The Abandoned Son Runs Rampant

Chapter 191: Bai Yunxi who was rejected

Ye Fan bought a shop on Bingjian Island. The price of Bingjian Island is much more expensive than that of Luosha City. However, Ye Fan's money is also much more generous than when he was in Luosha City. In general, the situation is better.

After Ye Fan bought the store, he put some medicinal pills and fulus up, and the price was marked as ice crystal diamonds.

The unique settlement method of Ye Fan's shop has attracted many cultivators to come to buy medicine pills.

"That black-faced guy has a lot of magic weapons in his space ring, maybe he got it after killing other monks, most of them are useless, otherwise we will sell them." Ye Fan said.

Bai Yunxi shook his head and said, "No."

Bai Yunxi secretly inquired about the origin of the black-faced cultivator, and found that the man should be the apprentice of the ancestor of the blood shadow of the Xuanming Sect, and he was deeply loved by the ancestor of the blood shadow. , If you know, I am afraid you will be held accountable.

Not afraid of 10,000, but just in case, because a little bit of spiritual stone will cause big trouble, it is not cost-effective.

Ye Fan nodded and said, "Okay."

Not long after Ye Fan's shop opened, he harvested a large number of ice crystal diamonds.


"It's finished." Ye Fan said happily.

"This is the medicine you mentioned that can treat cold poison."

Ye Fan nodded, "Yes, this medicine pill is a weakened version, it has some effect, I will give it to him in a while."

Bai Yunxi took the medicine pill and said, "I'll go. That guy doesn't seem to be very good at talking. It's better for me to go."

Ye Fan blinked and said, "Okay."

Bai Yunxi took the medicine pill and walked out.

The gluttonous ghost was lying on Bai Yunxi's shoulder, took a deep breath, and said intoxicated: "A lot of two-legged sheep with strong spiritual energy! It must be very fragrant and tender, if only I were still alive. "

Bai Yunxi said displeasedly: "You hurry up and hide, be careful that someone will capture the soul..."

The gluttonous ghost said indifferently: "No, I recently learned the invisibility technique. When I hide, only you and Ye Fan can see me."

Before Bai Yunxi walked to Lin Mo's booth, the Bing Lingzhi on Lin Mo's booth was still there. Seeing that Bing Lingzhi was still there, Bai Yunxi breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Mo opened his eyes, looked at Bai Yunxi lightly, and asked, "Is something wrong?"

Bai Yunxi took out the elixir and said, "Our new store has opened, and selected customers will give away elixir. This is for you."

Lin Mo glanced at Bai Yunxi indifferently, and said firmly, "I like women."

Bai Yunxi blinked in confusion and said, "What?"

"I like women. Although you look good, I don't like men."

Bai Yunxi blushed, dropped the medicine pill, and said, "Got it."

Bai Yunxi turned around and left, the gluttonous ghost was lying on Bai Yunxi's shoulder, laughing.

Bai Yunxi blushed and said, "Enough, laugh again and I'll let Ye Fan train you."

The laughter of the gluttonous ghosts stopped abruptly.


"Is something sent out?" Ye Fan asked casually when Bai Yunxi came back.

Bai Yunxi nodded and said, "It has been sent out."

"Yunxi, you don't look very good." Ye Fan said.

Bai Yunxi frowned and said, "I'm fine, I'll go to rest first."

The gluttonous ghost looked at Ye Fan and smiled.

Ye Fan looked at the gluttonous ghost in confusion and said, "What happened to Yunxi!"

"He gave Jianxiu medicine pills for free, that Jianxiu is your wife, and he is attracted to him, haha..."

Ye Fan frowned and said unhappily, "Yun Xi will not like him, such an idiot who thinks too much."

"Don't worry, people didn't like your wife and said that he likes women." Taotie Guiling said.

"This blind idiot." Ye Fan said unhappily.

The gluttonous ghost looked at Ye Fan and said, "When I just went out, I heard the words of a few monks."

"What?" Ye Fan asked.

"Wu Yuan's soul lamp went out, the blood shadow ancestor was furious, and offered a reward of 200,000 spirit stones to track down the real murderer." Taotie ghost said.

Ye Fan secretly said: When he and Bai Yunxi killed Wu Yuan, no one saw him, and Wu Yuan's ring, he didn't move, it shouldn't matter.

"Don't you just die with a wine bag and rice bag? I said that the Xuanming Sect is too much of a fuss." Ye Fan said disdainfully.

