The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 270 Thunderstorm and Rainy Night

After the red shadow of death was made into a necromantic creature, the sharp bone knife waved randomly towards the surface of the moon for a few seconds, and the gray ground immediately plowed into tens of thousands of cut marks.

It still has infinite destructive power, and after it becomes a necromantic creature, it no longer needs to breathe, and it can also carry out aggressive attack methods in the space environment, not weakening the prestige of a top predator.

After putting aside the red shadow of death, Chen Xi had time to familiarize himself with the power of the memory stone.

The memory stone itself has infinite memory power. Chen Xi felt very dizzy at a glance. After getting used to it, he bumped it lightly with his hand. The memories of his life came out out of sequence. He had a splitting headache and had to let go of his hand and try again slowly. .

Last night, I spent a lot of time testing the limit of my summoning times, and I also got used to the power of this memory stone. Now I touch the memory stone again, and I still can't ease it.

It wasn't until he kept trying for a day that he could fully adjust his thinking and ensure that he would not be crushed by the huge power of memory.

"This memory stone is indeed a high-level summoning item. As far as this memory power alone is concerned, people with weaker mental powers cannot control it." Chen Xi said to himself.

If it was Chen Xi before he drank the evolution fluid, touching this stone would definitely destroy his body and soul in an instant, and now he naturally has no worries about this.

Chen Xi closed his eyes, and lightly tapped a finger on the magical stone with white wave pattern, scenes of memories appeared in the black perspective.

There are memories of junior high school, high school, college, and seeing that giant eyeball monster.

Joy, fear, hardship, pain, etc., all kinds of emotions bombard the heart.

Chen Xi frowned, and kept saying the word "three years old" silently in his heart, guiding himself to recall what happened when he was a child.

After a while, scenes of weak memories were opened.

Big windows, big ceilings, and huge people and things, everything is huge.

For a three-year-old child, the whole world is so big, only oneself is so small.

Chen Xi continued to recall, associating with the word "uncle", his memory began to change again, and several uncles vaguely appeared.

These uncles are all people he knows, and there are no people he doesn't know.

"What's the matter, is there no uncle in my memory?" Chen Xi said to himself.

When he was young, he felt something abnormal, maybe he has to recall from the day when he was abnormal.

Chen Xi added key words, constantly guiding himself to recall the time before the first time he used his abnormality ability.

It was a thunderstorm night.

Booming, thundering, silver snakes dancing, torrential rain, crackling and crackling on the glass windows.

Little Chen Xi hid in the window alone, poked his head and looked out the window, feeling nervous and scared.

Chen Xi held his breath, he already had a premonition that a terrible thing was about to come, and that was probably the real culprit that caused his life to become abnormal.


A ray of white light descended from the sky, hitting the courtyard where Chen Xi was located.

Little Chen Xi was so frightened that he rolled back on the bed and covered the bed, only exposing one eye to peep at the strange scene outside the window.

I saw that in the air that was struck by lightning just now, countless rainwater was split, leaving a vacuum.

The vacuum zone burst open like an eye, and a human-like palm protruded from it.

There is a thin layer of light on the surface of the human hand, allowing those purple air currents to slide over the back of the hand without hurting.

He held the edge of the space-like crack with one hand, inserted the other hand into the opening of the crack on the other side, stretched his hands apart, and tore the crack open, revealing the man in the black robe inside.

He was wearing a long robe that looked like black velvet. Under the robe, there was a layer of face covered by the dim sky, making him look a bit gloomy.

Little Chen Xi was trembling, not daring to look at the face under the black robe.

But he didn't dare to look, it doesn't mean others ignore it, no, the weird man in black robe squeezed out of the crack in the space, stepped out of the crack in the space, just stepped to Chen Xi's window, smashed the glass with his fist, Straight into the bedroom.

He held little Chen Xi's neck with one hand, hung in the air for three seconds, and whispered some small whispers, which seemed far away and close, and seemed to be whispering in his mind, which was very strange.

This made Chen Xi think of Dark Whispers, but he didn't have time to think about it. The man in black in his memory suddenly put down little Chen Xi, and didn't directly strangle him to death.


Another flash of lightning flashed across the sky, and hit Chen Xi's yard again, making the little Chen Xi extremely frightened and began to cry loudly.

The man in black didn't care about Chen Xi's crying, but turned his head suddenly, looking very flustered, as if there were soldiers chasing him behind.

He took out something that looked like a magic wand, but unfortunately little Chen Xi was so frightened at the moment that he didn't even dare to look at it, so Chen Xi himself couldn't see clearly.

Chen Xi could only rely on his powerful hearing to hear the sound of something passing through the air, and vaguely deduced that it was something like a magic wand.

Then little Chen Xi was crying, and saw another crack appear in front of the man in black robe. He was wearing a black robe and squeezed into the crack in an instant, and then the crack closed.

After the black robe left, the horror was not over yet. Chen Xi's finger touching the memory stone became hotter and hotter, indicating that he was approaching the dusty horror memory deep in his memory.

Outside the window, a crack opened where the thunder light had struck, and a burst of green light shone through the crack, which made people feel extremely strange.

It was just a split second, when little Chen Xi saw the crack, the crack was closed.

The thunder continued for about a while, and the sound of the rain outside suddenly stopped, followed by Chen Xi who heard a sound from the darkness.

Da da da.

The direction was the corridor, and he heard strange footsteps through the wall, heavy, light, slow, and fast, like stepping on his heartbeat.

In this day of thunderstorm and sudden silence, the parents at home were not present, and the sound of footsteps coming from the corridor seemed particularly terrifying.

At this moment, Chen Xi was in a state of fainting from fright, and the picture of little Chen Xi's memory was lost here, and his eyes became pitch black, and only the sound of footsteps could be heard in his memory.

When he was a child, he didn't know that the footsteps outside the door not only didn't stop after he fainted, but also walked more and more urgently, from the first floor to the second floor.

When Chen Xi heard this voice through the memory stone, even he himself couldn't help feeling cold hands and feet, and couldn't help but miss a beat in the heart.

There was such a weird scene when I was a child, I'm afraid it created a psychological shadow.

Seeing that this is not the end, although little Chen Xi was fainted by fright, the sound heard by the ears and the air flow sensed by the skin were all clearly reflected in his mind.

These useless memories are generally "forgotten", but he has a memory stone that can dig deep.

At this moment, Chen Xi heard the creaking sound of the door opening, and strange footsteps sounded again, this time the footsteps were very clear and loud, and they came to Chen Xi's bed step by step, two by three.

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