The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere

: two hundred and forty-four brothers

"That's right, Li." Aleister said with a pause. "Although it's a bit unexpected, your brain development has been promoted to level 5 ahead of time, but I always feel that something is wrong."

"What's wrong?"

"Your ability seems to be more than just simple magnetic control, and then something like magnetism and electricity seems to be something closer to the law." Aleister said while looking at hundreds of analysis materials.

"Oh?" Li Ping raised his brows.

"When you activated your ability, some research institutes discovered the characteristics of people who can repeat the electromagnetic system, but they are significantly different from other electromagnetic ability people. In addition, according to the more you fight, the stronger you are, and you can't see it so far. In the case of extreme progress, the limited and simple classification of level 5 does not seem to be very suitable for you.

Your abilities are far from the limit, please continue to develop. "

"You don't need to say that I will too. Now the magnetic control is not as powerful as I expected."

"Oh? What kind of power do you expect?"

"Well... at least it can reverse the level of the earth's magnetic pole." Li Ping thought for a while. I don't know how to play the galaxy throwing in Tianyuan Breakthrough, but I still want to work hard to play the earth like a bowling ball like Magneto. a moment.

"Interesting, continue to imagine, let me see the superpowers that can destroy the world. I have prepared the props for you to "upgrade". Grow as soon as possible..." Aleister's voice was subtle. "Also, do you know what the reality of this world looks like?"


"This world is a deconstruction of countless aspects that are only superimposed without contact. The first layer is reality, and then there are countless layers of religious aspects formed by "worship". Generally speaking, religious aspects refer to The thing is, as you know about the existence of Cross religion, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, etc., according to my plan, in a few years, there will be a new type of aspect called "Science".

Superpower, academically described, is based on the microscopic uncertainty in quantum mechanics, and uses the AIM diffusion standpoint to interfere with the microscopic world through brain calculations, so as to determine the final reality in the direction you need.

This is the conclusion of interpretation at the level of "reality".

But in fact, although all of this is researched from a series of science-based theories such as "materialism", "science", and "quantum physics", it is objectively achieved to worship oneself and develop an ultra-small Phase result. "

"So, this is the reason why superhumans can't use magic?" Li Ping thought about the scene where Tuyumen collapsed with magic.

"That's right. From a macro perspective, every superpower is a "Lord", a complete enemy of the "Lord", and a "Lord" uses the power prepared by another "Lord" for believers... provocation There is no such thing. Of course, the macro explanation is that when superpowers use magic, they cause a collision between their own aspects and other religious aspects. Obviously, the aspects generated by superpowers' worship can't be opposed no matter what. A religious aspect with a large number of followers.

But what if you could? No, to put it another way, what if you develop a spell that worships yourself, or that others worship you? Will you develop a new belief system that is different from the Demon God? With the rising strength of your body and soul, will you have a religious aspect called "Li Ping" that is comparable to that of the Cross? "

"Is this why you got involved in my 'African Community', 'Entertainment to Die' and 'Teach You to Do' projects?" Li Ping's eyes drifted to the mobile phones in the hands of his classmates. In just one month, this short video and the Internet Novels have become popular all over the world. Even in elite high schools in college cities, there are still students watching short video apps developed by themselves.

"Yes, although your original intention is to carry out a public opinion war, in order to prevent the fire of the right to start the third world war or to gain interests in the third world war. But what you are doing, in essence, has achieved" The symbolic act of spreading the Gospel all over the world. The cult of your personality has already begun within the academy city.”

"I also had a sudden thought."


"I said, if religious worship is conflicting with each other, what about building a religious worship called "human"? Then, can everyone's superpowers be coordinated?"

"This is also an interesting angle." Aleister thought for a while. "I will conduct relevant data collection."

"Well..." Li Ping became more and more tempted the more he thought about it. Anyway, there are means of emergency retreat here, do you want to die?

"...Ah yes, what are you ready for?"

"Props enough to spark your anger, and after a while, you'll be able to feel it."

"Oh, how long?"


"Damn... don't play old tricks." Li Ping put down the book and raised his right hand. "Teacher, I have something to do here temporarily."

"Ah, there's no way, you can deal with your affairs first." The teacher nodded, level 4 can be tough as a level 5 ruthless person, his grades are still invincible, and he has connections with many high-level Academy City executives, what can I say?

"Thank you, teacher~" Li Ping opened the window and jumped out, then flew to the rooftop.

"...2...1...0." Aleister Mans methodically ended the countdown. "Ahhhh, it's obviously a cold joke I just thought of today, have you heard it?"

"Aleister." Li Ping lowered his head slightly and his eyes were blocked by the shadow of his hair. He slowly flew up from the roof, the magnetic field around him was distorted, and green rays of light and blue-white arcs appeared faintly in the air. "You're really... bad fun."

"I won the prize." The sense of joy was faithfully transmitted from Li Ping's earphones through just a few syllables. "Because of the anger ability, the intensity has increased by 3%. You ... will really surprise people infinitely."

"Aren't you afraid that I will directly kill you with Lola Stewart?"

"That's not in your fundamental interests. Whether it's your own strengthening, or women's hunting. Hmm... Maybe it's more appropriate to be hunted." The joy in Aleister's tone made Li Ping especially think A few rounds of charged particle cannons blew up Aleister's building.

Glancing at the "windowless building", Li Ping spit and looked away. Now that building emits a faint purple light. The calculation type shock-diffusion composite material, whose principle is similar to the phase-shift armor, is now running at full power. With this output, strategic nuclear bombs are enough to damage that building.

"Aleister, I have written down this account."

"Take it How about repaying you when I become a big breasted loli~ According to the analysis, your XP contains..."

"..." Li Ping took out the earphones from his ears and threw them directly into the space.

"Sure enough!" Li Ping pointed at the "windowless building" with one finger, and a huge green beam shot out of Li Ping's palm, hitting the outer wall of the "windowless building" directly. However, only a faint trace of burning in dark red was left. "Cut... stubborn stuff. Or... the power of the electronic cannon is not strong enough..."

As for why Li Ping is approaching a runaway state...

Because a few minutes ago, Li Ping sensed a brainwave signal that resembled Misaka Mikoto.


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