The trajectory of the pitch-black bullet was only three centimeters away from Rito’s head. The piercing sound of breaking the air made Ridou’s ears hurt a little, fortunately, he was used to wrapping a small amount of thought around various parts of himself, so that he did not complete the big damage, but even so, Rito still felt that his ears were a little confused.

“Your temper is still so hot, can’t you just ignore this kind of kind joke like your cold appearance?”

“I can’t hear any kindness in it.”

Shino looked at Rito coldly, if she was just expressionless before, then now she can definitely be regarded as a state that is about to erupt at any time.

“You little nizi… Forget it, tired, went to the bath, do you want to go together? ”

“Get out!”

Sure enough, no joke with this girl.

After dodging a slap, Rito walked directly to the eaves of the house, and then slowly climbed down, leaving only a blue-haired girl who was no longer cold, still looking angrily at the eaves where Rito left, with a tangled look.


“Good morning, Rito, it’s time for breakfast.”

“…… Oh, thanks. ”

With such a good jiao bed service early in the morning, it seems that the life of a rich man is much better than he thought, and it would be better if the owner of the voice could call him up in front of the bed in a short maid skirt and white stockings.

Rito got up slowly, then opened the curtains and windows of his room window, looking at the rising sun and a green forest outside, Rito twisted his body a few times, stretched, and then took a deep breath.

The designer of the house is really very considerate of the customer, and when I see this forest early in the morning, the whole person feels more energetic. It’s a good design, but Rito doesn’t really like it, and if he can, he still likes to stay half-awake, otherwise he always feels like his strength will run out soon.

“Hard work, Rin.”

“…… It’s okay, this is what I should do. ”

“I passed quickly… Are you going out today? ”

Standing in the doorway, Rin did not wear the same uniform skirt and short sleeves as yesterday, but changed into blue denim trousers and short sleeves, looking more youthful. I have to say that among the reasons why Rito would choose Cainan, in addition to being close to home and Haruna is also in Cainan, the uniform is also a place, and Cainan’s uniform is still very good.

“Yes, Lord Shaji said, the weather is better today, a good day, this time at home is a little stuffy.”

“Well, it’s true that the school is more interesting than here, and the girls have shorter skirts, which is still better.”

This is still thanks to their great principal, although he is a pervert who goes to the police station more diligently than Lidou, but he is very knowledgeable, and only a school like him can clean up such a school… Although this makes Yui uncomfortable, it is precisely because of such a principal that it is more difficult to implement management.

“…… Although it’s bad to say this about guests, I still think it’s vulgar. ”

Rin’s cheeks were a little red, and she didn’t know if she was angry or ashamed. If other men dare to say such things in front of her, they have long been severely beaten by her, but now they can’t be beaten.

“Oh, anyway, I’m telling the truth, for boys, even if they don’t say it, they are still very happy in their hearts.”

“This kind of vulgar thing, you can think about it yourself, don’t tell me.”

“Oh, but I personally still want to know, what do girls think, will they be angry? Or do you think that being watched by boys will feel a little excited? ”

“Woo! Of course angry! What shameless thing are you talking about! ”

This line is almost exactly the same as Yui, and it seems that the two are also a little similar in personality.

“Hehe, don’t care so much about such a small thing, so that it will be easy to be led away by your man in the future.”

“Male man?! You! Don’t go too far! Do you really think I have a good temper?! ”

“No, you are not good-tempered… They all said don’t get excited, the most basic thing to practice swords is to be calm, shouldn’t you be very clear about this? ”

“…… Machine”

Who the hell is saying some nonsense here!

However, after listening to Rito’s words, Rin really calmed down a little. This sentence is exactly the same as her father taught her! Just as Lord Sha Ji adores Lord Liu I very much, she also adores her father very much, and even always thinks that no one will be stronger than her father!

So when Lord Liu and my father suddenly said that they would find a swordsmanship teacher for her to guide, Rin’s heart was very opposed, and he also said that he would be treated as a highest-ranking guest. In her heart, no one can compare to her father! But she couldn’t refuse, she could only hope in her heart that this person would come quickly, and then teach him a hard lesson! She actually had the same idea as Saji-sama and Aya, how could she let an inexplicable man teach them and let him come to the house of Tenjo-in to move around wantonly!

But the result was completely different from what she imagined, not only a boy who was a little younger than them, but also their junior! There doesn’t seem to be anything special, I don’t feel any power in people, and the personality is really annoying! Not only is (Good Zhao) rude, but also very unable to speak, Lord Sha Ji is about to be angry with him, so she really wants to give the other party a dismount directly, so that he can’t stay.

But after really fighting, I found that he was terrifyingly strong! All her tricks and movements have been completely seen through! The other party can easily solve her with just a gentle counterattack! Obviously, the speed is not particularly fast, and she can see clearly in the movement… Or rather, he deliberately slowed down to let her see clearly, but why did the result be so different?

“You’re still missing the most important thing in swordsmanship.”

Rin’s heart unconsciously came out of a sentence that her father had said. Although she was still young at that time, she was already more powerful than ordinary adults, but her father still never praised her, but kept saying that she still lacked something……_

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