The two cast suspicious eyes on Chen Xi's face. Chen Xi saw that there was a ghost store manager next to him, and it was inconvenient for him to tell the inside story of his summoning skills, so he responded vaguely:

"Anyway, just believe that I have a solution. I will rescue you in a few days. Don't panic."

"Actually, I have delicious food and drinks here. Only one or two ghosts enter the store every day. I have a lot of leisure time. I can teach you how to control ghosts when you are free. I will try my best to train you to be the next generation of store managers. Do you two really want to leave with him in a few days?"

The uncle sat in front of the counter, shaking the red wine in the white porcelain cup. The red wine was as bright as blood, intoxicating the soul.

"This..." Hearing this sentence, Luo Mang and the room chief felt moved.

In fact, these days, the store manager really didn't take care of them much, and even taught them how to control ghosts in their free time, and the target of the training was naturally the headless female corpse.

Although they were frightened when controlling ghosts, both of them had tried the feeling of controlling ghosts, which was really amazing.

Thinking of this, the hearts of the two began to waver.

Is it home?

Or stay here and learn from the strange ghost store manager?

Chen Xi, who was at the side, saw the change in the attitudes of the two, and secretly frowned, suspecting that the roommates had been brainwashed.

"Then what about that female ghost before? Why did she want to escape from your shop?" Chen Xi showed suspicious eyes.

Yes, why did the female ghost run away, and why did she call Chen Xi to save her? Luo Mang and Zhou Wenbin both looked at the store manager.

"She's not here. She fantasizes about being raped every day. She always wants to escape. Why should I keep her? It's better to let her go out. Anyway, she has awakened her abused physique. The more abused she becomes, the stronger she is. A female ghost like her goes out." Doing things is her growth path, and I personally recommend her to go out and develop." The store manager shook his head.

"Abused, abused?" Chen Xi was speechless.

No wonder it's so difficult to die, it turns out that ghosts have a masochistic physique.

After saying this, the four were silent again.

The store manager sat in front of the counter, watching the changes in the expressions of the three with interest.

This kind of mood is quite a sense of enjoyment.

But this mood didn't last long, and was broken by the decision of Luo Mang and the room chief.

"I'll stay here, Chen Xi, you don't have to save me, I believe in the manager's character, he won't harm me." Luo Mang lowered his head.

"You..." Chen Xi was stunned, but it seemed to be expected.

Luo Mang is born with a reckless character, and boldness is his character label. It is often said that he will pay the price of his life for his recklessness one day.

But now, Luo Mang is making plans for his future, so he chooses to give it a go and stay.

"Your store manager really taught you how to control ghosts?" Chen Xi dragged the two of them to the corner and whispered.

"He did teach, but we haven't learned it yet and need further study. I haven't even learned the superficiality. I only experienced the feeling of controlling ghosts twice. If I leave, I will waste this opportunity."

"By the way, Chen Xi, do you know the feeling of controlling ghosts, as if you have another consciousness in your mind, you can control her, and even perceive what she is thinking, this is really a very magical experience... ..." Luo Mang said with a pause.

Seeing this, Chen Xi sighed slightly in his heart.

Luo Mang was really stunned, that kind of feeling...Chen Xi has it now, such as the superficial consciousness of perceiving little gray and street lights, such things are not unusual to him at all.

But in Luo Mang's view, it was worth the risk.

By the way, Chen Xi couldn't take the initiative to control Xiao Hui.

This should be the key mystery of the ghost control technique!

Chen Xi glanced at the store manager calmly, but saw the store manager raise his glass to him, as if he heard their whispered conversation.

It's right to think about it, even a shadow creature like Xiao Hui can hear the sound several meters away, let alone a big ghost like the ghost store manager.

After a while, Luo Mang made up his mind to stay in the shop, and wrote a letter from home on the table, asking Chen Xi to send it to his family.

Zhou Wenbin patted Chen Xi's shoulder and only said, "I'll wait for you to save me."

Chen Xi looked at the head of the office, and the head of the office still had the eyes of a second-year reasoner.

