That year Huayu

Chapter 1027: Multiple departments made strong statements and the final conclusion was reached!

Lin Nan hadn't noticed before that after last year's Lunar New Year release of "Bad Angels," this would be the second time that Ray would face off against Hua Yi's film.

Previously, there was "Bad Angel" controlled by Enlight and "Old Paoer" exclusively produced by Huayi, and this time it is "Big Fish and Begonia" co-invested by Enlight and "Rock Tibetan Mastiff" controlled by Huayi.

The most interesting thing is: the former invested 30 million US dollars, and Ray was the only issuer; the latter invested 60 million US dollars, and Huayi was the only issuer.

Both are animated movies, and they were released on the same day!

No matter how you look at it, this is much livelier and more topical than last year’s head-to-head confrontation;

Because this time, there is an uncertain factor between the two - Wanda.

There have been faint rumors, or rumors, in the industry: Wanda Cinemas will "block" movies produced by Huayi.

"Banned? That's not the case.

Most of the domestic movie theaters are not very optimistic about the market appeal of Huayi's "Rock Tibetan Mastiff". In contrast, "Big Fish and Begonia" is full of gimmicks and the market expectations are higher.

Therefore, the overall filming rate of Huayi's movie is foreseeable and will not be high.

Under such circumstances, it would be unwise and a waste of energy for our Wanda Cinemas to do something like that again. If you want to do it, you have to do something big, right? So disgusting, disgusting, over there..."

On the morning of the 4th, the premiere ceremonies of "Big Fish and Begonia" and "Rock Tibetan Mastiff" were held simultaneously.

This time is different from last year's Lunar New Year festival. The number of first- and second-tier guests in the industry on both sides was basically evenly split, instead of Huayi's side having the absolute upper hand before.

The reason lies in the blessing of light and "Big Fish and Begonia" by many external factors such as Tudou, Wanda, and "The Return of the Great Sage".

Liu Xiaobin and Wang Changtian joked that Wanda would give "Big Fish and Begonia" a higher filming rate and quantity than market expectations, as well as some prime filming time.

As for Huayi's "Rock Tibetan Mastiff"? Haha, Wanda will not “block”;

However, on the basis of its low overall film scheduling rate, 70% to 80% of its film schedules will be placed in "specific time periods". This will also be a trial to prepare for the next time!

"My Director Lin, didn't you say you should keep a low profile and not show up these days? Why did you come here again on a whim today?" Wang Changtian turned his head and looked at Lin Nan with a smile on his face.

"I answered a phone call yesterday morning. No need to keep a low profile. Well, I'm in a good mood." Lin Nan smiled pointedly.

"Ali and that movie?" Wang Changtian reacted instantly.

"I didn't say anything."

Although it was just a few words, Liu Xiaobin and Ning Hao all guessed it, and they were looking forward to it for a while.

At the premiere, the short social time for the guests was over; everyone took their seats one after another, and the big screen slowly came down and lit up.

"Big Fish and Begonia", which is said to have started from a dream of the director and took 12 years to be produced, has officially begun screening.

Before coming this morning, Liu Yifei couldn't help but remind Lin Nan: Putting aside the plot, the movie is really beautiful, with pictures, music, texture...

Next door, the premiere of "Rock Mastiff" was held.

Deyunshe and Feng Xiaogang formed the Chinese dubbing team for this film. At this moment, these creators have begun to be interviewed by the media, quoting classics and talking freely.

However, Ye Ning, who was sitting in the executive position below, frowned slightly;

"Rock Tibetan Mastiff" is the first blockbuster film controlled and distributed by Huayi after he joined Huayi with a large number of middle-level managers.

Based on his understanding of his old club, it is difficult to say that there will be no obstacles there... But fortunately, he is not the person in charge of Huayi's distribution business.

But then again, once Wanda really gets into trouble, no matter what, the root cause still lies with him. This cannot be denied!

"Don't worry, Mr. Ye. Our "Rock Tibetan Mastiff" took 6 years and was created by the Hollywood team, and its quality speaks for itself.

Since Lin Nan Pictures' "The Return of the Great Sage" sounded the clarion call for the rise of domestic animated films, the animated film market has been completely revived, and quality is king.

