Luo Qingli left with Lin Su, and took away the things they bought together this afternoon.

When Lin Su's assistant Xiaoyu drove over, she saw Luo Qingli, she was surprised, but she didn't ask anything, and helped to put things into the car and put them in the trunk.

When Lin Su and Luo Qingli sat down in the back seat of the car, Xiaoyu got into the car.

Behind, Lin Su took out her mobile phone, clicked it, and found WeChat.

"Mr. Luo, can you add a WeChat?"

Luo Qingli tilted her head and took out her mobile phone: "Okay."

Scan the code, WeChat added successfully.

Xiaoyu pricked up her ears and held her breath at the red light. The two didn't even add WeChat, which means they didn't know each other well. Why did her sister bring Teacher Luo back home?

Xiaoyu doesn't understand and is curious, but dare not ask.

The community where Lin Su lives is more upscale than Liang Wanqiu's community. She debuted later, but she has been playing the leading role in the past few years. Therefore, the salary is not low, and the house is bought later.

The newly built house is much better than the previous house in every aspect.

When she got home, Lin Su let Xiaoyu go and said to give her a day off.

Xiaoyu looked at this, looked at that, and drove away.

Lin Su took out a pair of brand new cotton slippers from the shoe cabinet, pink rabbit style: "Wear this, it's new."

Luo Qingli took it. After changing her shoes, she looked into the living room. It was Scandinavian style and looked clean and spacious.

On the sofa, there are two cats lying there sleeping, fluffy and fleshy.

Luo Qingli took a few glances, and then looked back.

Lin Su took her to the guest room and said, "I have four bedrooms, two living rooms, three bedrooms, one bedroom has been converted into a study, and both have bathrooms. You can hold the cat when you are bored. Reading in the library."

She opened the door of the guest room, and the room was very delicately furnished, mostly in light colors, in a princess style.

Luo Qingli glanced at the bed, light pink quilt sheets, half of the bed was filled with various dolls, there was a sofa by the bay window, a sofa that could be rocked .

Luo Qingli fell in love at first sight.

It's a surprise, I didn't expect Lin Su to look cold, but she has such a girlish heart.

Lin Su put all those paper bags on the powder blue round wooden table, she rubbed her hands: "I won't disturb you, you pack up, go to bed early, I'll bring it tomorrow You walk around the house."

Luo Qingli raised her eyes: "Aren't you going to film tomorrow?"

The expression on Lin Su's face froze, she was a little annoyed, raised her hand and hit her forehead, she forgot about it.

"Then you can visit by yourself. You can go to other rooms except my room."

Luo Qingli nodded, and after Lin Su left, she went back to the bedroom, where the light was on and the door was locked.

She walked outside lightly, and the two cats got off the sofa and walked towards her room, looking up at her.

Luo Qingli was so soft-hearted, she bent down and touched the puppet cat and then the raccoon cat again, afraid to touch it for too long, for fear of giving the owner noisy.

Luo Qingli could only reluctantly put her hands back, and was about to organize her things when she saw the two cats jumped onto her bed and found a comfortable place to lie down.

Luo Qingli smiled.

She loves cats.

I used to have two cats, a ragdoll and a raccoon.

The two cats were stray cats she picked up outside the film and television city. After washing them, they took them to the pet hospital and later brought them back to the Imperial City.

She was very young, maybe six years old.

The two cats have accompanied her for many years. When she is reading the script and reading the homework, they like to huddle at her feet and accompany her.

Her childhood was spent in the company of these two cats, as was her teenage years, and later, the two cats died of old age.

She cried for many days, and she has never had a cat since then.

Luo Qingli thought that if Lin Liliang's cat was of another breed, she would not come here.

Kolin's literacy is a ragdoll and a tabby cat.

These two cats are the softest part of her heart.

Luo Qingli saw that the two cats had no intention of going out, so she closed the door, casually arranged her clothes, put them in the closet, found pajamas, and went to the bathroom to take a bath.

There are many photo frames in Lin Su's room, all of them are photos, but not her, but Luo Qingli.

She sat on the stool and sent a few messages to Sister Zhang, and then to the director. She was very dissatisfied with her inexplicable request for leave, and it was not during her menstrual period, but she couldn't say anything.

Just reply: "Come to the crew early tomorrow, don't let others wait for you and cause trouble to the entire crew."

Lin Su: "Sister, I understand, go to bed first."

After sending it out, Lin Su went to the bathroom.

She was wearing a set of light gray pajamas sitting on the bed and looking at her phone. First, she looked at Luo Qingli's Moments. Luo Qingli had very few things, and she would not post it for several months. the kind of person.

