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Chapter 401: Losing both the wife and the army

Yin Tiande sneered behind him and said: "Boss Lu, your few bodyguards are not enough for my little brother to take care of you. Without them, you will have nothing."

"We are all business people, and there are only a few good players. You lost eight of them in one breath, which is almost half of all the elites. I can understand if you do something irrational."

"I advise you to apologize to brother Wang Tao seriously, and formally and publicly admit that the tricks you did have damaged the reputation of the Buddhist fried chicken restaurant. As for the place that brother Wang Tao wants from you, are you embarrassed to ask for the price?"

"Don't risk your life just for a piece of land. It's not worth it. Yun Dafei hid so well, wouldn't he still be caught by my brother?"

Mentioning Yunda Fei, the muscles on Boss Lu's face twitched.

Within a week, Yun Dafei's property was divided between Jixiang Club and Yun Dafei's biological daughter Yun Xiaolan. I thought it was due to some agreement between Yun Dafei's daughter and Yin Tiande, but it turned out to be this kid's fault.

At this time, the bodyguards of the Lu Group finally found this place. Wang Tao casually kicked the gravel stall by the water. Several bodyguards were hit by flying stones and fell to the ground.

The moment everyone was able to draw his gun, Wang Tao had already pinched Boss Lu's neck and hid behind the big tree.

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Boss Lu said weakly: "Everyone, please step aside!"

When Wang Tao rushed back to school, he had already received a public apology from the catering department of Lu Group.

Under Yin Tiande's instruction, the media heavily publicized Wang Tao's Buddhist-style fried chicken restaurant.

At the same time, Wang Tao received the transfer contract from the Lu Group. He had a two-story shop next to the fried chicken restaurant. He couldn't think of a good business for the time being.

Edward was beaten so badly by his biological father that he was forced to stand in the corridor until now.

It seems that his biological father is still more powerful. If the teacher had let him stand until now, he would have complained to the principal.

Seeing Wang Tao come back, the shrewd businessman smiled and said: "Thank you for helping me discipline the dog. If the dog dares to contradict the teacher in school in the future, I must help him to learn to be sensible."

He glared at his son fiercely and continued: "I'm going to give you a huge favor tonight. I'm going to be a host. I'm going to invite all the teachers and students to have a meal together. I'm going to apologize to you for Quanzi's ignorance of the rules."

Panpan said coldly: "No need, as long as Edward abides by classroom disciplines and does not violate school rules and disciplines."

Ai Baoguo said politely: "If you want it, if Teacher Guo doesn't go, the parents of other students will not feel at ease, right?"

Edward's father politely and thoughtfully thanked him and said goodbye. His false enthusiasm was really like that of a small businessman from Hong Kong and Taiwan.

It wasn't until he picked up his classmates for dinner after school in the evening that Wang Tao figured out what medicine was being sold in this gourd.

We ordered Western food, and the name of the restaurant was quite fitting: Yesterday Again.

Looking at the lobby manager in a crisp suit, Wang Tao felt a little embarrassed at the same time.

After Ai Baoguo poured wine into the pan, he said to the students that they could eat whatever they wanted, and then left with a few words.

Less than one-third of the class had ever eaten Western food. Suddenly, in this high-end place, every one of them showed their local flavor.

This Ai Baoguo is just here to save face for his son.

At least it showed the strength of his family and made Wang Tao, the so-called big boss, restrain his behavior. After all, the Ai family was not short of money, so it might not be the same if they really made a big fuss.

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