That’s Hilarious

Chapter 75: Roots of Orc Madness

Early the next morning.

Roland put on the armor with the help of the guards.

After taking the weapon, he came to the school grounds. This time, he planned to bring half of the staff to investigate. Because there is a high probability that it is the evacuation point of the trolls, and there are 2 strongholds in front of it to defend, after removing the danger, it already belongs to the rear.

Therefore, not many soldiers were needed. Last night, Roland ordered the removal of most of the city defense soldiers, leaving only a few people to guard the city wall.

All of this is to prepare for today's exploration. Considering whether it is a landfill channel or a dispute, it is always good to bring more people.

If there is no trace of trolls there, then exploration is also essential. After Roland called Vasili, he learned that the height was about six meters, and it was completely passable for horses, so he decided to bring cavalry.

The team walked out of the city gate in such a mighty manner, and everyone stopped their work and watched the soldiers who went on the expedition until they could not be seen at all.

The march on the road has always been so boring, and as the new scouts keep reporting, they are getting closer and closer to the troll's quarry.

Looking at the huge quarry in front of him, there are still some boulders waiting to be polished, but it is covered with moss and looks like square grass.

Following Vasily, Roland quickly discovered the disguised hole, with a piece of grass piled on it, which looked exactly the same as the surrounding stones.

The soil at the entrance of the cave was soon dug up by the soldiers, and as the sunlight entered, it illuminated the inside of the cave.

I saw that the entrance of the cave was in a square shape. It seemed that there had been a landslide not far from the entrance of the cave. There were some thick tree trunks for support, and then it was excavated into an arch. taller than outside.

It seems that the trolls did not consider the issue of weighing at the beginning. Maybe they thought that the stone itself was strong enough, which can be seen from the shape of the hole and the collapse not far from the hole. Maybe they remembered this issue later when they thought about the construction of the gates of the city gates.

This also explains why the back is arched. They expanded on the original square foundation, which is why these tunnels are now six meters high.

Roland has some understanding of this issue. Because it is made into an arch, it can transmit the force to the relatively stable side wall more evenly, making the tunnel stronger and safer.

As soon as he stepped into the cave, Roland felt a cool breeze blowing across his face. It seems that this is the channel for the trolls to evacuate.

There is enough oxygen here to support their deeper exploration. At first, Roland was worried that the long-closed channel would not be able to explore without enough oxygen.

As they went deeper, the light inside the cave became dimmer. They simply prepared enough torches, and as the torches were lit one after another, they slowly illuminated the cave.

I saw that the walls were covered with carvings of feathered snakes, each of which seemed to be lifelike, as if staring at these uninvited guests. Their level of sophistication completely surpasses the somewhat rough walls.

It's just that they have been walking for more than ten minutes, and they haven't found any traces of the hole, and the front is still dark. Finally, after marching for half an hour, they came to the end. Under the light of the fire, they found that there was dirt piled up in front of them.

What just puzzled Roland was that there seemed to be some sand mixed in the soil. But no matter how weird it is, they who have spent so much time rushing here will definitely dig it out to find out.

A ray of darkness pierced by the sun shone on a soldier's face. He covered his eyes suddenly, and the tears couldn't be stopped.

"Everyone, first expand this small hole a little, and be careful not to be exposed to direct sunlight. After our eyes get used to the sunlight, we can completely dig the soil layer."

The soldiers began to carefully expand the hole, and they didn't stop until Roland said to stop. They just stayed there, waiting for the eyes to adjust.

Roland knew that this was because they had been in low light for a long time, and their eyes had already adapted to the low light; suddenly seeing strong light in such a situation would result in short-term blindness in mild cases, and vision loss in severe cases. If the brightness is sufficient, it may even cause blindness!

As everyone gradually got used to the light, Roland asked the soldiers to dig the last layer of soil.

Roland and others came to the outside, and found that the surface was extremely dry, and most of the grass showed signs of withering.

Roland even wondered if he had come to the wrong place. This shows that the land that is about to be desertified is the Orc Prairie? Although it didn't take long for him to leave the Baron of Kewan, he once took a look at the Orc Prairie, where it was still verdant.

It didn't appear like this. Could it be that this is already a remote part of the Orc Prairie? Roland ordered the soldiers to camp on the spot, and he took the imperial armored cavalry to explore further afield.

The war horses were a little unsuitable for the dry climate, they kicked their hooves uneasy, but under the command of the master, they still ran.

Roland planned to go to the nearest ocean to see if there were any traces of trolls. Since the trolls would have rejected the alliance of the orcs more than 200 years ago, they may have left this place by going out to sea now.

Along the I seldom saw even animals. Most of the trees were dead, and only a few were barely alive, but they looked sick.

Rowland remembered the last words Duke Osborne said to him, which was, 'We are running out of time. ’

So he was referring to this matter? No wonder he knew the conflict between him and Viscount Whitney, and tried his best to reconcile them. No wonder he didn't need Roland's allegiance, but only cared about how many combat troops he could bring.

It turned out that all of this was preparing for the massive attack of the orcs.

All the previous puzzles have been reasonably explained, but what made him a little puzzled is why, except for the nobles in the north, other nobles seem to turn a blind eye to these?

What Roland didn't know was that the orcs had already blocked the Northwind Fortress. Duke Osborn could only rely on the description of a dead scout, and he didn't get any more evidence.

He took the trouble to publicize the news that the orcs were about to attack over and over again, and was even considered by some royal nobles to be old and confused, and thought it was hysteria.

Because Duke Osborne is indeed old.

Sure enough, near the coast, Roland discovered a burnt pier, and there seemed to be a few other piers that could vaguely be identified as being used for shipbuilding.

In addition, Roland also discovered a stele in the middle, which was carved with the evil **** Hakkar, worshipped by the Leon tribe.

In fact, the warriors of the Leon tribe left here long ago by boat, and only some old trolls who were reluctant to abandon their ancestral land were finally taken over here.

After realizing that the incoming humans were not something they could deal with, they chose to evacuate and take a boat to the troll's base camp, the Broken Isles.

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