The next day, thin smoke came home.

Sister Niu helped her move the suitcase into the house, Xia Yan took the big tiger in the cardboard box out of the car, put the things in the study on the second floor, and they left.

Mother Liang and Papa Liang are at work today. Liang Wanqiu and her grandmother are digging with a small **** in the vegetable field west of the villa, planning to plant beans, tomatoes and eggplants after digging.

Bo Yanyan went home, Liang Wanqiu took her grandmother to wash her hands, and the two went upstairs.

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Grandma and Bo Yanyan said a few words, and went downstairs to watch TV.

Liang Wanqiu and thin smoke were left in the study.

The thin smoke is unpacking the carton, revealing the majestic and lifelike tiger.

Knowing that it was fake, Liang Wanqiu still felt the domineering arrogance, and it was too realistic.

"Is it really a robot?" Liang Wanqiu reached out and wanted to touch but didn't dare to touch it.

Thin Yanyan took her hand and pressed it on the tiger's head: "Just touch it, this is the switch."

She pointed to the striking red on the tiger's head, when the red turned green, it was in action.

"Let's use it for a few days. If it doesn't work well, we can improve it in time."

"Will it bite?" Liang Wanqiu didn't dare to press the switch, but touched the tiger's head, and then the tail. Touch it here, look there, and the more you look, the more you like it.

Thin smoke and laughing, she pressed the switch, the red button turned green.

She said, "Go get me a glass of water."

The big tiger spread its limbs and walked out.

When she was about to reach the door, Liang Wanqiu thought that the grandmother watching TV below would scare her, so she hurriedly shouted: "Grandma is below."

The thin smoke said softly: "Come back."

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; big tiger turned around, walked back, and stood in front of the two.

Liang Wanqiu stared at the tiger's eyes and found that it would blink.

Thin Yanyan gave her the manual.

Liang Wanqiu spent half an hour reading the manual.

Bo Yanyan smiled: "Wait, I will take my grandmother out to play for a while, you can broadcast a live broadcast at home, show it to netizens, first ask netizens for their suggestions, we are so timely Improve."

Liang Wanqiu held the manual in her hand, and in extreme curiosity about this big tiger robot, she nodded.

Pin Yanyan went downstairs, drank a glass of water, and said she wanted to go for a walk nearby, she took her grandmother's arm and acted like a spoiled child, and asked her to accompany her.

The old man had no choice, Bo Yanyan gave her the crutches and helped her grandmother out.

After they left, Liang Wanqiu started the live broadcast again on her mobile phone.

She suddenly broadcast live, and many fans didn't react. After entering the live broadcast room, they all had question marks on their faces.

Liang Wanqiu pointed the camera at the big tiger standing still, and said with a smile: "My sister is home today, I will show you the new type of robot. If you have anything you want to say, you can post a bullet screen. , my sister's colleagues will pay attention at any time in the live broadcast room."

【Is this a robot? Like in the movie? Is it used as a nanny? 】

[It looks no different from a doll, I don't understand. 】

[How much? I think what my sister's team has developed must be good things. 】

【I want to buy it, even if it is just a doll, I will buy it! 】

Liang Wanqiu looked at the barrage, thinking about what Bo Yanyan and her said, the big tiger can understand what everyone is saying, especially work, there are instructions, as long as you say it, it will will execute.

Liang Wanqiu thought of a joke he read on the Internet before, a man's takeaway was too unpalatable, his dog refused to eat a bite, and the dog cooked three meals for the owner overnight Vegetable soup.

Liang Wanqiu wanted to confirm, will the tiger cook?

"I want to eat hot and sour shredded potatoes, go and fry some hot and sour shredded potatoes."

The big tiger walked outside.

Liang Wanqiu followed behind the big tiger with a mobile phone, watching it leave the study, and when he reached the aisle, he went down the stairs and walked towards the kitchen.

[I'm dying of laughter, do you understand? 】

【So smart? 】

[Does it know what a potato looks like? Will peel the potato and shred it? Do you know what a pot looks like? Do you know how to put oil, vinegar and peppers? 】

[Liang Wanqiu, is your head flooded? 】

The barrage said everything, but when the big tiger entered the kitchen, those cynics were speechless.

