The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 248 Summoning technique hidden in the array?

The direction of human evolution is unable to evolve a body that does not need to breathe, which is currently guessed by Chen Xi.

First of all, the life-enhancing potion is not just strengthening, it has the function of promoting the further evolution of the human body.

You can tell by looking at the tree of enchantment. The tree of enchantment swallowed life-enhancing potions in youth, but it did not grow to adulthood, but it has the power of an adult body. It has indeed improved in all aspects, but it has not yet broken away from its upper limit.

Think about it, is this evolution?

It can't be said that the word "evolution" is more appropriate to use the word "strength" or "growth".

"The original name is still true. Life enhancement really focuses on strengthening." Chen Xi sighed.

He wanted to summon a bottle of potion to promote the evolution of the body's breathing, but there was no potion for breathing evolution in "Don't Play Summoning", otherwise he would have summoned it long ago.

The direction of summoning before him is nothing more than two points. If he wants to enter space, one is to solve it from the inside, and the other is to solve it from the outside.

One, to form a self-consistent circulation of gas in the body, such as the evolution of the body, to evolve a physique that can live in space.

Second, use external force to complete the air circulation, such as the alien version of the spacesuit.

The "space suit" referred to here is of course not the space suit shown in the news pictures, but a suit that has oxygen in it and never needs to be supplemented with oxygen, and there will be no excessive oxygen or carbon dioxide and other gas concentrations. Phenomenon.

So which direction should Chen Xi start with?

Chen Xi fell into deep thought. He had seriously thought about what to summon these days, but when it came time to summon him, he was entangled again and again.

Strengthening the body is permanent, while clothes, which are external to the body, are subject to wear and tear, and are unreliable. The only advantage is insulation.

What if Chen Xi travels to another world and cannot adapt to the atmosphere there?

Although he doesn't need to breathe, the bacteria and the like in the air will also invade the human body, and even...

Well, he was overthinking.

Didn't you see that Ms. Mu is living well after crossing the earth now? The bacteria on the earth did not cause her much trouble.

"Actually, it's still a little troublesome, but I have used small magical healing techniques before. If there is any discomfort in my body, I will get used to it after treatment. It's not a big deal." Mu Chenxi explained from the side.

Chen Xi took out the supernatural pen, no matter what, the ultimate goal of summoning was directed at physical self-improvement.

"My body is still reliable." Chen Xi came to the final conclusion, and at the same time he was firm in the target of today's first summoning.

Since it is the direction of physical evolution, Chen Xi's goal is naturally related to evolution.

In "Don't Play Summoning", there is nothing related to "the body does not breathe". It is probably because there is no such setting as the space environment in the Nilose Continent, so the vacuum rarely appears, so they do not think about the vacuum of the body. How to survive in the environment.

Besides, the cosmic environment is full of a lot of radiation, and it’s not enough just not to breathe, and he has to resist all kinds of radiation light.

Although his current body has grown to the limit of the human body, and even surpassed the limit of the human body, he does not think that such a body can resist cosmic radiation, and he needs to evolve.

"I can only create my own summoning spell." Chen Xi said to himself.

When he created his own summoning spell, Chen Xi asked Dian Ling to give it a look at the first draft of his own summoning spell, and asked if it had any suitable special words or something, so as to help it locate it more precisely.

After working on it for a while, when the sun came to nine o'clock, Chen Xi started the fifty-first summoning of his summoning career.

For this call, the Palace Spirit and the Light Elf King were present one after another.

The Light Elf King came to join in the fun. It was kind-hearted and didn't want to see Chen Xi die on the spot, so it was very likely to help.

The temple spirit is idle and has the intention to contribute, but this intention is not pure. It strongly recommends that the second round of summoning is the one it requested, so as long as the first summoning is successful, it can follow Chen Xi went to the moon to try the second summoning together.

Wait, the problem of gravity has not been solved yet, Chen Xi can't fly to the earth.

Therefore, Chen Xi had to spend one summoning to summon a flying object at the speed of light, and the summoning that the palace spirit wanted had to be delayed until the third summoning.

"I'm starting." Chen Xi said.


The pale golden waves illuminated by the golden sun slammed against the ghost ship, one wave after another, but no sea water splashed on the deck of the ship, not to mention that the sound of those rumbling waves could attract the slightest attention of the man in black robe.

Chen Xi was wearing a black robe. This black robe could bring him a little protection. Although it was not high, it was at least a psychological comfort and made him feel more comfortable in summoning.

After a while, a white summoning array took shape, which was the original color.

Speaking of the summoning array, Chen Xi thought of the white eye summoning array again, and asked, "Dianling, have you successfully cracked that summoning array with eyes?"

"Well, I haven't successfully cracked it yet, but I cracked it with the light of knowledge for two or three days, and I probably know a little tricky about the eye summoning array." Dian Ling said mysteriously.

"What secret?"

Chen Xi's right ear was slightly tilted a millimeter, making an expression of listening carefully.

"There may be a summoning technique hidden in the summoning array." Dian Ling used the word "possible", indicating that this matter is not 100% sure, about 30% to 40%.

Hearing it say that there might be a summoning technique hidden in the summoning formation, Chen Xi was taken aback. Is that fellow so insidious?

He thought about it, if it wasn't insidious, it really didn't look like that guy.

"Is there nothing else? Is the summoning circle he left behind just to hide a summoning spell?" Chen Xi was still asking, his brows furrowed tightly, and he didn't relax completely.

"No, this thing is too difficult to crack, as difficult as that encrypted memory. I can guarantee that either this legendary summoner himself has the profound amount of the Light of Knowledge, or it has the Summoner of the Light of Knowledge, and He spent a long time designing these two things. If I want to crack it, it will take at least the same amount of time to crack it."

"Equivalent time?" Chen Xi gasped, was it so long.

Dian Ling didn't want to dampen Chen Xi's confidence, and said honestly: "It's a case of good luck, and it's even longer if you're not lucky. After all, it's the light of knowledge, and it's not something that can be learned by a cat or a dog on the side of the road.

If you want to crack it, you must have the same profound knowledge, and it must be similar to the knowledge I have learned, otherwise the cracking speed will be too slow. "

After hearing Dian Ling's words, Chen Xi temporarily lost confidence in the "Eyes Summoning Formation" and "the other half of the memory book".

"Then can the eye summoning array still work?" Chen Xi was not reconciled, it was a legendary summoning array.

"Of course you can use it if you want to, but I warn you, maybe you trigger the hidden summoning spell that comes with the summoning array during a certain summoning, and you will be responsible for the consequences." Temple Spirit said, and urged: "Hurry up and summon!" Come on, don't waste your time."

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