The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 283 The 94th Summoning

Chen Xi turned his head to look at the gray ordinary conch, feeling that this statement was unbelievable.

How could strangulation be the only way to get rid of it? He didn't believe there was no way to get rid of it, and the magic conch certainly didn't tell him the second way.

"Bah, I won't believe it." Chen Xi never believed that tattoos were unsolvable.

With that in mind, Chen Xi touched his tattoo again, using the abnormalization ability, the tattoo remained unchanged, and the smoky tattoo in the magic mirror remained unchanged.

Seeing the weird tattoo wrap around his neck like smoke, and close up a centimeter upon closer inspection, Chen Xi's heart skipped a beat, he couldn't wait until night fell, he had to clean up the tattoo on his neck.

I don't know what will happen if you cut off the tattooed piece of meat, Chen Xi boldly thought about it, and ordered the Starship to develop a nano-level blade, and use high-tech nano-level precision instruments to cut off the surface skin on the back.

Of course, the meat-cutting session is not for outsiders to watch, after all, it looks a bit disgusting, so in order not to disturb the interest of his sister and others, Chen Xi went into the Qixing ship and closed the hatch to do it secretly.

"Preparing to cut the skin, please confirm the scope of cutting the skin." The electronically synthesized female voice of the Venus Starship sounded in the ear.

A light curtain was thrown into the air, Chen Xi's eyes moved slightly, and an area the size of a finger was drawn out by him.

Chen Xi didn't plan to cut off all his flesh as soon as he came up, because his flesh can grow, and the tattoo is so weird, it may grow back with the flesh after cutting it off. If this happens, then there is no need to cut the flesh. So he cut off a small piece of skin first, to see if this method works, and if it doesn't work, forget it.

After Chen Xi clicked the execute button with his eyes, he was lying on the flat and smooth ground. A miniature robot hand descended and slid over a certain part of Chen Xi's back at an extremely fast speed. The sound of sparks splashing.

Although the skin of the physical body is as hard as titanium steel, black technology is black technology after all, and Chen Xi's skin is not too hard to break through.

Chen Xi looked at the projection in the sky, and the light curtain was monitoring the condition of Chen Xi's back.

I saw a relatively flat place on the back, where the black tattoo was shaved off a thumb-sized area, just torn apart.

However, Chen Xi's muscles did not bleed. When a thin layer of skin was cut off, the wound immediately formed a scar, and then the robotic hand tore it lightly, revealing the white and tender new skin as tender as a baby.

Of course, in the tender color, the tattoo fracture quickly formed a small tattoo, the fractures on both sides connected to each other, the tattoos were instantly connected, and the tattoo returned to its complete posture.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xi knew how fast his muscles regenerated, but the regeneration speed of that tattoo was also quite fast, only one second slower than the skin regeneration speed.

Since the skin regenerated so fast, Chen Xi thought about cutting all the tattooed skin to see if it could regenerate with the skin.

Anyway, the body has evolved to such a point that it no longer feels painful to cut the skin. Chen Xi asked the machine to cut off all the skin with tattoos.

Naturally, the robot hand didn't feel sorry for him. After receiving the instructions from its superiors, it drew out the knife instantly, and within a second, the skin on Chen Xi's back had been completely cut off.

After a while, the skin was regenerated again, and the tattoo was regenerated along with it, and it didn't disappear because of the skin being cut.

And the whole piece of skin film was spread flat on the ground, and the black tattoo on it had disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xi stopped bothering about cutting his skin.

"No, I still have to use summoning to solve it." Chen Xi murmured.

There is nothing that cannot be solved by summoning. If there is, then summon multiple times.

After preparing for a while, Chen Xi returned to the moon crater, ready to start the ninety-fourth call of life.

For the ninety-fourth summoning, Chen Xi didn't know what to summon, so this time "Don't Play Summoning" was useless, he planned to use a random summoning spell.

Random summoning spells often have unknown risks, but the benefits are also obvious, and it is very easy to get what you want.

Of course, random summoning spells are also an important basis for the growth of summoners. Many summoning spells are found by the summoners themselves by using random spells. After all, what is suitable for others is not suitable for themselves. Only by exploring by yourself is the correct way for a summoner the way.

"If you want to use the random summoning spell, you have to have a certain understanding of your tattoo, otherwise you can't prescribe the right medicine." Chen Xi pondered, and began to think about the role of his tattoo.

His tattoo came from the rays of light struck by the seaweed eyeball monster. The tattoo was formed after the flame was abnormal, and then "strengthened" in a beneficial direction to the body. The specific function of this tattoo may be to strangle Chen Xi to death.

Then the sister's strengthening direction may be to delay the time of strangling herself, or it may be to reduce the intensity of strangling herself.

So what should he summon to remove the tattoo?

As time passed by every minute and every second, fine sweat gradually formed on Chen Xi's forehead.

No clue, no clue at all!

He stared, his head was empty, not knowing what to summon.

However, you can't just sit here all the time, at least you have to try. Anyway, you have a lot of mental power, and you can summon dozens of times a day.

After pondering for ten minutes, Chen Xi drew a summoning array and got a starry sky blue summon.

The starry sky blue represents infinite possibilities, and it is also the summoning array that most closely matches the random summoning spell. Standing beside the summoning array, Chen Xi quietly felt the charm of the magic power, and then confirmed the preparations for sanctioning the summoning facilities with the Qixing ship, and then opened his mouth and said: :

"An unknown creature from an unknown world!"

"Arbitrary appearance, flesh and blood, something that can erase the tattoo on my back!"

"Answer my call!"

"I will grant you a request about summoning!"

The range of words used in this summoning spell is very large, the world is unknown, and the race of creatures is also unknown.

As for the reason for choosing flesh and blood creatures, it is because high-tech weapons are invincible in killing flesh and blood. As long as the opponent is a flesh and blood body, it will definitely be suppressed and killed by black technology.

Of course, the other party may also be a strange existence with an extremely powerful body that can live without a body. If he encounters such an existence, Chen Xi still has a backhand—a summoning condition is attached!

This is Chen Xi's gift for the summoner. As long as the other party has something they want to summon, then his gift will definitely be useful, and at the same time, it can greatly reduce the possibility of death.

When he was thinking this way, the starry sky blue summoning array slowly glowed, and the eight star blue flame pillars rose high, turning into a starry sky gate, and there were thousands of galaxies inside the gate, which made people intoxicated.

Seeing the gate of the starry sky, Chen Xi looked slightly happy. The action of the summoning array showed that such an existence existed, and he had a chance to remove his tattoo.

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