The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 239: The Magic Orb Is in Hand

There are many mysteries, and Chen Xi, who has lived until now, finds that he is under more pressure to live.

Who is the mysterious uncle, what is the content of the encrypted memory in "Don't Play Summoning", what are the interesting things, there are also seaweed eyeball monsters, the existence of stolen crystals, etc., and there are even completely unfamiliar characteristic summons that appear at an unknown time things etc.

Things like that created a pressure that took his breath away.


The summoning array had already retrieved the target, and that consciousness had been connected to the summoning array, only Chen Xi had to forcibly summon it.

"Here it is, it's ready to come." Chen Xi said to himself.

The top of Mount Morherz is the life restricted area of ​​Nilose Continent. Inside is the highest mountain in the continent. The mountain pierces through the space, resulting in a space crack on the top of the mountain, in which some strange objects and strange creatures live.

It is rumored that it was a restricted area left by the era of qualitative change in magic power. Normal people don't even know that the top of that mountain is very scary, because when they walk on that mountain, they feel infinite magic power rushing towards them, which is equivalent to the height of the top of a magic lighthouse. magic pressure.

If you walk halfway up the mountain, your whole body will be squeezed by the terrifying magic power, and no ordinary mage has ever been to the top of the mountain.

The temple spirit knows that area, and if there is no body with high-strength magic power, it is impossible to walk up to the top of the mountain.

And the top of the mountain has been completely energyized by magic power, if it is not the energy body, there is no way to reach the top of the mountain.

By the way, I would like to explain here that the abnormal magic power is the abnormal performance when the magic power is compressed to the extreme. At this time, the magic power has changed qualitatively. It is no longer a simple magic power, but something that contains terrifying energy, releasing a terrifying magic pressure invisibly.

But the abnormal magic power is very stable and tends to be inert, so it is difficult to trigger the abnormal magic power explosion.


There were some small sounds in my ears, like whistling wind, which felt a little strange.

Chen Xi's eyes saw countless purple airflows rushing towards the interior of the summoning array, ready to tear open the space crack above the summoning array.

In the blink of an eye, his eyes were covered by countless purple air currents. After another second, the sound disappeared, the sea level returned, and the night in the distance was still quiet.

Knowing that the summoned object had been transferred to another area, Chen Xi quickly closed his eyes to look at the summoning contract, and saw the eternal charm purple magic bead falling in a desert from his superficial consciousness.

The desert is surrounded by yellow sand all over the sky, the wind is blowing loudly, and the sky is a dark night.

This is the first picture. There are seven magic beads that have crossed over this time, so Chen Xi can see seven pictures.

The second magic bead is located in a snow-capped mountain, surrounded by snow-capped mountains, the sky is also a very pure night, the weather is different from here.

Another fell in the downtown area, it fell on the asphalt road and smashed through the road, causing commotion among countless people around.

Some daring supernatural beings even came over and touched it with their hands, with strange expressions on their faces, not knowing what it was.

The Eternal Charm Purple Magic Bead is very stable. It has solidified abnormal magic power in its body, and it is difficult to be pulled out. Only special methods can be used to trigger the abnormal magic power inside.

Therefore, Chen Xi didn't panic when he fell in the urban area. Anyway, people in this world don't have magicians, nor do they have special magic devices to activate the terrifying energy in the magic beads.

The fourth coin fell into a piece of lake water. Before falling into the water, Chen Xi purposely scanned the surrounding area to take a rough note of what it looked like inside.

The rest of the magic beads are in...

After remembering all of them, Chen Xi found that only three of the seven magic beads fell in uninhabited places, such as deserts, snow-capped mountains, and lakes, and the rest of the beads fell in prosperous urban areas or in populated places.

As long as there are people, there is news.

Moreover, the Eternal Charm Purple Magic Bead possesses perverted magic power. When the magic lighthouse is established, Chen Xi can use the lighthouse's expanded self-perception to perceive places on the earth where the magic power is extremely distorted. That distorted place is where the magic bead is located.

Of course, meditation also has this effect, but the meditation effect is not as obvious as the magic lighthouse, and the sensing range is not large. He can only sense the small magical sky where he is, and cannot perceive the whole world. You must know that the earth is round. of.

A minute later, Chen Xi turned to the news and saw that there was a supernatural news in Huaxia, which happened to be reporting about the big purple round bead.

The radius of the magic bead is about 50 centimeters, and the whole body is pure dark purple, without patterns or decorations, it is like a round giant purple pearl.

