The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere

: Five hundred and ninety-three arrived in New Solomon

"Dr. Li, Dr. Akagi, Dr. Ikari, Dr. Sugyu, and Miss Akagi, next is the 13th Independent Fleet, which belongs to the Gray Trojan Marine Corps of the assault landing ship, Lieutenant Zou Chen. Next, I will take you to your residence. "

"Thanks for your hard work."

"Today and tomorrow are the days for packing luggage and purchasing necessities of life. The day after tomorrow, that is, the third day from today, please go to the Fleet Command at 8:00 in the morning. The commander will meet you at that time."

"Understood, we will arrive on time."


"The four are the developers of the new shipborne quantum intelligence processing system that will be installed in this fleet. I believe you should already have relevant conjectures. We suffered a fiasco at Jupiter. For many reasons, we must defeat them. .

The enemy's military is very strong, but apart from the two alien aircraft excavated from the ruins, at best it is the size of a general sentry fleet, and the level of training is the level of the militia, and the quality of hardware and soldiers cannot be short-lived. grow rapidly over time.

According to the analysis of the general staff, as long as the two alien bodies are destroyed, it is not a problem to stabilize the root. "

Well, that's it, it's over. Li Ping's expression remained as if he was listening carefully, but his heart was full of complaints.

"Therefore, the General Staff has formulated a plan for us that looks very feasible and has relatively low casualties."

"The first is the quantum intelligence processing system as the core of the plan, which will closely link our soldiers together, so that each soldier knows when to fire, when to evade, and when to act for the frontline trump cards. Provide fire support.

The Skynet system you proposed coincides with the plan proposed by the General Staff. According to the General Staff's expectation, in order to prevent leakage of the General Staff's plan, we should face the situation of purchasing large-scale shipborne quantum supercomputing, and then developing the corresponding system by ourselves. Software, I didn't expect the software you developed to be better than the software developed by the technical staff of the General Staff and the staff.

Combined with your hardware upgrades for sensors and communication systems, the General Staff thinks your Skynet system is better than the one they envisioned.

However, this system involving two sets of hardware and three sets of software is beyond the capability of the technical staff of the General Staff, so I can only invite you here. "

"The second is personnel. This 13th independent fleet is a new fleet composed of the most elite personnel transferred from our army from the whole army. The combat ships are also the most cutting-edge Pegasus-class assault landing ships, Shandong Class battleships and other new ships, the MS troops even have fifteen legendary Iron Man the0s, and the pilots have more than ten ace cards per capita.

Even the cooks and staff officers in the fleet are all talents with both civil and military skills who have won good rankings in special forces competitions. "

"...Commander Lin, please speak up if you have something to say." Li Ping interrupted Major General Lin's words.

"I hope that you will receive military training and survival training in the next three months, and this fleet will depart from the Earth Circle to Jupiter for combat missions in three months.

In the worst case, the heavy aircraft carrier as the core of the fleet will directly hit Europa. Even if the existence of the country of Wigan is directly destroyed, the country cannot be allowed to continue to exist. "

"Commander, I have a question. What did they do?" Li Ping was very puzzled. This part of the information has never been found by himself, and it seems that it has been physically isolated in some top-secret intelligence facilities.

"I don't know much at the moment." Commander Lin sighed. "First, they are preparing for the "Homecoming War", fully developing the super technology obtained from the relics, and fully investing it in the army. It is expected that after a year, they will be able to pull up their combat power as much as they can. the fleet of our army.

Therefore, we can only annihilate them with combat power that will not break the balance of force in the Earth's circle within a year, and prevent the occurrence of war in advance.

Second, we learned what they were thinking during the last expedition. Very dangerous, they took out the ethnography that had long been thrown into the trash.

They are the Vigan royals are the first class, the Vigan nobles are the second class, the Wigan commoners and the Windermere are the third class, the Regulators and the new humans who proved their existence in the One Year War are the fourth class, the others, It's all two-legged sheep and garbage. is to be purged of existence. "

"..." Li Ping's eyebrows twitched, how much do you have to drink to say this is enough for everyone to beat you to death?

"Thirdly, we have obtained substantial evidence that they are developing genetic weapons. They have developed a genetic weapon for ordinary humans on earth, and the means of launching and launching seems to be very simple. It only needs to be launched with a super large wide-area beam cannon. Genetic weapons.

According to their laboratory results, as long as human beings are hit, their genes will collapse, and they will die painfully within 30 minutes. "

...Should I sigh that it is very environmentally friendly? Li Ping's expression stiffened.

"The Regulators and New Humans can last an hour under that beam of light, the Windermere and the Wigans can last three days, and their nobles and royalty can last about a week."

"Sounds... anti-human."

"That's right..." Commander Lin rubbed his temples. "According to the information sent back by our intelligence personnel before they died, they plan to broadcast this genetic weapon through the ruins, and the broadcast range is light-years."

Seeing the change in Li Ping's eyes, Commander Lin spoke in advance. "I know you want to ask why not let the whole world work together, and the answer is failure. Some of the countries of Zeon, the Holy Brittany Empire and Wigan have the same idea."


"Most of the ordinary civilians on the earth and the geosphere are ordinary, which is the two-legged sheep in the Wigan system, and their politics are elitist, and now most of their high-level and national backbone populations are Both are new humans and adjusters.

‘There are too many people in the geosphere, it would be nice to clean it up. ’

This is the final feedback our negotiators have received from them, and they plan to intervene in the fight when we get to grips with Wiegan and force Wiegan to activate that genetic weapon.

Well, that genetic weapon will kill all the "lower humans" without harming the "higher humans" who call themselves elite. "

"In other words, is our enemy actually the whole world?"

Commander Lin nodded.

"Let you learn these skills so that you can persist until the rescue team from the Kingdom of Windermere arrives in that "in case"."


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