The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 226 Ideas about Human Survival and the Popularization of Magic

The building has not been completed yet, and it is about halfway completed. The foundation and everything have been laid, and the complete architectural plan can be seen from a high altitude looking down on the ground.

"Go, go down and see what these ghosts want to do."

The griffin fluttered its wings and flew downwards.

As the distance got closer, he saw that this group of buildings looked like an altar, and there were several unfinished buildings beside the altar. He couldn't see what style of building this was, nor did he know what its function was.

Standing on an unpolished stone statue after landing, you can see the obvious yin energy with yin and yang eyes.

This area is full of yin, especially this stone statue, which has a very strong yin, and it feels like a ghost.

Chen Xi arrested the most powerful ghost king in the order. The new ghost king was a very ugly creature with pustules on his face and an old man's body, but his two legs looked like beetle legs.

Because it was too ugly, Chen Xi was disgusted, so he directly ordered the ghost to wrap his whole body with Yin Qi, not to show his original shape.

Fortunately, there is enough Yin Qi on its body, and the thick Yin Qi surrounds it, so that people can't see the outline of the body clearly, and only feel that there is a cloud of mist moving around.

Chen Xi looked at the unfinished stone palace and asked what it was for.

The ghost king pursed his lips and remained silent, not wanting to tell the truth.

But the power of the talisman is too terrifying, and he said uncontrollably: "This is a temple, which gathers beliefs and allows the gods from other worlds to descend. The ghosts living here are more or less blessed by the gods."

"God?" Chen Xi looked thoughtful when he heard this word.

The word God is naturally illusory and does not exist in the age of science, but now is the age of the supernatural, and everything is possible.

In the final analysis, gods are nothing more than creatures that are countless times stronger than humans.

If it is a real god, there is no need to build a temple of faith. Either a thought can change the world, or there is no desire or desire.

"Then what is the purpose of the gods?" Chen Xi stared straight at the ghost king with piercing eyes.

The Light Elf King stood on the spot, his light restrained, but the ghosts still felt as if they were being treated with acupuncture.

Xiao Hui is fine, poking his tongue out and staring at his cute little eyes.

"Probably to descend to the earth, I don't know any other reasons, I just know that when it descends, I can gain eternal life!" The ghost king lowered his head, like a wilting rooster, with all his majestic strength but unable to resist.

"What's the point of immortality? If you live for a long time, your interest will be worn down by a long time." Chen Xi shook his head.

He doesn't pursue immortality, he just wants to enjoy things that he only dared to think about before, such as traveling through the world, before his interest slowly fades away.

"How much do you know about the purpose behind the supernatural game?" Chen Xi continued to ask.

The ghost king showed a struggling face, but his mouth was not controlled by its will, and immediately said:

"The backside of supernatural games is complicated. I only know that some gods want to use the game to descend on the earth, and some gods want to prevent the other from descending. But the earth has a sense of self-protection of the environment. It is too difficult for outside creatures to descend across the border..."

Chen Xi's eyes lit up, and after confirming his own thoughts, he became more and more sure of his guess.

But then I thought about it, isn't this just the big crisis of the earth, the game is opened normally, aliens want to invade the earth, but human beings are so weak.

Besides, these abilities come from supernatural games, and supernatural games are designed by them, so it's not safe no matter how you look at it.

"Is this the end of the earth?"

"Yes, that's why I try my best to do things for God. Please don't go against God, master. There will be no good end for going against God." The ghost king was controlled by the command talisman, and his heart was still facing God, hoping that the other party would come and kill Chen. Tin crushed to death.

"Hmm, it seems that you don't understand the horror of tokens, right?"

Chen Xi snorted softly, and the command talisman immediately imprisoned its consciousness, blocked its voice, and punished it on a spiritual level.

The cloud of cloudy mist immediately sped up, and because he was silenced, he couldn't hear the sound. He only knew that the thing was rolling on the floor, probably in pain.

"Even if it's the end of the world, I will not surrender to the so-called 'God'." Chen Xi said firmly, his body as straight as a gun.

He is a human being, not a creature from another world. Naturally, he will not sit back and watch Mother Earth and human beings perish.

So can he save mankind?

Summoning is so powerful, he feels that summoning can save mankind.

However, summoning is full of uncertainties. He dare not bet all his hopes on summoning. He should think of a guaranteed method that can bless all human beings.

"Why don't you learn magic?" Mu Chenxi's voice suddenly rang in his ears.

"What?" Chen Xi asked in surprise.

"Magic, magic can spread to all mankind. If there are large-scale high-level mages appearing, even the end of the world can survive."

Miss Mu pointed to the sky, and said: "There is a magic net on the earth, but the light of the magic net is too dim, and the meditation efficiency of ordinary people is too low. If you can build a magic lighthouse, the human beings on the earth will soon be able to get Magic, and then learn magic."

"Magic...what is it?" The ghost king on the side showed a confused expression, it seemed that he didn't know the existence of magic.

"Magic is indeed a power system to revitalize the human race." Chen Xi nodded.

Although magic power has certain dangers, Chen Xi believes that the acquisition of power is never free.

I believe that many people will choose the path of a mage instead of the path of a supernatural being.

As for the reason, it is because the mastery of abilities requires too much training, and it takes a long time to practice proficient and master-level abilities.

Didn't you see that Chen Xi's ability is still at the novice level? One can imagine that it is too difficult to practice at the proficient level.

Level 4 and level 5 ability users can upgrade their abilities because of dungeons. If ordinary people want to spend a lot of time practicing, it is better to spend this time cost on magic.

Although there are risks in the later stage of learning magic, as long as you control your desires in the middle stage, empty all the magic power in your body, and stop meditating in this life, then the body will not have the problem of energyization.

Besides, learning magic is enough for humans to live for decades. If life is too short, you can develop life-side potions to prolong life.

You can even transform your body into a dead body, which can also prolong your life.

His unconstrained ideas ran for a while, and he didn't stop thinking about the future magic earth until Miss Mu woke him up with a "Hello".

Don't think about what the future will look like, the top priority is to overcome the spiritual difficulties in front of you.

"Then the direction of summoning in the future should focus on the tower of magic."

This idea comes from a certain book friend, it's very good, let's learn magic together.

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