The gluttonous ghost smiled and said, "Don't worry, the emperor is far away from the sky, and there are so many islands in the outer sea, it is difficult for that Jindan cultivator's hand to reach here."


Ye Fan opened the grocery store, and there was an endless stream of cultivators, but Lin Mo, who got the weakened version of Qingyang Pill, did not move, which made Ye Fan a little disappointed. Although Bing Lingzhi is rare, it is not absolutely necessary. , So, Ye Fan regretted it for a while and left it behind.


"Yes, that's it, burn with Dan fire, and then use Dan tactic to remove impurities." Ye Fan said to Bai Yunxi.

Bai Yunxi nodded, and patiently repeated the purification.

Bai Yunxi found that in the process of purification, his soul power actually improved a little.

Ye Fan said that if you want to have a baby, your soul power must be strong, and the improvement of soul power is not easy. Although he is still very early from the baby, it is not a bad thing to think about it in advance.

The store opened by Ye Fan can be paid with ice crystal diamonds or spirit stones.

"The quality of these ice crystal diamonds is good, twenty of them can be exchanged for medicinal pills." Ye Fan said.

The cultivator who came to buy the medicinal pills heard Ye Fan's words and happily paid the bill with the ice crystal drill.

"Tell me, why does this store use ice crystal diamonds for settlement!" Some firms will also buy ice crystal diamonds, but those firms buy a relatively large amount, and the small number is not acceptable, and the price is relatively low.

"I don't know! Maybe they can use it!"

"There is a possibility, but I have already used the ice crystal drill on my body to exchange for something. I knew that the ice crystal drill could be exchanged for medicinal pills. Before, I should have collected a batch."

"Who doesn't think so." Ice crystal diamonds used to be worthless, and many people didn't care about it.

After Ye Fan's groceries were spread out, the ice crystal diamond also doubled in value.


"Is the boss here?" A simple-looking man walked in.

Bai Yunxi glanced at the visitor and asked lightly, "Is something wrong?"

The man swept around the shop and said, "I heard that the owner of this shop is an alchemist."

Bai Yunxi nodded and said, "Yes, he is an alchemist."

Tong Li said happily: "Then will this alchemist take over the task of refining medicine pills?"

Bai Yunxi thought for a while and said, "You can take it, but it's limited to medicine pills of level three and below."

Alchemists in the cultivation world are divided into ordinary, mysterious, spiritual, heavenly, and holy. Alchemists who can refine the first and second levels are ordinary alchemists, and those who can refine the third and fourth levels are Xuan-level. Ye Fan can refine fourth-level medicinal pills, but there is no guarantee of a 100% success rate.

Tong Li nodded and said, "What I want to refine is the third-level medicinal pill."

Bai Yunxi nodded and said, "Yes." Bai Yunxi and Tong Li negotiated a price and took Tong Li to the backyard.

Tong Li was looking for an alchemist from the Tiangang Sect to make alchemy before. The alchemist was expensive and the success rate was not high. He had recently retreated. Tong Li was anxious to ask for the alchemy. He heard that he had opened an ordinary one recently. There was an alchemist in the grocery store, and he came over like a treasure.

Tong Li walked to the backyard of the medicine store and found that Ye Fan was drawing talismans, and there was a thick pile of talismans on the table next to him.

Tong Li twitched the corner of his mouth and said secretly: Is it reliable for a talisman master to concoct alchemy?

Bai Yunxi glanced at Ye Fan and said, "Ye Fan, stop painting, someone wants to make alchemy for you."

Hearing this, Ye Fan put away the talisman paper and talisman, glanced at Tong Li, and said, "You want to make alchemy?"

Tong Li looked at Ye Fan, didn't speak, and resisted the urge to back down. Seeing Ye Fan's opening, Tong Li subconsciously stepped back two steps and clung to the storage bag on his body.

Ye Fan looked at Tong Li and secretly said: This guy is a little timid! Blind and so strong, this man is so secretive, making him look like a bully who makes him a prostitute.

"Where are the herbs, take them out." Ye Fan said.

Tong Li frowned and took out the herbs.

"Sword-shaped grass, the quality is average! It is to refine the sword spirit pill." Ye Fan said.

Tong Li nodded and said, "Yes."

Ye Fan took the medicinal materials from Tong Li's hand and entered the alchemy room.