All the dirty tricks are just trivial and cannot be used on the big stage. In addition, the distribution department is also working at full capacity..."

Wang Zhonglei obviously saw Ye Ning's thoughts and comforted him. He and Wang Zhongjun both understand the principle of not using people who are suspicious and not questioning people when they are employed.

And during this period, facts have proven that Ye Ning is indeed a top professional manager in the industry with outstanding abilities.

So Huayi did not regret spending a lot of money to recruit people, and even offended Wanda for it... Even the two brothers felt that it was a bit late to recruit people.

"Just be prepared for everything."

Ye Ning heard the sound and nodded. But the worry in his heart did not dissipate.

"What do you think of this movie?" After the screening, there was a luncheon. Wang Changtian raised his glass of red wine to Lin Nan and asked with a smile.

There was constant chatter and laughter around, and the clear and melodious clashing of crystal cups was even more frequent.

Lin Nan put down the chopsticks in his hands and was instructing the waiter to bring him a well-cooked steak;

After hearing Wang Changtian's question, he immediately looked at him and joked hesitantly: "Do you want to hear the truth or a lie, Mr. Wang?"

The smile on Lao Wang's face suddenly froze, and his voice became softer: "Then let's tell lies first."

"A great movie. It beats "The Return of the Monkey King" instantly. 1 billion is no problem!" Lin Nan commented seriously.

"Speak human language."

"The images, music, Chinese elements, freehand ink painting, costumes, architecture, the mixture of various ancient myths and classics, and other elements are all perfect and top-notch.

But compared with the previous perfect points, the plot is two extremes; the former is in the sky, the latter is on the ground, no, the plot is underground!"

"Stop talking!"

The two people's whispering voices stopped abruptly, as if they had never had this exchange. And Lin Nan's well-done steak also came up at this time.


The film market has entered the summer season, and the summer season in July is also the time when major art schools determine the enrollment list and issue notices on the official online education system.

When it comes to art exams, the most eye-catching is always the performance department. The three major art schools are even more efficient, and the top of their respective performance departments have already come out.

At noon, several child stars who participated in the art exam this year posted screenshots of the admission notice text messages and the online education system.

Guan Xiaotong ranked first in both professional and cultural subjects in the Performance Department of Beijing Film Academy; Zhang Xingying ranked first in both professional and cultural subjects in the Performance Department of the Central Academy of Drama.

The first place in the Performance Department of the two major art schools in the capital are all well-known child stars, only the one in the Shanghai Theatre Academy is a pure amateur. This result was unexpected in the industry, but it was also reasonable.

Because the Shanghai Theatre Academy is always the last choice for child stars, and it is also the last choice for most art students who want to apply to the three major art schools;

I just didn’t expect that this year’s Beijing Film Academy and the Central Academy of Drama would eat up all the child stars, without a single one leaking out! The entrance to this circle is getting smaller and smaller.

As Lin Nan, who was just promoted to a senior professor at the Beijing Film Academy, the school did not leave him out after confirming the enrollment list for the 16th grade.

Just as I got home in the afternoon, the phone call came.

"The school asked me to ask if you have any idea to start a class this school year? You know, you are a golden sign. Many students are thinking about you, including the batch that will enter the school in September."

"I don't have time for ideas at the moment."

Lin Nan collapsed on the sofa, picked up the "coal ball" next to him and hugged it in his arms;

A pair of different-colored vertical pupils looked at him, and then a crisp "meow" sounded, and she rubbed her head lazily in his arms.

"Don't have time for ideas? Your reason is really novel. Okay, I'll reply for you. If you are free and have ideas, tell me again, anyway, there are two semesters."

Lao Jiang didn't force it. He was just here to go through the process. After all, who would have a problem with his brain and like to go to work?

"Then let's talk about it later. Anyway, I'm very busy recently." Lin Nan urged the other party to hang up the phone. He was a little sleepy and wanted to take a nap.

"Then see you later."

"Yes, see you later."

Not long after, Director Lin fell asleep on the sofa; and Liu Yifei seemed to be still walking outside and would not be back for a while.


