That year Huayu

Chapter 128 Zhang Yi is signed, and the filming of the male protagonist’s scenes begins

At the aerospace training center, Zhang Yi's coquettish look made Lin Nan very uncomfortable.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"That's right, Director Lin, you see, I have been acting in film and television works, starting with "Soldiers Assault" and ending with "The Martian".

I am really grateful for such a big production to give me a newcomer. Otherwise, the company should sign me. What do you think? "

Lin Nan sighed in his heart, he really underestimated this young man with thick eyebrows and small eyes.

This idea of ​​climbing along the pole is very clear.

"If I sign you, I will have to take care of you later and find resources..."

Lin Nan said with a serious face.

Zhang Yi frowned, he really didn't want to miss this opportunity.

Currently, he is still working in the drama troupe. He was lucky enough to be chosen by Lin Nan to join the crew of "The Martian". He thought it would be best if he could join him in the future. The leader of the drama troupe also supported his idea.

"Director Lin, I'm not picky. As long as I have a job, I'll be absolutely serious about acting, I promise." Zhang Yi had a serious expression on his face.

"Why, you still want to write me a letter of challenge like you wrote to Director Kang?" Lin Nan smiled.

"Haha, don't talk about this."

"Let's do this. You go to my company to find Yue Jun, and I will say hello to him. You are the first one." Lin Nan said coldly.

Zhang Yi was stunned for a moment, then grinned. "Thank you, Director Lin, I will not let you down, hehe." After saying that, he turned around and ran away.

Lin Nan has been talking about signing people before, but there has been no movement. Zhang Yi is very suitable, a pure actor.

"The first one is considered open."

In September, film competition is much fiercer.

"The Banquet" rushed to Venice with great excitement, but was criticized by many foreign film critics as being neither fish nor fowl.

It not only fails to tell the story of the East, but also makes "Hamlet" look dry.

"Baby Project", "The Banquet", and "Tuya's Marriage" took the lead, and more than a dozen movies began to promote the melee.

News came back from Hongya that the outline of the Mars base has been completed and is under full construction.

The drawings of the aerospace and extraterrestrial exploration vehicles and props in the script were designed by the Aviation Science and Engineering team and delivered to professional companies more than ten days ago. The first magically modified Mars rover has already been released.

Jing Tian did what he said. He trained very hard and got along well with other people. The key was to be polite. His brothers and sisters kept shouting.

"The Golden Jacket" is preparing for the Olympics. The ending song "Chrysanthemum Terrace" specially composed by Jay Chou has been exposed on the Internet. I heard that the number of downloads is increasing rapidly.

"Tiantian, remember to sign up this time." Lin Nan reminded kindly.

"Yes, I can do it, Director Lin." Jing Tian wiped the sweat from his forehead and almost called him Brother Lin.

Liu Yifei, who originally said she no longer had to run for promotions, flew to Shanghai again just because the data from Sony's overseas distribution department came out.

In half a month, Liu Yifei's mainland record sales reached more than 300,000. This figure has already approached those of top professional singers and defeated many popular singers.

Lin Nan didn't go to the premiere of "The Night Banquet" at first, but he paid attention to the news after its release.

Feng Xiaogang's dream of an epic blockbuster was shattered. The serious-themed Oriental version of "Hamlet" made the audience laugh from beginning to end.

In the words of the media: The lines in "The Banquet" can compete with "The Promise"!

Perfunctory, artificial, vulgar, pretentious...

"Director Lin, I think this is definitely a pornographic accent."

At the Aerospace Training Center, everyone read the report after taking a break.

What Liu Ye was talking about were certain lines in "The Night Banquet": After tonight, if you have a sister-in-law, what else will you do?

There are some other dialogues, Ge You's: "Our great country is based on integrity", "You are the queen, you are the mother of the world, and you sleep under the quilt."

All these turned an epic blockbuster with serious themes into a comedy.

"I heard that Director Feng has been keeping a low profile recently and was hit hard." Huang Xiaoming added with a smile.

"It's hard to tell about the box office. Foreign media reviews are very low. I guess the copyright is not sold very much either. The cost is 20 million US dollars."

Lin Nan said something and looked at Hu Jun again.

"Senior Brother Hu Jun, you have to go to Hongya with me in advance. The living cabin for growing potatoes for you has been repaired.

For the sake of authenticity, you really have to plant potatoes once, and shooting this section in advance can save a lot of time. "

"No problem, you continue to practice, and I will go to Mars to plant crops, haha."

Hu Jun agreed and showed off to others.

Hu Jun is already a tall man. During this period, he not only required various trainings, but also studied some cultural classes without stopping, and the results were very good.

Now I am very happy to hear that his role can be brought forward.

"Director Lin, how much longer do we have to practice? I've vomited all my nutritious meals recently and my arms have become thicker." Liu Ye said, holding up the dumbbells.

"Looking at it like this, it will take at least half a month. Although the infrastructure construction there is much faster than planned, it will still take almost half a month."

The next day, Lin Nan, Hu Jun, and part of the behind-the-scenes filming team took the opportunity to set off from the capital.

The media followed up and reported on the movements of Lin Nan and others.

