1023 What is the madness of big capital!

"After ten o'clock last night, director Lin Nan named the crew of the movie "No Other Love" on Weibo and called for a boycott of the film;

He criticized the director for having improper views, eating inside and outside, and using disgusting words. He proposed to ban actor Dai Moumou and actor Mizuhara Kiko, and scolded director Zhao..."

"This morning, Director Ning Hao, Director Guo Fan, Director Lu Yang...Lin Nan Pictures, Enlight Media, Wanda Pictures...Zhou Xun, Shu Chang, Han Jianu, Zhu Yawen, Luo Jin, Zhang Yi Many filmmakers and film and television companies have responded by praising director Lin Nan’s Weibo..."

"As of 8 o'clock this morning, the online public opinion has become even more turbulent due to Director Lin's Weibo comments, and the momentum has once again swept all the creative staff of the "No Other Love" crew."

"In the face of the first condemnation from an authoritative person in the industry, the producer and director of the movie "No Other Love" have not made any relevant response until now."

"The crew has become a quail again? When other great directors scolded you for having crooked buttocks, why didn't you say that they were spreading rumors? Just retaliate!"

"Why don't you publicly warn Director Lin? Sue him and send him a lawyer's letter! Are you bullying the weak and afraid of the strong?"

"What kind of director uses what kind of actors? When the 'flag costume' incident happened, I knew that this woman was not a good person."

"Now I can see that if there is no big boss in the circle who takes the lead to speak out, other people will not dare to offend this group of people at all. Some people even fawn and act as minions like dogs!"

Alibaba Pictures.

Zhang Qiang is now the leader of the two. Before, he just helped Zhao Yanzi suppress public opinion. After all, he was just an ordinary netizen;

But now, can he still ask Weibo to delete Lin Nan's posts? What a ridiculous joke!

"Why did you provoke him? The group is still waiting for Tudou's final financing announcement today."

Looking at Zhao Yanzi, Zhang Qiang did not hide his extremely impatient mood at all. Because it was easy for everyone else in the film and television industry to handle, but it was difficult for Lin Nan to handle it, and she couldn’t handle it at all!

"Mr. Zhang, I have had absolutely no interaction with Director Lin from the beginning to the end, and I have never offended him. God knows why he jumped out to look for trouble?"

Zhao Yanzi also looked anxious. She just wanted to find a solution to deal with this public opinion crisis.

"Then he's just meddling in other people's business!"

Zhang Qiang gritted his teeth and said, but he was helpless, "You can think of a solution yourself and see how you can publicize him. I can't do anything with him."

Hearing this, Zhao Yanzi's heart suddenly lurched, and a very bad premonition came to her.

"I, I, let me go to the school to find connections, right? After all, everyone in the School of Acting and the Department of Directing is considered an alumnus..."

Zhao Yanzi said without confidence, as if to comfort herself, and as if she had found the closest solution.

"Well, it's good. This society is originally a human society. The school is where you and Lin Nan interact the most, and the network of human relationships is intertwined." Zhang Qiang nodded and affirmed.

When someone hurriedly left Alibaba Pictures and rushed to Nortel, it was not a good thing to worry about.

Because Lin Nan was the one who took advantage of him. Not only did he speak sharply, he even got the "big label" on him!

However, although he is not a core member of the Beijing circle, he still plays an important role; even if something like this happens, he will never be abandoned by the circle.

However, it just won't be given up.

"Last time it was about "Old Paoer" and "Bad Angel", this time it's about Director Zhao's movie, and he named me and publicly insulted me? Does he, Lin Nan, really think he can dominate the industry? He wants to do anything. If he gets involved, he really makes everyone afraid of him..."

Looking at the ferocious-looking Guan Fu, the two Wang brothers were speechless, and they kept complaining in their hearts:

"Don't you even know who you are? Are you talking too much on Weibo? Are you comparing your own people to Japanese soldiers? You also posted some photos of Japanese soldiers raising guns. Were they screenshots?"

Although they thought so in their hearts, the two brothers said nothing. After all, everyone was an interest group.

