A Spoonful of Sugar Western restaurant was quietly opened in the business district during the long holiday, and it did not cause any commotion in the local area.

Occasionally curious people are often intimidated by the high price of food, and only a few are willing to spend a lot of money to taste it.

The restaurant manager persuaded the boss to add a few daily specials, but Wang Tao refused.

His phone continues to ring, and Zhuyue asks to go out to play!

Zhuyue is a girl with an unrestrained personality. How can a barbecue outdoors satisfy her throbbing heart.

What made the manager of the western restaurant even more depressed was that, not only did the restaurant have a random name like A Spoonful of Sugar, but the boss actually went to Linshi for inspection on the second day after the opening.

On the deck, Wang Tao took Yun Xiaolan and Zhuyue to bask in the sun. Xiaolong emerged from the water from time to time and threw the caught small fish into the bucket.

Wang Tao said speechlessly: "I'm so greedy for you. This fish is so small. How many fish do you have to eat to be full?"

"I'll go ashore later and go to a restaurant to stew a big one, which will save a few lives."

The little dragon swept the water with his tail, blinked his little eyes innocently and said, "But the ones you catch yourself are the most delicious."

"I am also self-sufficient, and I honor my father by the way."

Wang Tao picked up a fish and hit Xiaolong on the head, accidentally throwing away his mobile phone.

Xiaolong dived directly into the water, and everyone watched as Wang Tao's mobile phone splashed with huge waves.

When Xiaolong fished out the phone, he had no choice but to apply for a card and get a new phone.

After this delay, it was already evening.

When the phone rang again, Wang Tao didn't know who it was. He answered Zhao Haiyang and said eagerly: "Brother Wang, come and see what happened. Something happened."

Wang Tao said coldly: "I'm not your bodyguard, nanny, or security guard. I told you that I don't have that big of a relationship with you. Don't come to me if anything happens!"

Then he hung up the phone.

After a while, another number came in. It was Old Wu who said weakly: "Master Wang, my life is at stake. Please come over. We will talk about the future later."

[To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. It can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

Wang Tao hung up the phone directly and didn't want to talk nonsense with them anymore.

Then a number that looked a bit familiar kept ringing. Wang Taoli ignored it, but the number kept calling, and the annoyed Xiaolong yelled: "Don't let people have a good meal!"

Zhu Yue grabbed the phone and cursed directly: "Is it over yet? We don't owe you anything! What a moral kidnapping!"

There was an anxious female voice on the other side of the phone: "Help, Murong Jian got into trouble trying to save me. I'm Hu Baihan!"

As soon as he heard that Xiaojianren was in trouble, Wang Tao immediately made arrangements: "Xiaolong, carry your mother home on your back. Zhuyue will escort the two of them. I'll go take a look."

Yun Xiaolan said uneasily: "Little Swordman is very good at boxing and kicking. My husband, I'd better take Zhuyue with me. Xiaolong can protect me enough."

Zhuyue thought about it and said, "I'll take you home first, and then I'll accompany you and let Xiaolong go help!"

Obviously Zhuyue's plan is the most reasonable, but now in the world, the person with the strongest magic power is this little dragon whose IQ is often in arrears.

By the time Wang Tao flew to the street where he was watching the incident, the sky was already shaking.

The little swordman struggled to get up from the ground, and Zhao Haiyang was supporting him.

This guy's eyes were blood red and he shouted: "Help me up, I can still fight!"

Looking at the opponent of the little swordsman, Wang Tao laughed unkindly.

It was a big deer with hard horns like coral.

The little swordman's face had obviously been kicked countless times by the deer's hooves, and it was now red and swollen like a pig's head.

Judging from the craters and shell casings at the scene, Lao Wu and his men had already used modern weapons to attack the giant deer.

Wang Tao grinned at the deer: "Which wildlife park escaped from it? Don't you know that deer antlers and deer whip are expensive? You should cherish your own feathers."

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