The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 242 The Usage of Fate

"It seems that we can only use a special method to go to the real world and see that stone tower in person." A ghost king looked up at the green sun in the ghost world.

The world of ghosts is not an eternal night, there is always a green sun hanging above their heads, the sun's light is not dazzling, even a little deserted.

Deserted is an excellent temperature for ghosts, just like people feel very cool living in an environment of twenty-four degrees.

"The spiritual creatures in our ghost world have just gained a foothold, so I hope it's not a big change."

"Let me tell you, we can live well by relying on the supernatural environment of the earth. Why do we have to curry favor with 'gods'? Those gods are nothing but ghosts who are countless times stronger than us." Luo Mang followed a group of flying Soliloquy.

Luo Mang is no longer a pure human being. His body has been soaked in Yin Qi for a long time, and his current physique is infinitely close to that of a real ghost. (similar to zombies)

Like now, he can float like a ghost and fly all the way to the sun of the ghost world.

That sun is not only the hope to light up the ghost world, but also a newly opened world channel for the ghost world. Ghosts can fly to the green sun to go to the real world.

In the same way, human beings can also fly into the pyramid, enter the ghost world after entering the entrance of the pyramid.

However, the pyramid is heavily guarded by a group of supernatural forces, and it is difficult for humans to approach.

If they send level five supernatural beings to attack, they will also send the most powerful four-meter Yin Qi ghost king to stop them.

In short, the pyramid hangs domineeringly over human cities like this, denying human beings a chance.

"I'm so angry, we have to fly to Asia after we come out of the pyramids, it's so troublesome."

"No way, we can't always encounter the space channel opened by the supernatural game. Let's use this simple method first, and after we land, we can use fate to call the ghost ship king to take us to the scene."

"Brother, the ghost ship kings of the four oceans have all been wiped out, don't you know?"

"They haven't been destroyed, they've just been captured, and the fate in my hand hasn't disappeared, which means they can still be used." Yougui said.

Luo Mang looked at this group of ghosts calmly, the "fate" they said was the fate they received when they opened the ghost shop.

As we all know, Jieyuan restaurant does not charge secular transactions such as coins, but provides food for free, and what is charged is fate.

Regardless of the emptiness of fate, once it is used by a knowledgeable person, fate is a wonderful and powerful weapon.

Experts who have a lot of karma in their hands can almost walk sideways on the earth, because the big bosses owe them a favor (ghost love), even if the big bosses don't want to pay it back, there are a hundred ways for the guy who has a relationship with the restaurant to get others to pay it back This fate.

Luo Mang couldn't help sighing, this power is too powerful, compared to those supernatural games, joining the Yuyuan restaurant is the most correct path in his life.

What are the three roommates doing now, Luo Mang also asked.

The second otaku, Hu Jing, seems to be dead. This is the news he found from the police files.

The head of the room, Zhou Wenbin, became a face devil, and now he was arrested by the force called Ghost Mask in the capital, and now he is suppressed in prison and undergoing transformation into a devil.

After Luo Mang heard the news, his heart didn't fluctuate much, probably because he had been half-ghost and half-human for a long time, and his mind became much colder.

As for Chen Xi, he became a member of the strategy team of the Huaxia Supernatural Bureau, went on vacation in the United States, and was also a big shot in the supernatural circle.

The "big man" in this sentence is not commendatory, but derogatory.

Chen Xi is a human being wanted by a certain "god". As long as there is a spiritual force willing to destroy him, the god will come to him in the future and give him a great reward.

This news is currently only known to the top leaders of the great spiritual forces of all parties. Ordinary ghost kings cannot know it, and it is even more impossible for humans to know it. After all, it involves the dignity of "gods", and it is impossible to spread it on a large scale.


After a while, the ghosts came to the green sun and submerged into the sun alone. A coldness swept over their whole bodies, making them feel comfortable.

After a while, they saw a long stone path, and at the end they could see a black night and an ocean below.

"Who uses fate to summon a ghost ship king?"

"Me." Luo Mang took the initiative to stand up. He had received the ghost ship king.

The size of the ghost ship king is variable. At that time, he opened his shop on the beach of an isolated island in the Arctic Ocean. The reduced version of the ghost ship had just become the ghost king at that time, and its strength was very weak.

It drank a glass of wine in the store, successfully possessed the power of rapidly increasing Yin Qi, and it happened to form a bond at that time.

As a store manager, the most important thing is to know people and ghosts, make friends with future potential stars, and catch big fish with a long line.

"I am Luo Mang, I have a fate with you, please give me a ride today."

Luo Mang closed his eyes, held a dark whisk in his hand, shook it lightly a few times, and a ghostly talisman with his name on it flew out of the whisk and disappeared into the air.

This is the core secret technique of Jieyuan restaurant - fate, as long as you grasp the fate, you can use it skillfully to do things for yourself.

Of course, fate is fate. If the other party is trapped by external forces and cannot come over, then this fate cannot be implemented.

But generally speaking, the success rate of fate technique is very high.


On the outskirts of a certain city in Xishan Province, where the magic lighthouse is located.

"Master, someone is calling my name, should I go?"

"Oh?" Chen Xi raised his head, glanced at his command talisman, and sensed that a powerful force was resisting the power of the command talisman. In the end, the command talisman won, stabilized the pressure, and prevented the ghost ship from leaving.

Chen Xi carefully sensed the idea represented by that power, to the effect that he would let it pick someone up and repay the original fate.

"Is it interesting to transport a bunch of ghosts? You can bring them all here. It just so happens that the Light Elf King has some free time after building the magic lighthouse. Let him practice his hands." Chen Xi said.

Ghosts can't roam around every corner of reality unscrupulously. If they want to use the game channel to enter the real world, they need to prepare in advance to apply to be a spoiler, and they can't leave immediately.

In short, this is the self-protection of the earth's environment. The fastest way for ghosts to come to the real world is naturally to fly to the sun to come to the real world, and then go to each continent by boat.

Although the forces of the ghost ships in the four oceans were destroyed, the small boats were wandering outside, and the traffic of the ghosts was not paralyzed for the time being.

The King of the Arctic Ocean Ghost Ship was released with a black face. After it responded to the call from the bottom of its heart, a slide suddenly appeared in front of it, and it was sucked in.

Chen Xi was taken aback, this way of leaving was a bit like a summoning technique.

"What's this?"

"It may be something similar to summoning, but the essence is a bit different." Temple Spirit analyzed.

Chen Xi looked at the ghost ship from the perspective of the talisman, and saw it carrying a group of ghost kings, driving towards Asia at the highest speed.

He looked around casually, his eyes suddenly fixed, and he saw a familiar person—Luo Mang!

What did he come for? Looking at him like that, he couldn't tell whether he was a man or a ghost.

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