That year Huayu

Chapter 271 Stop the project

When filming "Painted Skin 1", Pei Rong's temperament was gentle, a good wife and a loving mother.

Zeng Li and Chen Minghao recommended Mei Ting to Lin Nan.

Now filming "Painted Skin 2".

Mei Ting couldn't get the right schedule, but his temperament didn't match, and then Zeng Li came.

"I said, you are really a family that helps each other."

Lin Nan looked at Zeng Li in front of him and made a joke.

"Director Lin was joking. It was Mei Zi who persuaded me to ask, saying that if it wasn't appropriate to complete the sequel for her, just forget it, haha."

Judging from his appearance, Zeng Li does have a heroic spirit.

If she is asked to play the second female lead, Princess Jing, it should be okay.

"This drama is different from the role of Mei Ting in "Painted Skin 1".

She only had literary dramas at that time, but in this film, there are many martial arts and other dramas. "

Lin Nan reminded.

"Director Lin, you are looking down on me a bit."

Zeng Li could tell that she had hope.

Lin Nan remembered that when filming "Time Cruise", Zeng Li had many violent scenes.

He shook his head and said with a smile: "Don't underestimate me, come and sign the contract when the time comes.

The movie will start shooting this month, so I will go back and meet director Wu Ershan in advance. "

"No problem, thank you, Director Lin."

When it comes to casting, Lin Nan still prefers to use acquaintances, because they know the basics and are convenient.


"Ip Man 2" can be described as an explosion.

How can I put it, the audience may need a perfect hero who can not only fight but also take care of his family.

Ip Man in the movie just meets this requirement.

""Ip Man 2" received 94 million in 6 days, and the box office exceeded 100 million in the first week..."

Regarding the performance of this film, Lin Nan Pictures is much more low-key and will just split the accounts when the time comes.

It's different at Yinghuang. More than a dozen drafts are sent out almost every day.

Guo Degang became a director and starring for the first time.

I wonder if Deyunshe has spent all the money it has earned in the past two years.

The premiere was really big, and many celebrities came to support it.

When answering questions from reporters at the scene, he bluntly stated that the box office would exceed that of "Ip Man 2".

Lin Nan really had no impression of this movie.

But he knew that the audience would most likely not be interested in Tang Bohu, who was dark, fat and short.

as expected.

After "Three Smiling Talents and Beautiful Women" was released on the first day, the media did not even give the first-day box office data.

I just made a general statement: the box office on the first day was less than 600,000.

Many netizens are ridiculing.

"Those who do duo dance make movies, those who talk about cross talk make movies, and those who cross over are all bad movies..."

Sometimes, audiences are not so easy to fool.

Guo Degang's movie, which cost two million US dollars, was wasted.

Wu Ershan came to the company.

"Director Lin, I have already found the other actors from the film studio.

Once the costume props are in place, the crew can officially start filming. "

Wu Ershan was a little excited when he said this.

Lin Nan could tell that the other party was a little impatient.

"How long will it take to get to Xiying and Ningying?"

Those two companies are responsible for the design and production of costume props.

"Because I have the foundation from the first part, I can finish it in ten days at most."

Lin Nan calculated the time, and it was almost the middle of the month.

"Then it will start on the 20th."



"The news I heard from Ying Huang is that many managements have said that they will produce "Ip Man 3"."

The agent said with a smile on his face.

After these two movies, Donnie Yen has become a stable first-line action star and is very popular.

The most recent endorsement quotes have reached eight figures a year. And there are a lot of advertising solicitations.

"What does Director Yang mean?"

Zhen Zidan asked, nodding his head, with a "successful and famous" smile on his face.

"I'm probably considering the quotation for you, haha..."

As soon as the agent finished speaking, he suddenly thought of something and his face instantly darkened.

"We have to take the initiative this time, they need you."

When Zhen Zidan heard this, he sneered.

"If Director Yang comes to talk to me about the third film, how much will the salary be?"

"Ten, thirty million!"

Zhen Zidan suddenly looked at his agent. Jackie Chan and Jet Li had worked hard for so many years to get a price of tens of millions.

"Is this possible? After all..."

Zhen Zidan stopped mid-sentence, thinking about his current popularity and the reports outside.

He thought he could ask for 30 million, since he was already the only Kung Fu superstar, and things are rare and valuable!

Jackie Chan and Jet Li have long been unable to win...

"Okay, just thirty million."

At this moment, Donnie Yen felt like he was about to replace Jackie Chan and Jet Li.

Lin Nan Pictures disclosed the casting situation of "Painted Skin 2" to the outside world.

"Fox Demon Xiao Wei: Weekly News."

"Huo Xin: Huang Xiaoming."

"Princess Jing: Zeng Li."

"The Demon Catcher: Zhu Yawen."

"Sparrow: Yang Mi."

"Sirius Queen: Xie Nan."

This cast has caused a lot of discussion in the industry and on the Internet.

"At a glance, I knew it was Director Lin who chose the role..."

"They are all acquaintances!"

"I'm looking forward to the second part. When will it be released?"