Because they saw the tiger looking for potatoes in the kitchen, they finally found two potatoes in a black plastic bag in the corner, took them under the tap and started to rinse.

It's quite fantastic, a tiger is washing the potatoes, after washing them, they start to peel them again, only peeling the skins, the potatoes are all left, and they are shredding with a kitchen knife, it looks like Great knife work.

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Liang Wanqiu held his mobile phone to continue shooting, she was stunned.

Do you really know how to cook?

Not long after, a hot and sour shredded potato came out of the pot.

Liang Wanqiu sent another instruction: "Bring it to the table, let's have another stir-fried pork with green peppers."

Audience: "..." buy buy buy! In the future, what kind of takeout will be ordered. The takeout will be all seasoning and monosodium glutamate. Buying a new type of robot and letting the robot cook is much cheaper than eating takeaway.

What's more, this robot looks like it can do anything.

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Liang Wanqiu ordered a few more dishes, and the robots were ready.

Liang Wanqiu asked the robot to clean the kitchen. After the robot finished mopping the floor, she asked the robot to return to the study and turned off the switch.

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; live broadcast room was frying, and a bunch of audiences poured in.

If this kind of robot is put into the market, it will be more popular than the mobile phone.

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; a pile of age, people who need nanny to take care of them will buy it.

Those who are busy with work and can only eat takeout will also buy it.

Stay at home all day with children to clean up the housework, but have no time to improve their stay-at-home mothers will also buy.

It can cook, do housework, and watch the kids.

Buy it for yourself, for parents, for grandparents, for friends.

It is not very convenient to go out to buy food, I am afraid of being stolen, afraid of going out and scaring passers-by.

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; but it doesn't matter, usually buy more dishes and exist in the refrigerator.

Liang Wanqiu ignored the barrage, but went downstairs with her mobile phone and sat down at the dining table. , she sat and waited for Thin Yanyan and her grandmother to come home for dinner.

Not long after, thin smoke and grandma came back.

Liang Wanqiu served them a good meal. She didn't close the live broadcast room, but she didn't let the camera face them, but the TV at home, just talking with the thin smoke, live broadcast The audience can hear it.

The two were talking about robots. Liang Wanqiu asked some questions about the barrage, and Bo Yanyan answered them one by one.

The audience had a lively discussion in the live room.

The staff of the research institute also dived to watch the bullet screen in the live broadcast room. Some of the bullet screen seems to be very useful, and they will record it.

After all, it has just been developed and must continue to be improved.

It is impossible to use it only for a small number of people, those who are deaf, or blind who cannot see the light should also be taken care of.

The development of technology is endless, but it takes time and continuous progress.

During the thin Yanyan vacation, Liang Wanqiu was also resting, and the two stayed at home to broadcast live broadcasts using new robots.

Netizens really put forward a lot of useful suggestions. As for the unified appearance, the research institute posted a voting post on Weibo, one ID card to vote for one vote, and finally the one with the highest appearance will be selected. The votes are counted.


Liang Wanqiu went to the crew to film.

Ben Yanyan was still on vacation and followed her to the set.

The twentieth birthday of Shi Yanyan was on Friday.

The two had long agreed that they would get married on this day, so on Wednesday, Liang Wanqiu asked the crew for five days off, and Bo Yanyan also took five days off on Wednesday.

On Thursday, the two were choosing what to wear for their wedding photos.

Pick and choose, in the end, Liang Wanqiu chose a red retro-style cheongsam dress with peony flowers embroidered with gold thread, which is graceful and luxurious.

Bai Yanyan chose a set of dark blue summer Hanfu, after all, it was a wedding. For the festive occasion, Peng Yanyan chose a red jade belt wrapped around her waist.

As for the wedding rings, the two of them didn't have a job to wear rings, so they didn't buy them, but bought several sets of pajamas for couples online.

The two stayed at home and tried on the clothes they were going to wear for their wedding photos tomorrow.

Afterwards, Liang Wanqiu began to make up for thin smoke and herself, and she wore bridal makeup.

After the transformation, the two looked at each other and smirked.

Finally, it washes off again.

So busy all day, until evening, after taking a shower, wearing the same pajamas on the sofa watching TV.

Being married tomorrow, Liang Wanqiu still feels unreal.

"Can I really get a license to get married?" Liang Wanqiu looked at the little girl lying dozing on her lap.