After nearly a week, all the negative opinions about "No Other Love" on the Internet have disappeared completely and are completely invisible.

Ninety-nine percent of the indignant netizens were also "washed" over and over again by the large number of headlines and hot searches every day, and their attention was successfully diverted.

And through this incident, the film and television entertainment industry has also fully realized the power of "big capital", that is, the ability to manipulate public opinion.

This method undoubtedly makes countless film and television companies in the industry yearn for it, and makes countless actors and artists "excited". What is a big mountain? This is it!

For a whole afternoon, many people from the General Administration, the Film Bureau, China Film, Shanghai Film, including Han Sanping, were still not quiet.

I went to the General Political Department yesterday and came to Ziguangge today. It took a whole day to "cooperate".

At around five o'clock, when the sunset dyed half the sky red, the group ended their two-day trip and left the building built in the Zhengde period in several cars.

"Is this the end?"

Ren Zhonglun and Han Sanping were in the same car, and he muttered to ask.

"It seems so. If nothing unexpected happens, it will be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow." Han Sanping nodded, with a hint of meaning.

"It is indeed time to strike hard. Private capital dares to control public opinion in this way, and even blocks and deletes official posts. It is simply lawless.

When the meeting just ended, they were still making fun of themselves, saying that they didn't know whether their manuscripts would be banned?"

"Is that self-mockery? Didn't you hear the 'violent spirit' and 'murderous spirit' in that sentence?" Han Sanping asked back with a smile.

"I heard it, how could I not hear it."

Speaking of this, Ren Zhonglun paused, then looked at Han Sanping thoughtfully, "I'm afraid Weibo will also be interviewed? After all, it's the platform that blocked the posts in the group!"

"Well, this is inevitable."

"Do you want to remind Lin Nan? He is a large shareholder of Weibo, 12 points."

After Ren Zhonglun finished speaking, the car instantly became unusually quiet. Han Sanping frowned unconsciously, and shook his head after a moment:

"No need to remind him, he is a smart man. Since Weibo did that thing, he should have known what the result would be."

"Well, okay."


I don't know why Lin Nan slept very well this night, even though he had slept for several hours yesterday afternoon. Well, the cat in his arms slept with him.

In the morning, the birds singing and the cats and dogs barking outside could not reach the room at all.

Director Lin and Liu Yifei continued to stay in bed, and both of their mobile phones were turned off.

The two of them were clinging to each other and immersed in sweet dreams. They had no idea how busy it was outside, but the people outside were anxious to death.

Many people who hurriedly called Lin Nan and Liu Yifei were stopped by the sentence "The number you dialed has been turned off." In the end, they could only complain or curse.

Yes, something big is going on out there.

The entire film and television entertainment industry was in chaos and noisy; the news media industry was also in an uproar; the relevant top capital remained silent because they did not dare to speak.

Looking at the Internet, there is a whole scene of excitement and cheers. Countless netizens have "won"!

The reason for this huge impact is that the higher-ups publicly intervened in the "problems" of the film "No Other Love" crew and all related creative staff, naming and characterizing certain people, certain things, certain capital and such issue, and multiple top departments and units expressed their stance together!

"At nine o'clock this morning, the National Defense News published an article on the front page: "The casting hurts national sentiments, and netizens voiced their voice to boycott the film."

"It is reported that the long article described in detail the whole story of the public opinion storm of the movie "No Other Love", emphasizing the public's reasonable and legitimate doubts and anger about the film. The film studio, director, and actors still refused to die despite the overwhelming and irrefutable evidence. Admit it, and the path will lead to darkness..."

"Intercepted and reproduced the original text of "National Defense News":

As early as two months ago, sporadic people reported actor issues and left messages to protest on the film director's Weibo.

But for more than two months, many netizens left messages on her Weibo to protest, but she had no response other than deleting the posts. It was not until the public outcry a few days ago that she responded.

But the few hundred words it contained did not respond to the hotly debated points among netizens. Instead, it reminded everyone of the public opinion storm in 2001.

In this incident, her behavior once again made the people of the country sad.

