"Reporting to the captain, your sister said that this is something you may need."

The electronically synthesized sound of the Starship came from the ear, it was the sound transmitted through the summoning contract, and there was no need to worry about being eavesdropped by the seaweed eye monster.

Chen Xi's thoughts turned slightly, and he also used the summoning contract to ask: "What exactly is it?"

"A painting." Qixing Ship's answer was simple and easy to understand.

"How is my sister?" Chen Xi frowned.

If he remembers correctly, it has only been ten minutes since the accident. It is very exhausting to complete a life-creating painting in ten minutes. He is very worried about his sister's body.

"She is currently in a coma and her life is not in danger."

Hearing this, Chen Xi's brows softened a little, and he said, "What kind of painting is this, and what's the theme?"

In just ten minutes, he couldn't figure out what kind of paintings his sister could draw.

Before he figured it out, Chen Xi didn't dare to immediately uncover the black cloth.

After all, now that the seaweed eyeball monster is attached to his tattoo, there is a chance to strangle someone's neck at any time, Chen Xi only has one chance, so he can't be careless.

"Abstract painting." Qixing Ship spat out five words, it didn't have any more explanations, as if the explanation here was the limit.

The same is true in fact, Chen Xiaotang was too focused when painting, and did not tell Qixingship what she was painting when painting.

After finishing the last stroke, she collapsed and fell into a coma.

Qixing Ship thought that this painting might be beneficial to Chen Xi, so he covered it with an absolutely opaque black cloth and carried the painting in front of Chen Xi.

Chen Xi walked slowly around the painting covered in black cloth, but the seaweed eyeball took a few more glances and found that he couldn't see through it, so he snorted coldly: "Why don't you open it and have a look?"

The seaweed eyeball monster gritted its teeth at the opaque cloth. Not only could it see through its eyes, but it also couldn't perceive anything from it, as if it was a very ordinary thing.

Ever since, it became a little interested, but it didn't think that the things Chen Xi moved over temporarily were threatening to it.

Because he felt that there was no threat, he urged Chen Xi to quickly uncover it and see what kind of rotten thing it was.

Chen Xi still didn't uncover it, he was very wary of the seaweed eyeball monster, and he couldn't uncover it under its nose.

What will be used to uncover it?

Chen Xi's heart moved, and he quickly found a way.

"Don't expose it, this kind of thing is useless to you." Chen Xi said silently to the seaweed eye monster tattoo.

"Huh? You want to take a peek?"

Chen Xi remained silent, but the seaweed eyeball seemed to see through Chen Xi's thoughts, snorted coldly and said nothing, confidently thinking that Chen Xi could do nothing to it.

Chen Xi walked far away, and the painting was also transported by the robot to a certain airtight sealed room on the Starship.

In that room, a ghost king walked to the canvas and slowly lifted the black cloth.

It was a blur of colors, all kinds of abstract paints flowed on the canvas like fish, they swam randomly, and sometimes leaped out of the canvas, turning into a solid fish, with swimming black in their eyes, flickering slightly Dazzling flashes.

Seeing this scene, the ghost king was startled and wanted to catch the colorful fish.

Being chased by the ghost king, the fish leaped out of thin air, and jumped back into the drawing board with a plop.

On the canvas, all kinds of fish are looking at the ghost king, and the power beyond time and space emanates quietly here, tempting it to say what it wants with its mouth.

This is... the summoning array!

On the other side, Chen Xi, who was wandering around the surface of the moon, was bored on the surface, but in fact his heart was turned upside down, and he suddenly felt that his own counterattack round had come.

Just now he wanted to use the magic pen to draw the summoning formation, but was strongly stopped by the seaweed eyeball monster, and he did not hesitate to force him with his life, which showed that summoning could cure it.

What is the function of summoning? Naturally, it is to summon what he thinks. At this moment, Chen Xi's brain is working quickly, and a summoning spell suitable for his current situation came into being.

"Looking at your expression, it seems that you have peeked at that painting by some kind of trick, do you want to take me to see that painting now?" said the seaweed eyeball monster.

Chen Xi looked up at the sky, but he didn't see that huge eyeball, which was in the state of tattoo at the moment.

However, Chen Xi could imagine himself in the magic mirror, there must be a thin line connecting his neck to a huge foggy eyeball, and the strange eyes of his pupils were watching his every move, not letting go of any expression changes.

"Why, are you scared?" Chen Xi asked back.

"I don't think it's good for something that can make you confident. I advise you not to touch it. Be careful that I will strangle you to death." The seaweed eyeball squinted its eyes, revealing a dangerous light.

Chen Xi couldn't see this guy, but the danger signal had come to his forehead, and advised him not to act rashly.

Chen Xi's thoughts turned. Facing this strange creature with an online IQ, he couldn't do whatever he thought of as usual.

"Okay, I won't move." Chen Xi simply sat on the ground and did nothing.

The seaweed eyeball monster continued to show dangerous gazes, Chen Xi was a dangerous person, until now Chen Xi still had a calm expression on his face, which made him very upset.

So it began to think about Chen Xi's other countermeasures, but after much deliberation, it couldn't think of any countermeasures.

Now its life form is very special, living on Chen Xi's tattoo is equivalent to one of the characteristics burned into this body, but it does not burn into Chen Xi's soul, it doesn't matter if it doesn't burn into the soul, It can't control its whole body, but only the flesh of the tattooed part, which makes it the most angry.

The current situation may be the only special case in the world, it can't think of any way for Chen Xi to deal with it.

Even if the muscles on the back were cut off, it would still survive in Chen Xi's physical body, unless Chen Xi abandoned his physical body like it did and lived out of the body with a purely spiritual body.

Then that drawing board might be a soul-absorbing treasure, absorbing Chen Xi's soul, or absorbing its soul, no matter which one it is, it's a bad sign.

When the seaweed eyeball monsters were guessing about the painting, the Qixing ship quietly landed an invisible black technology spaceship, and the spaceship approached Chen Xi with the most hidden black technology.

A few minutes later, Chen Xi's heart moved, and he suddenly reached out to touch the vacuum one meter in front of him, and immediately activated the abnormalization ability when he encountered resistance!

A burst of absolute blackness suddenly covered the entire field of view, and the desolate lunar rock formations as far as he could see disappeared without a trace, and the darkness with no sense of direction surrounded him.

This sudden movement caused the seaweed eyeball monster to react instantly, knowing that Chen Xi had touched something strange, triggering a dark space.

"What are you doing!" Chen Xi's faintly angry voice sounded, it was the eyeball monster.

Chen Xi yelled regardless of the tattoos, did not raise his eyebrows, moved his lips and tongue at high speed, and recited a whole paragraph of random summoning spells in a second.

"An unknown box from an unknown world!"

"The shape of the box, the strange power, the dark soul who likes to store the shape of the eyeball!"

"Answer my call!"

"The dark soul on my back is the first gift for you!"

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