No matter how long it has passed, the thin smoke is in her heart, just like the first time she saw it, she is just the little girl she cherishes.

"Of course it is, but it is protected by law." Bo Yanyan was playing with Liang Wanqiu's hand: "When tomorrow comes, we will be."

She wanted to say husband and wife, but she felt that the word was wrong, but Bo Yanyan changed her words: "wife wife, husband and wife, wife? elder sister."

Liang Wanqiu didn't care about the question of the name, she could call it anything.

But listening to Bo Yanyan said this, she also felt that the little girl should still call her sister.

Every time the little girl called her sister, her heart softened, her body softened, and she had no resistance at all.

In order to have a good state tomorrow, the two went to bed before ten o'clock.

The next day I got up at 6:00 am. After washing, I went for a run outside. I was sweating and my skin was white and red, looking very healthy and shiny.

The two went home to take a shower, wash their hair, and have breakfast.

I started to make up again, and the make-up was rusty.

The makeup of both of them was done by Liang Wanqiu. After fixing their hair, they changed into the clothes they chose yesterday.

Liang Wanqiu had just put on the red cheongsam, when the thin smoke rushed over, buried her face on her chest and kept rubbing against her.

Liang Wanqiu was speechless by her rubbing: "Stop making trouble."

"My sister looks so good in a cheongsam." Bo Yanyan felt that the stunners in the world were nothing but the same.

She rolled her eyes and said coquettishly: "Tonight, my sister is wearing a cheongsam and let me bully it? I think, sister, okay?"

Liang Wanqiu almost didn't come up in one breath, she opened Thin Yanyan's hand: "Don't talk nonsense."

"Sister." Bo Yanyan came over and took her hand: "Sister, okay? I'll wear this cheongsam tonight, and we'll change it tomorrow night."

Liang Wanqiu wanted to cover her mouth, but looking at her lip makeup, she said uncomfortably, "We'll talk about it at night."

When she got the certificate and came home, she changed her clothes and will never wear cheongsam again.

Thin Yanyan was happy, and happily took Liang Wanqiu's arm and went out.

Outside, Sister Niu was waiting there, she drove Liang Wanqiu and Bo Yanyan to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Because they had already greeted the staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau, after they got there, they saw a lot of newcomers queuing up to get the certificate, but Liang Wanqiu and Bo Yanyan did not need it, they were directly sent to the staff by the staff. took it in.

Give the account book, swear, take photos.

Two little red books are in hand.

Liang Wanqiu took the two little red books and looked at them. In the photo, she and the little girl were shoulder to shoulder, smiling at the camera with frowning eyes.

The only difference is gender.

They are married.

This is the only case in the country.

"Sister," Bo Yanyan leaned over: "Show me."

Liang Wanqiu gave her two little red books, she held thin Yanyan's hands, clasped them tightly, and pulled her to the outside: "Go home."

To receive the certificate today, except for Sister Niu and Xia Yan, no one else knows.

Liang Wanqiu didn't even tell her parents.

Some newlyweds who were getting married were quite surprised when they saw Liang Wanqiu and Bo Yanyan, and whispered with their partner next to them.

They came to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a marriage license.

What are the two girls, Bo Yanyan and Liang Wanqiu, coming to the Civil Affairs Bureau? Girls can't get married, the law doesn't allow it.

It's just that they can't ask.

I watched them enter the Civil Affairs Bureau, came out after a while, and quickly got in the car and left.

Someone posted on Weibo, some posted on Moments, and some posted.

[Today, I went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a marriage license with my boyfriend, and I saw Bo Yanyan and Liang Wanqiu there. 】

【Guess who I saw at the Civil Affairs Bureau? [picture]】

[I went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate, but what are these two beautiful girls doing? [picture]】

is a straight girl. 】

Netizens: "???"

So what did the pretty sister and the big sister go to the Civil Affairs Bureau?

Still dressed like this?

My sister didn’t wear makeup before, so this is makeup, and why is this makeup so bridal makeup.

But netizens dare not say it.

But she couldn't hold back. The makeup of the two girls, as well as the cheongsam that Liang Wanqiu wore, really looked like they were getting married.

The thin smoke is dressed normally, and the color is quite plain and elegant.

