The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 201 Fire Suppression

"Don't help yourself at this time, but ask outsiders for help. It's too unambitious!" The Yankee sitting in the middle slapped the table angrily.

"If we don't ask for help like this, how can we punish that light fish?"

"Let's cast a vote, anyway, I think we can only survive if we ask for help from the sky."

The supernatural beings had thick necks, blushing and arguing.

Their hands are shaking, most of them are unwilling to face the wind and rain, they all want to throw the responsibility on others, only a few people feel that they should not ask outsiders for help.

But what can they do, no one can stand up and take charge, so most of the votes are for the help plan.


over San Francisco.

Chen Xi, who was riding a griffin, finally got the news from the police. After obtaining the specific coordinates, Chen Xi asked them to use arms to attack.

This is the method Chen Xi came up with on the spur of the moment. Instead of letting him use arms to catch the fish himself, it is better to let the military fight it down in a legitimate way.

Although it is very suitable as a material for necromancer magic, he can't bear the pervasive bewitching effect, so it's best to use someone else's hands to kill it.

When the military learned that they could use ammunition to attack the fish, they all looked strange and felt unbelievable. They always felt that the guests from the sky were perfunctory them, but this was a safe way.

When supernatural beings dare not get close, human thermal weapons are the most powerful weapons.

It just so happened that the people of San Francisco rioted, and countless people with guns shot indiscriminately in the streets. The army had already patrolled the city of San Francisco to suppress the rebellions in the streets.

The army dispatched two helicopters and a tank, and there was a rumbling sound. The tank track chain rolled over the asphalt road. The diamond-shaped rotating turret rotated slowly, and the long artillery tube was bright.


The shells passed through several streets and hit a flat ground in the distance in a straight line. The ground immediately exploded, rocks flew, and thick smoke billowed upwards.

Two helicopters shuttled between cities, and two soldiers took out bombs and threw them into the explosion site, and then pressed the remote control device, and there was a bang, and the flames shot into the sky.

The dust near the explosion site was shaken by three inches, and the glass of the store also shattered, leaving the scene in a mess.

After blowing up a hole here, someone on the flank of the two helicopters took out heavy machine guns, saw a ball of light inside, aimed at it immediately, and pressed the rifle.

Da da da flames spewed out, and the bullet casings poured down like a golden curtain.

The bullets were like rain, the smoke and dust in the pit continued to rise, and the sound of gunfire resounded over San Francisco.

The Americans in the building next door crouched down with their heads in their hands, terrified. They didn't dare to flee San Francisco, thinking that the supernatural beings would save the city.

But in reality, there are no superheroes, they are not saved, they can only listen to the sound of bullets pouring with horror on their faces.

Besides, even if there are superheroes (level 4 supernatural beings), they are preparing tomorrow's dungeon game in China, and they have no time to support the change in San Francisco, so they can only send condolences through the Internet.

Da da da, the bullet is still hitting the crater, the concrete is shot through, and the smoke and dust are billowing. No one knows whether the fish is still alive.

Some soldiers looked at the fish with infrared rays, but did not see any thermal imaging, but there is no guarantee that the fish has heat, maybe it is still alive.

Chen Xi stared at the area covered by the bullets, controlled the ghost to pass through the thick smoke, and looked at the fish from a close distance.

Because of the thick smoke, the ghost couldn't see clearly, so he stretched out his hand to touch the thick smoke.

A second later, the ghost touched the flying flesh and the gray blood in his hand.

This blood seems to be a great tonic for ghosts. The ghost manipulated by Chen Xi immediately gained a large increase in yin energy, from 0.8 meters to 1.5 meters, and the blood in his hands quickly integrated into its body, and did not produce any other effects. side effects.

Chen Xi's eyes lit up, and he immediately let Xiao Hui airborne to suck blood.

After a while, a two-dimensional shadow creature parachuted into the crater.

