The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 223 Elves and Insects from Another World

The Angel of Light showed disappointment when he heard Chen Xi's answer.

Human beings are really too fragile, and the memory at birth can't be remembered when they grow up, so it's useless to ask.

"Although I can help you check your memory by crossing the border, you are full of uncertainties. I'm sorry that I can't agree to your summoning request."

"Why, maybe I'm a good person?" Chen Xi said this time against his conscience.

The angel's ability to perceive words and expressions is strong, and he instantly saw the meaning hidden in Chen Xi's expression.

"Obviously, you don't know if you are a good person, so I cannot agree to your summoning request."

The angel shook his head, and the voice of the spring breeze rang in his ears: "I have my principles, and I must never help evil things. You have the power of chaos, and your level is higher than mine. I believe you can survive this battle." The catastrophe of darkness."

Chen Xi: "..."

"Then good luck and victory over the darkness."

After a speech, the figure of the angel disappeared in the center of the summoning array.

Chen Xi wanted to forcibly summon them, but thought that angels are highly intelligent creatures, so he gave up the idea of ​​forcibly summoning them.

Suddenly, the dark environment disappeared, and Mu Chenxi spread his hands and said, "Look, it's impossible for an angel to promise you, and it's useless for you to summon it."

Chen Xi said "Yes", this incident did not cause him much blow. Angels are legendary creatures, and there must be many obstacles to summoning them. It is normal to fail.

Go back and ask your parents, and ask yourself if there were any strange things when you were young.

Back to the topic, summoning the angel of light failed, so what about the fallen angel?

Chen Xi opened "Don't Play Summoning" and looked at the page number of fallen angels.

"[Fallen Angel] It is an evil creature from the Nilose continent. It was originally the incarnation of a light angel. After being polluted by evil, the pure light heart also becomes the heart of darkness. .

[Requirements]: You don't need to prepare sweet words and gifts, it is very happy to be summoned by the summoner, provided that you have enough power to deter it. "

Well, after reading the two paragraphs of the introduction, Chen Xi didn't plan to read any more.

Fallen angels are legendary creatures. Since people say that the probability of devouring the Lord is 98%, he should not summon angels.

The purpose this time is to summon light-type creatures. Without angels, he has other choices.

After a while, he turned to a page.

"[Light Elf]: A fantasy creature born on the continent of Nilose. It has no substance in its body, it is just a ball of light. It is the natural enemy of dark creatures, and it lives by eating light every day."

"[Function]: Illuminating the darkness, its light has a burning effect on dark creatures, and is very sensitive to evil thoughts. Even if the other party is watching you across thousands of mountains and rivers, it can also know that there are creatures staring at you."

"[Note]: It has a gentle temperament and doesn't like to kill indiscriminately or evil people. Please don't be too evil. If you want to kill, please let it know that you are killing for justice and righteousness.

【Note 2】: Putting a drop of diluted holy water can increase the summoning rate of the Light Elf King. "

After reading this introduction, Chen Xi felt that there was no problem. He wished for more gentle creatures.

As for the part about the evil person, Chen Xi really didn't think he was an evil person. As long as he didn't kill indiscriminately, the light elves would definitely understand him.

First draw a summoning array, light candles to wipe out abnormal abilities, and then get a red summoning array.

As usual, he summoned a flesh-and-blood creature suitable for necromancy transformation, and after using a heavy machine gun to prepare it, Chen Xi drew another summoning array and obtained a starry sky blue summoning array.

Practice necromancer magic for a while, and after making two skeleton swordsmen, when everything is ready, Chen Xinian said:

"The elves from Nilose continent."

"The king of elves who is full of light, has no substance, is naturally raised, has a burning effect on dark creatures, and is sensitive to evil."

"Heed my call."

"I have a drop of diluted holy water waiting for your arrival."

This drop of holy water was made by Chen Xi taking a little bit and mixing it with water. Even if it was diluted, the holy water in the bowl was still shining.

Miss Mu stared at the water surface, there was a milky white halo flowing, and a fascinating fragrance could be smelled in her nose.

She suppressed the urge to drink and looked towards the center of the summoning array.

A moment later, a starry sky appeared in the summoning array, and a ray of light appeared in the center of the light group.

The light is soft and soft, making people feel that the soul has been baptized.

Chen Xi connected to that consciousness, and found that the other party's consciousness was huge, like a ball of high-intensity electric lights, very dazzling, while he was a firefly.

However, it is such a group of powerful blazing lights that are being hunted down at this moment.

It accepted the call without saying a word, and its body was shrouded in the gray mist of the power of the call, and it traveled through the cracks in space.

"Hiss!" A sharp voice sounded from the crack in the summoning array.

Chen Xi's eyebrows twitched, and he hurried back to the machine gun, while Miss Mu who was next to him had already started manipulating the machine gun.

Since it is the light elves that are summoned, the light elves are also summoned objects that hate people who use weapons to guard against people when they are summoned. But the situation is different now, the summoned elf king is being hunted down by some evil creature, and Chen Xi is afraid that the evil creature will follow him across the border.

"A huge creature cannot be a stowaway, I just hope that the creature is not a small creature." Chen Xi thought.

He wanted to see what was chasing the light elves, but the elf king responded to the call instantly, and Chen Xi could no longer see the world where the light elves were.

buzz buzz.

The stellar light cluster rotated rapidly, a blazing light fell to the ground, and the darkness flooded in like a tide.

Xiao Hui immediately appeared in the center of the summoning circle, checking for stowaways.

Chen Xi communicated with the Elf King when he crossed the boundary, and asked him to hide in Hubei first, so when Zanghubei saw a ball of light squeezed out from the crack in space, he immediately swallowed it into his stomach.

Of course, the bowl of holy water on the ground has already been placed in the space, so there is no need to worry about this.

Xiao Hui turned around and saw a creature.

This is an insect covered in pitch black, the surface of the skin is made of hard skin segments, one segment at a time, with twenty eyes on the forehead, and the angle of view is almost 360 degrees.

It has twenty-four pairs of slender legs, and the pure black hook feet are nailed to the ground like steel nails, directly piercing the granite.

The granite rock is so hard that it only penetrates one centimeter, and there are still two centimeters of hook feet that have not penetrated into the rock.

Seeing that piercing force, Chen Xi's eyebrows jumped, and he immediately ordered the two ghosts to shoot.

After a few clicks, two M4 rifles shot at its face first.

Ding ding ding!

A series of sparks erupted, and the little centipede was knocked away by the huge kinetic energy carried by the bullet, and its body hit the granite wall like a cannonball.

At this time, the bullets of the two heavy machine guns followed closely, and hundreds of bullets passed by every second. The rumbling sound shook and the earth trembled.

In such a dense pouring of bullets, a cloud of smoke and dust from the bullets rose from the wall.

Xiao Hui approached the centipede creature in a two-dimensional posture, and saw that the insect shell of this creature was sparked layer by layer by the bullets, but the exoskeleton was not cracked.

As expected of a creature chasing and killing the Bright Elf King, its external defense was already strong enough to defend against heavy firepower, and Chen Xi was startled.

Seeing that the bullets with heavy firepower had no effect on its exoskeleton, Chen Xi contacted the Light Elf King and asked it what kind of creature it was and if there was any way to deal with it.

At this time, the Light Elf King was recuperating in the shell. It had just swallowed a bowl of diluted holy water, and its injuries were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. Now it has returned to a state of radiance.

A second later, Chen Xi learned the species name of this insect from the Elf King - Light-eating insect!

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