"The purple bead fell from the sky. A person with supernatural powers stepped forward to touch the bead, but found nothing abnormal, but the orb is very hard, invulnerable to swords and guns. It may be a new supernatural event 'objects falling from the sky'."

"I don't think things are dropped for nothing in the world. Although I didn't see any yin energy on the orb, I dare to conclude that it is a supernatural item. It may be another plan of supernatural forces. It must be crushed to eliminate supernatural forces. conspiracy!"

"Wait a minute, there is also news about a big purple pearl in the United States. That pearl even hurt someone, and it is now being protected by the U.S. Supernatural Bureau. Do Americans know the function of that pearl?"

People in Huaxia were talking about it. Chen Xi saw that the news did not include an address, but someone in the comment section claimed to have seen it in Guangju City in Huaxia.

Chen Xi is located in the Pacific Ocean, close to island countries and China.

Going back at the speed of the ghost ship is very fast, about an hour and a half.

An hour and a half later, Chen Xi arrived in Guangju City. He heard from people in the chat room of the Ghost Forum that the orb was taken back to the bureau by the staff of the Huaxia Ghost Bureau for research. The research room allows scientists with supernatural powers to study.

Of course, those in the chat room will not report the location of the orb.

Chen Xi went to an intelligence dealer to buy information, but the dealer also expressed that he was powerless. Although it had a wide range of situations, it didn't know everything.

Chen Xi had no choice but to sit on the Canton Tower and meditate.

Falling into the realm of meditation, Chen Xi recalled the top-level meditation ideas given by Dian Ling. There are a total of 108 visualization pictures. Only the top magic geniuses can visualize so many pictures at the same time.

Chen Xi's body has taken life-enhancing potions, and the limit of his visualization is exactly one hundred and eight images. The effect of meditation is extraordinary, and he can see the magic net sky more clearly.

But the magic net was not Chen Xi's target. Chen Xi's consciousness was floating, and he looked in the direction of 360 degrees, and saw a bright magic net appearing in the sky, thousands of stars shining.

Turning his gaze around, he saw a certain direction to the east, and the grid lines of the magic net showed upward concave marks. Although it was not obvious, the magic net was indeed distorted.

This twisted magic net is relatively rare on Nilose, and it is even rarer on Earth, and the chance of encountering it is one in a billion.

If Chen Xi hadn't known that there was an Eternal Charm Purple Magic Bead nearby, he wouldn't have been able to see that distorted dent.

Opening his eyes, Chen Xi drove the griffin out of the city quickly, and after flying for about half an hour, he came across a mountainous area where there was an underground research institute.

The underground research institute was built underground, with some white ordinary residential buildings on the surface, but Chen Xi saw many supernatural beings and human ghosts patrolling, so it can be called a heavily guarded place.

The arrival of the griffin frightened them, and all kinds of abilities smashed into nothing, but Chen Xi's goal was not the research institute, because the magic bead hadn't arrived at the research institute yet, it had just arrived at the entrance of the research institute and hadn't gone down yet.

Chen Xi broke through violently, the Griffin withstood a bunch of supernatural attacks, and Xiao Hui, who was hiding in the shadows, suddenly appeared, got into the car, swallowed the magic bead in one gulp, and then left quickly.

Chen Xi drove the griffin away without hurting anyone, which made the people on the ground look at each other in dismay.

Why did he come here to pretend to be aggressive and then slip away, is he stupid?

Someone's complexion changed drastically, and he rushed into the car to see that the purple orb had disappeared without a trace.

On the other side, Chen Xi took Xiao Hui back and finally had time to look at the magic bead.

There is no temperature in the magic bead, and the pure purple color has no impurities.

People without magic power will not be suppressed by magic pressure if they touch it, but there is magic power in Chen Xi's body, and the terrifying magic power directly acts on his body after touching it, causing the bones of his hands to thump.

Because the hand couldn't hold it, the magic bead fell from the air.

Chen Xi gasped, the power of this magic bead was really strong, and then it was swallowed by Xiao Hui, and then he flew to the central region of China with the griffin.

He is going to start building the magic lighthouse today, and the location of the first magic lighthouse will be in the central area of ​​China.

The construction of the magic lighthouse has no requirements on the terrain, and Chen Xi is not a person who believes in feng shui. In order to pursue the maximum range of magic power radiation, it is most suitable to build it in the center of Huaxia, so that all Huaxia people can enjoy the top-level magic traction effect.

Of course, humans can choose not to meditate, as long as they don't meditate to absorb magic power, their bodies are still normal.

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