The little eDonkey turned around again, and an old woman's pickle jar blocked the road. This is the old city, so it's not surprising to have such down-to-earth things.

As for the interview car that followed Wang Tao all the way, it had long been submerged in the homes of working people.

Carefully moving his little electric donkey, Wang Tao rode it again and prepared to take a detour home.

A gangster said angrily: "Hey, this guy looks angry, just borrow a couple of dollars to spend."

Wang Tao looked up again and saw a gangster picking up cigarette butts. It looked like his lighter was out of gas, and he was exchanging light with another girl wearing exaggerated earrings.

That girl is the girl I saw just now who looks like Song Tinglu. Compared with her before, now her skin is darker, her pores are enlarged, her hair is oily, and her middle finger is yellowed by smoke. It is obvious that she is reluctant to smoke better. cigarette.

Song Tinglu obviously still remembered the young boy who pursued her while he was hungry and saved his breakfast money. He sneered and said, "It turns out you are a poor bitch. They all said you were dead."

Wang Tao sighed helplessly, losing the beauty of the past, but could not forgive her for appearing in front of him in such a sloppy state.

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At least she can maintain the appearance of a fairy in her dreams.

Touching the cash in his schoolbag, Wang Tao wanted to give her some and let her take a shower and change into clean and decent clothes.

At least don't touch your youthful dream.

At that time, he was frugally buying ice cream for Song Tinglu, but in the end, Song Tinglu asked him to meet by the river, and not only took away all his money, but was also beaten up by the so-called Brother Kun. .

It is said that Brother Kun is doing well, and Song Tinglu claims to be Brother Kun's girl.

At this time, a cell phone rang, and the smoking gangster said angrily: "What the hell, who actually brought a cell phone?"

A gangster with jingling copper rings all over his body said awkwardly: "What did Brother Kun say? How can we brothers afford mobile phones and pay the expenses?"

Only then did Wang Tao realize that this crooked old man who seemed to be in his thirties was actually the former Brother Kun. He was stooped and his clothes could be described as ragged.

This guy was showing off and took out a smartphone with clear cracks on the screen.

Brother Kun said proudly: "Did you see it? It's an authentic mobile phone. It's smart. It's not a phone for the elderly. It can play games."

Wang Tao suppressed his laughter and realized that it was the phone he had just bought that rang. Because the ringtone was preset, he didn't realize it for a while.

He glanced at the number and it was Zhao Haiyang, and hung up.

Thanks to this, he didn't want to hear it anymore, but those gangsters who had been miserable all laughed together.

"Why are you embarrassed to use the old man's phone? Take it out quickly."

Song Tinglu glanced at Wang Tao, and still said in that cold and noble tone: "Poor, I won't laugh at you a second time. After all, you have always been so poor."

Wang Tao's phone rang again, this time it was Yun Xiaolan.

Although men in Tianzu Continent are very chauvinistic, Wang Tao still dare not not answer his wife's call.

If anything happened to Lan'er, he would be heartbroken.

Wang Tao directly answered the call and asked: "Honey, what's wrong?"

"Oh, go home to eat, cook me noodles, and ask my little wife to buy me a few bottles of beer. Don't go downstairs. Just braise some chicken legs for me at home."

"Tonight? Of course I love you."

The last sentence was obviously ridiculing, and the gangster opposite was obviously petrified.

The sweet female voice on the phone is real, and there is also a cheerful female voice protesting: "Why do I have to buy beer?"

What's even more annoying is that the grandson is holding a fruit phone, the most expensive one they know.

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