National feelings cannot be blasphemed, whether it is for ‘art’ or other lofty reasons, or for real interests such as ‘market’ or ‘box office’;

In short, any behavior that hurts national sentiments will be opposed and boycotted by sober people, and will further distance themselves from ‘art’ and ‘box office’.

Although art has no national boundaries, artists have nationality and national attributes, and need to respect public sentiment and moral foundation; and patriotism is always the most basic ethics.

The military will never tolerate behavior that dares to challenge the bottom line of the masses and the country..."

"The real-name authentication official of "Zi~ge" reprinted the full text of "National Defense News" on its microblog and added:

It is hoped that the competent authorities in the film and television culture industry will come up with the results and will never condone anyone involved in this incident. Through this incident, we should also clarify the laws and regulations to apply to all such incidents and such filmmakers, actors, literary and artistic workers in the future..."

"The National Cultural Security and Ideology Construction Research Center, a subsidiary of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, proposed that all such artists should be prohibited from entering the country and all works in which they participate should be prohibited from being disseminated domestically."

"The official Weibo of "Zi~ge" Aite's official Weibo joked: You don't need to repost and comment, I'm afraid you will be deleted again!"

"At 9:30 in the morning, the relevant departments formally interviewed Weibo..."


I slept until I woke up naturally, and then the Internet was already in a "sky is falling and the earth is falling" scene.

This was Lin Nan's inner thought at the moment, but he didn't think it was a big deal at all. Instead, he was quite excited to watch the fun!

The most excited people on the Internet are naturally those netizens who have been outraged. At this moment, everyone is mocking the movie in a weird way, mocking the director, actors and producers.

"It's over now, right? Everyone will die!"

"You've already been called out by the mouthpiece of that kind of department. Where are you going to run if you don't die? Those two actors are permanently banned, and the director is not a good person. There is probably no future."

"If you want to investigate, you must investigate the capital behind her. How dare you control public opinion so blatantly and delete posts so arbitrarily?"

"A group of people are going to end their fun this time, right? They even called us an 'internet mob'!"

"Where's the surname Guan? How to deal with this guy? This guy is the most disgusting person!"

"Although I don't want to admit it, I still have to say that the guy named Guan did escape. It's disgusting."


When Lin Nan went out to the company, the major film and television companies in the industry were still in a hurry, all because of the "strong statements" of many heavyweight departments above!


Wang Zhongjun looked so flustered for the first time and urged Wang Zhonglei:

"Go and notify him and ask him to delete his Weibo immediately, keep a low profile and don't make any noise. In addition, the comment function is also turned off. It's best to pretend to be dead during this period! From now on, all the filmmakers, actors and entertainers that the group wants to cooperate with , especially those outside the Mainland, please do your homework!”

"Brother, are we really going to cut it across the board this time?" Wang Zhonglei still didn't want to believe it. There were many such things before, but...

"Even the National Defense News published a long article like that, and even said the words 'the military will never tolerate'. What do you think?"

Wang Zhongjun said in an indifferent voice, staring at Wang Zhonglei.

Although Huayi also has many gray areas, he is still unwilling to touch the core bottom line. After all, his family background can be regarded as "rooted and prosperous"!

As for others...if they don't have any interests, they won't care...just like someone.

"Okay, I'll go now."


Someone was so frightened that she never thought that this matter would become so big and serious.

She originally thought that if she suppressed it, it would be fine, but...who would have thought that all the units that she didn't even dare to think about suddenly jumped out!

"Mr. Zhang, what should we do now? The above has already..."

Zhang Qiang looked at someone who looked frightened and embarrassed, and for a moment he felt quite contemptuous.

That is to say, Director Ma thinks she is still useful. Otherwise, why would a stupid actress... be a "female Buffett"? hehe!

However, thinking of the call he just received, Zhang Qiang reluctantly showed a smile on his face and comforted:

"Don't be so afraid. The higher-ups didn't explicitly say what they're going to do to you? They just made it clear that they would ban those two actors and artists of this type.

The company will represent the film studio, and you, the director, also need to come forward together. Let’s issue an apology statement first, shake off the responsibility, and say that we didn’t do a good job in advance... The crew will change the actors and reshoot it later! "

Hearing Zhang Qiang's "calm" tone and answer, someone instantly felt relieved.