Looking at Feng Xiaogang next to him, there was a hint of disdain in his eyes.

He gave in at the end of last year, not to mention that this time it was you who deliberately hit the muzzle of the gun! You really don’t know what those actors are? Are you still a fucking gentleman?

"Stop complaining. The fact now is that you can't afford to offend Lin Nan!" Wang Zhonglei was a little annoyed and interrupted Guan Xi.

There was a moment of dead silence in the office. The latter opened his mouth, but in the end he could only snort without answering.

"But I can't just respond without saying anything?" After a long time, Guan Xi spoke again.

"With the way Lin Nan scolded you, it is impossible to negotiate peace. There are only two ways now: either you delete the post and give in, or you don't respond and ignore him.

If you choose to fight head-on, you should know the final result: you will be the only one who dies! "

"Besides, you can go back and make plans with her. After all, you supported her movie and that's why you did this." Feng Xiaogang took Wang Zhongjun's words and continued to add, giving suggestions.

After frowning and hesitating for a moment, Guan Rui nodded and made his decision:

"I won't delete the post, and I won't respond. I'll ask her what she thinks again. She's backed by Alibaba, and Lin Nan can't challenge her easily!"

"Well, that's the truth."

For several days, the General Administration has been holding meetings.

All state-owned enterprises in the film and television industry and public institutions in the radio and television system, from top to bottom, from large to small, without exception, have been notified.

There is a so-called "Korean restriction order" in front of the entire industry, which has not been issued yet and will only be decided when the situation becomes clear. But confidentiality must be done well and cannot be leaked!

"It's really not quiet day by day."

As soon as the meeting ended, Ren Zhonglun started joking with Han Sanping, and the former was referring to the things on the Internet.

"It's not quiet, but it's good. Some problems have been put on the table by Lin Nan, and he has made a contribution this time!" Han Sanping nodded and said meaningfully.

Ren Zhonglun heard the words, and the smile on his face disappeared instantly. He asked in astonishment: "You mean? Why is my sense of smell never as sensitive as yours?"

"Yes, some issues are not suitable for official initiation, which can easily destroy unity. But since senior people in the industry have launched a call, it is reasonable for the upper level to respond!

As for your sense of smell not as sensitive as mine? Haha, who made you the chairman of Shanghai Film for too long? You have been in the Magic City for too long. Even La Peikang's sense of smell is more sensitive than yours!"

"You are quite sensitive, but you are still sacrificed?" Although he knew in his heart that Han Sanping was right, Ren Zhonglun still refuted and refused to admit defeat.

"That is the general trend, and I need to sacrifice myself."

After speaking, Han Sanping quickened his pace, and Ren Zhonglun also quickly caught up.

"You mean, the General Administration didn't intervene this time? It doesn't count as 'above'?"

"Yes. Director Tong said that this is not just a matter of the film and television industry. So, there are other departments that are more 'above'..."


"Marriage Story" was officially finished yesterday, so Lin Nan had time today to come to the school to pick up his new appointment letter and professional certificate.

Sitting in Tian Zhuangzhuang's office, Lao Jiang looked at him with a resentful look, like a bullied widow!

"Okay, I didn't offend you. Since I came in, you haven't had a good face for more than ten minutes."

Lin Nan stuffed the appointment letter, documents and other materials that Tian Zhuangzhuang got from the school into his bag, while complaining about Lao Jiang unhappily.

"Haha, you are amazing. The whole morning, the school was saying that there was an internal conflict in our directing department, and Professor Lin was scolding two people. I, the deputy director in charge, was like a monkey, being laughed at."


"Stop laughing, take your things and leave quickly." Tian Zhuangzhuang picked up the teacup and urged with a smile.

"Teacher?" Lin Nan was a little confused.

"If you don't leave now, I'm afraid you will run into someone who is looking for favors. If you say a few more words, then everyone will be embarrassed, because they are all old and weak."

Hearing this, Lin Nan and Lao Jiang reacted immediately, and the old ones are still the best!

"Okay, in order to prevent the directing department from becoming a stage, I will withdraw first."

