The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 57: Summon Life-Surviving Crystal

Chen Xi yelled angrily, what are you doing with the hammer, and the sound of the hammer outside the window stopped abruptly.

Open the curtains, there is no so-called hammer outside the window, only longan trees with dense branches and leaves.

Chen Xi opened his yin and yang eyes, and saw that this longan tree had no yin energy, but was full of vitality.

However, hidden behind the deep leaves, there is a ray of Yin Qi overflowing.

This is an extremely fine strand of Yin Qi. If Chen Xi's eyes were not extremely sensitive to Yin Qi, he would have almost missed this detail.

"Little Hui, do it!"

Xiaohui shared Chen Xi's vision, and immediately jumped into the air through the crack of the window, and threw herself at a leaf of the longan tree.

Behind the leaves, a black hammer ran behind another leaf, its whole body in ghost form, half invisible and half real.

Xiao Hui turned around and chased again.

The hammer got angry, suddenly burst into a cloud of yin, turned around and hit Xiaohui with the hammer. And Xiao Hui was not in the slightest, flicking the chain-shaped tail to face him head-on.

There was a light bang, and the hammer was blown away by the tail of the shadow-shaped iron chain.

Then Xiao Hui swallowed the hammer in one gulp, making a sound of enjoyment.

The strength of this hammer is considered to be the most powerful among the little ghosts, and it knows how to restrain the yin energy. When the hammer was thrown just now, it exposed a range of 0.5 meters of yin energy, which proves that its strength is not weak.

But facing Xiao Hui, it can only die with hatred.

After Xiao Hui came back, Chen Xi was thoughtful, and ordered Xiao Hui to learn the means of restraining Yin Qi.

Then Chen Xi went back to bed and slept until after four o'clock in the afternoon before waking up leisurely.

Taking advantage of his abundant energy, Chen Xi thought about his lack of funds.

Chen Xi was thinking about how to make money, and suddenly had an idea, and posted on the supernatural game forum: "[Ask for advice] Money is tight recently, I wonder if everyone has a way to make money quickly."

Unexpectedly, someone below replied in seconds, and the ID was called "People are stupid and quick to get money", and said flickeringly: "Brother, I have a business of 100 million yuan here, do you want to know more about it?"

"Huh?" Chen Xi replied.

"Do you have the life-extending crystal? One is worth 100 million yuan. As long as you have the goods, I can make the payment in seconds, and support cash transactions and bank transfers." ID said cheerfully, "People are stupid and quick to get money."

Another person popped up on the fourth floor, and complained: "Silly, the life extension crystal is reserved for life extension, how can it be sold to others, let alone 100 million, I won't sell even a billion."

"Excuse me, how do I get the life extension crystal?" Chen Xi asked.

"Life-extending crystals come from supernatural games. You play more, and you might get one by chance. Then you can give it away. It's worth 100 million if you sell it to me!"

"So valuable?"

"Of course, the Life Renewal Crystal can renew your breath when you die in a supernatural game. It's like a second life! Do you think it's worth the price!"

"That feels a bit low." Chen Xi wanted to bargain.

"It sounds like you have a bunch of them." ID "People are stupid and quick to make money." After the comment, he added a look of rolling his eyes and contempt.

"Is it rare?" Chen Xi thought of summoning.

"Of course it's rare. Many people don't necessarily have more than 20 rounds!"

Then someone complained in the comment area that he strayed into the castle while playing a supernatural game, and opened the treasure chest to get a life extension crystal.

Some people complained that they were chased and killed by spiritual beings, and accidentally jumped into the river when they were dying, and found a life-sustaining crystal at the bottom of the river.

Some people accidentally walked into a secret room while playing supernatural games, and were rewarded with life-sustaining crystals after cracking the secret room.

It sounds like playing the online game Depot, and there are various ways to obtain it.

"Young man, I would like to advise you, if you have a life-sustaining crystal on your body, you can ask the seniors in the forum to help you pass the ability. Obtaining the ability is far more worthwhile than exchanging money."