"Then when I go back, will someone immediately send me an apology statement?"

"No, what does it look like to post an apology statement today? The big battle above has just come down, and when we post it now, it feels like we are just doing an errand.

We will issue a statement tomorrow, which means that we have a day of deep introspection and reflection at today’s meeting, and we have deeply realized our mistakes...

It is best for the apology statement to be sincere and attentive, so as not to be caught by netizens again and stir up public opinion. These people are very good at causing trouble..."

Zhang Qiang glanced at the person in front of him and emphasized. The contempt in his heart became even stronger, she was just a brainless female star.

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Zhang, I will listen to you. And what about Ma...Dong's side, financial matters?"

Someone asked about another thing, this time it is the most important thing in the second half of this year.

"The plan remains unchanged, just do what you want. The group will support you when necessary."

"Okay, I understand, Mr. Zhang."

After hearing Zhang Qiang's words, someone who had been looking pale just now suddenly felt a flush of excitement on his face.


Lin Nan, who was sitting in the office, was really busy because his mobile phone was turned on.

"This is a complete ban, because it is shouted by the two most powerful mouthpieces, which represents the will of those two places!

The red-headed document from the year before last was completely incomparable to this one. Even though no document was released this time, only Wen Zhang was published in the internal journal, it is different. This time it is the final word, and it will be the same in the future. Deal with it this way! "

Han Sanping said in a serious tone, as if he was teaching Lin Nan something.

"I understand, Director Han."

"Lin Nan, this is not a matter of understanding or not, you have to be sensitive, this means that we will become stronger and stronger on certain issues;

And once we become strong, some people will definitely look down upon us. Then provocation, targeting and suppression will inevitably follow...

Where is the reaction? I won’t talk about the big aspects, but the small aspects must be reflected in all walks of life!

The high-tech industry certainly has it, but what about the film and television culture industry? You must know that this is an industry that exports culture to foreign countries and establishes a positive image, so it is naturally targeted and suppressed..."

Lin Nan was really stunned. This... was indeed a mountain eagle, a top boss who had dominated the film and television culture industry for many years! This sense of smell is simply invincible!

"The shares you own in Hollywood's Crystal Pictures shouldn't be the 55% they say to the outside world, right?"

Suddenly, Han Sanping changed the topic again, and Lin Nan was immediately confused by the question. The day finally came, the day when it was revealed? !

"What does Director Han mean? I don't understand." Lin Nan decided to continue pretending.

"Haha, don't pretend to me! When I was pretending, you were still peeing and playing in the mud in the northwest." Han Sanping sneered, and then changed to his usual tone:

"I only realized this in the past two years. If you only have 55% of the shares, although you have absolute say, you can't let that fat man fawn over you like a mangy dog, especially Yifei!"

"Oh, damn Tom!" Lin Nan cursed in his heart.

"Okay, you guessed it right, keep it a secret for me." Director Lin stopped pretending.

"How many?"


There was silence on both ends of the phone for a moment, but after a few seconds, Han Sanping cursed: "I fucked your uncle, who are you trying to protect? You have fooled me for so many years..."

"Isn't it because I didn't have enough strength before, and I'm afraid that you would be annoying me to death if you nudge me to start big projects and co-production projects all day long..." Now that he had said it, Lin Nan started joking.

"You are now fully fledged, but why are you still hiding it?"

"Isn't this a habit of hiding? If you hadn't exposed it, Director Han, I could have continued to hide, haha..."

Amid Lin Nan's laughter, the other end of the phone fell silent again.

After a long time, a reminder came, with a very sincere tone: "As I just said, be careful outside, you may be targeted!"

"I understand, thank you, Director Han." Lin Nan was stunned for a second, and then replied sincerely.

Three minutes later, the two hung up the phone.

Lin Nan was the only one in the huge office. He couldn't help but sigh. Han Sanping had really taken good care of him over the years.

"Boss Han, I will return your leaky cotton jacket for your favor, haha..."

Lin Nan smiled and shook his head, talking to himself.


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