The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 64 He died peacefully

Hu Jing died?

Chen Xi couldn't believe it, could a man with a strange shadow fall down so easily?

He thought that Hu Jing was hiding in the gray world, planning some unknown things, or secretly waiting for the opportunity to assassinate Chen Xi and the two.

He didn't know why Hu Jing wanted to kill his own brother, maybe he suffered from persecution paranoia after a big change in mentality, but that's not the point.

The point is that Chen Xi doesn't believe he's dead.

"Little Hui, suck his shadow."

In order to confirm whether he is dead or not, let Xiao Hui take a breath before talking.

Xiao Hui walked to Hu Jing's side, opened his mouth to inhale, but after a few exhalations, he didn't inhale anything, which meant that the corpse was so cold that it didn't even have a "shadow".

Chen Xi frowned, Hu Jing is really dead?

After confirming that Hu Jing was dead or not, the ghosts began to search the house, going through the house to see if there was a fierce sword.

This investigation really found that the fierce sword was hidden behind the curtain, and the blade was stained with a layer of red blood.

When the ghost found the curtain, it suddenly cut open the curtain, turned into a silver light and cut towards Chen Xi outside the door.

Chen Xi was taken aback. He hadn't sensed abnormal high-frequency fluctuations before, so he thought there was no sword inside.

And the moment the long sword broke open the curtain, he sensed a faint and inaudible frequency, which suddenly became as violent as a typhoon.

This is a long sword that can self-converge frequency fluctuations!

There was a whoosh sound of piercing the air, but fortunately the black iron rod and the fruit knife in the air had been circling at high speed, and they met the long sword the moment it came over.


The black iron rod hit the long sword head-on, and a 5mm thick sword mark appeared on the rod body. The attack power was much stronger than the previous two swords.

The fruit knife cut sideways, leaving a shallow cut on the blade.

Undoubtedly, both the offensive power and the defensive power of the fierce sword in the third level have been greatly improved, and the speed has also increased a little. .

For example, after the difficulty of the game is increased, the fierce sword in the third level can compete with the fruit knife controlled by Chen Xi.

But it won't be able to pick two, especially the stick can blunt its sharp edge, and the fierce sword can't beat it even more.

Ping ping pong!

Every time the long sword hits the black iron rod hard, the combat effectiveness will drop a little.

Lying on the side quickly became a battleground for the three. The gray curtains were cut with more than a dozen cut marks, the transparent glass was smashed with a stick, and the gray table top was smashed to pieces.

Even the corpse lying on the floor was affected by the fighting, and received a fierce sword on the back.

Chen Xi and the head of the room had already retreated to the corridor, each using their own methods to secretly watch the battle.

After a while, the fierce sword and knife and stick hit the outside, and then beat back into the room from the outside.

The black iron rod and the fruit knife became more and more fierce, and the long sword became more and more cowardly, and the scene was no longer intense.

After the seventy-first confrontation, 80% of the long sword became blunt, and its strength dropped by three or four times.

Chen Xi found a wave of opportunities, manipulated the stick to suddenly change the attack route, made a fake move, and then succeeded in a sneak attack with the fruit knife, and then hit the black iron rod seamlessly, crushing the long sword to the ground.

Eleven ghosts came out from the corner and suppressed them vigorously, rubbing their long swords against the ground.

The fierce sword itself was extremely violent, and was rubbed against the ground by eleven ghosts, struggling angrily.

Several times it almost succeeded in breaking free, but it couldn't stand Guiduo's strength, and its own combat power was beaten three or four times, and it was finally wiped out to doubt Jiansheng.

Half a minute later, Changjian became disheartened and stopped resisting.

Seeing this, the eleven ghosts joined forces to push under the wind chime and tied the red rope.

The wind chime is automatic without wind and makes a strange ringing sound.

"jingle jingle."

The clear and crisp sound of the wind chimes fluctuates far and near, which is very strange, which proves that the fourth level is approaching.