I really think these two went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a marriage certificate.

Therefore, #梁万秋光煒smoking civil affairs bureau# was on the hot search.

A bunch of netizens are guessing, what are these two people doing at the Civil Affairs Bureau?

The law prohibits same-sex marriage. Even if the whole country knows that you are a couple, you cannot get married.

Liang Wanqiu and Bo Yanyan have returned home.

After arriving home, the two changed into high heels and comfortable slippers. After taking many selfies at home, the two went to the bathroom to remove their makeup.

It's just that the clothes haven't changed.

How can you be comfortable wearing a cheongsam at home? In the end, Liang Wanqiu agreed to smoke and wear a cheongsam at night. The two changed into the same casual clothes and sat side by side on the carpet to see the two A small red book.

Thin Yanyan put the notebook on the coffee table and took a photo with her mobile phone.

She has two WeChat IDs, one who is in the research circle and one who is outside the circle.

After being together with Liang Wanqiu, Liang Wanqiu was also added to the large size of the thin smoke.

Thin Yanyan posted on Moments.

[We are married today. [picture]】

The photo is the two red books she took just now.

As soon as I sent it, I received a lot of likes and replies.

"Congratulations, I finally got married."

"Where's the candy?"

"When is the wedding and the wedding ceremony?"

"The two little girls are so beautiful, they are a natural pair."

"Now that you have a family, you should focus on your career in the future."

"Born to be a couple, perfect for a hundred years, forever."

Bi Yanyan was in a very good mood, the smile on the corner of her mouth never disappeared, holding her mobile phone to reply one by one, and seriously discussing with friends about arranging weddings and wine.

In the future, everyone has time, she thinks it can be done, and invites everyone to dinner.

I'm so happy to be married, let everyone come and be happy.

"Sister, don't you post on your Moments?" Seeing that Liang Wanqiu was just looking at it with two little red books, she put down her phone after taking a picture, and the thin smoke was puzzled: " Can't I bring it out?"

Liang Wanqiu smiled and kissed her on the forehead: "I won't post it, I'm afraid my friends will see it uncomfortable."

She is married, and of course her friends will be happy for them.

And then? They will think of themselves.

She can get married, but neither of them can, they think they will be sad.

Thin Yanyan wrapped her arms around Liang Wanqiu's neck: "Then it won't happen, just the two of us know."

"Send one to your parents, you can send one to your mother." Liang Wanqiu thought of Liang's mother.

Thin Yanyan thought about it, and found Mama Liang on WeChat.

"Mom." She sent a word.

Liang's mother who received the news: "..." Xiao Tao kept calling her auntie, although she had long regarded this little girl as a daughter, having two daughters is happier than having one daughter.

What's wrong with calling her mother suddenly today? Xiao Tao never called before.

Mother Liang: "Hey, good boy, call again."

Thin smoke: "Mom, mom, mommy."

She sent a photo of Xiaohongben.

Liang's mother thought she was blind, she quickly rubbed it and looked at the small wedding photo above, is this married?

Mother Liang: "You and Xiaoqiu went to get a fake marriage certificate?"

Mother Liang: "No need for this, marriage is just a formality, you only need to have each other in your heart."

She understands the psychology of the two children, and also understands why they do it, that is, alas, Mama Liang sighed.

Liang Wanqiu, who saw the news, rubbed her forehead and rubbed her forehead, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "It's over, my mother doesn't believe it, sister, what should I do?"

Liang Wanqiu also found it funny: "Please explain slowly."

It took more than ten minutes for the thin smoke to convince Mother Liang that her daughter was really married.

Not long after she posted on the Moments of Thin Yanyan, news broke out on the Internet that she and Liang Wanqiu were married.

Especially on some eating melon websites, many posts appear.

【Shocked! A boss surnamed B is married to her sister L. 】

[I heard that Bo and Liang got married. 】

【Does anyone see today's hot searches? It was said that a certain sister went to the Civil Affairs Bureau. Some people speculated that it was marriage, and the sister also posted a circle of friends. 】

In one of the hottest posts, the first floor is the words sent by the landlord.

The matter will definitely be a hot search, and after a search on the Internet, I saw that the two appeared in the hot search of the Civil Affairs Bureau. 】

"Landlord, those who spread rumors should be held legally responsible. Two girls in our country cannot marry."