Xiaohui's airborne took about ten seconds, and the heavy machine guns of the U.S. Army kept firing. It seemed that they were really scared, and they had to run out of bullets to feel at ease.

In the rainforest of bullets, Xiao Hui touched the body of the fish, and as soon as he touched it with his little hand, the yin energy in his body grew puffily.

Chen Xi's heart moved, and he heard the words from Xiao Huiyin, saying that it was not a ghost, but a creature of the underworld!

And it's not a low-level underworld creature, it's a very high-level underworld creature. If a low-level underworld creature swallows their blood, their strength will be greatly improved, and even the racial boundaries can be broken to increase their strength to a higher level.

After Chen Xi heard the news, he was shocked, and finally recalled the hasty shadow he saw in the past.

That vague sense of familiarity is nothing but the stowaway when he summoned Huangquanshui—the little fish from the underworld!

In the past, the small fish was younger than a small water drop, but after a month, it had grown to 60 to 70 centimeters on the earth, and its strength beat all creatures on the earth, it was too terrifying.

Fortunately, it was injured by the light explosion technique, lost its sense of direction, bumped into walls and fled here and there, and it was only a month old, and it was still in its infancy, so it was not strong enough to be fired by human heavy machine guns. suppress.

Xiaohui said that some creatures in the underworld are physical objects, which can be killed by physical damage, but to really kill advanced creatures in the underworld, you need to crush the opponent's soul.

After some high-end underworld creatures die, their souls are turned into ashes, and they only wait for countless years of silence to burn again and make a comeback.

Currently, Xiao Hui doesn't have the strength to crush souls, this hard work can only be done by Miss Mu using the soul-type spell to arrest Xiao Yu's soul.

Miss Mu was much happier when she learned that there was a soul of an underworld creature waiting for her to collect it.

It's a pity that Chen Xi hasn't mastered the transformation technique yet, otherwise he wouldn't give up such a precious soul.

After a while, Xiaohui's Yin Qi strength has risen to three meters, and it is still rising, and his strength has already far surpassed the previous upper limit of Yin Qi strength of two meters.

However, after the range of Yin Qi rose to 3 meters, the speed of increase slowed down greatly. Xiaohui finally sucked up all the blood of the light fish, and the range of Yin Qi rose to 3.2 meters at most.

Xiao Hui swallowed the light fish, carried the fish's corpse into the city, and jumped into the air from a certain tall building, blending into the shadow of the griffin.

After the shadow creature left, the American soldiers finished firing their bullets. When the helicopter's propellers blew away the smoke and dust, everyone saw black bullet casings and a pile of bullets, but no fish corpses. Clenched again, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, today is not the end of the world.


Chen Xi drove the griffin to fly to the south, circled a large circle by the sea and plunged into the forest, and then circled another large circle before returning to his summoning base.

Back at the summoning base, Xiao Hui spit out the fish body on the ground, and saw that the scales of the fish body were pitted, and the delicious fish meat rotted into a pile of gray paste, even the bones were smashed.

"This fish is so weak, it was defeated by hot weapons just like that." Mu Chenxi sighed softly, lamenting the power of human weapons.

This kind of weapon is enough to destroy some medium-sized magic families in their Nilose world.

The family Mu Chenxi belonged to was a middle-level magic family, but the family power had been in a weak position for the past ten years, and might fall to the lower level. Therefore, political marriage was extremely important, and she was a political victim of the family.

"Don't forget, it was hit by the light explosion technique, and its body was seriously injured. If it wasn't for the light explosion technique, I don't think human thermal weapons would kill it so easily." Chen Xi shook his head and sighed: " You look at the people of San Francisco, more than a thousand people died, thousands were injured, and now there are people shooting on the streets of San Francisco, the impact of this fish is not only that."

Speaking of this little fish in the underworld, Chen Xi recalled the cherry blossom petal head he had seen before, and combined with that crazy bewitching ability, Chen Xi remembered a fish summoning guide in "Don't Play Summoning".

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