The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere

: 23 things about sixty-two and the vice-captain

"Eh? Did I say this?" Li Pingxin asked, did he play too many memes before?

"Last time at the Dawn Desert Base, you were so excited that you said it casually..." Major Bucky Lulu said, looking at Li Ping, who was a little dazed.

By the way, he also said that if you encounter a more difficult battle, if you want to see if there is any danger in this battle. Then look at the actions of Captain Ramias.

If the upper body of the captain shakes violently from the upper right to the lower left, and there is a large breast shake, then there is no danger. This is called the stabilization of the wave.

For another example, the four most dangerous places on the Archangel are the hull inside the base of Variant and the hull directly below Gottfield. Thanks to this sentence, on Variant 1 Not a single one of the ship's orderlies and staff was killed when it was bombed.

Because sailors (even though they belong to spaceships...) are quite superstitious, when someone said that people would die, out of taboo, Madok Cao evacuated these four areas in advance during the battle.

"Well..." Li Ping's mouth twitched, how does Nima explain this? Can I say that anyone who has seen the sea with Aslan from the side of the ship will die peacefully? You say so, Nicole? Are you saying yes, Master?

"Is it bad luck?" Major Bucky Lulu felt that he understood Li Ping's expression. "Then, "Aslan doesn't call Aslan, it should be called Aslan." "Is the Yang Electron Cannon a memory eraser or a memory restorer? Has the Minerva's Yang Electron Cannon killed anyone? "What means……"

"Please don't ask... I don't even know if you ask." Li Ping folded his hands and begged Bucky Lulu for mercy.

God knows how much he was forced to come out when he was so excited by three glasses of high-strength liquor that time.

"Okay, so are you a new human?"


"A few years ago, someone published a paper on SCI on ElementDestined-factor that determines the factors that determine the evolution of races. It demonstrates in detail that after entering the human immigrant universe, humans born in the universe have the potential ability to awaken due to the universe environment and become The possibility of a truly new type of human and some of the evidence that has been found.

Later, someone summarized the characteristics of the so-called new human based on this paper. First of all, the spatial perception is extremely strong, and it can accurately perceive distance and orientation in the universe. Then there is a strong cognitive ability. "You can see through the essence of things at a glance." In the end, it is likely to have telepathic abilities, and new humans can perceive and even communicate with each other.

According to the first point, the Allied Forces locked the former Second Lieutenant Flagg, and tailor-made the MA Mobius Zero for him and a group of pilots with excellent spatial awareness. The last point, Flagg Middle The bad relationship between the school and the ZAFT army Laulu Cruze has also been faintly confirmed.

Can you prove the second point above? "Major Bucky Lulu looked at Li Ping with curious eyes. "To be honest, I'm also very curious, can you control that kind of cannon pod. "

"Who knows... However, I think most of my analysis on the road is based on logic and advance data collection..."

"No...not these analyses, but the character and behavior analysis of people I haven't seen before, such as the pair of adjuster captives, and the behavioral induction of Yamato Second Lieutenant. Even, the behavioral induction of those of us. "Major Bucky Lulu still stared at Li Ping, leaning forward with his hands on his chin.

"...Do I have one?" Li Ping recalled what he had done during this period. It seems that what he does the most is to pull Kira and Maddock Chief Cao to prepare the body, play a mock battle with Lieutenant Colonel Kira Flagg, and give Kira chicken soup by the way.

"In both Helipolis and Artemis, you gave enough reasons to change our judgment. According to our post-mortem analysis, we seem to have avoided a lot of trouble.

During the time of Artemis and the advance team, after the propaganda plan you provided to the Union, it seems that we have the endorsement of the Union Army in the subsequent operations, whether it is supply or intelligence support. "

"No, Major Bucky Lulu, all of this was provided by Admiral Halbarton." Li Pingxin said that even though he was so troubled, the general direction of the script did not change much.

Although the process is completely unrecognizable...

"The rescue operation of the advance team allowed the Under-Secretary of Alistar Affairs to survive and replenished a group of excellent crews for the Archangel. The breakthrough of Admiral Halbarton and half of the Eighth Mobile Fleet in the low-orbit offensive and defensive battle gave the ship a political backing , so that the Atlantic Federation will not regard this ship as a **** that can be abandoned. This is the real reason why this ship has material supplies and intelligence support. It is not what I did, but the results of the battle of all members of this ship. .

As for the neutron jammer... I really didn't expect the regulator to be overwhelmed in the public opinion war. "

Li Ping sighed a little, thinking that the battle of public opinion could be fought back and forth.

"This is purely a matter of size... One side is 50 million people, the other is 7 billion people, as long as we unite here to make some sense, the online public opinion will be suppressed by a hundred times the population gap. Well... Unless you can directly force control of all media and force everyone to listen to him.

But ah... In fact, from the perspective of the upper management, the promotion of the United Alliance is still inferior. After all, it was the first nuclear attack carried out by the Blue Universe, and the East Asian Republic was able to keep calmly watching because it was afraid that the Atlantic Federation would embark on the road of a full-scale nuclear war. In fact, the Republic of East Asia is still very satisfied with the possibility of using neutron jammers to block the use of nuclear weapons, so that everything can be As the largest thermal power station in the world, the cost and benefits are not considered before the war. The East Asian Republic, which has fully implemented fusion power plants in the private sector, is actually the least affected.

Coupled with the existence of the East Asian Republic's calm acceptors, if it weren't for the fact that the East Asian Republic has a network restriction called the "Invisible Great Wall", the Atlantic Federation that launched nuclear weapons to attack civilians would be sprayed without **** knowing. "

"... East Asia here also has this virtue..." Li Ping thought of his homeland in the real world. God knows who the wall is protecting...

When the group of bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods came back, I don't know how many people who claimed to be gods were so angry that they wanted to start a war of gods.

Then another wave of high-quality but murderous netizens proved the human nature of these existences and excommunicated them from the reactions of these existences.

Then there is the nationwide campaign to subdue demons and eliminate demons...

As for Li Zhongke?

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"Major Bucky Lulu, please don't think about these things. Let's not talk about whether I am a new human being or not, and whether it has any impact on you and me. The meaning of my existence is not whether it is a new human or not. Say it's not an adjuster.

Instead, I, Li Ping, a captain of the United Army, an excellent fighter, a good MS pilot, a junior chicken soup dispenser, this is the meaning of my existence to this ship.

As for the new human being... If I am the so-called new human being, how could you have a child with me to improve the average quality of human beings? "Li Ping hooked Major Bucky Lulu's chin with his index finger.

Wait... What do you mean by turning your face away with a blushing face?


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