The landlord: "I really saw it with my own eyes, but my relatives didn't allow me to take pictures, he didn't take any screenshots, and he didn't allow me to say it out. They all knew in the circle that they agreed to get married long ago. ."

"Since you are not allowed to speak out, you still post online, aren't you afraid of affecting your relatives?"

"Anyway, I don't believe it, I can't show up at the Civil Affairs Bureau today, just to get the certificate."

"What about Liang Wanqiu's fans? Do the fans know?"

"Don't ask Liang Wanqiu's fans, since her sister's identity has been revealed, her old fans have kept a low profile and are unwilling to mention Liang Wanqiu's private affairs."

"The fans are doing this to protect the two of them, afraid that netizens will peel off Liang Wanqiu and Thin Yanyan?"

"I just want to know why they broke up? Why are they together? It seems that I have never experienced the goodness of men."

"The people upstairs laughed so hard, they got married today, do you dare to say this in front of their fans? Curse them to break up on other people's happy days, and watch the fans not tear you apart."

"It doesn't matter if you get married or not, the two have a good relationship, and I feel that they will always be together."

Another unsolved mystery on the web.

Did Liang Wanqiu and Bo Yanyan get married?

Most people can't see Bo Yanyan's circle of friends, but what about Liang Wanqiu's circle of friends? She only posted a selfie with Thin Yanyan, wishing her sister a happy birthday.

After Liang Wanqiu posted on the Moments, she received a birthday cake, just the two of them, the cake was not big.

After lighting the candle, Liang Wanqiu asked Bo Yanyan to close her eyes and make a wish. She took a photo of Bo Yanyan with her mobile phone and posted it on Weibo.

Liang Wanqiu V: My sister is 20 years old today. I have known you for three years. I will always love you, my little girl. [picture]

After the Weibo was sent out, the hot comments received were all wishing Bo Yanyan a happy birthday, and some people said that the age of 20 is a big birthday, and a drink should be served.

It's just that Bo Yanyan and Liang Wanqiu don't care.

They just want the two of them together.

The thin smoke has made a good wish.

Liang Wanqiu took out the prepared gift: "Happy birthday, my wife."

Pin Yanyan took the gift with a smile and hugged her: "Thank you wife."

Her head rubbed against Liang Wanqiu's shoulder: "Sister, I still want a gift."

Liang Wanqiu's heart was melted by her: "What do you want? I'll give it to you."

"I want you." The little girl said in a delicate tone, "Would you like to wear that cheongsam tonight?"

Liang Wanqiu was a little helpless, she was still thinking about this, but she thought that today was the little girl's twentieth birthday and the wedding date of the two.

She smiled: "Okay, I'll show you a cheongsam tomorrow night."

The author has something to say:

It's over. Thank you for your continued support. I should write a side story tomorrow.

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If you are interested, you can bookmark the pre-received text, thank you.

"The Joy of Her Two Worlds" copy:

Jiang Chi had a crush on Qin Sishao for ten years and forced Qin Sishao to marry her.

Two years later, Jiang Chi handed over the divorce agreement, Qin Sishao didn't say a word, didn't sign it with any hesitation, and that night, she packed up and left.

Jiang Chi regrets it, she doesn't want to divorce at all, but whenever Qin Sishao asks why the divorce? She didn't leave, but Qin Sishao didn't.

After being reborn, Jiang Chi felt that Qin Sishao's cold stone, whoever wants it, can't cover her, anyway, she won't like her anymore.

Shortly after school started, Qin Sishao asked Jiang Chi, "Will you do homework with me this week?"

Jiang Chi thought, do I look like someone who can do homework? To the mouth is: "Yes, where? What time will we meet?"

Afterwards, Qin Sishao asked again, "Will you and I be admitted to the same university?"

Jiang Chi lost his temper completely at that moment, and replied softly: "Yes."

Afterwards, Qin Sishao asked Jiang Chi with a pair of clean cat eyes: "Are you going to marry me?"

Jiang Chi blushed and said fiercely: "Of course." Or the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: one for your peace of mind;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 12 bottles of He Xuan, a scholar from He Fu; 4758610910 bottles; 2 bottles of warm white; 1 bottle of Dianchen and Xinxin;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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