The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 245: The Internet Boom

Chen Xi doesn't need to worry about how Dianling puts book knowledge into the Internet.

It has the light of knowledge, so it naturally doesn't need Chen Xi to teach him how to import information into the Internet with such profound knowledge.

"Chen Xi, don't forget my call, you promised me." Dian Ling reminded.

"I know, I will find time to fulfill your promise." Chen Xi nodded.

Dian Ling is not Chen Xi's subordinate, so it is more appropriate to call it "partner" now.

It doesn't go to the starry sky with Chen Xi to play summoning, it will start to let itself fly after helping Chen Xi fulfill those promises.

"When you're done with all this, what's your plan?"

"Being free suddenly, I don't have any plans, let's take a stroll here on Earth first." Dian Ling said carelessly, hearing the smell of salted fish blowing over his face.

It didn't mean to help Chen Xi play summoning in the starry sky at all, Chen Xi felt a little helpless, but it was impossible for him to agree to the summoning request of the palace spirit again, only this time.

If you want to ask the temple spirit to take action to suppress it, it needs a chance to summon. The summoner will be summoned by Chen Xi, and the main price in the future will also be borne by him. Chen Xi feels bad about this kind of loss-making business.

After all, Dianling is an intelligent creature, and it is normal for him not to be used by others.

The words of the Light Elf King are not easy to fool.

It is currently on the periphery of the magic lighthouse, cleaning up those psychic forces that have sneaked over to inquire about information.

These supernatural forces are small forces, and the real big supernatural forces have not yet arrived.

Chen Xi believed that even the ghost ship forces of the four oceans could be leveled directly, so he would definitely not be afraid of those top supernatural forces.

Now the light elf king is able to run rampant on the earth, and he is kind-hearted, so it is most suitable to be placed on the earth to guard against supernatural disasters.

"I don't even have a reliable summoner, I'm really not strong enough." Chen Xi said to himself.

Originally thought that he was quite strong, but after careful calculation, his strength was still a low-level summoner, and he did not have a powerful summoner of his own.

Putting the sad things aside for the time being, Chen Xi used the summoning contract to watch the scenes of those magic beads, and saw a magic bead entering a European Institute of the Supernatural Bureau.

So Chen Xi flew into the sky in a ghost ship to deal with the bead.

On the Internet, the role of the purple magic bead has not been announced, but the appearance of magic has ignited everyone's enthusiasm.

Especially after Dian Ling injected magic knowledge into the network, everyone's enthusiasm became more intense, and the whole people began to sit at home and meditate.

"It was unbelievable, I actually saw the lights, and I saw a giant network appearing in the sky."

"The feeling of being addicted to the magic net is really fascinating. I may not be able to let go of it until the middle stage of mage practice."

"Magic Knowledge Network has landed, everyone, come and learn magic!"

"What the hell, magic modeling is so difficult, did you learn it?"

Some people have passed the initial meditation stage and started to study magic modeling.

The earth has a large population, and some geniuses can be counted, but there are still many people who are afraid of brain pain, and have questioned those who have successfully meditated in the comment area, doubting whether meditation can really be successful.

Believe it or not, magic really bloomed this night. Although there are not enough people meditating now, and most of them are Chinese people, people on other continents are still waiting to see, and those who dare to meditate are few group.

When it comes to magic knowledge, Dian Ling said that he has some advanced magic knowledge, and simply using graphics and text, etc., naturally has no teaching effect, so the library is still meaningful.

Therefore, the Temple of False Law only puts advanced magic knowledge, while the magic knowledge on the Internet is all primary magic knowledge and intermediate magic knowledge.

This allowed Dian Ling to be busy for a while, and Chen Xi flew over Europe while it was busy.

When the magic bead was transported before, Chen Xi had been staring closely at the picture of its being transported, and saw that the magic bead had changed hands in several places when it was being transported.

Europe was the slowest place to respond, because the bead was discovered relatively late, and because it didn't work, everyone didn't pay much attention to it. It happened that Chen Xi saw the address of the penultimate transshipment.

Coming to that address, Chen Xi entered the state of meditation.

He looked up at the sky, and the giant net in the sky was still clear, which was the effect of the super meditation idea, but there were no traces of the magic net twisting around, indicating that it was not here.

Along the front before the magic bead left, Chen Xi performed five stages of meditation in sequence, one stage of meditation moved forward a hundred miles, and found the direction of the magic bead during the second meditation.

After finding the direction, Chen Xi meditated for the second time, snatched the magic bead from a certain country after a little effort, and then flew to the sky in a ghost ship, preparing to build a tower in space.

By the way, the internal space of the hidden lake shell has grown to more than 500 cubic meters, and the volume of stones that can be accommodated is very large.

The hidden lake shell can grow so big, all because of the four bottles of life-enhancing medicine, which strengthened it to adolescence.

Although it has not evolved to an adult body, the space in its body is already huge, and it has the power of a destructive high-pressure water gun.


When Chen Xi flew into space, China's Xishan Province ushered in a peak of tourists, and countless people went to Xishan Province to watch the miracle.

Of course, some of the people who went there have successfully meditated on the five visualization maps.

They know that even if they are outside the province, they still have the same meditation effect. It doesn't matter whether they go to the magic lighthouse or not, but there are always people who think such a miracle, and they are not reconciled not to see it for themselves.

On the way to the magic lighthouse, someone suddenly saw a translucent ship flying towards the magic lighthouse.

That is a ghost ship, it is rumored to be one of the big forces on the four oceans, but recently the masters of the four oceans have been wiped out, why is there still a huge ghost ship flying in the sky.

This makes people feel fear from the bottom of their hearts and panic.

Did that person lie to everyone? In fact, it was a trap to lure everyone to the location of the magic lighthouse, and then they were suppressed and killed by supernatural creatures.

However, it didn't take long for everyone to think, a ray of light bloomed in midair without warning, it was like a firework, so bright that people couldn't open their eyes.

"what is that?"

"It's that ball of light bulbs, it reappeared!" Someone said in surprise.

Yes, that group of "light bulbs" has been waiting for a long time, locked its own light, suspended in the air and remained motionless, just waiting for the arrival of the other party.

Now that the ghost is here, it naturally doesn't need to hide, a burst of intense light dyes the sky white, shining the entire night.

Ghost ship.

The ghosts in the Yuyuan Restaurant looked terrified, howled and made fearful sounds.

"I want to go back, I want to leave!"

"Unrealization is useless to light, I'm still burning!"

The Fate Restaurant is one of the most powerful forces in the ghost world. Faced with such a situation, many ghosts resolutely use their "Fate" in their hands.

Crashing, the surrounding space was turbulent, and countless ghosts crossed the boundary and came to the real world to help.

But the radiance of the Light Elf King was too blazing, and the ghosts who came to cross the border spontaneously ignited, and they couldn't even protect themselves, let alone their fate.

Luo Mang was naturally in it, the strange thing is that he didn't spontaneously ignite, he saw a group of ghosts burning around him, and fell into a daze.

"This light hurts so much, but why don't I have it?" Luo Mang asked with flickering eyes.

Looking directly at the ray of light, Luo Mang felt unprecedented pain, but his body didn't spontaneously combust, he just felt very uncomfortable.

"Could it be because my hands are not yet stained with blood?" Luo Mang couldn't help guessing.

This chapter is boring.

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