Lin Nan was chatting with Zhou Xun and Huang Xiaoming at the moment.

Unlike other actors, these two can be regarded as the most expensive members of the "Painted Skin 2" crew.

"Director Lin, why don't you be more generous and add more?"

"Brother Xun, maliciously increasing the salary will disrupt the market!"

Lin Nan joked.

Huang Xiaoming smiled and shook his head, "I'm only half as good as you, and I didn't even say anything."

Zhou Xun glared at Huang Xiaoming, "Sister, I have several movie queens."

"Okay, I can't afford to offend you."

The remuneration Lin Nan gave the two of them was their current market quotation.

Weekly news, six million. Huang Xiaoming, 3.5 million.

Seeing that Lin Nan only smiled and said nothing, Zhou Xun no longer shouted for a pay increase, but joked:

"By the way, after the release of "Super Body" in July, will your Yifei's salary be able to reach 10 million? Well, there is a high probability that it will go up.

So envious! It would be great if I could act in a Hollywood movie, and the pay would easily beat me..."

"When that movie is released, there will be a premiere in China. Remember to save time to come and support it."

Lin Nan ignored Zhou Xun and reminded him about "Super Body".

"No problem, I'll definitely come and support you."

Huang Xiaoming was the first to express his stance!

The three of them chatted for two hours, and Lin Nan heard a lot of news.

Li Bingbing has already negotiated with Wang Zhonglei that when the contract expires this month, he will not renew it and will open his own studio.

Huang Xiaoming also planned this. When his contract expires in July, he will leave Huayi and become his own boss.

"Everyone is an understanding person!"


In two weeks, the box office of "Ip Man 2" has reached 180 million, and it is about to cross the 200 million threshold.

Donnie Yen's popularity has reached an extreme level.

In Lin Nan's opinion, it is Donnie Yen's "Ip Man" who is popular, not Donnie Yen himself.

After all, he is very different from Jackie Chan and Jet Li. The latter two have their own characteristics and styles, which were created in one movie.

But Donnie Yen does not have this kind of accumulation and precipitation, and has no characteristics of his own.

As a qualified businessman, Yang Shoucheng temporarily put aside his dissatisfaction with Zhen Zidan. He asked someone to communicate with the latter's team.

At this time, the atmosphere in Yang Shoucheng's office was extremely silent.

The floor was littered with pieces of porcelain.

Huo Wenxi and a middle-aged man from the marketing department stood in front of the huge desk, looking at Yang Shoucheng with a frosty face, not knowing how to persuade him.

After a long time, Yang Shoucheng spoke.

"He said it himself, 30 million?"

"Yes, he said it himself. The manager said it was because of the cooperation in the first two movies..."

"Haha..." Yang Shoucheng sneered.

"How many people in the entire film industry are worth this price? Has he made a name for himself in Hollywood, or is he out of his mind?"

"With the momentum of "Ip Man 2", he dared to raise this price. After the movie is released and the bragging is over, we can discuss it again." Someone from the marketing department suggested.

Yang Shoucheng suddenly thought of something, "Does he quote the same price for other dramas?"

Huo Wenxi's eyelids twitched, "It seems... not."

"How many?"

"About ten million."

"Okay, okay, very good..."

Yang Shoucheng suddenly became very calm. He took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Director Lin, it's me..."


Lin Nan couldn't believe his ears.

Is that guy Zhen Zishan going crazy?

"You want this price if you bite me to death?"

"Yes, very arrogant."

Lin Nan suddenly started thinking in his mind.

"Director Lin?"

A few minutes later, Lin Nan picked up the phone again.

"Director Yang, I'm here.

I'm going to stop this project. "

When Yang Shoucheng heard these words, he was at a loss for a moment.

He just called Lin Nan to talk about this matter. He had not thought about stopping the project, nor was he willing to stop it.

"Director Lin, I will solve this matter, don't worry..."

"This time I can take advantage of the momentum of "Ip Man 2" and threaten 30 million. Next time it may be hundreds of millions. I am not short of this project."

Lin Nan said angrily.

Yang Shoucheng really regretted making this call at this moment.

"Then it stopped like this?" Yang Shoucheng asked unwillingly.

"Shelv it indefinitely, or replace it with someone else in two years."

Lin Nan replied without any room for negotiation.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Shoucheng's expression became even worse.

"Director Yang, Director Lin really wants to stop "Ip Man"? But this is obviously a money-making project..."


Yang Shoucheng looked up at Huo Wenxi and said in a low voice, "Don't worry about that guy anymore. This project will be stopped..."

Ying Huang releases a lot of movies every year, but the profitability of "Ip Man" is far from what other movies can match.

Especially the current one, which has exceeded 200 million...

When Huo Wenxi was about to leave the office, Yang Shoucheng added.

"I don't want to see him in any future movies produced by the group or in movies that he participates in investment in."

"Yes, I understand, Director Yang."

Lin Nan didn't take this matter to heart.

In his opinion, there are so many projects, and putting one on hold has no impact at all, and in fact, it saves worry.

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