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Chapter 358: Not only can you not provoke me, but you can't hide from me either

Dongjiao Villa was Yun Xiaolan's former home. When her grandfather was still alive, Yun Xiaolan was a proud and sunny little princess.

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Obviously Lan'er was dismissed when the real Yun Xiaolan had a car accident, so she was given such a family and such an experience.

When Wang Tao returns to the heavenly realm, he must find an end to Nie Lubo.

A girl who cherishes her appearance and is willing to sacrifice everything for herself deserves to be treated well throughout her life.

When Wang Tao arrived at the villa in the eastern suburbs, there was a swing tied to the courtyard.

It's just that it's covered with dust and stained with vicissitudes of life.

Just like his Lan'er, she was originally a proud princess.

Immediately in the courtyard, a bodyguard shouted: "Who is it? You are very brave to break into a private house without permission."

Wang Tao just said coldly: "It's me!"

He had seen clearly in the sky that there were four bodyguards here.

It’s not enough for him to deal with in one go!

Obviously, this place is weaker than the Tang suit men's club.

The two bodyguards were caught in the air for no apparent reason, their heads collided, and they immediately fell to the ground.

Before the two bodyguards could run away, they were kicked in the head by Wang Tao.

After taking care of them, Wang Tao walked into the villa generously.

The curtains in the bedroom were tightly covered, and it was obvious that the fierce battle in the courtyard did not affect the people in the room.

Wang Tao didn't have time to wait for them to end the fight. He knocked on the window and said, "The men come out. The women cover their heads with the quilt and don't move!"

A middle-aged man with a dog-like appearance cursed breathlessly: "Who? You're disturbing me!"

Wang Tao flew away without any explanation. On the way here, he had already spotted a suitable place to talk.

He was taken directly to the roof of an unfinished high-rise building.

Gently placing him on the ground, the middle-aged man pinched his thighs hard and rubbed his eyes vigorously.

Wang Tao said with a smile: "Don't believe it, I am not an ordinary person. It stands to reason that people like us cannot reveal our identities to ordinary people in the world. However, you will be a dead person soon. This does not violate the principle."

The middle-aged man stepped back in horror and said repeatedly: "Are you a Taoist priest? Or a god? I'll give you money, but don't kill me!"

Wang Tao sneered: "I took action myself, do you think it's for money? I only want my life!"

The middle-aged man wailed: "I was wrong, please don't kill me."

Wang Tao Wang Tao stuck out his head, hooked his chin and said: "If I don't kill you, someone will kill you for me. I want to get back everything her mother left for Lan'er. Although she doesn't need it, she will I feel much more comfortable.”

As he spoke, he mentioned that the middle-aged man was flying to the club in the center of the lake. On the way, he comforted him: "Don't be afraid. The more you tell others about me, the sooner you will die. Remember that in this world, I am above everything else." existence.”

Wang Tao went straight to the study room. Apparently, the man in Tang suit had not changed places.

He also knew in his heart that he not only couldn't afford to offend people like Wang Tao, but he also couldn't hide from them.

Seeing the embarrassed Yun Dafei being brought in by Wang Tao, the man in Tang suit greeted him enthusiastically: "Brother, you are back so soon? Hey, did you invite Brother Yun from the bed?"

Wang Tao sneered: "I understand, come here and continue to go through the formalities with you. You know what to do."

The man in Tang suit smiled and said, "Thank you in advance for keeping your word."

After saying that, he respectfully sent Wang Tao out of the club.

Buying clothes for Lan'er is undoubtedly a few plus points more difficult than catching Yunda Fei.

Wang Tao walked into the women's clothing store pitifully, compared Lan'er's figure and asked them to buy a suit for each style.

But the underwear was embarrassing. Wang Tao, who was a little shy, finally summoned up the courage and made the gathering movement of her shape based on the touch of memory.

The shopping guide immediately chose 34C. Wang Tao left the address for them to have the courier deliver it in the city, and he hurried to school.

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