The 100 billion times training system instantly reaches full level

Chapter 341 How dare the little hooligans act so presumptuously

Guo Pingdi touched Murong Jian unceremoniously, and the boy exclaimed exaggeratedly: "You actually took advantage of me!"

Now the whole class burst into laughter, and Guo Pingdi said angrily: "Have you watched too many palace fighting dramas? My daughter is your elder, what is your name!"

Murong Jianyuan was also a boy who was used to being smooth-talking and frivolous, so he habitually replied without even thinking about it: "Mother-in-law!"

Now the whole class laughed harder, and a thin girl with glasses gave him a sharp look.

Even Wang Tao was made to laugh by this idiot, and Guo Ping'er shouted: "If you make trouble in class, you will be punished by standing there until school is over!"

Murong Jian glanced at Wang Tao sadly and could only stand obediently.

No comics were found. Guo Pingdier said to the tall girl in the last row: "It is good for classmates to supervise each other and make progress together. We must maintain it, but we must see it clearly before reporting it!"

The girl muttered: "It's obviously a comic, but it seems to be an H comic."

Now all the boys in the back row looked at Wang Tao with flattering eyes, and Wang Tao wanted to dig a crack in the ground and crawl in himself.

Fortunately, on the first day of freshman reporting, Guo Pingding did not show up in class. He handed out new books and asked the students to go to their dormitories to sort out their housekeeping so that they could rest assured.

Murong Jian fiddled with a small meal card and looked at Wang Tao depressedly.

Wang Tao could only take this guy to deposit money for his meal card, and then told him how to open water and buy instant noodles. Then he took Lan'er, who had been following him all the way, to see where she lived and how she was doing.

When passing by a secluded alley, several drunken gangsters followed Lan'er with bottles of wine.

While chasing her, he said eloquently: "This girl is quite energetic."

Lan'er walked faster and faster, looking like a frightened little rabbit from the back.

There is no trace of the valiant and heroic appearance of His Highness Mizube Arashi in the past.

But those gangsters also quickened their pace, and one of them ran two steps quickly and grabbed Lan'er's shoulder.

Wang Tao was obviously not as fast as Murong Jian at this time. Fortunately, the system rang: "Ding, get [Sprint Speed ​​Bonus]. Your sprint can reach 100 meters in 9 seconds and 5 seconds. You gain experience points * 1 trillion times! You The experience is overwhelming!”

Then Murong Jian watched in surprise as the boss rushed forward and knocked off the gangster's hand, then punched him in the cheek.

Lan'er was frightened by the push and slap and twisted her feet. Although she turned around, she was wearing a sun hat with a low brim.

I can't tell what the face looks like at all.

Those gangsters all rushed up and said with a ferocious smile: "Boy, my fur is not fully grown yet. I want to imitate other heroes to save beauty!"

The gangsters swung wine bottles, rubber sticks, and even improvised mop handles.

If the sword energy was still there, Wang Tao would be able to finish it off with a single sword energy, but now it completely subverted his previous awesome style.

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The system also didn’t give him a secret book such as Dugu Nine Swords. Just as he was thinking about how to deal with it, the system rang again: “Ding, comprehend [Xuanyuan Eighteen Swords], and you will gain experience points * 1 trillion times! You [Xuanyuan] The experience of Eighteen Swords is beyond the limit!”

A gangster hit him with a rubber stick, and Wang Tao turned around and snatched it away.

While the boy was cursing: "You pay me back!", Wang Tao sneered: "Then you have to catch it!"

The rubber stick hit the little gangster with a whirring sound, and with just one stroke, the gangster flew sideways.

The remaining gangsters were stunned, and Wang Tao said, "Break!" With just one blow of his stick, all kinds of weapons in the hands of six or seven gangsters were knocked away, and everyone's hands were injured to varying degrees.

At this time, the first gangster who was knocked away knocked down Lan'er. The sun hat rolled to the ground, and the gangster immediately screamed.

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