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Chapter 489: Ji Boxing's Anti-Demon Strategy

Wang Tao didn't take it seriously and said calmly: "Sheng Jiali or that Li or something? We have already talked about it, and the relationship between them and me is nothing more than a one-night fate."

Ji Boxing applauded: "Brother Wang has indeed passed through thousands of flowers, and not a single leaf has touched his body. Miss Sheng is also infatuated. It's Li He who has something to do with a practicing Sanxian."

"Mrs. Wei made the decision and married her off according to the rules for marrying a maid. In fact, I have some more important things to say."

Wang Tao said depressedly: "Can you finish it in one go?"

Ji Boxing took out more than 700 girls' wedding invitations from the space in his luggage, piled them in front of Wang Tao and said: "These are the marriage invitations received by Yuexi Mountain from all the women who came to propose marriage. Mrs. Wei did not dare to make the decision on her own. I will transfer it to the Return Hall, and I plan to let my brother choose the person to serve in the Return Hall, so as to prevent outsiders from talking about Mrs. Wei's unvirtuous nature."

Wang Tao stretched himself and said, "With those four foodies, how can I afford to support so many idle people? I will send a message to Yuhan later, saying what I mean: From now on, she will take care of the housework, and Lan'er and Zhuyue will both take care of it." I have found it and will take it back to heaven when I succeed."

Wang Tao thought for a moment, then picked up his pen and sent back his first reply to the Hall of Return after his next term:

Master Yuan Hai:

The battle between gods and demons changed rapidly, and the elder of the Royal Academy of the Tianzu Continent was knocked down to the mortal world. I wonder if such an accident will happen again in the future?

Please attach detailed information on returning the soldiers to heaven.

Wang's family affairs are of concern to Tianjie Continent, and the arrangements are as follows. According to the etiquette, he has three wives, four concubines, and many maids. Now he is settled in Wei's Yuhan, Que's Erlan, and Zhuyue, regardless of their legitimate wives, they will take charge of the family affairs together. , Yuexi Mountain no longer accepts invitations to ask for marriage, and I forgot to know it.

Lan'er didn't expect that Wang Tao would give him the title of wife, so she hugged him and kissed him.

Wang Tao scratched her cheek and said, "From now on, you will be responsible for looking beautiful and beautiful, Zhu Yue will be responsible for causing trouble and ruining the family, and Wei Yuhan will be responsible for managing money and caring for the family."

After saying that, I was very happy with the more than 700 copies of Geng Tie.

How could someone like Lian Song Tinglu even think about being with him? It is true that you should reflect on your own virtue by not peeing.

Although the return mirror is damaged, it can still convey Wang Tao's letter back to the return hall.

Looking at Ji Bolai who was curled up behind the curtains and looking out in a daze, Wang Tao said speechlessly: "How about something to eat?"

Ji Bolai nodded vigorously. Unexpectedly, after a while, a little brother came and brought a lot of breakfast.

This guy's face was full of dementia: "The servants in this world are so considerate."

Wang Tao said depressedly: "The first step in the human world is to adapt to life, and then help me find traces of the demons."

"Now it seems that many demon sons and grandsons have married women in the human world, and the descendants they have produced have created a mess in the human world."

Ji Boxing immediately had an idea: "I'm old, so it won't work. You're still young, just marry more human women and give birth to some fairy blood to fight against them."

Wang Tao was so angry that he choked on his porridge. He touched Ji Boxing's old face and said, "I'll help you shave part of your hair, eyebrows and beard first. At least you will look like an ordinary person."

Ji Boxing looked at the mirror reluctantly. As the so-called masculine man has his status, he is extremely reluctant to part with a pair of proud eyebrows and a flowing beard.

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Yun Xiaolan was reluctantly escorted to school by Zhu Yue. Once the once well-behaved female student regained her memory, she angrily complained about the dire straits of high school life all day long.

Ji Boxing became even more frightened and hid in the bathroom, refusing to open the door to let Wang Tao touch his face.

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