Lin Nan said with a smile, picked up the luxury handbag that Liu Yifei stuffed into him when he left, and walked straight out of the office;

Lao Jiang followed behind and sent Lin Nan to the parking space.

Until the red Ferrari roared softly and drove towards the school gate, he turned around and walked back with peace of mind.

But the next second, he was stunned. He saw a group of three or four people "rushing" from the direction of the staff dormitory, including Zhao Yanzi.

"Just to send someone off, why are you in such a hurry?"

Seeing Lao Jiang running into the office, Tian Zhuangzhuang said speechlessly.

"Director Tian, ​​you really got it right. Here they come!"

"Who are they? Let me hear."

Tian Zhuangzhuang pressed the exquisite celadon teacup heavily on the table, and his whole spirit instantly changed from being calm just now to sharp.

"Director Wang of the School of Performing Arts, Professor Cui Xinqin, and our department..."

"Zhao Wei's tutor?"

"And she herself."

"Except Xiao Wang, who is less than 50 years old, which of the other two is not about 65? Running around for these trivial things every day..."

"Professor Tian? Director Jiang?" Before Tian Zhuangzhuang finished complaining, greetings were heard outside.

"Go, welcome him in." Tian Zhuangzhuang ordered, which was calculated that he was in school these days.

After a while, the office was full of people. Well, there were only five people.

"Professor Tian, ​​you see, Zhao Wei may have some misunderstandings with Professor Lin, outside..."

"Whether there is a misunderstanding or not, you should go find Lin Nan. Why are you coming to me?"

Tian Zhuangzhuang interrupted Cui Xinqin directly. Although the two entered Beijing Film Academy in the same year, the big director is naturally oppressive to the actors!

"Old Tian, ​​after all, we are all family members..."

"Don't talk to me. I am very lonely. If there is injustice, I will cry it out. If there is no injustice, it is what I deserve. At my age, don't bother me with those trivial things.

To put it bluntly, I have scolded so many people in the school because of Lin Nan's matter before.

Which of those old guys dares to come to me now? The school is trying to be deaf and dumb as much as possible. You three are so good, you are rushing to be scolded, right?"

The four people only said two sentences, and were interrupted twice by Tian Zhuangzhuang, and were humiliated.

Lao Jiang tried hard to hold back his laughter. Zhao Wei's face turned pale and she was extremely embarrassed.

Wang Jinsong, on the other hand, had a calm expression. He just came to watch and didn't want to bother with it, but he had to come.

Only two of Zhao Si's teachers during his undergraduate and master's degree years were "exported" by Tian Zhuangzhuang in a positive way. At this moment, they were extremely aggrieved.

But in this huge Nortel, let alone the two of them, even if the principal comes, Tian Zhuangzhuang can even say a few words.

After all, the principal and Tian Zhuangzhuang were classmates back then, one from the photography department and the other from the directing department, and the former even carried the camera for the latter!

For more than half an hour, in the eyes of Cui Xinqin, Zhao Wei and others, Tian Zhuangzhuang was completely unable to communicate.

Every word he spoke did not contain a single curse word, but it was full of aggression, as if a superior leader was scolding his subordinates.

At around 11 o'clock, the four of them were "sent" out of the office with no shame.

"Xiao Yi, I really can't help you with this matter. The master and apprentice have the same temper, they are too arrogant. They have a wide range of connections in the circle..."

"I, I'll think of a solution when I go back. Thank you, Teacher Cui, tutor, and Director Wang."

Two minutes later, Zhao Wei left in a hurry.

Cui Xinqin and the three of them also left separately. They were scolded by Tian Zhuangzhuang today for nothing, and they might even offend the two great directors.

Among them, Wang Jinsong is really "innocent". Although he is the director of the performance department, at 48 years old, he is still "too young" and can only accompany Cui Xinqin to get scolded!

At noon, the film and television entertainment industry, financial industry and Internet industry have been thinking about something for nearly a month, and finally saw the result - Tudou issued an announcement.

