The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 977: Battle of the Genocide [2 in 1

The night shrouded the earth, Chen Feng stood on the high mountain peak, and his eyes seemed to pierce through countless dimensions and came to the world of insects. He always showed indifference to him. At this time, a slight sneer grinned at the corners of his mouth: "Presumably it has begun. Right? "


"Can you give me your body?"

The atrophy's question was not answered, but he was not angry, but he replied patiently.

The more powerful bugs started to agitate, and they looked ugly. Each one was considered to be the top of the food. At this time, they stepped back involuntarily.

Terror is spreading.

The stronger you are, the more you can appreciate the horror of the shrinking person. From the outside, the other party is just a baby, like a carrion immersed in water for a long time, which makes people feel sick, but from the spirit, it looks like a The giants, hundreds of meters high, were crushing all the bugs' heads.

Drive away the wolf.

This is Chen Feng's scheme.

The Worm World has been an unstable factor since the beginning. The bugs living in this land have long regarded the human world as a territory that will eventually set foot.

The previous attack was just a tentative test. Chen Feng guessed that the other side's calmness was just accumulating strength. The Worms World, like the human world, also had different forces, just like the heroic division, each occupying a piece of land.

Those who broke into the human world before were only some insect emperors in the insect world near the exit. In a series of blows, the surrounding insects finally found some clues. After the Saruman invasion, more and more There are hundreds of insect kings gathered at the peak of gold alone, and the legendary insect king has gathered more than a dozen, which can gather such terrible quantity and quality. Behind this, there is definitely a king of 10,000 insects. .

Presumably, the previous fierce defeat shocked the Xeon in the Worm Realm. The King of Thousands of Worms was wise and did not blindly attack, but accumulated strength. If Chen Feng leaves it alone, once the opponent starts to attack, the surrounding territories will completely fall and become the Worm Realm. The area under your control.

This is what Chen Feng doesn't want to see.

On the side of the couch, let no one sleep.

For Chen Feng, order is his greatest support, and it does not allow any enemy to have any influence on order.

Originally Chen Feng's plan was to gather the army and give a fatal blow when the insect world appeared, but soon after sacrificing numerous sacrifices and getting an uncontrolled atrophy, Chen Feng changed this plan.

Divine iniquity is the existence of real human gods, because the other party has a very terrible characteristic, that is to destroy the world!

From the previous experience, Chen Feng can feel it. The atrophied person just floated forward a little step, the surrounding environment began to collapse, the stone was annihilated, the soil was rotten, and even the air became stunned by the smell. The suffocating spirit of the brain, this ability is not enough to describe even terror.

Chen Feng's idea is simple. The atrophy will be released to give the Worm World a certain amount of damage, even if the entire Worm World cannot be destroyed, but as long as the dimensional channel close to the human world is eroded, a few miles, or even dozens of miles, will become a death forbidden area. That would be enough.

Saruman knew how to protect himself. It was clear that the atrophy was an evil existence that even Chen Feng could not control. For unnecessary trouble, his body became transparent and gradually disappeared into place. It did not intend to interfere with the atrophy and The battle between the insect world, compared to competing for the head, what it has to do now is to record silently, and then it is enough to report to Chen Feng.

As for those undead summoned before, Saruman did not take it back. The most indispensable is the corpse, and this battle is unprecedented. Saruman has a hunch. After this time, he will harvest several legends Tier's undead servants, if lucky, may still get a legendary corpse.

Worms are not simple.

Saruman felt a slight sense of fear here, and there was no doubt that the King of Ten Thousand Bugs was not far away.

At this time, this stage will be completely atrophic.

At this time, a giant [dragonfly] is located in front of the insect tide, and it is said to be a dragonfly, but it has a length of more than ten meters, and a large number of cyan wind blades are spewed from the mouth. The air was distorted, and a pair of insect wings behind its spine also caused eight funnel-shaped tornadoes, enclosing the iron peaks of the two gold peaks.

