The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 273 The Reflection in the Mirror

Night fell.

The dense night covered the whole land with a layer of dark haze, fewer and fewer people dared to go out to the streets at night, even if they had learned magic, they still did not dare to go out on the streets openly.

Now that the night is getting longer and longer, everyone finds that even with the support of the magic system, they still feel uneasy in the face of this long night, and always feel that people have no power to backhand in the face of the ultimate disaster.

Under the enchantment tree, the house was brightly lit, and the light shone on the enchantment leaves, which refracted a brighter and softer light, giving the entire mountain and nearby areas a warm glow.

Under the radiance of this light, the abstract painting on the drawing board made a mysterious call again, and many ink creatures raised their heads and looked towards a certain direction on the top of the mountain.

In the mountain forest, some passing ants also changed direction and walked towards the top of the mountain.

The enchantment tree saw a large number of animals coming here, looking at the canvas, so it lowered a branch, stretched out of Chen Xiaotang's bedroom window and knocked on the glass, waking Chen Xiaotang up.

Chen Xiaotang was sleeping, sleeping soundly, when he heard the sound of knocking on the window, his eyebrows were slightly frowned, and he slowly opened his eyes, seeing the leaves.

"What's wrong, enchantment tree?"

Chen Xiaotang rubbed her eyes, got out of bed, put on cotton slippers, and stood by the window wearing a white cotton pajamas. Seeing countless small animals gathered beside the canvas, they all reached out to touch the canvas, but were stopped by the branches of the enchantment tree , none of the animals managed to touch the cloth.

Seeing this scene, Xiaotang, who was sleepy at first, suddenly regained consciousness, and murmured: "Magic mirror, you are really bad."

She opened the window, and the enchantment tree immediately paved a path with a few branches, allowing her to walk all the way under the enchantment tree.

When the little animals saw Chen Xiaotang's appearance, their originally empty eyes gradually turned bright again, and when they realized that something was wrong with them, they withdrew one after another.

The ink creatures shuddered immediately. When they saw their Creator appearing, they straightened their postures and made aggrieved voices, expressing that they did not intend to approach the painting.

Chen Xiaotang calmed the uneasy crowd, walked to the painting in a few steps, picked up the paintbrush guarded by the enchantment tree, and looked solemnly at the abstract painting on the canvas.

The canvas was originally extremely abstract, but the paint moved by itself and turned into a flowing gesture, approaching the real magic mirror every time it flows.

Looking at the cloth, Chen Xiaotang sensed a very seductive aura and tempted her to ask the magic mirror.

"Since you are not kind, I can't keep you." Chen Xiaotang tapped on the canvas, from the upper right corner to the lower left corner, and then from the upper left corner to the lower right corner, forming a big "X".

But with just these two strokes, the life of the canvas immediately protested strongly, and the black cross was actually absorbed by the canvas, adding to its own paint and perfecting the unfinished painting.

Draw by yourself!

Chen Xiaotang did not expect that the life of painting has the ability to absorb paint and paint by itself. It seems that the life of the magic mirror has initially taken shape. Although Chen Xiaotang still needs to use the finishing touch to light up its life, but now Chen Xiaotang wanted to deny its existence, so it had to perfect itself by itself, and was born with an incomplete body.

There were two plops, the drawing board moved wildly, and the creatures in the cloth gradually became solid things, and a metal frame protruded from the canvas.

"Ah!" Chen Xiaotang backed away in fright, and the ink creatures beside him knew that Chen Xiaotang was in trouble, so they rushed up one after another, trying to push the mirror back into the drawing paper with their paws.

But ink life is composed of various pigments after all, when the magic mirror encounters ink life, it will automatically absorb their ink to perfect itself.

"The enchantment tree, break it!"

As a last resort, Chen Xiaotang ordered the drawing board to be destroyed so that it could not be born.

The enchantment tree originally wanted to do this. It knew that Chen Xiaotang spent a lot of time making this drawing board, and it would be extremely distressing to damage it easily, so it didn't take the initiative to destroy it.

Now that the enchantment tree heard Chen Xiaotang's sad voice, its heart was infected, and it became angry. It immediately drew a huge and thick branch, and the branch with infinite enchantment power forked the drawing board.


The drawing board was blasted to the floor by the branches of the enchantment tree, and burst into pieces of wood, and then turned into a ball of ink smoke, floating into the air and disappearing.

The drawing paper was also pierced vigorously by the branches, and there was a big hole in the middle.

The strange thing is that the drawing paper did not turn into ink and smoke and disappeared into the air. Chen Xiaotang heard a sound like a cracking mirror surface. She blinked her eyes and saw more than a dozen broken glass mirror fragments and black Gold frame.

The surface reflectivity of the shards of glass is very high. Chen Xiaotang only took one look and saw his face reflected in one of the largest shattered mirrors.

With a soft face, white plush pajamas, and fair skin, no matter how you look at it, you look like a little person with a heart.

But Chen Xiaotang didn't feel well, the person reflected in the mirror terrified her, and she always felt that the person in the mirror was another self.

"The enchantment tree, blow it up." Chen Xiaotang said in fear.

The enchantment tree dropped more branches, and there was a whistling wind. Countless branches bombarded the ground, and there was a muffled sound of hitting the ground, which caused the lights in the parents' bedroom to turn on.

The parents and elders opened the window and saw how the enchantment tree was beating the ground. They couldn't help being confused, thinking that the enchantment tree was crazy, but when they saw Chen Xiaotang standing there with a sad face, they knew that things were not simple.

They even forgot to change into their pajamas, and stretched out their hands to make a gesture. The enchantment tree lowered the branches to bring the old couple closer, and Chen Xiaotang explained the cause of the riot just now.

At this time, the shattered mirror surface had been smashed into fine powder, and those fine powder were scattered in the soil, gathered little by little by the ink creatures, piled up into small powder in batches, and asked Chen Xiaotang how to deal with this kind of thing.

Chen Xiaotang glanced at the smashed powder, and the feeling of being called in the bottom of her heart still did not stop, as if a voice was calling her, asking her to save it.

This is inside the enchantment tree enchantment, and the seductive power of the outside world can hardly enter, so the source of the mysterious voice must be this pile of powder.

"Burn it." Chen Xiaotang ordered.

In the face of the unknown, it is safe to burn it.

But after the big fire was built, these powders were safe and sound in the fire, without any sign of being scorched, and they were even shining brightly in the flames.

In the ear, the voice calling for help still did not stop.

At this moment, Chen Xiaotang finally felt that his ability was dangerous. If there was no bug-level existence like the enchantment tree guarding it, God knows what would happen when the magic mirror was born.

"Why is this happening? I obviously just want to draw a mirror to look at the pictures in the distance." Chen Xiaotang threw herself into her mother's arms and said aggrievedly.

"You can't throw these powders outside to harm others, let your brother deal with it, so as not to harm others." My mother also felt that these piles of magic mirror powders had a strange charm, as if looking at the piles of powders, she felt that she was the most beautiful in the world woman.

But such a thought is absurd, Mother Chen is not a three-year-old child, but a woman in her forties, she will not be arrogant and think that she is the most beautiful woman in the world.

"En." Chen Xiaotang nodded.

In the face of things that cannot be handled, his brother can always find a way to deal with them.

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