Seeing this sentence, Chen Xi's heart moved.

The green crystal I saw in the hotel last time is probably the life extension crystal.

"In short, if you have a crystal, you can private message me, and I will charge as much as I have."

"The person who posted the post is a newcomer, everyone should leave, there is no life extension crystal."

The popularity of this post immediately sank, and the difficulty of obtaining life-sustaining crystals was obvious to all, and no one thought that Mengxin would have life-sustaining crystals.

It is true that Chen Xi does not have a life extension crystal now, but he has a near-omnipotent summoning technique, so maybe that's the case.

So far, there are two suitable ways for Chen Xi to make quick money. One is to summon minerals such as diamonds or gold through summoning, and the other is to summon life-sustaining crystals through summoning.

The first method is relatively safe, but the second method is also very good. If there is a surplus of summons, you can exchange them for money by the way.

In the end, Chen Xi decided to summon the Life-Extending Crystal.

The reason is that if you play supernatural games tonight, you may die. Summoning a few life-sustaining crystals can save your life at any time, and the surplus crystals can be exchanged for money.

After deciding to summon the target, Chen Xi closed the curtains and the door, took out the magic pen and drew on the open space.

ten minutes later.

The eight candles of the white summoning array burn quietly, and various geometric figures are arranged in an elusive pattern, which is complex and mysterious, and the center of the array is rotating.

Three seconds later, an "eye" opened in the center of the summoning array. It looked around, and finally stared at Chen Xi, waiting for him to speak.

Chen Xi stared at the big eyes of the summoning formation, and the "eyes" closed slowly again.

He, who didn't see the way, put the items on his body aside, and casually activated the abnormality ability.


Darkness fell.

A blue light broke through the darkness, and Chen Xisong breathed a sigh of relief.

The direction of the starry sky blue summoning array is infinitely possible, and it will not favor killing summons like the red summoning array.

When the bursts of mystery hit his body, Chen Xi recalled the green diamond-shaped crystal he saw yesterday, and organized his words:

"A bunch of life extension crystals from supernatural games."

"Born in a strange environment, you can force players to continue their lives in supernatural games. You have the appearance of a rhombic crystal."

"Accept my call."

"I give you this piece of air."

The wording of the subsequent summons is relatively casual, but it is not a big problem.

If the summoned object refuses, Chen Xi intends to summon it forcibly.


The summoning array lights up.

Eight star-blue flames ignited high, building a gorgeous starry sky gate.

Chen Xi looked at the Gate of the Starry Sky and saw countless stars shining brightly.

After a while, the summoning array sensed the idea of ​​summoning.

Then ripples appeared on the star gate, half of the body was exposed by a few diamond-shaped crystals, they were flawless, they were all five centimeters long and two centimeters wide, like they were printed from a mold.

Unusual are the six lozenge-shaped crystals, five of which are green and one is red.

Seeing the red crystal, Chen Xi froze for a moment.

The moment the six crystals crossed the boundary, the red crystal slowly retreated.

The remaining five green crystals seemed to be affected by the red crystal, and they also began to retreat slowly, refusing to summon,

Chen Xi had already made preparations, knowing that there were no conditions to attract them to cross the border, so he activated the forceful summoning power of the summoning array.


Immediately, more intense starlight erupted from the Star Gate, and bursts of white light engulfed the six crystals like an overwhelming mountain, preventing the crystals from returning to their original world.

In the blink of an eye, six crystals were roughly dragged out of the starry sky gate.

Ping ping pong.

The sound of crystal landing echoed in the room.

And Chen Xi stood beside the disappearing starry sky gate, and vaguely heard an angry murmur from the other side of the starry sky gate.

Should I change my profile?

for example:

[Accidentally, Chen Xi played two games of supernatural games, obtained a supernatural pen, peeked at mysterious memories, drew a summoning array, and embarked on the path of no return as a summoner...]

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