This iron corpse queen is a special type of zombie made by Saruman. He is not afraid of slashing, and is not afraid of water and fire. Do n’t look at only the golden rank, but he can resist dozens of legendary attacks without dying. Next, Rao is the amazing defense of the iron armored corpse, and was also cut by the wind blade to leave no armor, revealing the soft flesh inside the corpse ...

And those weaker skeletons, their attacks are difficult to shake the defense of the amazing insects, Saruman opened up a channel of undead, in a few minutes, tens of thousands of undead came out, but under the fierce resistance of the insects, There was a crooked black body lying on the beach densely ...

However, the undead are not completely passive. They also have nearly a hundred silver peaks and gold-level undeads. They can compete with insects, especially some special types of undead. Half dead.

Time passed very slowly, and the battle of this super-large monster began only three or two minutes, causing a lot of casualties.

The masters of both sides have lost, and the small bugs and undead have killed and injured nearly 10,000!

Seeing that many worms have died one after another ... Buzzing, suddenly a wave of terror-like horror sounds came from the center of Worm Island.

Saruman looked into the distance, even if he saw this scene, he could not help seeing a scalp tingling, because it saw that a large wave of insects rushed to the shoreline battlefield to support, looking at the billowing thundercloud. You can't figure out exactly how many bugs there are when the swarms cover the sky. Conservatively, I'm afraid there are as many as 100,000!

In addition, there is a figure covering the sky, violently roaring with deafening hatred to the undead, and the blood of their revenge is boiling, and they can't wait to tear up all the enemies!

"why do not you answer me?"

The atrophy also ignored the killings in front of him. Those bugs and undead were also forced by the other's strength. They did not dare to come forward easily. After a dozen questions, there was still no answer. The atrophy's tone gradually became dark.

"why do not you answer me?"

After the atrophy asked this sentence, the body suddenly disappeared in place, and when it reappeared, he went to the front of a legendary insect emperor. He looked down at the other side, and then patted it on the other person's forehead with one hand. Cyclone tornadoes spread out in circles, and the force of the hurricane stirred the flesh and blood of the Emperor's Emperor torn apart and exploded, which was far more brutal than meat grinders, meat froth and bone residue. All over the ground ...

"Since no one wants to give me the body, then you all die!"

The shrinking man's eyes were bulging, he looked at the surrounding creatures with a mighty look, and roared hoarsely.

Before, he still suffered the anger of being rejected. If he did n’t see the light, he could continue to endure the darkness, but after seeing the evil demon as a **** and possessing the human body, this has made the atrophy's anger Layer by layer, just like pouring oil on the fire, can no longer bear the resentment in my heart.

At this moment, it already has red eyes, it no longer thinks about the evil spirits, he just wants to vent the anger in his heart, kill all the creatures he can see, who let them ... who let them have their own body of!

The atrophy has begun.

The initiators of the dragon war were hiding in the shadows.

Saruman turned into a shadow, holding his breath and concentrating, converging to his breath by the power of the undead. This concealment technique is very good. As long as Saruman is not moving, even the epic strong can't peep at its existence.

The atrophy is so powerful that he doesn't have any fancy tricks at all. When he moves, he disappears in place, and when it reappears, he comes to a bug, and these bugs are without exception, The weakest are the king of worms at the peak of gold, and two legendary worm lords are brutally poisoned. No matter where these worm lords are placed, they are so powerful that there is no marginal terror, but in the presence of the atrophy, they have restored their essence. Not much stronger than a little bug.

The atrophy hates life. Compared with those inanimate undead, its primary target is naturally a living bug!


A bug emperor that looks like a beetle looks at those wounded companions, while sadness and sorrow appear in the eyes, and they are also full of steel-like attachment. The bugs also have their own pride. This is their homeland, no matter what. Can't let a monster fool!