If Lin Su had not watched her Moments for many years, she would have suspected that Luo Qingli had blocked her and prohibited her from watching her Moments.

In the next room, Luo Qingli was sitting on the bed with a cat on her belly and a cat on her lap. She was also playing with her mobile phone.

Luo Qingli was looking at Lin Su's Moments, and she found that Lin Sufa's Moments were very regular. She would post one on holidays, and on the 1st of every month, at 12 noon.

She scrolled all the way down and found that Lin Su's circle of friends time is this time.

Some work-related, share the food you eat.

Her circle of friends includes her parents, teachers, classmates, and colleagues.


The year she was admitted to the university, she also sent a notice of Qingbei University in the circle of friends, on September 1st at twelve o'clock.

Luo Qingli looked at the photo and smiled. At this time, she must have received the admission letter for a long time.

The result is not to take a picture and send it to the circle of friends after receiving it, but to wait until September 1st to send it.

Luo Qingli felt that Lin Su was a little obsessive.

She finished reading Lin Su's circle of friends.

Lin Su posted the most about her parents, and also posted some photos of her parents.

The two have a refined temperament and a bookish air.

Luo Qingli looked at the photo of the middle-aged couple again, their relationship must be very good.

She was a little envious.

Lin Su should have grown up in a relationship of loving parents and a very harmonious family.

Luo Qingli quit the circle of friends and sent a message to Lin Su.

"Mr. Lin, thank you, good night."

She immediately retracted the message.


"Mr. Lin, thank you, rest early."

She thought that if she was a straight girl, she could say goodnight to the girl.

But she is not, she is curved.

Then, good night can't be said.

She abandoned everything in exchange for a break with her family, just to live the life she wanted.

In the future, she will definitely find a girlfriend who likes her very much and who she also likes very much for a lifetime.

If her girlfriend sees her saying goodnight to other girls in the future, her girlfriend will be jealous.

Lin Su: "..." She watched Luo Qingli send a message, and then retracted it.

A new message has arrived.

So, didn't she even send her a good night?

Lin Su typing.

"Mr. Luo, good night."

After thinking about it, I am not reconciled.

Lin Su sent a series of good night emojis.

Luo Qingli held the phone in a daze, big 囧!

She must have seen it.

Ah, ah, her cheeks are hot, she is so stupid to do so.

Luo Qingli: "Good night."

She stole a Lin Su emoji and sent it to her.

Luo Qingli thought, Lin Su must be a straight daughter, only straight daughters don’t care about this, tell girls I love you, I like you the most, baby, little baby, be careful, dear, all kinds of Love can be said.

As for her, she has to keep some distance from the girls.

I am afraid that my future girlfriend will be jealous.

Lin Su was satisfied and sent another good night emoji.

She threw her phone on the bedside table, lay down, pulled the quilt next to her and covered her, she turned off the light.

Can't sleep, Lin Su turned on the light again.

The man she loved for over ten years now sleeps in her house, in the next room.

They are so close they are separated by a wall.

Before, she only dared to think like this.

Now, it's done.

Lin Su touched the phone, unlocked it, and clicked on WeChat Moments.

She sent a copy.

[Lin Su: The long-cherished wish for many years has finally come true. 】

Excited, too excited to sleep.

She didn't type this sentence, but silently recited it several times in her heart.

Then she logged into Weibo again.

Lin Su V: Hard work really pays off.

Fans: "???" Is this a good resource?

Lin Su lay on the bed for more than half an hour, but still didn't fall asleep.

She thought a lot about the past, when she and Luo Qingli first met.

Some things are hidden in the deepest part of my memory and will not be remembered deliberately.

I thought I forgot, but when I looked back one day, I found that the impression was so deep.

For example, about Luo Qingli.

Human memory is limited, and many things will be forgotten in the passage of time.

But some things, even after many years, are still remembered.

As if it just happened, just now.

Lin Su can't remember the exact date of that day, but remembers the weather.

In July, the summer vacation of her second year of junior high school, the sun was fierce.

She was popular in primary school, but she was too young to remember what non-mainstream was.

When I was a little older in junior high school, it became popular to kill Matt.

She was very rebellious at that time and thought it was cool to dye her hair and wear jewelry to get her ears pierced.

However, she was afraid of pain and did not dare to pierce her ears.

On that day, I had a haircut with a good friend who grew up with me.

Both are red afros.

From the beginning of the barber shop, she has gained a lot of attention, Lin Su and the little sisters are very happy.

I went to a noodle shop to eat noodles at noon, went skating outside for an hour, and the two went to their secret base to play.

There is a small alley there, surrounded by dilapidated wooden houses, most of the people there have moved out, and few people are there.

She and her little sister walked slowly, holding hands, when two men in their forties and fifties approached.