“At 12 noon sharp, Tudou announced the results of its second round of financing:

All major shareholders of the company have unanimously decided to accept Weibo as a new shareholder after the company’s second and final round of financing;

Weibo will invest 3.84 billion yuan to acquire 8% of Tudou’s original shares, and will inject another 334 million yuan in cash, and will continue to provide corresponding resources during Tudou’s future development..."

"It is reported that after Tudou completed its second round of financing, the latest market valuation has reached 48 billion yuan..."

Several industries and nearly a hundred capital parties are all paying attention to Tudou's announcement, and almost everyone is not scolding!

Especially Alibaba. Last time it offered a high price and lost to Penguin. This time it offered a high price and lost to Weibo. Although Alibaba also has shares in Weibo, these two results are completely different in nature!

"We, Ali, are being treated like monkeys!"

"Mr. Zhang, there was a letter from the group saying..."

"say what?"

"Try to protect Director Zhao's movie!"

"Okay, I get it!"

Lin Nan stayed at home with Liu Yifei all day long.

The public opinion about the "bloody storm" outside continues to ferment and brew, setting off waves of storms against "No Other Love".

All kinds of messy calls or messages were also coming to Lin Nan and Liu Yifei, and finally the two of them decisively turned off their phones.

One night passed, June was completely over, and time came to the first day of the second half of the year.

In the morning, when Lin Nan and Liu Yifei were having breakfast, Ning Hao drove over in a car in a hurry.

"Well, it's a coincidence. Do you want to eat some together? I can share some of my xiaolongbao with you."

Lin Nan pointed at the food on the table and joked.

"It's past nine o'clock for breakfast. Among so many friends, I admire you two the most!

All the phones are turned off, and you don’t watch much of the news, right? It’s so bad that I have to come here to tell you two in person, I just can’t bear it..."

Looking at Ning Hao who was sitting there in a very emotional state, Lin Nan and Liu Yifei both noticed something strange. Something happened?

"We don't watch the news much. What's wrong, Director Ning?" Liu Yifei asked proactively.

"What on earth is going on, why bother you to come to our house now?" Lin Nan stuffed another small steamed bun into his mouth and asked.

"What happened? Something shocking!" Ning Hao looked at Lin Nan and Liu Yifei with undisguised excitement in his eyes.

"Hurry up!" Director Lin became impatient.

"Haha, Jack Ma's side is awesome! Weibo's side is even crazier! I've finally seen what the madness of big capital is, and I'm really desperate for my life!"

"If you don't say it, don't say it. It will affect my mood while eating."

"Yeah, tell me quickly." Liu Yifei put down the milk and nodded in agreement with Lin Nan.

Ning Hao adjusted his thoughts and spoke very seriously:

“Yesterday afternoon, the top group in the group posted an article on the official WeChat account, focusing on this matter.

The entire long article sorted out the ins and outs of the incident, and also listed many screenshots of the actor's previously reported news, as well as the three new films he participated in that will be released in the mainland.

At the end of the article, there is a summary: When we look at a person, we don’t look at what he says, but at what he does! "

"Is this a statement?" Lin Nan asked subconsciously. He knew which "group" Ning Hao was talking about!

"It's a subtle statement. But do you know how Weibo handles it?" Ning Hao whetted the appetite of the two of them.

"Come on, if you keep telling riddles, I'll tell that sister about how you hid your private money." Lin Nan threatened.

"What? Hiding private money?" Liu Yifei's eyes lit up and she smiled maliciously at Ning Hao.

"I didn't. Lin Nan is talking nonsense and slandering me!" After denying it three times, Ning Hao continued:

"But less than half an hour after the long article was posted, it was blocked by Weibo and could not be opened at all! The Internet was in a mess, and everyone said it was a "public relations"! As for who did it, everyone knew it in their hearts!"

Lin Nan couldn't help swallowing his saliva. Everyone must know who did this kind of thing. What kind of capital does Zhao Yanzi rely on?

In addition to the instructions of the major shareholder, what other reasons can make Weibo take such a risk? !

"I now admire your behavior of investing in Weibo! It's unimaginable that Weibo dares to block posts from that department!"

For a moment, Lin Nan couldn't tell whether Ning Hao really envied him or was mocking him. But this matter does sound quite creepy!


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