"The crew of "The Martian" is about to start filming some scenes. Director Lin Nan and starring Hu Jun are the first to set off for the Hongya area. The rest of the actors are still staying at the aerospace training center on standby..."

After landing, we transferred to the bus. The further we walked, the more desolate and inaccessible it became. Gradually, Danxia landforms began to appear around us.

The red hills, soil and desert look vast, without a trace of greenery or vitality. The sky seems infinitely high and vast, and the ground seems like an endless sea of ​​sand. The wind and sand blow by, filling you with a sense of loneliness.

"This place is incredible..."

Hu Jun and many behind-the-scenes staff were looking out through the car window, their eyes full of shock. Lin Nan was also shocked when he came for the first time.

I don’t know how long I walked before a group of buildings made of steel structures similar to shipping containers appeared, and some construction vehicles and personnel could be faintly seen.

Several buses stopped and began to move things. The house where the crew lived was about four to five hundred meters away from the filming cabin. It was also a board house.

"Please, everyone, please let us have a good celebration after the filming is completed in the past few months." Lin Nan said encouragingly.

Various equipment and props began to be arranged in an orderly manner in preparation for the next shooting.

Hu Jun followed Lin Nan to visit these "Mars living cabins", "experimental cabins", "work cabins", etc. at close range. The various internal displays were also arranged according to the suggestions given by the Aviation Science and Engineering team, striving to be the most scientific and reasonable. ,rigorous.

The next day, all the equipment was in place and filming began.

As the protagonist who was dropped on Mars and could die at any time due to the collapse of the oxygen concentrator, horizontal press, water circulation system, etc., he began a journey of survival through hardship and joy.

First, count all the supplies in the living cabin and calculate how long the food reserves can last for you.

Recording life recording videos again and again that may be the last time...

Until, the protagonist played by Hu Jun found the bag of vacuumed raw potatoes in the suitcase of a teammate and colleague.

The most inspiring and hilarious farming session in the entire movie begins.

There is no place that the Chinese people cannot conquer. As long as they have a piece of land and some seeds, they can plant a tomorrow.

This is ingrained in the DNA, not to mention the male protagonist is a botanist.


"Brother Hu is even more disgusted with this organic fertilizer. He is disgusting when he thinks that this is the excrement accumulated by himself and his colleagues for several months.

You can't really change it to that thing and let you mix it with your hands, right? Ha ha……"

"Stop talking, I understand." Hu Jun stopped quickly.

Liu Yifei firmly refused her mother's arrangement at this time.

"I don't want to go to school. I have to wait for the last audition for "The King of Kung Fu". Even if I don't succeed, Lin Nan will arrange a role for me. Why should I go to further studies?"

No one expected that Liu Yifei's album sales would be so good. The high popularity and huge fan base accumulated by the TV series were fully reflected at this moment.

"You really don't want to go? Your uncle Chen and I both think Sony's suggestion is very good. How many people can achieve such good results in all aspects like you in the three-dimensional development of film, television and singing? It only takes more than a year, and it doesn't delay the filming in between. …”

"I won't go, I'm fine now."

Liu Yifei refused again.

Liu Xiaoli didn't expect her daughter to refuse so simply. She was very obedient in the past.

"Go to the United States to further your studies. If you think about it, it's all for your own good. Sony people say that the sales of this Mandarin album this month will most likely exceed 600,000..."

Liu Yifei turned her head away and covered her ears.

"You kid."

Lin Nan was filming Hu Jun's scene in Hongya, and Tom called and said that Wen Tsai-ren's "Happy Death Day" had been completed and Lionsgate was interested in taking over the distribution.

"Then give it to them. Let James set the release date and let me know when the time comes."

Lin Nan will give Wen Tsairen full autonomy, but I think the best time to release it would be during the last few months of the year, especially since there are several foreign festivals.

Over in South Korea, "New World" is also in post-production, but we just don't know when is the best time to finalize it.

Hu Jun wore a spacesuit weighing several dozen kilograms and pushed a trolley to transport the Martian soil back and forth to artificially create a land where plants could grow.

Moisture supply uses hydrogen and oxygen ignition method. Unfortunately, I exploded once because I ignored the effects of my own breath.

For the sake of authenticity, this part was shot in real life, and Hu Jun is very dedicated.

When filming this section, Lin Nan asked the professional team to conduct safety verifications no less than twenty times to be ready to deal with possible unexpected dangers.

Fortunately, the explosion scene and the successful ignition of hydrogen gas to produce water were successfully filmed in the end.

Liu Xiaoli took her daughter for the last audition.

This time there were many people around the director. In addition to Minkoff, there were also people from the screenwriter and market research department.

After Liu Yifei left with Liu's mother, someone said, "This girl is Crystal Liu. She is currently the most popular girl here, with high popularity and a large number of fans.

The album Sony created for her is said to be able to sell 600,000 copies this month, and New Line's recent "Journey to the Center of the Earth" featured her in it, which was recommended by Chinese investors. "

"The Silver Bear director who had a falling out with 20th Century Fox?"

"Yes, they are classmates, and Lin is also a friend of our Lions Gate." Another person said.

"Well, she could have been on the final selection list."

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