A man slapped her **** as she passed by.

She looked over angrily, perhaps because their hairstyles gave the impression of a bad girl.

The men took out fifty dollars and threw it on the ground, followed by some swear words, which were ugly.

How can Lin Su and the little sister endure it? They are not young, but they are bold. Facing the two tall men, Lin Su directly kicked them.

The little sister was frightened, so Lin Su pushed her and told her to run quickly and go home to find her parents.

The little sister cried and said, I will go to the police uncle.

At that time, Lin Su liked to read some novels, such as women disguised as men to be the school tyrant, I was the school tyrant in the boys' high school, and I was the school tyrant in the girls' school, so she told her parents to go To learn martial arts, Lin's mother thought that it would be better for her daughter to learn martial arts.

In the future, I will be stronger. When I meet a bad guy, I can resist, but I can't beat it. If I have good physical fitness, I can run?

When Luo Qingli appeared, she picked up a brick on the ground and smashed it on a man's head, then dragged her and ran away.

At that moment, Lin Su was stunned.

Her parents always said she was a tiger, but I didn't expect this sister to be more tiger than her.

However, she is so beautiful, even more beautiful than the female school bullies in the school bully articles she read.

It's just that she was pulling her away in a very embarrassing manner.

Should they both beat those two men down?

Later, Lin Su felt that this sister was so stupid.

Luo Qingli said that she graduated from high school this year and is eighteen years old.

Lin Su was not yet fourteen years old at that time. In the eyes of a junior high school student, her sister who graduated from high school was really old and an adult.

However, her sister saved her, she still took this sister to play around Jincheng, and also invited her sister to drink Hu spicy soup.

In the evening, I sent my sister back to the place where she was filming.

My sister is a female star, that's even bigger.

It's all working, she's so big.

Lin Su thought so.

Luo Qingli asked her about the Penguin number, and asked if she had a mobile phone?

Lin Su directly refused. For such a big sister who has already worked, she doesn't want to add her penguin, so there is no topic, okay?

And this sister really treats her as a child.

There is not much difference between twenty-five and twenty-nine.

Lin Su feels that she and Luo Qingli are the same age now.

In the eyes of Lin Su, who is less than fourteen years old, Luo Qingli, who is eighteen years old, is too big, and she has graduated from high school.

After sending Luo Qingli away, she went home.

I saw many police uncles at her house, and the little sister was crying with her mother in her arms. They all thought she was beaten to death by those two men.

The little sister went to the police to come over. At that time, the surveillance was not so developed, and there was not so much surveillance in that place.

The police have been looking for her since they arrested her.

Seeing her back, I asked her a few words.

She was young, the police finally taught her parents a few words and left.

In the evening, Lin's father and Lin's mother looked at her hair and kept shaking their heads and sighing.

Lin Su went back to the room, turned on the computer, and chatted with the little sister on the penguin.

She left the bedroom door open. In the living room, the voice of her parents' conversation came in.

"Why do you think her grades are so poor?" was the voice of Lin's mother.

"When I was studying with you, my grades were always good, and no one bothered."

Dad Lin sighed: "Anyway, you and I are high school teachers, but our daughter will not even be able to get into high school in the future."

Dad Lin thinks of his colleagues, the children of teachers who have a good relationship with each other are really doing very well, and they are very proud.

"Did the hospital hold it wrong?"

"That face looks just like you? People who know you will know it's your daughter when they see her. Wife, don't be angry, her daughter can still go to vocational school."

Dad Lin has already accepted his fate, and this daughter cannot go to high school. He really has no choice.

It’s really not good, just keep it for a lifetime.

Lin Su was speechless when she heard what her parents said.

Is she not wanting to study?

Is she stupid? She doesn't like reading at all.

She is not the one to read.

She wanted to go to New Oriental to learn cooking and open a restaurant outside the community in the future.

When she was thirsty, Lin Su went out to drink water. When she passed the living room, she glanced at the TV screen and saw the daughter of the hero and heroine, who was in high school.

Lin Su asked: "Who is this person?"

Mother Lin watched a lot of Luo Qingli's plays and liked her very much: "Luo Qingli, Tong Xing, she is only four years older than you, but she is sensible, not like you."

Lin Su pouted, big sister graduated from high school.

She went back to the bedroom and continued chatting with the little sister.

Lin Su had a dream at night.

Dream of the sister I saw today, she was soft in the dream, hugged her sister's slender waist and said she liked her, and kissed her soft red lips.

In the darkness, Lin Su was frightened and woke up.

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: °Д°1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: one for your peace of mind;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 4 bottles of morning bell and twilight drum; 1 bottle of Xinxin;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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