In the morning, the first ray of sunlight shone into a certain hospital ward in Yongcheng, Chen Xi turned over and went back to sleep.

Two hours later, the sounds in the corridor became denser, Chen Xi slowly opened his eyelids, and what he saw was still the ward, Hu Jing was still lying on the bed, eyes closed.

Chen Xi tried to walk over and call Hu Jing a few times, Hu Jing slowly opened his eyes with a very weak expression.

Seeing Hu Jing's grateful eyes, he smiled comfortably.

At first he wanted to ask something, but Hu Jing was so weak that he lost the mood to ask what happened that night.

After chatting a few words in front of the hospital bed, Chen Xi got up and looked around the room but did not see any street lights.

Little Gray means it's in the backpack.

So Chen Xi put on his backpack, carried the heavy weight, turned to look at Hu Jing and said, "I have to leave first, see you when you recover from illness."

Hu Jing was too weak to speak, his lips trembled slightly, he moved his head slightly, but remained silent.

Chen Xi left, left the hospital, found a corner to let Xiao Hui confirm that there was no monitoring, and then opened the backpack.

In the cramped space, the guide lights of the wooden lanterns hung low, green flames were burning in the cages, and the roots below transformed into dozens of roots, which took root on the boar monster's body.

Seeing those dozens of green roots, like blood vessels, continuously sucking blood from the boar monster's body, slowly dyeing its green stems and leaves with a scarlet color.

For some reason, Chen Xi felt a faint murderous aura from it.

Yes, it's murderous!

Seeing this scene, Chen Xi's heart skipped a beat, and he remembered the aphorism in "Don't Play Summoning": "Be careful, if you find that the summoning target is inconsistent, no matter it is a collateral or a mutant species, please be careful, they may Cause trouble for the summoner."

Now Chen Xi finally felt the heavy meaning behind these words.

If it wasn't for Chen Xi's early discovery, troublesome things might really happen.

Although this little trouble is not worth mentioning in Little Gray Eyes.

"Xiao Hui, why didn't you take a good look at it, what if it mutated twice?" Chen Xi reprimanded Xiao Hui.

Xiao Hui immediately bowed his head, whining a few times, looking very innocent.

Seeing this, Chen Xi reprimanded him a few more times.

You must know that this flower has mutated once before, and the mutation does not always mutate in a good way. For example, Chen Xi's street lamp lacks the ability of the other half after mutating.

Now that it mutates again, maybe it doesn't even have the ability to guide the dead to find the living.

It is also possible to mutate into an attack method, and when Chen Xi doesn't know, he suddenly shoots coldly, and then flies away, free and easy.

Chen Xi grabbed the root of the street lamp, trying to pull it out.

The street lamp was disobedient, and dozens of roots firmly took root on the wild boar monster, making a "no" protest in Chen Xi's mind.

Fortunately, the current street lights are not very murderous, and have not yet mutated into attack methods.

"Little Hui, get on it!" Chen Xi walked to a place where the sun could shine, and pointed the mouth of the backpack in the direction of the sun.

Xiao Hui ordered, swallowing the shadow of the street lamp with a big mouthful.

The street lamp panicked, but it couldn't escape being swallowed by Xiao Hui's shadow, and immediately became limp, unable to exert any strength.

This time Chen Xi easily pulled out the street light, and the roots fell off immediately, and dozens of them automatically shrank into a single thick root.

Looking at the wild boar monster again, it was only five centimeters long, and it had shrunk by twice its size from last night.

Chen Xi saw its desperate little eyes, and seemed to say: "You kill me, I don't want to live anymore!"

Chen Xi was speechless, and took another look at the wild boar monster's wound. The wound had automatically healed, and its vitality was very strong.

He put the palm-sized wild boar monster into the second bag of the backpack, and then stuffed the limp road light back into the opening of the first bag.

"By the way, was there anything unusual last night?" Chen Xi put on his backpack and asked casually.

Xiao Hui recalled what happened last night, and only said that last night Hu Jing got up to look at it, drank a sip of water and lay down to sleep again, there was no abnormal phenomenon.

Hearing the news, Chen Xi continued to walk forward without stopping.

Hu Jing was thirsty in the middle of the night, got up to drink water and accidentally saw Xiao Hui, so it was not a big problem.

After experiencing those supernatural events, and recalling that Chen Xi said that Xiao Hui was his pet, it was quite normal not to panic when he saw Xiao Hui last night.

Da da da, Chen Xi continued to walk forward.

However, after walking more than two hundred steps, he suddenly realized something, and his face became serious.

Just now when he saw that Hu Jing was so weak that he couldn't even speak, he could only nod slightly.