After three seconds, the ringing stopped and the ambient brightness dimmed for another two minutes.

Seeing this, Chen Xi was more careful. Compared with the first level, the current environment is 50% darker in brightness.

Some corners seem to be covered with a black veil, making it impossible to see if there are any supernatural beings hidden there.

At this level, Zhou Wenbin also clearly felt the danger of the fourth level.

"It's so dark, I can't even see the end of the corridor." The room chief muttered.

He took out a flashlight to illuminate the front, and the darkness was dispelled, allowing the room chief to see the corridor wall ten meters away again, and there was nothing there.

"The flashlight can be used for about four hours at a time. I have three spare batteries. Let's keep the flashlight on all the time." Chen Xi took out the flashlight and said.

This is the equipment that Chen Xi bought before, and it will come in handy now.

Turn on the low-light function of the flashlight, barely breaking the darkness in the corner.

Chen Xi went to the window to look outside, it was pitch black outside the window, only the 30 meters downstairs were still black, white and gray.

As for the farther places, such as the area beyond the river, they are all in darkness.

Even with his yin and yang eyesight, he couldn't see the outlines of distant objects clearly.

Chen Xi turned on the strong light function to illuminate the darkness, and the river outside the building was barely illuminated, revealing the pitch-black river and the river on the other side, indicating that the gray world outside was still there, but the ambient brightness was too dark for him to see clearly .

Chen Xi turned off the strong light of the flashlight and switched to low light to save power.

As a shadow creature, Xiao Hui is an assassin in the shadows. His eyesight is much better than Chen Xi's, but the environment is abnormally dark, and he can't see things in the distance clearly. The range of vision is only a few meters longer than Chen Xi's.

Looking around, he didn't have any more clues about the hiding place of the fourth sword. Maybe the door on the right side of the corridor is its hiding place.

But before opening the door on the right, Chen Xi planned to go back to the bedroom on the left to investigate the cause of Hu Jing's death.

"Go, go back to Hu Jing's corpse."

The head of the room nodded and let the ghosts explore the way.

Then the two returned to the place where Hu Jing died.

Lying on the side, the room was dark.

Even the blood on the ground was no longer bright red, but settled into black red.

Chen Xi saw that the corpse was covered with a veil of darkness, and the body was only a vague outline in the darkness, so he immediately turned on the flashlight to illuminate the corpse.

The corpse was still in the same lying position, face down, with a knife on the back and a knife on the abdomen. No abnormalities have been seen yet.

Several ghosts stepped forward, turned Hu Jing's body, and turned his body face up.

After Hu Jing was turned over, blood was all over his coat, and his face was also bloody. He looked extremely terrifying, like a blood corpse in a horror movie.

Both Chen Xi and the head of the room were mentally prepared. Seeing the blood sample, they were still taken aback. Nervously thinking that Hu Jing would cheat on the corpse, the knife and stick accelerating in the air almost destroyed the corpse.

After waiting for a few seconds without any movement, Chen Xi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's okay, he didn't cheat on the corpse."

"This face is so red that it's scary." The head of the room said with palpitations.

Because the blood color interfered with vision, several ghosts opened their mouths to suck blood, and the blood quickly merged into a small floating stream and was cleaned up.

Without the horrible visual picture of blood all over the floor and all over the body, Chen Xi turned his gaze back to Hu Jing's face, and couldn't help but take a deep breath, causing goosebumps all over his body.

Hu Jing's eyes were closed, his mouth was pursed, his facial expression was soothing and natural, without any expression of pain.

It was as if he was still asleep, unaware of his own death.

But how is this possible!

It obviously fell in a pool of blood, and the piercing flesh and blood wounds all proved that he died of abdominal bleeding.

You must know that the process of death from the knife wound is extremely painful, and the expression should be as if life would be worse than death.

But what is Hu Jing's expression?

A very peaceful death expression!

Thinking of Hu Jing's strange shadow, Chen Xi had a premonition that Hu Jing's death was not that simple.

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