The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 277 Devil's Thing

"A weird contract, with the power of rules, making the contracter's life worse than death, tortured forever, a scroll made by the devil himself."

"Heed my call."

"I wish to torture a nasty fellow."

The characteristic words for summoning are completely copied from the sentences in "Don't Play Summoning", and the last sentence is modified.

Devilish things love to torment, and whatever it is, they'll be more than happy to be summoned if it's called for the purpose of torment.

No, after searching for a minute in the Starry Sky Blue Summoning Formation, an evil consciousness connected to Chen Xi, exuding a painful torture consciousness, which made Chen Xi feel a headache.

Fortunately, Ms. Mu made up her resistance temporarily, and Chen Xi no longer felt the pain.

Chen Xi glanced at the space where the scroll was located. It was a dark secret room with no candlelight, only things placed on the ground, and a black sculpture in the center. The evil eyes of that sculpture made people feel very uncomfortable.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, you will find that the sculpture's eyes come alive, the black eyeballs suddenly turn red, and the evil gaze is directly fixed on the summoning power, like looking directly at Chen Xi's eyes.

"Summoner?" There seemed to be such a voice in the darkness. The voice was so beautiful that one couldn't help having a wonderful fantasy.

Chen Xi didn't hesitate any longer, and directly read the four characters of compulsory summoning, and the power of summoning directly swept the black scroll across the space, and the screen disappeared.

He didn't know what the hell that statue was, he just hoped it wasn't the devil, but an evil sculpture made by the devil.

At this moment, Chen Xi had retreated into the alien spaceship, the radiation in his body was extremely high, his whole body was hot, and his biological energy was scattered outward.

Chen Xi held up his palms, and the biological energies were divided into wonderful forces, aiming at the gate of the starry sky of the summoning array.

Inside the gate of the starry sky, the large ripples vibrated, and black smoke overflowed from the ripples of the starry sky.

There was not much black smoke, and the gate of the starry sky quickly turned into a dark color. The gate was closed, the summoning circle was dim, and the darkness ended.

Chen Xi was confused for a moment, where is the scroll, did the summoning go wrong this time?

But Chen Xi found out that he already had a new summoning contract in his mind, which meant that the other party also succeeded in crossing the border.

He looked at the cloud of black swimming smoke, his heart moved, and he immediately tightened his hands, and the cloud of smoke was immediately grasped by invisible palms, and gathered towards the middle.

When the black smoke was continuously pushed to the center, a transparent long cylindrical shape emerged from the smoke, and it looked like a scroll-like item.

It was the first time I had summoned the devil thing, and seeing the strange shape of the devil scroll, I couldn't help being fascinated.

Outside the cabin, various high-tech instruments have been set up to monitor the quality, temperature, temperature, etc. It was found that only one scroll passed through this summoning, and no creatures such as stowaways were seen.

After that, Xiao Hui stepped forward in a two-dimensional manner, wanting to check it himself, but just as Xiao Hui approached, he felt an evil aura rushing towards his face, as if staying there would be corrupted by an evil scroll and turned into a bad dog .

"Wow, woof, woof." The sound cannot be transmitted in a vacuum, Chen Xi heard the voice from the summoning contract, and immediately told Xiao Hui to back away, not to approach.

After removing Xiaohui, Chen Xi summoned a ghost king with a talisman, and asked him to open the scroll himself to see if there were stowaways inside.

The ghost king got the order to get close to the transparent thing, and his mentality was dominated by a burst of evil will.

But less than half a second after the evil consciousness rose, the talisman flickered, and the supreme power overbearingly squeezed the evil consciousness away, preventing the evil from controlling the ghost king's body.

Seeing this, Chen Xisong breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the ghost is still controlled by the command talisman, he is sure to use this devil scroll.

Xiaohui is not a ghost controlled by the ghost catching talisman. If it is accused of being unable to recover, Chen Xi doesn't feel sorry for ghosts. Invincible control power, almost no external objects can control them, unless that kind of existence is something higher than Chen Xi's abnormalization ability.

Thinking of this, Chen Xi lamented the abnormality of his abnormality ability even more.

"What kind of powerful summoning hidden danger can produce abnormal ability?" Chen Xi felt unimaginable.

The legendary biological angel once said that the power is so powerful that it cannot be deciphered, which shows that the level of abnormality ability is higher than the legend, and it is a very rare and powerful power.

Chen Xi didn't understand the principle, so he controlled the ghost to open the scroll. The scroll on it was transparent, but with a single glance, he could see endless evil thoughts blooming on the scroll, bombarding him with evil thoughts all the time. The consciousness of the ghost, trying to control the will of the ghost king remotely.

However, the control power of the ghost catching talisman is unparalleled, the evil will left behind by the devil is no match for the power of the talisman, and every offensive ends in failure.

Chen Xi thought for a while, controlled the ghost king's hand, and drew a few words on the transparent scroll to form the first law: "Always listen to the orders of Chen Xi and Chen Xiaotang..."

After writing the first law, Chen Xi wrote dozens of laws in a hurry, all aimed at the various behavior standards of the magic mirror, blocking all the ways for it to escape from the control of the devil scroll, and regulating its tone of voice by the way , to teach it to respect unequal treaties such as humans.

After writing the contract, Chen Xi felt very satisfied, so he summoned his sister onboard the Qixing ship and the magic mirror to go into space, and prepared to sign the contract.

ten minutes later.

Chen Xiaotang took the magic mirror to the moon. Chen Xiaotang, who entered the space environment for the first time, was full of hesitation and dared not go into the moon. He muttered in his mouth whether it is really okay not to wear a space suit.

Then when the cabin door opened suddenly, she realized that she could not breathe, and she looked shocked again. She tiptoed the soil of the moon, opened her small mouth round, and couldn't help but let out a "wow" sound of surprise.

Before his sister could be shocked, Chen Xi ordered her to paint quickly. Chen Xiaotang got the order and took out a half-painted picture of the magic mirror.

"Are you halfway through the drawing?"

"Well, after you left, I didn't stay idle, so I started drawing." Chen Xiaotang nodded, and took out the psychic drawing board that he had used before.

Her special drawing board was hammered to death by a branch of the enchantment tree, and turned into ink and smoke, and it could not be repaired, so she could only take out the spiritual drawing board she had used before.

Set up the drawing board, take out the drawing board and continue drawing according to the broken magic mirror.

Chen Xi sent the ghost king to take a drop of holy water first, control the holy water to suspend in the air, purify the space, and then take out the devil scroll and put it aside.

The devil's scroll originally had a layer of evil temperament, but it disappeared without a trace next to the holy water, and even dyed a layer of mild white on the surface, looking like a holy object, which warms people's hearts.

"Mirror mirror, as long as you sign this scroll contract, I can promise to repair you."

The cracked magic mirror let out a laugh like an old witch, and said sideways: "Idiots only sign!"

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