The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 973: Weird performance

Most of the iniquity is caused by the indulgence of God. The gods gave birth to them, so they have divinity, but for various reasons (passed off as a son of God, or got the imprint of "distortion, bizarreness and horror" Or they ca n’t inherit the priesthood of their ancestors, God will always give birth to something weird) They became gods, and some gods were born even at the beginning of time, and some were made by ancient evil gods. , Or something weird.

Divine iniquity received twisted, bizarre, and terrifying marks from the throes of God's birth. Divine iniquity includes countless types, all of which are unthinkable horrors of mortals.

Cursed by heaven and hell, the iniquity has been sealed for countless years. But as time goes by, sometimes God's sin can be released accidentally or break free from his own cage.

The evil in front of the eyes is different from the bad demon. The bad devil is exactly a mutant. It was originally only a tiny life body in the abyss. It can be transformed into Chen Feng's cultivation and countless swallows. He has an undead character.

In the history of the emergence of divine evil, there has never been such a special existence of the evil demon.

But this ugly "baby" in front of it is different. It is known as the atrophy and is one of the most famous gods.

Divine iniquity is a mistake, a product of divine power that should not be present and unforeseen. As dead souls, divine sins continue to live, drawing nutrition from their near-God power and pure hatred of their ancestors and all natural products.

The meaning of the birth of the atrophy is hatred. They hate all life and devour to strengthen themselves.

They have never had real life, like Saruman, and they have maintained their lives before. For various reasons, this has transformed into an undead.

Most undead have no memory when they are born. They do not have much painful memories. Living and dying are two very different life characteristics for living and undead.

But the atrophy is different. From the early days of birth, they were an undead without any excess in the middle. If they were just mortals, they would naturally have no extra memory.

The shrinkable are the children of the gods, and they are born with wisdom that ordinary babies cannot match.

When life was conceived, they knew their nobility, and they imagined all the good things in the future, but after they were born, this good thing came to an abrupt end.

It's like a Prince who has been in office for decades. Everyday, there are people who flatter him beside him. They say that the other party will become the Supreme Master of the Ninth Five-Year Plan and master everything in the world. However, when the Prince works and waits for power, Suddenly his own property was confiscated, not only was he deprived of his princehood, but even he himself was put in death row.

Who can achieve a smooth mentality from this feeling of heaven to hell?

In the face of this injustice, the shrinking man is destined to be an avenger from the moment he is born. Their revenge is not targeted, but completely random.

Any living thing that appeared in their sight was the object of their revenge.

The appearance of a shrinking person can cause panic in a country, a world, or even a plane. Fortunately, most atrophic people are firmly blocked by stronger divine beings.

The shrinkable has a spark of divinity. Therefore, unless they are destroyed, they are almost immortal. (They are actually not eternal life, but they hardly need to eat, sleep and breathe, they age so slowly, and the atrophied people rarely die naturally.) Although the atrophied people cannot provide divinity to worshippers, some people worship them.

This is a group that is difficult to understand. It is understandable to worship the evil gods. In order to gain strength, it is always rewarding to use sacrifices to sacrifice.

But the belief in divine iniquity is different. Divine iniquity can't give any divine magic, and he can only respond to one point. That is, when believers accidentally open each other's rifts, divine iniquity will come in a terrifying way.

The existence of worshipping the sins of the gods is the most primitive lunatic, and their ultimate purpose may be death, and nothing more.

There are many incomprehensible creatures in this world, and so are the sins, and those believers are equally unreasonable.

Chen Feng really didn't expect that he bet everything he called, and he would summon the atrophy in front of himself.

Don't look at the atrophy as an undead and only look like a baby, but under the birth of the divine, He will say: Abyss, Celestial, Purgatory, and a language related to the planes that imprison them (Tu Language, Shui language, Huo language, Feng language)

Born smart.

The wisdom contained in him is the opposite of the ugliness of his appearance.

At this time, it was weird. After seeing Chen Feng, the atrophy did not have the horror of life as Chen Feng had in his mind. Instead, he had some contortions ~ ~ It was like ... like a child of a foster family. Seeing my father once.

Even though they have a very close relationship, they have become strange because they have never met each other.

It's weird.

Under normal circumstances, the atrophy, not exactly all the iniquity, cannot express this emotion.

You know, every **** has an evil hobby for disaster. They want to destroy everything and project their own suffering into the multiverse on a larger scale. The extinction of life, death, and being itself is the goal of most of the sins.

The significance of their existence is to destroy all the good things that can be foreseen. There is no reason at all to reveal such a strange gesture.

"It hurts ... it hurts ..." Just when Chen Feng was thinking, the atrophy took a step forward, and his appearance was no different from a baby.

His legs and hands shrank like his name. His legs could not support the other person to stand at all, but powerful energy could support him for a long time.

The surrounding land began to fester in a large area.

It may seem an exaggeration to describe the land underfoot with ulcers, but it is the case.

Here is the jungle, which is full of vitality, and is surrounded by moss and various vegetation. When the atrophic person floats by, it all starts to change suddenly.

Those green vegetation began to wither, and then began to rot. If it was only simple rot, Chen Feng would naturally not use the word rot.

The real reason is that when the withered vegetation touches the land, it suddenly starts to smell, and the land that was originally bred with vitality has become a place of death and silence for only a few minutes.

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