The insect emperor seemed to have made a certain decision, and suddenly his neck began to growl, and the insect emperors at the same level screamed angrily, as if they were stopping something, but the insect was dead and he was thinking The ancient obscured hissing, the silver runes and light around the body, and the ugly mountain of cheeks seemed so solemn and solemn at this moment!

At this time, the Zerg seemed to be inspired by some kind of mad dying souls to attack. They instinctively believed that the atrophies were generals, and these undeads came from the same camp with each other.

Just a few seconds later, the Emperor Zhuang opened her eyes, and her pupils were full of terrible evil spirits, and even her body was inflated violently, as if blowing a balloon, and rose three full circles, one block at a time. The muscles and the beetle were angry, as if something under the flesh was about to explode.

The momentum of the beetle-like worm emperor suddenly increased by two or three times, and the whole body became larger, more sloppy, and more powerful and beautiful!

At this time, the other King Bugs were overwhelmed by the undead army, and the Worm Emperor was so angry that he spewed out a huge ball of fire and burned a dozen gold-dead undead into ashes!

This is a kind of prohibition!

To put it plainly, the worm emperor in front of him is equivalent to a desperate move of self-harm, but the cost will be great. Once the ban is overdue, the caster will explode physically, and the smoke will die ...

Of course, the caster will also explode in power within two minutes of effective time. This worm emperor was originally an ancient legendary powerhouse. After using the forbidden technique at this time, the power has begun to double. , Briefly into some pseudo-epic state.

Who says bugs have no feelings?

This is the Wormland. Just like the human world, I don't know how many years have existed here. In a long time, my own civilization was born here.

In weekdays, these bugs also fought against each other, because their food originated from each other, but now they are different. The enemy is currently united together for one purpose, that is, to defeat the invaders and the undead army led by the atrophy Defeat completely!

Therefore, this worm emperor bet everything, even a two-minute pseudo-epic, it is enough to avenge snow and hate before dying!

In a short time, a gust of blood blew up in the sky, and the undead who had previously occupied the superiority were beaten hard, as if they were a tiger, and the giant emperor fluttered his body, waved his claws, and Spitfire can bring huge horrible casualties to the undead!

There is no undead at all. You can face the severe attack of the insect emperor directly, even if the advanced iron armor corpse is famous for its defensive power, the opponent's corpse is torn off by one bite, and the brain is pulled out ...

Time ... is slowly passing ...

Two minutes had finally passed. During this period, under the death of King Worm, the undead suffered a devastating disaster. Even the channel opened by Saruman was destroyed by the Worm King. This means that there is no more The undead will transition from the Bone Plain to here. As for the undead who entered here, they are also deadly. More than two legendary undead were killed. As for the undead at the peak of gold, dozens of them were killed in battle. ~ Even a calm Saruman can't help frowning at this time. After all, this loss has made him feel a little distressed.

The atrophy was not idle, he deliberately avoided each other, then brought death to his companion, and then succeeded in killing another one.


At the last second of his life, the insect emperor finally captured the trace of the atrophy, and it roared, a flash, holding back the atrophy in his arms.


The atrophy was a little puzzled, and crooked his head and looked at the insect emperor, and at this moment, the insect emperor's body was inflated again, just like a balloon inflated to the limit. The force of the explosion and the violent explosion suddenly spread. Everything within a hundred meters of the circle was shattered and destroyed by the forces of destruction and destruction. The shock wave that spread out swept the range of hundreds of meters, full of shocking visual effects!

In this explosion, I don't know how many siege undead killed, and there are still many bugs, but in order to be able to defeat the atrophy strongman, this sacrifice is totally worth it!


After the smoke and dust, the worms looked at the battlefield full of sorrows, and then they began to scream sadly and sadly, shaking and swaying in the air sadly, still unable to believe that so many companions would be killed in battle. Next, it was also destroyed by half ...

And just as the worms groaned, a weak figure hovered from the dusty and flesh-filled land. It looked a little embarrassed and covered with worms and plasma, but there was no pain on the face, but instead I felt something that made it happy, sneered: "I'm going to kill you ... all!"

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