The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 203 Opening the Instance

Cockroaches and rats came. They climbed up the walls and secreted some strange corrosive liquid droplets, which corroded the glass windows desperately.

People were terrified and ran out of the house in a panic, only to find that the street was full of black rats.

This is a disaster, but luckily they haven't evolved the ability to prevent fire. Some soldiers took out flamethrowers and burned cockroaches and rats one by one.

Then the city's broadcasting system began to broadcast, asking the citizens to take out gasoline and other flammable materials, burn a burning zone, isolate the plague of rats and cockroaches, and wait for rescue.

The powerless people hurriedly laid something that could be burned, and set up a burning zone downstairs. After that, there was nothing to burn. Everyone hugged and prayed to God, hoping that heaven would take them in.

Ordinary people are facing this catastrophe without any power to fight back.

Fortunately, there are supernatural military activities all over the world. In some families, adult men have one or two supernatural powers. Some people have learned the fire-breathing technique. Burnt skewers.

They advanced layer by layer, counterattacking the army of rats and cockroaches.

The army of rats and cockroaches can bite through walls and steel after they go crazy, but they still have no resistance to the flames, creaking, and after the flames spread all over the sky, corpses are left all over the place.

But the little animals have already gone mad, their eyes are red, they are not afraid of life and death, and they don't want to send their lives into the fire.

Crashing, the burning smell lingered over San Francisco. This was a sleepless night of burning, and the Americans finally defeated this animal tide with dark circles.

In the morning, the US Morning News reported that the death toll in San Francisco reached 10,000, and almost 80% of the people died in the animal turmoil. It can be seen how terrifying those cockroaches and mice are when they go crazy.

Of course, the people who died were all people near the manhole cover of the sewer. The time of death was in the early stage of the outbreak.

On the other hand, Chen Xi, who was concerned about the death toll after the disaster, woke up early and saw an email from his family, asking if they were safe in the United States.

Chen Xi thought that it might be the incident in San Francisco that made them worry, so he replied that he was not in San Francisco, don't worry, he is healthy.

In order to prevent his family members from worrying, Chen Xi rode a griffin to a green forest to take a selfie, and sent a photo of his life with a sunny smile to his family, so that they could feel at ease.

After settling down his family, Chen Xi turned on the morning news in the United States and saw that the death toll reached 10,000. He felt very sorry and felt that he was a sinner through the ages.

"Maybe without my call, everyone wouldn't die..." Chen Xi murmured.

Mu Chenxi was transforming a certain piece of meat in the forest, and said while transforming: "But you won't interrupt your journey of summoning, will you?"

"Yes, I need to be more careful in my summoning, and I must deal with all hidden dangers." Chen Xi nodded.

It is impossible to stop the summoning, he is not a selfless person, if he stops the summoning, then he will face the terrifying revenge of the spiritual creature.

It is possible to help humans, but he has to be able to help humans when he has life and strength. Currently, he has no strength, so he can only call carefully.

After this incident, Chen Xi agreed with the title of summoner as a troublemaker.

Chen Xi looked at the news again, and many local news reported that the number of people participating in supernatural games had increased tenfold.

It seems that after this incident, human beings sounded the alarm and awakened their sense of survival.

Because the army can't guarantee everyone's safety, this time it's an animal turmoil, which can be suppressed with flamethrowers and bombs, but when the ghosts riot, are thermal weapons still useful?

You must know that many ghosts are not physical creatures, but illusory soul bodies, and they can ignore physical attacks.

At that time, ordinary people will really be in awe of the sky and the earth will not work. Only those with supernatural powers in the family can deal with the spiritual riots.

After reading the news in San Francisco, Chen Xi saw that the second headline was the opening of the Huaxia dungeon.

"Winds and clouds gather in Huaxia, the dungeon of the supernatural game opens!"

"The fourth-level superpowers gathered in Huaxia, who among them can survive?"

"The number of participants in this dungeon is 189 people, 14 people with fourth-level abilities, and 60 people with third-level abilities..."

"What kind of supernatural game is a dungeon of a supernatural game? The Analytical Emperor will take you into the world of rules of the dungeon..."

Chen Xi took a look at the dungeon, and it was all nonsense. Many things were speculated based on the first dungeon, and no one knew what the content of the second dungeon was, because no one had come out of the second dungeon yet.

The first dungeon game is the clown battle royale. After people enter, their body abilities are blocked. The world stage is an amusement park. The clown turns into a chainsaw murderer, chasing and killing humans crazily in the dark amusement park.

Only the human beings who survived for six hours can come out of the dungeon alive and will be rewarded at the same time.

The number of participants in the first dungeon was 200 people, and there was only one enemy, but only more than 50 people came out, which shows the tragic nature of the supernatural dungeon.

At the same time, since that day, there have been more ghosts in the human world, and ghosts appeared first in many hospitals, which is equivalent to the second spiritual recovery.

The first spiritual revival was the upgrade of the supernatural legends forum a year ago, and all kinds of weird supernatural games bubbled up, making it hard to play.

Today's opening of the dungeon is also a major event on a global level. Many conspirators believe that the third spiritual recovery is about to begin.

For example, the riots of the supernatural event in San Francisco symbolize the third revival of the supernatural age, and more and more powerful supernatural creatures will bring endless disasters to the world.

There are also many people who think that spiritual recovery cannot be so fast, and no matter how you say it, it should take a year to start the next stage.

After Chen Xi read the gossip news, he didn't believe it all.

He packed his things and went to San Francisco with Mu Chenxi to look for kitchen utensils.

Refining life-enhancing potions requires high-temperature cooking. There are no complicated steps for outsiders to cook medicinal materials. As long as the walls of the pot are thick enough and can withstand high temperatures, life-enhancing potions can be made after several hours of boiling.

It sounds a bit nonsense, but in fact, the last step of cooking medicine still needs the increase of the magic circle, and the earth technology only accounts for the "high temperature cooking" step, and the focus is still on the magic circle.

Due to the chaos in San Francisco last night, Chen Xidong searched and found an open home appliance store.

It is not easy to find a shop these days, and it is even more difficult to open a shop. The boss raises the price and doubles the price.

Chen Xi sent Xiao Hui to come out of his shadow and become a real 3D dog.

The shop manager was so frightened that if Chen Xi hadn't directly swiped his card to pay the original price, the shop manager wouldn't even dare to accept the money, and kept bowing his body to send away Chen Xi, the supernatural being.

After buying the kitchen utensils, Chen Xi temporarily rented a house and prepared to cook life-enhancing potions.

The long-lost third update.

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