The 100 billion times training system instantly reaches full level

Chapter 444: Slapping the face is not as good as smashing the face

It doesn't matter to these men in black suits to commit murder in public, but they won't agree to it when so many people film it on the spot.

They began to search for the person with the camera. Although they surrounded and suppressed a few cameras, they still escaped a lot under the cover of night.

Of course, there are also really innocent diners who are controlled by them.

When Wang Tao carried the weak Edward out of the surgical clinic of the hospital, there was no one to pull him to rescue the bloody pig.

The surgical clinic was close at hand, but for him it was far away.

When Ai Baoguo saw that his son was carried out by Wang Tao, he felt something was wrong.

Behind Wang Tao were indeed a few students who looked like students. Some of these boys helped wipe his son's sweat, and some comforted him with gentle words.

No matter how you look at it, it's like just like ordinary classmates after fighting and making trouble, they are as close as each other.

He asked the waiter in a low voice: "Didn't Wang Tao instruct that idiot to hurt the young master?"

The boy told the truth: "The boy went to smash up Wang Tao's shop. The young master led us to try to fish in troubled waters, but the boy ran out and smashed the young master thinking that the young master was here to help."

Ai Baoguo was so angry that he slapped Chuancai Boy in the mouth: "Young Master and Wang Tao are classmates, what are you fishing in troubled waters? Young Master is taking you to help, remember?"

Chuancai was scared when he saw the blood on the ground, so he could only tremble and agree.

Wang Tao put Edward on the ground and helped him to the front of Ai Baoguo. He pretended to be sad and said: "I'm sorry, Uncle Ai. Two troublemakers came to our store tonight. Edward brought your waiter. I tried to help but was hit with a flower pot.”

"The CT results showed that there was nothing serious about the brain, but there was still a slight concussion."

"The most sinful thing is that there are more than 400 thorns stuck in his face, and some of them are broken by the roots and have not been pulled out. They have to be done in batches. I'm afraid he won't be able to bear this crime."

"You also heard it. He shouted until his voice became hoarse, and the doctors and nurses couldn't listen anymore."

Ai Baoguo glanced at his son distressedly, patted Wang Tao on the shoulder, and said helplessly: "Thank you, classmate Wang, and thank you teacher for your teaching. You are indeed a family that loves each other."

Wang Tao smiled awkwardly and said, "I'm sorry, Uncle Ai, but we didn't protect Edward well. The incident happened too suddenly."

"We didn't even have time to stop him before he was hit by that kid. What about that stupid pig?"

As he said this, Wang Tao looked at Chuancai Boy, who pointed at the pool of blood on the ground with a fearful expression.

Wang Tao took one look at the pile of blood and shouted, "Oh my god, call the doctor quickly, what's the point of killing someone?"

Several kind-hearted high school students shouted together: "Doctor, come and save people, there is a seriously injured patient."

A high-pitched voice yelled: "What are you calling, what are you calling? It's just a prick, why did you have an intracranial orgasm? Why don't you let others rest!"

"Don't you know the pediatric infusion room is here on the first floor? Our child has a fever, look at how you keep screaming all night!"

"You little boys, you even end up in the hospital after having sex. Why are your anus covered with bruises? You can scream so miserably!"

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As he spoke, a high-heeled shoe was thrown out, hitting Ai Baoguo right in the face.

Several women cursed and even threw diapers, baby wipes, toilet paper, plastic bags, snack bags and other second-hand items at the group of black suits.

Wang Tao wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Even though he had seen many strong winds and waves, he could not afford to offend these unreasonable women.

I can only pretend to be obedient and look at Ai Baoguo: "Uncle Ai, I leave this place to you. We have to send home the female classmate who came out to eat with us."

Ai Baoguo could only say sincerely with a sad face: "Thank you, Mr. Wang and all my classmates, uncle will treat you to dinner another day."

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