Maybe the head of the room doesn't believe that there is a pie in the sky.

Anyway, this is a good thing, at least Chen Xi didn't come in vain.

Originally, he thought about using a guide light to exchange a life, but then he thought, Xiao Hui is so strong, it is not difficult to catch ghosts, and the guide lamp is quite difficult to summon, so he canceled that idea.

"Okay, then I'm leaving, see you next time."

Chen Xi stepped out, guarding against the store manager's actions to force people to stay.

However, the store manager seemed very calm, took a sip of red wine slowly, and said with a smile: "Then, see you next time, young man."

After the store manager finished speaking, he asked Luo Mang to see off the guests.

As the door of the restaurant was slowly closed, Chen Xi turned around and saw the head of the room enviously watching Chen Xi leave.

And Luo Mang clenched his fists, with a faint happy smile on his face, as if welcoming his new life.


The door is completely closed.

The sound was so crisp that it echoed in the street.

It was also at this time that the wine flag with white characters on a black background slowly melted into the darkness.

The four red lanterns also dimmed, and the lights went out.

The light in the paper window also dimmed, slowly changing to a gray painting style.

In a blink of an eye, the restaurant merged with the gray painting style building next door.

Chen Xi took a deep breath, watching the store turn gray, and in the blink of an eye, the ancient restaurant disappeared out of thin air, revealing its original appearance.

This is a bank!

Recalling the meaningful words of the store manager just now, "See you next time by fate", Chen Xi immediately asked Xiao Hui to communicate with him to lead the way, and then see the world from Xiao Hui's perspective.

This time he saw extremely dim small dots. The dots felt very small to him, like stars every day, in an extremely dim state, appearing and disappearing from time to time.

The guide lamp shook the small wooden lantern. It said that the distance was very far this time, and Chen Xi needed to return to the real world and take a boat for extradition in another place.

No wonder we say goodbye by fate, because the address of the store is different.

"Goodbye by fate, a small shop that collects fate...I have a guide lamp, does this count as fate?" Chen Xi looked at the strangely shaped guide lamp and said to himself.

Not long after, Chen Xi went to the river and lightly shook the street lamp.

Jingle Bell.

The bell rings back and forth across the empty river.

After a long while, a paper boat emerged from the dark water. The paddles of the paper boat automatically waved the waves when no one was there, pushing the paper boat forward with a clatter, and finally stopped at the shore of Chen Xi.

When Chen Xi boarded the boat, the green flames of the road lights illuminated the front, and a faint green water wave spread into the distance, guiding the way back for the paper boat.

Hush, the boat sailed away, heading forward.

Chen Xi turned his head and looked at the gray empty city in front of him.

Desolate, depressed, silent, like a lonely orphan who can only watch Chen Xi leave.

Chen Xi suddenly remembered what the ghost store manager said to him.

"Sooner or later the city will recover, and then there will be more and more ghosts."

Chen Xi said to himself: "Really?"

It's like asking yourself, but also like asking about the lonely city in front of you.

Will such a deserted city become prosperous in the future?

Chen Xi didn't know, after all, who could tell what would happen in the future.

Slowly, the boat plunged into the darkness and then out of the darkness.

In a blink of an eye the world changed.

Chen Xi slowly opened his eyes, which reflected the colorful night sky of Yongcheng.

He took a deep breath, never felt that a city with colors was so beautiful.

Xiao Hui stood up, her shadow-shaped hair fluttered in the wind, barking a few times to show her happiness.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

Xiao Hui nodded heavily upon hearing this.

Chen Xi patted Xiao Hui's head, touched a piece of air, and smiled again: "Take your time on the road, now return Hu Jing's soul back."

Chapter 34 has been reworked, and the scene of sending flowers has been deleted!

Thanks to the starting point ID "Silence and Death" for the opinion!

The author committed the problem of God's perspective and ignored the rationality of the reader's perspective.

I hope everyone will go back and read Chapter 34 again. If you don’t read it, it will affect the plot of Chapter 35.

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