Bai Yunxi looked at Tong Li and said, "This fellow Daoist, wait outside for a while, I will call you when he is ready."

Tong Li: "..." Has he been tricked!


Bai Yunxi looked at the store, Tong Li was pacing back and forth in the store, Bai Yunxi looked at Tong Li and said, "Friend, if you are bored, you can look at the medicine pills in the store, all of which can be used with ice crystal diamonds. paid."

Tong Li smiled reluctantly, the sword-shaped grass was not handled properly, how could he have such a leisurely look at the things in the store!

Bai Yunxi had no interest in seeing Tong Li, nor did he force it.

But after a while, Ye Fan came out, and Tong Li looked at Ye Fan who came out, and his face was a bit like a concubine.

In Tong Li's opinion, it takes a long time for an alchemist to concoct pills, and Ye Fan came out so quickly, mostly because he failed to concoct pills in the middle.

"Here you are." Ye Fan threw a bottle of medicinal herbs to Tong Li.

Tong Li looked at the two medicinal pills in the bottle, like a treasure, the change from great sadness to great joy was only a split second, Tong Li took the medicinal pill and left with great gratitude.

Ye Fan couldn't help but feel a little happy when he saw that he was gone, "This guy is so fun, I thought he was going to talk to me."

"Why did he break up with you?" Bai Yunxi asked.

"Because I made ten sword spirit pills in one pot, and only gave this guy two." Ye Fan said shyly.

Bai Yunxi smiled and said, "Really?" In the market situation here, alchemists usually smoke half of the pills, but only the alchemists know how many pills they have actually made. Exactly.

"I think there are a lot of people in need of Sword Spirit Pill. If you get it in the store and sell it, it should be able to sell well." Bai Yunxi said.

Ye Fan nodded and said, "Yeah", "I think so too."


"Senior brother, still haven't sold it yet?" Luo Dieyi walked into Lin Mo's cave and asked.

Lin Mo nodded and said, "Yes."

"This ice ganoderma is precious, but the cultivators in this ghost place are too poor. If you want to sell it, I think you should find an opportunity and send it to the auction to sell it." Luo Dieyi said.

Lin Mo had a dark face and said unhappily, "Trouble."

Luo Dieyi smiled helplessly and said, "It's a little troublesome, but it can be sold at a price that compares, Senior Brother, what is this."

"Pill." Lin Mo said.

"Where did it come from?" Luo Dieyi asked.

"It was sent by one person." Lin Mo said.

Luo Dieyi said sourly, "A female cultivator?"

Lin Mo shook his head and said coolly, "Male."

Luo Dieyi smiled and said, "Senior brother is so charming, not only female cultivators, but also male cultivators can't escape."

Lin Mo shook his head and said, "No, the new store opened, and I was chosen to test the medicine."

Luo Dieyi smiled and said sullenly: "Free trial medicine, how can such a good thing not turn to me."

Lin Mo looked at Luo Dieyi and said, "If you like it, I can give it to you."

Luo Dieyi smiled and said, "Thank you, brother."

Luo Dieyi took out the medicinal pill and checked it, and said suspiciously: "What kind of medicinal pill is this! It looks weird, but it should not be poisonous." Luo Dieyi ate the medicinal pill, and a burst of The faint warm current melted in her dantian, and Luo Dieyi felt the cold poison entrenched in her body dissipate.

There was a burst of light in Luo Dieyi's eyes, "Brother, this medicine pill seems to be able to resolve the cold poison."

Lin Mo widened his eyes and said excitedly, "What did you say?"

Luo Dieyi was a little embarrassed. She originally thought that this medicinal pill was an admirer of Lin Mo, and the medicinal pill that she sent for her advanced cultivation was not expected to resolve the cold poison.

After staying on Bingjian Island for a long time, they will be troubled by some cold poison. Ordinary monks only need to leave Bingjian Island, meditate and practice breathing for a while, and expel the cold poison from the body. Lin Mo is different. , After staying in Bingjian Island for too long, and going deep into the cold place of Bingjian Island several times, the cold poison in Lin Mo's body has begun to affect Lin Mo's cultivation.

Luo Dieyi felt a little regretful in her heart. She had known that it was an antidote for cold poison, so she would not ask Lin Mo.

Lin Mo rolled his eyes, suddenly thought of something, and said a little excitedly: "The promotion for the opening of the new store, this medicinal pill, should be available."

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