Pan silently gave Wang Tao a thumbs-up gesture. Everyone watched as Mr. Zhao dragged Zhao Haiyang, who was holding Zhao Tingting tightly. Wang Tao gently jumped down, broke Zhao Tingting's hand that was holding the door frame and refused to leave, gently pushed her back and said, "Let's go!"

Then he returned to the classroom with ease and said lightly, "Pack up and go to class."

Except for Xiao Jianren who resigned himself to nailing the table legs, the classroom finally returned to peace.

Edward said to Wang Tao happily, "My dad has received an invitation to make a food street tonight. The whole business district will be in action. Organizing this food event requires a lot of funds. Has your family been invited?"

Wang Tao shook his head, always feeling that something was wrong.

Edward continued to say with great joy: "You get all the money from the sales, and there are subsidies of the same amount for the same activities."

"Look, you have no one above you, so you won't get a chance to do such lucrative things."

"Why don't you hang out with my dad in the future? He can give you some advice, and your business will be easier in the future. My dad is a big tycoon in the catering industry. I give you this face because you took me to the hospital to remove the thorn."

Wang Tao suddenly remembered this, stroked Edward's scarred face and asked: "You have recovered well. Call me Brother Tao and I will give you a beauty card. I know a beauty salon that is better than plastic surgery, especially for treating traumatic scars."

Edward said happily: "Brother Tao, just give me one. I was ignorant before."

Wang Tao mysteriously took out a promotional card that Yun Xiaolan's beauty salon distributed on the street, took out a pen and wrote it himself: Save platinum membership discount for face treatment.

Pointing at the address, he said to him, "Don't be stingy with the money. Save a platinum membership once and you will get a 20% discount in the future. I guarantee that your face will be as smooth as before."

After school in the evening, Yun Xiaolan's beauty salon received a 24K pure idiot at the front desk.

This guy held a promotional card and insisted that he was introduced by Mr. Wang to treat his face. He deposited a platinum membership fee of 150,000 yuan at one time and asked for a 20% discount in the future.

The front desk was very embarrassed, really. After asking Mr. Yun, he reluctantly agreed to the request of this platinum VIP.

Then he silently covered the consumption card in the store. After all, so far only this rich man has saved a platinum VIP. In fact, Mr. Yun set a 50% discount for platinum VIPs.

Wang Tao has arrived at the street in the business district, where a long banner has been hung: Celebrate the grand opening of the C City Food Festival.

It's a prosperous street, and all the high-end restaurants have actually sold takeout, which makes ordinary people who usually feel sorry for the high prices flock to it.

The entrance of the Buddhist fried chicken shop was also blocked by authentic mutton skewers, and the entrance of his western restaurant was blocked by a big car.

The car was selling mutton soup buns.

The smell spread far and wide, and several foreign staff members in the restaurant were so irritated that they vomited while holding the toilet.

Seeing Wang Tao coming in, the restaurant manager said sadly: "Boss, have biological weapons been brought to the door of our store?"

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Wang Tao patted the bearded manager on the shoulder, gave all the employees a big red envelope, and said happily: "They have a food festival, it's beautiful, we have a holiday and rest, and our salary remains the same."

Everyone cheered and left the western restaurant as if they were avoiding the plague, shouting: "This food festival is also beautiful."

The western restaurant was closed, and the Jia girls were proudly pinching their orchid fingers at the door of the store.

There was no food for sale outside his shop, only two rows of 10% off merchandise.

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