But Xiao Hui saw Hu Jing getting up to drink water.

For a person who is too weak to even speak, where does the strength to get up in the middle of the night and drink water come from?

Chen Xi began to wonder if he was Hu Jing himself.

First of all, the soul found by the street lamp is indeed Hu Jing.

After all, he found Hu Jing's soul by the way when he was looking for Luo Mang and Zhou Wenbin.

Wait, the key is here!

Chen Xi didn't take the initiative to find Hu Jing's soul at that time!

Following the clues at that time, he accidentally found Hu Jing's soul.

He didn't let Xiao Hui look for the location of Hu Jing's survivor.

Chen Xi thought of this, and immediately asked Xiao Hui to activate the guide lights to try to find the location of Hu Jing's survivor.

This mutated guide light can only allow the dead to find the soul of the living from a long distance.

The passive function is that within three meters of the flame light, you can see supernatural things.

Now that Hu Jing is not within the range of the guide lights, he can let Xiao Hui take a close look at the location of Hu Jing's soul of the living.

After a while, Xiao Hui held up the sluggish street lamp, imagined Hu Jing's appearance and his usual tone, and immediately saw a green flame burning quietly in the hospital. The flame was not big, only bigger than Luo Mang and Zhou Wenbin. The two of them are half the size, which just corresponds to his body that is seriously injured and bedridden.

After getting the confirmation from the street lamp, Chen Xi felt relieved for the time being.

Hu Jing is still Hu Jing.

It's just that after Hu Jing experienced those supernatural events, his mentality changed significantly.

In the past, Hu Jing was a coward, he was timid in doing things, and the words calm and deep were difficult to be reflected in him.

Now Hu Jing's mentality has changed drastically, and he knows how to hide his psychology.

Chen Xi sighed softly, silently kept the matter in his heart, and built a guard wall against Hu Jing in his heart.

Since Hu Jing pretended to be weak, Chen Xi had to be on guard in his heart, so as not to be betrayed by his brother without knowing it.

But thinking of Hu Jing pretending to be weak to his iron buddies, Chen Xi couldn't help but sigh with emotion:

"Oh, it's so hard to be a human being."

Carrying a black backpack, Chen Xi walked out of the dark alley and stepped into the morning bath.

Chen Xi passed by the university and stood at the intersection, watching the rush of people coming and going. Every student walked towards the teaching building with textbooks such as advanced mathematics, general mathematics, and algebra, with a happy smile on life on his face.

In the end, Chen Xi didn't stay in the university, but went to the bus station.

He found that he could no longer integrate into the ordinary learning atmosphere.

As we all know, learning is a student's duty.

But becoming stronger now is Chen Xi's business.

After returning from the ghost store manager, Chen Xi had a premonition that the future would not be peaceful.

He wants to be strong and doesn't want to waste time in class.

Before becoming stronger, he was going to go home to visit his parents and Mengmeng's younger sister.

Well, Chen Xi is tired and wants to go back and rest.

These days, he was busy for his brother, but Luo Mang decided to worship the ghost store manager as his teacher, and Hu Jing began to be wary of him, which made Chen Xi feel very tired.

As for the head of the room... there is no rush.

Anyway, the store manager didn't do anything to them, he still served delicious food and drinks, and taught ghost control skills in his spare time. Such a beautiful thing, wait a few days before going back to save the room manager. The room manager must be very grateful for Chen Xi's delay Dafa.

Well, for the time being, I decided to go home and rest for a while, and then start the journey of summoning.

After rescuing the head of the room, study together with two roommates how to find a registration breakthrough in the forum of supernatural legends.

After Chen Xi started to let himself go, he suddenly felt a lot less pressure all over his body.

After buying the ticket, Chen Xi sat in the waiting room, took out his mobile phone, and slid his finger to the contact column, there were three options.

Dad, mom, sister.

Chen Xi thought for a while, skipped Mom and Dad, and clicked on the word "sister".

beep beep.

After ten beeps, a girl stretched her waist and inadvertently let out a lazy voice from the phone.

"Hmm—" The voice was a bit long and lasted for six or seven seconds.

Chen Xi said "Hello", but no one answered.

After a while, the other party seemed to wake up, and with a hint of getting up, he muttered uncomfortably in that waxy girlish voice: "Hey, who is it?"

Someone mentioned putting cute girls to neutralize it.

Haha, I actually had this idea a few chapters ago.

It's just that the plot is too tight, and it can't be slowed down.

Now the plot has entered a short period of relaxation, just in time for the next chapter to try to have a chapter of relaxing daily life.

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